1. .sh file are executable script file.
2. When downloading a file from internet, the attribute of file may change. like executable file loses its executable permission.
3. get the version of currently running kernel : uname -r
4. /opt dir is used to put software installation files in. in old days, people use /usr/local instead
5. /proc is a virtual file system. All the data under this dir actually reside in the memory.
6. /usr contains some important program files, GUI files, extra function lib, softwares installed, and shared dir or files. It functions like the dir "Program Fils" in Windows.
7. /var: used to contain variable files when the system runs
8. /etc, /bin, /sbin, /dev, /lib, / should not be seperated into different partition.
This is because only the root dir will be loaded when the system start. At the same time,
system must get some information like the init program from these dirs.
9. A common partition strategy is put below dirs into different partition :
-/ : 1G
-/boot : 50M
-/usr : intallation data need a large space :10G
-/home : user data : 10G
-/var : 1G
2. The command [sync] can be used to write all the data in memory into disk before shutdown.
3. [reboot] = shutdown -r now
4. use alt+ctrl+backspace to restart X window
5. how to get the passwd of root,ubuntu下也是有root用户的!
使用su root切换root的时候会要求你输入密码,这时候你输入什么都不对的
sudo passwd root
su root 在输入密码就可以切换到root了!
6. 如果要对他人开放某个目录的话,一定要开放该目录的x(可执行权限),否则用户进入不了该目录
7. 增加用户组 groupadd groupname
增加用户: adduser username % only root has the permission to create user and usrgroup
adduser username groupname % 将用户添加到用户组中
8. chgrp: 改变文件所属用户组
e.g: chgrp groupname filename
chown: 改变文件拥有者
e.g: chown fredchen file
chmod: 改变文件属性,SUID等信息
note : -R option can be used to recursively change all the file or sub-dir
contained in a dir
9. 目录属性的意义
-r : 表示具有读取目录结构清单的权限,可以用ls 命令读取
-w : 将拥有以下权限:
(1) 建立新的文件与目录
(3) 将已存在的文件或目录进行重命名
(4) 移动该目录内的文件,目录的位置
-x : 表示具有进入该目录的权限
10. su user 可以用来改变用户身份为user.