

- (UIImageView*)iconImageView

if ( _iconImageView == nil ) {
_iconImageView = [[ UIImageView alloc ] init ];
self . contentView addSubview : _iconImageView ];
return _iconImageView ;

- (
UILabel *)timerLabel
if ( _timerLabel == nil ) {
_timerLabel = [[ UILabel alloc ] init ];
_timerLabel . textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter ;
_timerLabel . font = [ UIFont systemFontOfSize : 13.0 ];
self . contentView addSubview : _timerLabel ];
return _timerLabel ;

- (
UIButton *)textBtn
if ( _textBtn == nil ) {
_textBtn = [[ UIButton alloc ] init ];
_textBtn . titleLabel . numberOfLines = 0 ;
_textBtn . titleLabel . font = [ UIFont systemFontOfSize : 13.0 ];
self . contentView addSubview : _textBtn ];
return _textBtn ;

- (
void )setQqInfo:( SUNQQInfo *)qqInfo
_qqInfo = qqInfo;
// 设置时间
self . timerLabel . text = qqInfo. time ;
CGFloat timerW = [ UIScreen mainScreen ]. bounds . size . width ;
self . timerLabel . frame = CGRectMake ( 0 , 0 , timerW, 35 );
// 设置头像
if (qqInfo. type ) {
CGFloat imageX = kMargin ;
CGFloat imageY = CGRectGetMaxY ( self . timerLabel . frame ) + kMargin ;
self . iconImageView . frame = CGRectMake (imageX, imageY, kIconW , kIconH );
self . iconImageView . image = [ UIImage imageNamed : @"other" ];
else {
CGFloat X = [ UIScreen mainScreen ]. bounds . size . width - kMargin - kIconW ;
CGFloat Y = CGRectGetMaxY ( self . timerLabel . frame ) + 10 ;
self . iconImageView . frame = CGRectMake (X, Y, kIconW , kIconH );
self . iconImageView . image = [ UIImage imageNamed : @"me" ];

// 设置文字
NSDictionary *dict = @{ NSFontAttributeName : [ UIFont systemFontOfSize : 13.0 ] } ;
CGRect frameText = [qqInfo. text boundingRectWithSize : CGSizeMake ( 150 , MAXFLOAT ) options : NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes :dict context : nil ];
self . textBtn setTitle :qqInfo. text forState : UIControlStateNormal ];
self . textBtn . contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake ( 20 , 20 , 20 , 20 );
CGFloat textY = CGRectGetMaxY ( self . timerLabel . frame ) + 10 ;
CGFloat textW = frameText. size . width + 40 ;
CGFloat textH = frameText. size . height + 40 ;
CGFloat textX;
if (qqInfo. type ) {
        textX =
CGRectGetMaxX ( self . iconImageView . frame ) + 10 ;
else {
        textX = [
UIScreen mainScreen ]. bounds . size . width - 2 * kMargin - kIconW - textW;
self . textBtn . frame = CGRectMake (textX, textY, textW, textH);
// 设置行高
CGFloat maxH = MAX ( CGRectGetMaxY ( self . iconImageView . frame ), CGRectGetMaxY ( self . textBtn . frame ));
self . cellHight = maxH + kMargin ;
// 设置聊天背景
if (qqInfo. type ) {
UIImage *image = [ UIImage imageNamed : @"chat_recive_nor" ];
UIImage *image1 = [image stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth : 30   topCapHeight : 30 ];
self . textBtn setBackgroundImage :image1 forState : UIControlStateNormal ];
self . textBtn setTitleColor :[ UIColor blackColor ] forState : UIControlStateNormal ];
else {
UIImage *image = [ UIImage imageNamed : @"chat_send_nor" ];
UIImage *image1 = [image stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth : 30 topCapHeight : 30 ];
self . textBtn setBackgroundImage :image1 forState : UIControlStateNormal ];
self . textBtn setTitleColor :[ UIColor whiteColor ] forState : UIControlStateNormal ];

- ( void )viewDidLoad
super viewDidLoad ];
NSLog ( @"%@" , self . qqs );
self . tableView . dataSource = self ;
self . tableView . delegate = self ;
// 去除分割线
self . tableView . separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone ;
// 设置背景图片
self . tableView . backgroundColor = [ UIColor colorWithRed : 224 / 255.0 green : 224 / 255.0 blue : 224 / 255.0 alpha : 1.0 ];
// 界面不允许被点击
self . tableView . allowsSelection = NO ;
// 监听键盘的通知
NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ] addObserver : self selector : @selector (keyboardWillChangeFrame:) name : UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification object : nil ];
// 处理文本输入框
self . inputView . leftView = [[ UITextField alloc ] initWithFrame : CGRectMake ( 0 , 0 , 5 , 0 )];
self . inputView . leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways ;
self . inputView . delegate = self ;

- (
void )keyboardWillChangeFrame:( NSNotification *)noti
     UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey = NSRect: {{0, 480}, {320, 216}};
     UIKeyboardCenterBeginUserInfoKey = NSPoint: {160, 588};
     UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey = NSRect: {{0, 264}, {320, 216}};
     UIKeyboardCenterEndUserInfoKey = NSPoint: {160, 372};
     UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey = 0.25;
     UIKeyboardFrameChangedByUserInteraction = 0;
     UIKeyboardBoundsUserInfoKey = NSRect: {{0, 0}, {320, 216}};
     UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey = 7;

NSLog ( @"%@" ,noti. userInfo );
// 设置窗口的颜色
self . view . window . backgroundColor = self . tableView . backgroundColor ;
// 取出键盘动画的时间
CGFloat duration= [noti. userInfo [ UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey ] doubleValue ];
// 取得键盘最后的 frame
CGRect keyboardFrame = [noti. userInfo [ UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey ] CGRectValue ];
// 计算控制器移动的距离
CGFloat tansformY = keyboardFrame. origin . y - self . view . frame . size . height ;
// 执行动画
UIView animateWithDuration :duration animations :^{
self . view . transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation ( 0 , tansformY);

- (
void )scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating:( UIScrollView *)scrollView
// 关闭键盘
self . view endEditing : YES ];

- (
void )dealloc
NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ] removeObserver : self ];

- (
void )didReceiveMemoryWarning
super didReceiveMemoryWarning ];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

// 设置状态栏的可见性
- (
BOOL )prefersStatusBarHidden
return YES ;

#pragma mark - 实现代理的方法
- ( CGFloat )tableView:( UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:( NSIndexPath *)indexPath
SUNQQView *qqView = [[ SUNQQView alloc ] init ];
qqInfo self . qqs [indexPath. row ];
return qqView. cellHight ;

- (
UITableViewCell *)tableView:( UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:( NSIndexPath *)indexPath
static NSString *ID = @"cell" ;
SUNQQView *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier :ID];
if (cell == nil ) {
        cell = [[
SUNQQView alloc ] initWithStyle : UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier :ID];
// 取出数据
qqInfo = self . qqs [indexPath. row ];
backgroundColor = [ UIColor clearColor ];
return cell;

- (
NSInteger )tableView:( UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:( NSInteger )section
return self . qqs . count ;

- (
BOOL )textFieldShouldReturn:( UITextField *)textField
NSLog ( @"%@" ,textField);
// 添加模型
SUNQQInfo *qqInfo = [[ SUNQQInfo alloc ] init ];
type = 0 ;
time = @"11:23" ;
text = textField. text ;
self . qqs addObject :qqInfo];
// 刷新表格
self . tableView reloadData ];
// 自动滚动到最后一行
NSIndexPath *path = [ NSIndexPath indexPathForRow : self . qqs . count - 1 inSection : 0 ];
self . tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath :path atScrollPosition : UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated : YES ];
// 清除文本框上的文字
self . inputView . text = nil ;
return YES ;




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