ZUCC_BB平台-Quiz B-3-7-答案

201大学英语(IV) 平时测验 Quiz B-3-7


问题 1

We are testing the ____________ of a new drug which is reported useful in relieving headaches.

A. election
B. exertion 【努力、实行】
C. effort
D. efficacy 【功效】

问题 2

In 1998, there were 14,014 traffic accidents involving injuries, of which 204 were __________ and 3,103 were serious【严重的】.

A. fatal 【致命的、毁灭性的】
B. crash
C. bold
D. faulty

问题 3

A Sino-Singapore exchange program which is specially targeted at college students of both countries will __________ this year.

A. comprise 【构成】
B. comment 【评论】
C. commence 【开始】
D. commemorate 【作为纪念】

问题 4

The manufacturer will establish, document and ___________ a quality system as a means of ensuring that the product conforms【符合】 to specified requirements.

A. end
B. abolish
C. maintain【保养、维持】
D. destroy

问题 5

In the process of the reform and opening up and the modernization【现代化】 drive, China will continue __________ to carry out the basic national policy on environmental protection and implement【实践、执行 】 the sustainable development strategy【可持续发展战略】.

A. critically
B. cautiously
C. cowardly 【胆小的】
D. conscientiously 【勤勉认真的】

问题 6

There is still much to be learnt at college ─ beyond what you need to fulfill to get your degree or __________.

A. destiny
B. recognition
C. identification
D. diploma 【毕业文凭】

问题 7

In the ___________ of ancient Troy, the Greeks got into the city by hiding in a wooden horse, which is globally known for Trojan Horse.

A. geography
B. initial
C. legend 【 传奇故事;传说;传奇人物;铭文】
D. implication

问题 8

I’m wondering what could have ___________ him to commit【犯下、诚诺】 so rash an action

A. reduced
B. induced 【促使】
C. deduced 【推断】
D. produced

问题 9

A man without any educational background, many of us believe, is an unfortunate __________ of adverse circumstances【状况、形式】.

A. villager
B. visitor
C. victim
D. viewer

问题 10

As a porter of the office-building he performs his usual __________ of making sure all the doors are locked before going to bed.

A. ritual 【惯例、仪式】
B. rhyme
C. remedy 【改进措施;补偿】
D. regime 【政权;管理体制】

问题 11

“Tom, how do you __________ your long absence from classes without asking for leave?” the teacher asked.

A. account for【解释】
B. make for
C. stand for
D. live for

问题 12

In his new job, John felt ___________ his surroundings and his associates due to the cooperative relationship and ambience 【氛围、环境音效】cultivated by the enterprise【企业】.

A. in tune with 【与之协调一致】
B. out of line 【越界】
C. strange to
D. in violation of 【违反】

问题 13

The Olympic Park will be located to the north of downtown【市中心】 area and to the east of a district ___________ science, education and historical relics.

A. spread out
B. renowned for
C. known as 【被称为】
D. deserted by

【renowned as 作为(某个人)而出名】【renowned for 因为(某事)而出名】

问题 14

The young nurse was so reliable and responsible vocationally that she was appointed in charge of ___________ the medicine to the lonely old sick women in that community.

A. administering 【管理、主持 】
B. arranging 【安排、统筹】
C. prescribing 【嘱咐、规定】
D. advising

问题 15

The stress she had been under at work reduced her to a nervous __________.

A. figure
B. model
C. expert
D. wreck 【(身体或精神上) 受到严重损伤的人】

问题 16

Can we define visual beauty as something which arouses pleasant __________ to the viewers?

A. session
B. sensation
C. sensitivity
D. sentiment

问题 17

I had to queue for a long time in order to ensure the __________ of the new edition Harry Potter 7 by J.K.Rowling.

A. acquisition 【采办、购置】
B. acquirement
C. enquiry 【询问、打听】
D. requirement

问题 18

Garlic is thought from some scientific point of view as a natural cure for swine flu【猪流感】, which has caused _________ planting in some regions for the sake of healthcare and lucrative purpose as well.

A. cosmetic 【化妆品】
B. diplomatic 【外交的;外交人员的;得体的】
C. romantic
D. dramatic

问题 19

She prefers conservative trousers to fashionable skirts as she thinks wearing the latter would __________ her movement.

A. hamper 【阻碍】
B. quicken
C. shrink
D. shake

问题 20

The bus stopped __________, as a result, a heavy bundle【一捆行李】 fell off from the rack【架子】 above a passenger and struck him on the head.

A. in return
B. on the move
C. all of a sudden
D. on the spot

问题 21

A team led by Ramanathan Raguram of the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences in Bangalore studied 31 people who stayed at a Hindu temple for the purpose of their treatment for server psychiatric disorders【精神障碍】. At the end of their stay, their scores on a test rating【等级】 psychiatric scale have improved by an average of nearly 20 per cent.
In the temple, no specific rituals or ceremonies【礼节、仪式】 were performed except a simple morning prayer【祷告】 for 15 minutes and a help of routine temple work for the rest of the day. Tender loving care, a non-threatening environment, and the hope of recovery are the factors contributing to the improvement of those patients.
“A six-week temple treatment can produce the same improvement expected within four weeks of administering drugs such as chlorpromazine【氯丙嗪】 and risperidone【利培酮】,” says Raguram. Such findings are not specific to India, according to an expert on mental disorders, Perth. He says there is a “treatment protocol”【治疗方案】 practiced at the traditional village of Aro in Nigeria which is similar in many ways to the healing temple. But he cautions that such temple treatment should be complementary 【配套】to other approaches rather than as an alternative.

People living on parts of the south coast of England face a serious problem. In 1993, the owners of a large hotel and of several houses discovered, to their horror, that their gardens had disappeared overnight. The sea had eaten into the soft limestone 【石灰岩】cliffs【悬崖】 on which they had been built. While experts were studying the problem, the hotel and several houses disappeared altogether, sliding down the cliff and into the sea.
Erosion(侵蚀)of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years. Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept【逐渐发展】 farther and farther inland. Experts have studied the areas most affected and have drawn up a map for local people, forecasting the year in which their homes will be swallowed up by the hungry sea.
Angry owners have called on the Government to erect sea defenses【设立海防】 to protect their homes. Government surveyors【勘测员】have pointed out that in most cases, this is impossible. New sea walls would cost hundreds of millions of pounds and would merely make the waves and currents go further along the coast, shifting the problem from one area to another. The danger is likely to continue, they say, until the waves reach an inland area of hard rock which will not be eaten as limestone is. Meanwhile, if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future, apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England. You can get a house for a knockdown price but it may turn out to be a knockdown home.

问题 22

What is the cause of the problem that people living on parts of the south coast of England face?

A. The disappearance of hotels, houses and gardens.
B. The experts’ lack of knowledge
C. The rising of the sea level.
D. The washing-away of limestone cliffs.
问题 23

According to the author, when buying a house along the south coast of England, people should ___________.

A. be aware of the potential danger involved
B. guard against being cheated by the house agent
C. take the quality of the house into consideration
D. examine the house carefully before making a decision

问题 24

It is not feasible to build sea defenses to protect against erosion because _______.

A. it is too costly and will endanger neighbouring areas
B. the government is too slow in taking action
C. they will be easily knocked down by waves and currents
D. house agents along the coast do not support the idea

问题 25

The experts’ study on the problem of erosion can ___________.

A. lead to its eventual solution
B. provide an effective way to slow it down
C. help to prevent it from worsening
D. warn people whose homes are in danger

问题 26

The erosion of the white cliffs in the south of England ___________.

A. will soon become a problem for people living in central England
B. has now become a threat to the local residents
C. is quickly changing the map of England
D. can be stopped if proper measures are taken



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