

  • package内以大写字母表示可导出的变量或函数,外部均以首字母大写引用;

  • Go 的返回值可被命名,它们会被视作定义在函数顶部的变量。


    没有参数的 return 语句返回已命名的返回值。

  • 函数外的每个语句都必须以关键字开始(var, func 等等),也就是不能使用 :=

  • 类型有bool、string、(int uint int8 uint8 int16 uint16 int32 uint32 int64 uint64 uintptr) byte(uint8)、rune(int32)、(float32 float64)、(complex64 complex128)

  • 与 C 不同的是,Go 在不同类型的项之间赋值时需要显式转换。否则直接报错

  • for语句可以用作c语言中的for,不加分号则变为c语言中的while。

  • if-else,for,switch声明的变量等只在各自的作用域有效

  • switch只执行选定case且自动添加break,case值无需为常量,不必为整数。

  • defer 语句会将函数推迟到外层函数返回之后执行。(析构函数??) 推迟调用的函数其参数会立即求值,但直到外层函数返回前该函数都不会被调用。 多个defer则会进行压栈操作,返回时出栈。

  • go没有指针运算。指针引用值时使用点而不是箭头

  • 数组赋值 a := [2]int{0, 1}

  • 切片赋值 a := []int{0,1,2},切片不存储任何数据,切片是引用,对切片的修改相当于修改原始数据。 所有数据类型都可切片,包括struct,或者说能使用数组的地方都能使用切片。从某种程度上, 切片可以看做C中的指针,不过取值范围有限制;

  • len和cap的函数源码?len为当前获取的切片长度,cap表示被切片的(引用对象的)数组长度-起始切片数值

  • 切片的扩容,类似于动态扩容数组,为*2,即原来为5扩容后cap为10.

  • make函数会分配一个元素为零值的数组并返回一个引用了它的切片

  • for的range循环遍历切片,返回值为下标和源切片的值副本(值为指针时特别注意)

  • map将键映射到值(字典??)map[key]Type

  • 检查map中是否存在某个键,elem, ok = m(key) 存在则elem返回值,ok为true,不存在elem返回类型0值,ok为flase

  • go没有类,可以为结构体类型定义方法;func (v structType) func_name(){}

  • 方法即函数;

  • 方法与指针重定向;使用指针接收参数,方便对原始数据操作,也少了复制为副本的操作;

  • 函数传参、方法类型参数,值为副本,除非使用指针才能修改原始值;

  • 接口类型 interface是由一组方法签名定义的集合。type A interface{func1() string} 接口类型的变量可以保存任何实现了这些方法的值。(多态??) A的赋值严格遵循值和指针赋值(区别于方法) 调用接口,看做将执行type的方法并且将value传递给该方法 type A int var i interface{} = A(5)

  • 接口也是值,意味着也可以作为参数或返回值; 在内部,接口值可以看做包含值和具体类型的元组:(value, type)

  • 接口隐式声明,如果类型A实现了接口B的方法C,那么在var对变量赋值时, 可以不必使用接口B类型就可直接访问类型A的接口B方法C type A int;type B interface{C()};func (a A) C() {}; 那么:var i B = A() 和 var i = A() 效果一样,都能使用 i.C()

  • 调用nil接口的方法会出发空指针错误,类型并未赋值就直接给接口;但接口本身并不是nil,毕竟有值;

  • 空接口可以保存任意类型的值;但是因为空接口中没有方法,那么接口也就不能调用方法;

  • 类型断言,提供访问接口值底层具体值的方式,元组类型访问;v, ok := i.(T), 存在T类型,v为元组value,ok为true;不存在T类型,v为T类型0值,ok为false; 只需要值时可以不用ok接收(v := i.(T)),但是不存在T类型时会触发panic;与map检查键是否存在相似;

  • 类型选择,是一种按顺序从几个类型断言中选择分支的结构。 与switch相似,但是case为类型而非值;switch v := i.(type){case T1: case T2: default: } 此处type为关键字type 未匹配的情况,v与i的元组相同(类型和值)

  • string() string 自定义定义printf方法

  • error类型是一个内建接口,意味着也可以自定义方法;nil表示成功,非nil表示失败

  • goroutine go线程

  • 信道是带有类型的管道,你可以通过它用信道操作符<- 来发送或者接收值。箭头表示数据流通的方向 信道与map和silence一样,使用前必须先创建 ch := make(chan int) 默认情况下,发送和接收操作在另一端准备好之前都会阻塞。 这使得 Go 程可以在没有显式的锁或竞态变量的情况下进行同步。

  • 带缓冲信道 ch := make(chan int, 100) 当缓冲区满时,向ch发送数据阻塞,当缓冲区空时,从ch获取数据阻塞

  • 使用close关闭信道,必须由发送方关闭,range ch会一直从信道中取值直到信道关闭 使用 v, ok := <-ch 来判断ch是否关闭(ok为false)

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Foreword by Jack W. Crenshaw (the package’s readme.txt) TUTOR.ZIP This file contains all of the installments of Jack Crenshaw’s tutorial on compiler construction, includ- ing the new Installment 15. The intended audience is those folks who are not computer scientists, but who enjoy computing and have always wanted to know how compilers work. A lot of compiler the- ory has been left out, but the practical issues are covered. By the time you have completed the series, you should be able to design and build your own working compiler. It will not be the world’s best, nor will it put out incredibly tight code. Your product will probably never put Borland or MicroSoft out of business. But it will work, and it will be yours. A word about the file format: The files were originally created using Borland’s DOS editor, Sprint. Sprint could write to a text file only if you formatted the file to go to the selected printer. I used the most common printer I could think of, the Epson MX-80, but even then the files ended up with printer control sequences at the beginning and end of each page. To bring the files up to date and get myself positioned to continue the series, I recently (1994) converted all the files to work with Microsoft Word for Windows. Unlike Sprint, Word allows you to write the file as a DOS text file. Unfortunately, this gave me a new problem, because when Word is writing to a text file, it doesn’t write hard page breaks or page numbers. In other words, in six years we’ve gone from a file with page breaks and page numbers, but embedded escape sequences, to files with no embedded escape sequences but no page breaks or page numbers. Isn’t progress wonderful? Of course, it’s possible for me to insert the page numbers as straight text, rather than asking the editor to do it for me. But since Word won’t allow me to write page breaks to the file, we would end up with files with page numbers that may or may not fall at the ends of the pages, depending on your editor and your printer. It seems to me that almost every file I’ve ever downloaded from CompuServe or BBS’s that had such page numbering was incompatible with my printer, and gave me pages that were one line short or one line long, with the page numbers consequently walking up the page. So perhaps this new format is, after all, the safest one for general distribution. The files as they exist will look just fine if read into any text editor capable of reading DOS text files. Since most editors these days include rather sophisticated word processing capabilities, you should be able to get your editor to paginate for you, prior to printing. I hope you like the tutorials. Much thought went into them. Jack W. Crenshaw




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