Upload file to specific folder

1. Problem

I edit source code in my laptop and run it in server, which is equipped with gpu. So I need a script to upload source to the specific folder in the server.

2. Code

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import sys

files = sys.argv[1]
os.system('pscp {} zyt3781909@git.dscvlab.com:/home/zyt3781909/py-faster-rcnn/{}'.format(files, files))

BTW, run this script in /home/duino/py-faster-rcnn/:

./upload.py test.py


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CuteFTP 8 Professional New Feature Highlights New features for CuteFTP Professional include: The Folder Synchronization Wizard that guides through the steps to synchronize your local and remote folders. The Folder Monitor Wizard that guides you through the steps required for activating the folder monitoring function and allows you to automatically upload any new or modified files or folders added to a specific local folder. The Local Backup Wizard that guides you through the process of selecting the local files and folders to be backed up to the remote pane and specifying other settings. The Site Backup Wizard that allows you to create copies of remote files and folders on your local computer regularly or at a scheduled time. CuteFTP also compresses the backup automatically. Improved Mode Z option to compress the files during the transfer process. Secured data transfer using OpenPGP . Uploading files to remote pane by right-clicking the files in Windows shell. Subscribing to media files and publishing media files using the CutePODCast Manager. Finding files and folders using the Site Search feature. The Import/Export FTP Sites Wizard that guides you through the steps to add sites to your Site Manager from simple text listings or from site listings in the various FTP clients. The Connection Wizard guides you through the steps to connect to a site and save the site to the Site Manager. Capability to hide the SKA information by selecting the Do not record SKA activity in the log file check box in the Smart Keep Alive settings. Trouble Ticket Generator to provide better consistency in handling errors. The Time Zone Synchronization feature that helps in synchronizing time for all the time zones. Scheduling uploads from your local computer to a server using the Upload Scheduled Wizard.
1.1版修正了1.0版在WordPress 3.0.1 出现 “您没有足够的权限访问这个页面” 的问题,请各位用户及时更新。 名称:Post Encryption And Decryption 版本: 1.1 作者:Ludou 更新:2010-05-17 功能:帮助您快速加密解密某个分类或某个标签下的所有的文章。加密为给你的文章添加密码,其他人必须知道密码才能阅读你加密的文章。解密为加密的逆过程,去除文章的密码,任何人均可阅读你的文章。 性能:本插件只会按照您的要求更改对应文章的密码信息,不会更改您博客上的其他数据。 下载:WordPress官方下载 安装方法: 下载插件,解压缩,你将会看到一个文件夹post-batch-encryption,然后将其放置到插件目录下,插件目录通常是 `wp-content/plugins/` 在后台对应的插件管理页激活该插件Post Encryption And Decryption 现在您可在管理后台 设置 -> Post Encryption And Decryption 进行文章的加密和解密 完成 说明: 加密更新成功后,在WordPress后台 – 文章,可以看到对应文章标题后面添加了“密码保护”字样. Plugin name: Post Encryption And Decryption Version:1.0 Author: Ludou Update: 2010-05-17 Description: Post Encryption And Decryption is an plugin designed to help you quickly encrypt or decrypt all posts of specific category or tag. Download: From WordPress Installation: Upload to your plugins folder, usually `wp-content/plugins/` and unzip the file, it will create a `wp-content/plugins/post-batch-encryption/` directory. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen. Go to Settings -> Post Encryption And Decryption Now you can encrypt or decrypt all posts of specific category or tag Done FAQ: 1. Will the plugin delete my data in the database? No! This plugin justs change the password of posts you choose.


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