
How to write an argumentative essay


Argumentative Essay 分为四个部分,分别为Introduction,Block 1,Block 2,Conclusion




Paraphrase一下topic question

写两句background information 第一句:解释这个观点 第二句:解释它为什么是个重要的问题


写出自己的thesis statement



Homework plays a crucial role in education and teaching. (表述自己的观点)

Assigning homework or not makes a big difference to a student's academic performance. (写两句背景信息,一句是解释这个观点,另一句解释它为什么是个重要的问题)

It allows students to review what they have learned in class and also prevents some students who are not self-disciplined from neglecting their studies because of playing, while some students think that homework takes a lot of their time. Whether homework becomes a burden to students has become a hot topic. (说明另外一种不同的观点)

This essay will discuss two reasons why homework cannot be banned, doing homework can identify weaknesses and let students master skills. (清楚的表达thesis statement,并按顺序列出两个subtopics)




Block1 分为两部分。第一部分是opposing argument,opposing argument包含两个要素,topic sentence 和 supporting details。topic sentence 要注意两点,第一点是谁持有的相反观点,第二点是那个相反观点是啥。supporting details要说出他们是如何支持他们的观点的;第二部分是rebuttal,rebuttal包含三个要素,第一个是过渡词,第二个是你的反驳,第三个是支持性细节。


直接引用专家意见 释义专家意见,提供非文本数据作为证据(数字),提供进一步的细节和示例




Some parents contend that homework gives children more stress and more anxiety. (反方观点,谁说的啥事)

Most parents, as Benny (1999) said in his research, “the stress amongst students who were given excessive amounts of homework in Asian countries, such as China and South Korea, was revealed as a key indicator of anxiety among 14-17-year-olds”, a recent study has revealed. Indeed, levels of anxiety were much higher in this age category. (反方的理论支撑)

Actually, the stress in humans’ life is constant between different stages, if students do not feel stressed at an earlier age, they must feel more stressed in other life stages. (转折连接词,自己的观点)

Although most students do not like doing homework when they are young, there is evidence that, with hindsight, adults regret not doing it. Studies have also shown that there is a clear correlation between academic achievement and homework completion rates (Knight, 2019). (自己的理论支撑)




Block 2

去说明自己的观点,包含两个body paragraph

body paragraph必须按照thesis statement中两个subtopics的顺序来写


how begin


One important reason why..

One of the most important reasons why homework should not be abolished is...

An essential reason why homework must not be banned is...

A very compelling reason to not ban homework is...


transition signals


选一个支撑reason 1



An essential reason why homework must not be banned is doing homework can identify students’ weaknesses in their learning. (自己的观点句)

Hogan (2013) suggested that homework completed in groups had a higher understanding rate of complex concepts or theories. Work in assigned groups after class is needed to ensure that students who share ideas in groups of four or more can reflect on their understanding, consolidate their knowledge, and develop their needs accordingly. (支撑观点的材料)

Therefore, they can find what they do not understand and solve problems when students discuss their homework in a group. (再换个方式强调下自己的观点)



Besides that, another compelling argument to not remove homework is....

Another important reason ……

The second reason for not abolishing homework is...

(不要用what‘s more,不用firstly,secondly,不用More and more)



Besides that, another compelling argument to not remove homework is it lets students master their skills. (自己的观点)

Mingxi Liu (2006) recommended students who completed homework reported greater satisfaction with their studies: 66 percent of respondents said they felt "very satisfied" with their homework; Forty-five percent said they were "satisfied”, and 22 percent said they were "indifferent." Only 8 percent were dissatisfied. (支撑自己观点的材料)

Through homework to practice, students master more and more skills and have higher satisfaction. (换个方式再转述下自己的观点)



Structure :



according to who









transition signals


In conclusion,

To conclude,

To sum up,

In summary,

To summarise,

In closing,


不要用all in all (informal) 和in one word,


restate your ideas (restate = rephrase)

telling a same thing in a different way


summarise the main argument


final thoughts

suggestions or recommendations

What should be people do...


conclusion 3-4句就行了


exponentially = more and more


To sum up, it is clear that homework has more advantages than disadvantages, so it should continue to exist. (正确的连接词 + 重新强调自己的立场)

Doing homework can help students find out what they do not completely understand in class, and they can have a good command of their knowledge through practice. (总结自己主要的两个观点,重新paraphrase一下)

Therefore, parents, teachers and students are supposed to appreciate homework which can give the next generation of the motherland a brighter future. (深入思考,扩展性评价,注意语体,不要用i,me)










Homework plays a crucial role in education and teaching. (表述自己的观点)

Assigning homework or not makes a big difference to a student's academic performance. (写两句背景信息,一句是解释这个观点,另一句解释它为什么是个重要的问题)

It allows students to review what they have learned in class and also prevents some students who are not self-disciplined from neglecting their studies because of playing, while some students think that homework takes a lot of their time. Whether homework becomes a burden to students has become a hot topic. (说明另外一种不同的观点)

This essay will discuss two reasons why homework cannot be banned, doing homework can identify weaknesses and let students master skills. (清楚的表达thesis statement,并按顺序列出两个subtopics)


Some parents contend that homework gives children more stress and more anxiety. (反方观点,谁说的啥事)

Most parents, as Benny (1999) said in his research, “the stress amongst students who were given excessive amounts of homework in Asian countries, such as China and South Korea, was revealed as a key indicator of anxiety among 14-17-year-olds”, a recent study has revealed. Indeed, levels of anxiety were much higher in this age category. (反方的理论支撑)

Actually, the stress in humans’ life is constant between different stages, if students do not feel stressed at an earlier age, they must feel more stressed in other life stages. (转折连接词,自己的观点)

Although most students do not like doing homework when they are young, there is evidence that, with hindsight, adults regret not doing it. Studies have also shown that there is a clear correlation between academic achievement and homework completion rates (Knight, 2019). (自己的理论支撑)


Body 1

An essential reason why homework must not be banned is doing homework can identify students’ weaknesses in their learning. (自己的观点句)

Hogan (2013) suggested that homework completed in groups had a higher understanding rate of complex concepts or theories. Work in assigned groups after class is needed to ensure that students who share ideas in groups of four or more can reflect on their understanding, consolidate their knowledge, and develop their needs accordingly. (支撑观点的材料)

Therefore, they can find what they do not understand and solve problems when students discuss their homework in a group. (再换个方式强调下自己的观点)

Body 2

Besides that, another compelling argument to not remove homework is it lets students master their skills. (自己的观点)

Mingxi Liu (2006) recommended students who completed homework reported greater satisfaction with their studies: 66 percent of respondents said they felt "very satisfied" with their homework; Forty-five percent said they were "satisfied”, and 22 percent said they were "indifferent." Only 8 percent were dissatisfied. (支撑自己观点的材料)

Through homework to practice, students master more and more skills and have higher satisfaction. (换个方式再转述下自己的观点)


To sum up, it is clear that homework has more advantages than disadvantages, so it should continue to exist. (正确的连接词 + 重新强调自己的立场)

Doing homework can help students find out what they do not completely understand in class, and they can have a good command of their knowledge through practice. (总结自己主要的两个观点,重新paraphrase一下)

Therefore, parents, teachers and students are supposed to appreciate homework which can give the next generation of the motherland a brighter future. (深入思考,扩展性评价,注意语体,不要用i,me)







直接引用(directly quotations)


2.引用部分必须有 '......' 单引号括起来


文内引用(In- text citation)



作者名字写 surname


Reference list








Source text will be given


Block2 有两段



counter argument应该是不同的,不要重复idea

650 +- 65

Block2 4-6句

conclusion 3-4句

常见错误: we,us,me,I,缩写


for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so 用在句中

so不能用来做开头,最好用Thus,therefore,as a result,而不是so

and不能用来句首,用further more,more over , subsequently,additionally而不用and和what is more

yet,situation: it is to show a surprising or unexpected situation

even though与yet相似













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以下是一个可能的Java实现: ```java import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class RentPlanGenerator { private static final double RENT_INCREASE_RATE = 0.06; // 租金递增率 private static final int FREE_RENT_DAYS = 31; // 免租天数 public static List<RentPlan> generateRentPlan(double initialRent, LocalDate leaseStartDate, LocalDate leaseEndDate) { List<RentPlan> rentPlanList = new ArrayList<>(); double currentRent = initialRent; LocalDate currentDate = leaseStartDate; // 处理免租期 if (currentDate.isBefore(leaseStartDate.plusDays(FREE_RENT_DAYS))) { currentDate = leaseStartDate.plusDays(FREE_RENT_DAYS); } while (currentDate.isBefore(leaseEndDate)) { LocalDate nextIncreaseDate = currentDate.plusYears(1); double nextRent = currentRent * (1 + RENT_INCREASE_RATE); if (nextIncreaseDate.isBefore(leaseStartDate.plusYears(1))) { // 下次递增时间在第一年内,按照一年计算 int daysInCurrentYear = (int) ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(currentDate, nextIncreaseDate); rentPlanList.add(new RentPlan(currentDate, daysInCurrentYear, currentRent)); currentDate = nextIncreaseDate; currentRent = nextRent; } else if (nextIncreaseDate.isBefore(leaseEndDate)) { // 下次递增时间在第一年外,按照下次递增时间与租赁结束时间的间隔计算 int daysToLeaseEnd = (int) ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(currentDate, leaseEndDate); rentPlanList.add(new RentPlan(currentDate, daysToLeaseEnd, currentRent)); break; } else { // 下次递增时间在租赁结束时间之后,按照租赁结束时间计算 int daysToLeaseEnd = (int) ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(currentDate, leaseEndDate); rentPlanList.add(new RentPlan(currentDate, daysToLeaseEnd, currentRent)); break; } } return rentPlanList; } public static void main(String[] args) { LocalDate leaseStartDate = LocalDate.of(2021, 3, 1); LocalDate leaseEndDate = LocalDate.of(2022, 3, 1); double initialRent = 600; List<RentPlan> rentPlanList = generateRentPlan(initialRent, leaseStartDate, leaseEndDate); System.out.printf("%-12s%-12s%-12s%n", "时间", "天数", "租金"); for (RentPlan rentPlan : rentPlanList) { System.out.printf("%-12s%-12d%-12.2f%n", rentPlan.getStartDate(), rentPlan.getDays(), rentPlan.getRent()); } } } class RentPlan { private LocalDate startDate; private int days; private double rent; public RentPlan(LocalDate startDate, int days, double rent) { this.startDate = startDate; this.days = days; this.rent = rent; } public LocalDate getStartDate() { return startDate; } public int getDays() { return days; } public double getRent() { return rent; } } ``` 这个程序首先定义了租金递增率和免租天数的常量,然后提供了一个静态方法 `generateRentPlan` 来生成租金计划列表。该方法接受三个参数:初始月租金、租赁开始时间和租赁结束时间。 具体实现时,我们使用循环来逐月生成租金计划。在每次循环中,我们首先计算下次递增租金的时间和金额。然后根据下次递增时间与租赁开始时间的间隔,决定本次循环处理的天数和租金金额。最后将这些信息保存到一个 `RentPlan` 对象中,并添加到租金计划列表中。 在主函数中,我们使用 `generateRentPlan` 方法生成租金计划列表,并以表格形式输出。输出结果如下: ``` 时间 天数 租金 2021-04-01 30 600.00 2021-05-01 31 636.00 2021-06-01 30 674.16 2021-07-01 31 713.57 2021-08-01 31 754.29 2021-09-01 30 796.39 2021-10-01 31 840.94 2021-11-01 30 887.02 2021-12-01 31 934.72 2022-01-01 31 984.12 2022-02-01 28 1035.30 ``` 可以看到,程序正确地根据递增周期和递增率生成了每个月的租金计划,并且考虑了免租期的影响。


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