

  • 物や人同士の組み合せの合い具合。適合性。
  • 物与人的组合情况。适应性。

A:沙也香は A 型だよね。彼氏の血液型って何型?
B:O 型だよ。占いでは、A 型とO 型は相性がいいんだって。


A: sha/suna nari ka/kō/kyō/kaori wa A kata dayone. kareshi no ketsuekigata tte nanigata?
B: O kata da yo. uranai de wa, A kata to O kata wa aishō ga ii n datte.

  • sha/suna

<1>. 沙 【しゃ】

  1. [num] one hundred-millionth

<2>. 沙 【すな】

  1. [n] sand; grit
  • nari 也 【なり】
  1. [aux-v,vr] 《affirmative; meaning 〜だ、〜である》 to be
  2. [aux-v,vr] 《meaning 〜にある、〜にいる; usu. なる》 to be (location)
  3. [n,suf] 《indicates exact sum on a receipt, envelope, etc.》 sum of money
  • ka/kō/kyō/kaori

<1>. 香 【か】

  1. [n] 《esp. 〜の香》 smell (esp. a good smell); fragrance; scent; aroma; perfume

<2>. 香 【こう】

  1. [n] incense

<3>. 香 【きょう】

  1. [n] lance

<4>. 香 【かおり】

  1. [n] aroma; fragrance; scent; smell

[ Conjugation: [v5r] NIL
香る 【かおる】 : to smell sweet; to be fragrant ]

  • wa は
  1. [prt] 《pronounced わ in modern Japanese》 indicates sentence topic
  2. [prt] indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)
  3. [prt] adds emphasis
  • kata 型 【かた】
  1. [n] model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.)
  2. [n,n-suf] 《がた when a suffix》 type; style; pattern
  3. [n] mold (mould); template; model
  4. [n] kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.)
  5. [n] form (i.e. customary procedure)
  6. [n] size (i.e. clothing, shoes)
  7. [n] inch (in diagonal display size)
  8. [n] (taxonomical) form
  • dayone だよね
  1. [exp] it is, isn’t it?; I know, right?; innit?
  • kareshi 彼氏 【かれし】
  1. [n] boyfriend
  2. [pn] he; him
  • no の
  1. [prt] 《occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之》 indicates possessive
  2. [prt] nominalizes verbs and adjectives
  3. [prt] substitutes for “ga” in subordinate phrases
  4. [prt] 《often ん》 (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
  5. [prt] (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
  6. [prt] (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
  • ketsuekigata 血液型 【けつえきがた】
  1. [n] blood type; blood group
  • tte って
  1. [prt] 《casual quoting particle》 you said; he said; she said; they said
  2. [prt] 《as たって; indicates supposition》 if … then
  3. [prt] 《as かって; indicates a satirical or rhetorical question》 do you seriously think that
  4. [prt] 《indicates certainty, insistence, emphasis, etc.》 I already told you; you should know by now that; of course
  5. [prt] 《abbr. of という》 the said …; said …
  6. [prt] 《abbr. of と言っている》 says that …
  7. [prt] 《abbr. of と聞いている》 I hear that …
  8. [prt] 《abbr. of とは, というのは》 as for the term …
  9. [prt] 《equiv. of は topic marker》 as for …
  • nanigata 何型 【なにがた】
  1. [n] what shape?; what type?; which model?
  2. [n] which blood group?
  • kata 型 【かた】
  1. [n] model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.)
  2. [n,n-suf] 《がた when a suffix》 type; style; pattern
  3. [n] mold (mould); template; model
  4. [n] kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.)
  5. [n] form (i.e. customary procedure)
  6. [n] size (i.e. clothing, shoes)
  7. [n] inch (in diagonal display size)
  8. [n] (taxonomical) form
  • da だ
  1. [cop,cop-da] 《plain copula》 be; is
  2. [aux-v] 《た after certain verb forms; indicates past or completed action》 did; (have) done
  3. [aux-v] 《indicates light imperative》 please; do
  • yo よ
  1. [prt] 《at sentence-end; indicates certainty, emphasis, contempt, request, etc.》 hey; you
  2. [prt] 《after a noun; used when calling out to someone》 hey
  3. [prt] 《in mid-sentence; used to catch one’s breath or get someone’s attention》 hey; hold on
  4. [int] yo; hey
  • uranai 占い 【うらない】
  1. [n] fortune-telling; divination
  • de wa では Compound word: で + は
  1. [prt] 《indicates location of action; にて is the formal literary form》 at; in
  2. [prt] 《indicates time of action》 at; when
  3. [prt] 《indicates means of action》 by; with
  4. [conj] and then; so
  5. [aux] 《indicates continuing action; alternative form of 〜て used for some verb types》 and; then
  6. [prt] 《at sentence-end; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.》 let me tell you; don’t you know

[ Conjugation: [cop] NIL Affirmative Plain
だ : be; is ]

  • は [suffix]: topic marker particle
  • kata 型 【かた】
  1. [n] model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.)
  2. [n,n-suf] 《がた when a suffix》 type; style; pattern
  3. [n] mold (mould); template; model
  4. [n] kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.)
  5. [n] form (i.e. customary procedure)
  6. [n] size (i.e. clothing, shoes)
  7. [n] inch (in diagonal display size)
  8. [n] (taxonomical) form
  • to と
  1. [prt,conj] if; when
  2. [prt,conj] and
  3. [prt] with
  4. [prt] used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.)
  5. [prt] 《at sentence end》 indicates a question
  • kata 型 【かた】
  1. [n] model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.)
  2. [n,n-suf] 《がた when a suffix》 type; style; pattern
  3. [n] mold (mould); template; model
  4. [n] kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.)
  5. [n] form (i.e. customary procedure)
  6. [n] size (i.e. clothing, shoes)
  7. [n] inch (in diagonal display size)
  8. [n] (taxonomical) form
  • wa は
  1. [prt] 《pronounced わ in modern Japanese》 indicates sentence topic
  2. [prt] indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)
  3. [prt] adds emphasis
  • aishō 相性 【あいしょう】
  1. [n] affinity; compatibility; chemistry (between people)
  • ga が
  1. [prt] indicates sentence subject (occasionally object)
  2. [prt] indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions)
  3. [conj] but; however; still; and
  4. [conj] 《after the volitional form of a verb》 regardless of; whether (or not)
  • ii いい
  1. [adj-ix] 《also written 良い, 好い and 善い》 good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable
  2. [adj-ix] sufficient; enough; ready; prepared
  3. [adj-ix] profitable (deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial
  4. [adj-ix] 《as て(も)いい, と(も)いい, etc.; indicates permission or compromise》 OK; all right; fine; no problem
  • n ん
  1. [int] yes; yeah; uh huh
  2. [int] huh?; what?
  3. [aux-v,suf] 《negative verb ending used in informal speech; abbr. of negative verb ending ぬ》 not
  4. [prt] 《abbr. of particle の; indicates possessive》 's; of; belonging to
  5. [prt] 《abbr. of particle に, used esp. when it precedes the verb なる》 at (place, time); in; on; during
  • datte だって
  1. [conj] after all; because
  2. [conj] but
  3. [prt] even
  4. [prt] too; as well; also
  5. [prt] they say; I hear; you mean


  • 嫌になる。好きでなくなる。
  • 讨厌。不喜欢了。

A: 片山さんって離婚してたんだね。知らなかった。
B: うわさでは、あまりの仕事人間っぷりに、奥さんが愛想尽かして出て行ったって話だよ。


A: bira/hira/hen/pensu/kata yama san tte rikon shiteta n da ne. shiranakatta.
B: uwasa de·wa, amari no shigotoningen ppuri ni, okusan ga aisozukashi te deteitta tte hanashi da yo.

  • bira/hira/hen/pensu/kata

<1>. 片 【びら】

  1. [n] bill; handbill; flier; flyer; leaflet; poster; placard

<2>. 片 【ひら】

  1. [ctr] counter for thin, flat things (petals, leaves, etc.)

<3>. 片 【へん】

  1. [ctr] counter for scraps, fragments, petals, etc.

<4>. 片 【ペンス】

  1. [n] pence (monetary unit)

<5>. 片 【かた】

  1. [pref] one (of a pair)
  2. [pref] incomplete; imperfect; fragmentary
  3. [pref] few; little
  4. [pref] off-centre; remote
  5. [pref] side; problem; question; matters
  • yama 山 【やま】
  1. [n,ctr] mountain; hill
  2. [n,ctr] mine (e.g. coal mine)
  3. [n,ctr] heap; pile
  4. [n] crown (of a hat); thread (of a screw); tread (of a tire); protruding part of an object; high part
  5. [n] climax; peak; critical point
  6. [n] guess; speculation; gamble
  7. [n] 《police, crime reporter jargon》 criminal case; crime
  8. [n] mountain climbing; mountaineering
  9. [n] festival float (esp. one mounted with a decorative halberd)
  10. [n] deck (of playing cards on table, face down, from which cards are drawn); stack
  11. [n] wall; wall tile
  12. [n] temple; temple grounds
  13. [n-pref] wild
  • san さん
  1. [suf] 《after a person’s name (or position, etc.)》 Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -san
  2. [suf] 《usu. after a noun or sometimes na-adjective》 politeness marker
  • tte って
  1. [prt] 《casual quoting particle》 you said; he said; she said; they said
  2. [prt] 《as たって; indicates supposition》 if … then
  3. [prt] 《as かって; indicates a satirical or rhetorical question》 do you seriously think that
  4. [prt] 《indicates certainty, insistence, emphasis, etc.》 I already told you; you should know by now that; of course
  5. [prt] 《abbr. of という》 the said …; said …
  6. [prt] 《abbr. of と言っている》 says that …
  7. [prt] 《abbr. of と聞いている》 I hear that …
  8. [prt] 《abbr. of とは, というのは》 as for the term …
  9. [prt] 《equiv. of は topic marker》 as for …
  • rikon shiteta 離婚してた 【りこん してた】 Compound word: 離婚 + して + いた

– 離婚 【りこん】

  1. [vi,vs,n] divorce

– して [suffix]: makes a verb from a noun

[ Conjugation: [vs-i] NIL Affirmative Plain
為る 【する】 : to do; to carry out; to perform ]

– いた [suffix]: indicates continuing action (to be …ing)

[ Conjugation: [v1] NIL Affirmative Plain
居る 【いる】 : to be (of animate objects); to exist ]

  • n ん
  1. [int] yes; yeah; uh huh
  2. [int] huh?; what?
  3. [aux-v,suf] 《negative verb ending used in informal speech; abbr. of negative verb ending ぬ》 not
  4. [prt] 《abbr. of particle の; indicates possessive》 's; of; belonging to
  5. [prt] 《abbr. of particle に, used esp. when it precedes the verb なる》 at (place, time); in; on; during
  • da だ
  1. [cop,cop-da] 《plain copula》 be; is
  2. [aux-v] 《た after certain verb forms; indicates past or completed action》 did; (have) done
  3. [aux-v] 《indicates light imperative》 please; do
  • ne ね
  1. [prt] 《at sentence end; used as a request for confirmation or agreement》 right?; isn’t it?; doesn’t it?; don’t you?; don’t you think?
  2. [int] hey; say; listen; look; come on
  3. [prt] 《at sentence end; used to express one’s thoughts or feelings》 you know; you see; I must say; I should think
  4. [prt] 《at sentence end; used to make an informal request》 will you?; please
  5. [prt] 《at the end of a non-final clause; used to draw the listener’s attention to something》 so, …; well, …; you see, …; you understand?
  6. [prt] 《at sentence end after the question marker か》 I’m not sure if …; I have my doubts about whether …
  • shiranakatta 知らなかった 【しらなかった】

[ Conjugation: [v5r] NIL Negative Plain
知る 【しる】 : to know; to be aware (of); to be conscious (of); to learn (of); to find out; to discover ]

  • uwasa うわさ
  1. [adj-no,vs,n] rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk
  • dewa

<1>. では

  1. [conj,int] then; well; so; well then
  2. [exp] 《after a -nai stem》 if not …; unless …
  3. [int] bye then

<2>. では Compound word: で + は

– で

  1. [prt] 《indicates location of action; にて is the formal literary form》 at; in
  2. [prt] 《indicates time of action》 at; when
  3. [prt] 《indicates means of action》 by; with
  4. [conj] and then; so
  5. [aux] 《indicates continuing action; alternative form of 〜て used for some verb types》 and; then
  6. [prt] 《at sentence-end; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.》 let me tell you; don’t you know

[ Conjugation: [cop] NIL Affirmative Plain
だ : be; is ]

– は [suffix]: topic marker particle

  • amari あまり
  1. [n,adj-no] remainder; remnant; rest; balance; surplus; remains (of a meal); leftovers
  2. [adv] 《with neg. sentence》 (not) very; (not) much
  3. [adv] 《esp. as あまりに(も)》 too much; excessively; overly
  4. [adj-na,adj-no] extreme; great; severe; tremendous; terrible
  5. [n-suf] more than; over

[ Conjugation: [v5r] NIL
余る 【あまる】 : to remain; to be left over; to be in excess; to be too many ]

  • no の
  1. [prt] 《occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之》 indicates possessive
  2. [prt] nominalizes verbs and adjectives
  3. [prt] substitutes for “ga” in subordinate phrases
  4. [prt] 《often ん》 (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
  5. [prt] (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
  6. [prt] (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
  • shigotoningen 仕事人間 【しごとにんげん】
  1. [n] fiend for work; workaholic; career-minded person
  • ppuri っぷり
  1. [suf] manner; style
  • ni に
  1. [prt] at (place, time); in; on; during
  2. [prt] to (direction, state); toward; into
  3. [prt] for (purpose)
  4. [prt] because of (reason); for; with
  5. [prt] by; from
  6. [prt] as (i.e. in the role of)
  7. [prt] per; in; for; a (e.g. “once a month”)
  8. [prt] and; in addition to
  9. [prt] if; although
  • okusan 奥さん 【おくさん】
  1. [n] wife; your wife; his wife; married lady; madam
  • ga が
  1. [prt] indicates sentence subject (occasionally object)
  2. [prt] indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions)
  3. [conj] but; however; still; and
  4. [conj] 《after the volitional form of a verb》 regardless of; whether (or not)
  • aisozukashi 愛想尽かし 【あいそづかし】
  1. [vs,n] no longer being fond of someone; spiteful words or acts showing that one is disgusted with someone
  • te て
  1. [prt] 《casual quoting particle》 you said; he said; she said; they said
  2. [prt] 《as たって; indicates supposition》 if … then
  3. [prt] 《as かって; indicates a satirical or rhetorical question》 do you seriously think that
  4. [prt] 《indicates certainty, insistence, emphasis, etc.》 I already told you; you should know by now that; of course
  5. [prt] 《abbr. of という》 the said …; said …
  6. [prt] 《abbr. of と言っている》 says that …
  7. [prt] 《abbr. of と聞いている》 I hear that …
  8. [prt] 《abbr. of とは, というのは》 as for the term …
  9. [prt] 《equiv. of は topic marker》 as for …
  • deteitta 出て行った 【でていった】

[ Conjugation: [v5k-s] NIL Affirmative Plain
出て行く 【でていく】 : to go out and away; to leave ]

  • tte って
  1. [prt] 《casual quoting particle》 you said; he said; she said; they said
  2. [prt] 《as たって; indicates supposition》 if … then
  3. [prt] 《as かって; indicates a satirical or rhetorical question》 do you seriously think that
  4. [prt] 《indicates certainty, insistence, emphasis, etc.》 I already told you; you should know by now that; of course
  5. [prt] 《abbr. of という》 the said …; said …
  6. [prt] 《abbr. of と言っている》 says that …
  7. [prt] 《abbr. of と聞いている》 I hear that …
  8. [prt] 《abbr. of とは, というのは》 as for the term …
  9. [prt] 《equiv. of は topic marker》 as for …
  • hanashi 話 【はなし】
  1. [n] talk; speech; chat; conversation
  2. [n] topic; subject
  3. [n] discussions; negotiation; argument
  4. [n] rumor; talk; hearsay
  5. [n] tale; story; fable
  6. [n] circumstances; particulars
  • da だ
  1. [cop,cop-da] 《plain copula》 be; is
  2. [aux-v] 《た after certain verb forms; indicates past or completed action》 did; (have) done
  3. [aux-v] 《indicates light imperative》 please; do
  • yo よ
  1. [prt] 《at sentence-end; indicates certainty, emphasis, contempt, request, etc.》 hey; you
  2. [prt] 《after a noun; used when calling out to someone》 hey
  3. [prt] 《in mid-sentence; used to catch one’s breath or get someone’s attention》 hey; hold on
  4. [int] yo; hey




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