Code Complete ---- (Note 7 Code Improvements)

Code Complete ---- (Part 5  Code Improvements)

1. The Software-Quality Landscape (概述)

Improve quality
---- Software-quality objectives
---- Explicit quality-assurance activity
---- Test strategy
---- Software-engineering guidelines
---- Informal technical reviews
---- Formal technicl reviews
---- External audits

2. Collaborative Construction

Pair Programming

Fomal Inspections (检查)

Code Reading
Dog-and-Pony Shows(公开演示)

3. Developer Testing

Unit testing
Component testing
Integration testing
Regression testing
System testing

distinguish two activities
---- Test is a means of detecting errors.
---- Debugging is a means of diagnosing and correcting the root cause of errors that have already been detected.

Bags of Testing Tricks
Incomplete testing
---- structured basis testing
In spite of the hairy name, structured basis testing is a fairly simple concept. The idea is that you need to test each statement in a program at least once.

You can compute the minimum number of cases needed for basis testing in this straightforward way:
---- Start with 1 for the straight path through the routine.
---- Add 1 for each of the following keywords, or their equivalents: if, while, repeat, for, and, and or.
---- Add 1 for each case in a case statement. If the case statement doesn't have a default case, add 1 more.

4. Debugging

5. Refactoring

Reasons to Refactor
---- Code is duplicated
---- A routine is too long
---- A loop is too long or too deeply nested
---- A class has poor cohesion
---- A class interface does not provide a consistent level of abstraction
---- A parameter list has too many parameters
---- Changes within a class tend to be compartmentalized
---- Changes require a parallel modifications to multiple classes
---- Inheritance hierarchies have to be modified in parallel
---- case statements have to be modified in parallel
---- Related data items that are used together are not organized into classes
---- A routine uses more features of another class than of its own class
---- A primitive data type is overloaded
---- A class doesn't do very much
---- A chain of routines passes tramp data
---- A middleman object isn't doing anything
---- One class is overly intimate with another
---- A routine has a poor name
---- Data member is public
---- A subclass uses only a small percentage of its parents' routines
---- Comments are used to explain difficult code
---- Global variables are used
---- A routine uses setup code before a routine call or takedown code after a routine call
---- A program contains code that seems like it might be needed someday

Specific Refactorings

Data-level Refactorings
---- Replace a magic number with a named constant
---- Rename a variable with a clearer or more informative name
---- Move an expression inline
---- Replace an expression with a routine
---- Introduce an intermediate variable
---- Convert a multiuse variable to multiple single-use variable
---- Use a local variable for local purposes rather than a parameter
---- Convert a data primitive to a class
---- Convert a set of type codes to a class or an enumeration
---- Convert a set of type codes to a class with subclasses
---- change an array to an object
---- Encapsulate a collection
---- Replace a traditional record with a data class.

Statement-level Refactoring
---- Decompose a boolean expression
---- Move a complex boolean expression into a well-named boolean function
---- Consolidate fragments that are duplicated within different parts of a conditional
---- Replace conditionals (especially repeated case statements) with polymorphism
---- use break and return instead of a loop control variable
---- retrun as soon as you know the answer instead of assigning a return value within nested if-then-else statements
---- Create and use null objects instead of testing for null values.

Routine-Level Refactorings
---- Extract routine/extract method
---- Move a routine's code inline
---- Convert a long routine to a class
---- Substitute a simple algorithm for a complex algorithm
---- Add/Remove a parameter
---- Separate query operations from modification operation
---- Combine similar routines by parameterizing them
---- Separate routines whose behavior depends on parameters passed in
---- Pass a whole object rather than specific fields
---- Pass specific fields rather than a whole object
---- Encapsulate downcasting

Class-Implementation-Level Refactoring
---- Change value objects to reference objects
---- Chage reference objects to value objects
---- Replace virtual routines with data initialization
---- Change member routine or data placement
---- Extract specialized code into a subclass
---- Combine similar code into a superclass

Class-Interface-Level Refactoring
---- Move a routine to another class.
---- Convert one class to two.
---- Eliminate a class.
---- Hide a delegate.
---- Remove a middleman.
---- Replace inheritance with delegation.
---- Replace delegation with inheritance.
---- Introduce a foreign routine.
---- Introduce an extension class.
---- Encapsulate an exposed member variable.
---- Remove Set() routines for fields that cannot be changed.
---- Hide routines that are not intended to be used outside the class.
---- Encapsulate unused routines.
---- Collapse a superclass and subclass if their implementations are very similar.

System-Level Refactoring
---- Create a definitive reference source for data you can't control
---- Unidirectional class <---> bidirectional class
---- Provide a factory routine rather than a simple constructor
---- Replace error codes with exceptions or vice versa

6. Code-Tuning Strategies

7. Code-Tuning Techniques

---- Stop Testing When u Know the Answer
---- Order Test by Frequency
---- Compare performance of similar logic structures
---- Substitute Table lookups for complicated expressions
---- Use Lazy Evaluation

---- Unswitching <将判断外提>
---- Jamming<合并>/fusion<融合>
---- Unrolling <展开>
---- Minimizing the work inside loops
---- Sentinel Values <哨兵值> locate the value compared at the end of an array
---- Putting the busies loop on the inside
for ( 5 )
for ( 100 ) ----- 5+5*100 = 505

for ( 100 )
for ( 5 )----- 100+5*100 = 600
---- Strength Reduction
Adding rather than multiplying

Data Transformations
----- Use Integers rather than floating-point numbers
----- Use the fewest array dimensions possible
----- Minimize array references
----- Use supplementary indexes '/0'
----- Use Caching <declare a member variable to store a value which evaluation needs much time.>

----- Exploit Algebraic Identities <利用代数恒等式>
----- Use Stength Reduction
---- Replace multiplication with addition
---- Replace exponentiation with multiplication
---- Replace integer multiplication-by-two and division-by-two with shift operations.
----- Initialize at Compile time
        unsigned  int  Log2( unsigned  int  x )  {
return (unsigned int) ( log( x ) / log( 2 ) );

const   double  LOG2  =   0.69314718 ;
int  Log2( unsigned  int  x )  {
return (unsigned int) ( log( x ) / LOG2 );

int  Log2( unsigned  int  x )  {
int i = 0;
while ( ( x = ( x >> 1 ) ) != 0 ) {

return i ;


----- Use the Correct type of Constants
----- Precompute results
----- Elliminate Common Subexpressions

----- Rewrite routines inline

Recording in a low-level language

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