gnu radio学习(三)Message Passing消息传递详解


GNU Radio was originally a streaming system with no other mechanism to pass data between blocks. Streams of data are a model that work well for samples, bits, etc., but are not really the right mechanism for control data, metadata, or packet structures (at least at some point in the processing chain).
GNU Radio最初是一个流系统,没有其他机制可以在块之间传递数据。数据流是一种适用于样本,位等等的一个模型,但是对于控制数据,元数据或者数据包结构来说并不是一个真正正确的机制(至少在传输链上的一些点来说是这样)

We solved part of this problem by introducing the tag stream (see Stream Tags). This is a parallel stream to the data streaming. The difference is that tags are designed to hold metadata and control information. Tags are specifically associated with a particular sample in the data stream and flow downstream alongside the data. This model allows other blocks to identify that an event or action has occurred or should occur on a particular item. The major limitation is that the tag stream is really only accessible inside a work function and only flows in one direction. Its benefit is that it is isosynchronous with the data.

We want a more general message passing system for a couple of reasons. The first is to allow blocks downstream to communicate back to blocks upstream. The second is to allow an easier way for us to communicate back and forth between external applications and GNU Radio. GNU Radio’s message passing interface handles these cases, although it does so on an asynchronous basis.
出于一些原因,我们想要一个更通用的消息传递系统。首先是要允许下游块与上游块通信。其次是允许我们以一种更简单的方式在外部应用与GNU Radio之间来回通信。GNU Radio的消息传递接口处理这些情况,尽管它是在异步基础上进行的。

The message passing interface heavily relies on Polymorphic Types (PMTs) in GNU Radio. For further information about these data structures, see the page Polymorphic Types (PMTs).
消息传递接口非常依赖GNU Radio中的多态类型(PMTs)。关于这些数据类型的更多介绍可以参考多态类型页面。

Message Passing API(消息传递端口)

The message passing interface is designed into the gr::basic_block, which is the parent class for all blocks in GNU Radio. Each block has a set of message queues to hold incoming messages and can post messages to the message queues of other blocks. The blocks also distinguish between input and output ports.
消息传递的接口设计在gr::basic_block中,这是GNU Radio中所有块的父类。每一个块都有一个消息队列来存放输入的消息同时还可以传递消息给其他块的消息队列。这些块还区分输入和输出端口。

A block has to declare its input and output message ports in its constructor. The message ports are described by a name, which is in practice a PMT symbol (i.e., an interned string). The API calls to register a new port are:

 void message_port_register_in(pmt::pmt_t port_id)
 void message_port_register_out(pmt::pmt_t port_id)

In Python:

 self.message_port_register_in(pmt.intern("port name"))
 self.message_port_register_out(pmt.intern("port name"))

The ports are now identifiable by that port name. Other blocks who may want to post or receive messages on a port must subscribe to it. When a block has a message to send, they are published on a particular port using the following API:

 void message_port_pub(pmt::pmt_t port_id, pmt::pmt_t msg);

In Python:(python实现方式)

 self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern("port name"), <pmt message>)

Subscribing is usually done in the form of connecting message ports as part of the flowgraph, as discussed later. Internally, when message ports are connected, the gr::basic_block::message_port_sub method is called.

Any block that has a subscription to another block’s output message port will receive the message when it is published. Internally, when a block publishes a message, it simply iterates through all blocks that have subscribed and uses the gr::basic_block::_post method to send the message to that block’s message queue.

Message Handler Functions(消息处理函数)

A subscriber block must declare a message handler function to process the messages that are posted to it. After using the gr::basic_block::message_port_register_in to declare a subscriber port, we must then bind this port to the message handler.

Starting in GNU Radio 3.8¹ using C++11 we do that using a lambda function:
从使用c++11的GNU Radio3.8开始我们开始使用下面的lambda函数

 set_msg_handler(pmt::pmt_t port_id, 
   [this](const pmt::pmt_t& msg) { message_handler_function(msg); });

In Python:

 self.set_msg_handler(pmt.intern("port name"), <msg handler function>)

When a new message is pushed onto a port’s message queue, it is this function that is used to process the message. The ‘port_id’ is the same PMT as used when registering the input port. The ‘block_class::message_handler_function’ is the member function of the class designated to handle messages to this port.

The prototype for all message handling functions is:

 void block_class::message_handler_function(const pmt::pmt_t& msg);

In Python the equivalent function would be:

 def handle_msg(self, msg):

We give examples of using this below.

Connecting Messages through the Flowgraph(通过流图连接消息)

From the flowgraph level, we have instrumented a gr::hier_block2::msg_connect method to make it easy to subscribe blocks to other blocks’ messages. Assume that the block src has an output message port named pdus and the block dbg has an input port named print. The message connection in the flowgraph (in Python) looks like the following:

  self.tb.msg_connect(src, "pdus", dbg, "print")

All messages published by the src block on port pdus will be received by dbg on port print. Note here how we are just using strings to define the ports, not PMT symbols. This is a convenience to the user to be able to more easily type in the port names (for reference, you can create a PMT symbol in Python using the pmt::intern function as pmt.intern(“string”)).

Users can also query blocks for the names of their input and output ports using the following API calls:
用户 还可以使用以下的API来查询块的输入输出端口名称。

   pmt::pmt_t message_ports_in();
   pmt::pmt_t message_ports_out();

The return value for these are a PMT vector filled with PMT symbols, so PMT operators must be used to manipulate them.

Each block has internal methods to handle posting and receiving of messages. The gr::basic_block::_post method takes in a message and places it into its queue. The publishing model uses the gr::basic_block::_post method of the blocks as the way to access the message queue. So the message queue of the right name will have a new message. Posting messages also has the benefit of waking up the block’s thread if it is in a wait state. So if idle, as soon as a message is posted, it will wake up and call the message handler.

Posting from External Sources(从外部来源传输)

An important feature of the message passing architecture is how it can be used to take in messages from an external source. We can call a block’s gr::basic_block::_post method directly and pass it a message. So any block with an input message port can receive messages from the outside in this way.

The following example uses a gr::blocks::pdu_to_tagged_stream block as the source block to a flowgraph. Its purpose is to wait for messages as PDUs posted to it and convert them to a normal stream. The payload will be sent on as a normal stream while the meta data will be decoded into tags and sent on the tagged stream.

So if we have created a src block as a PDU to stream, it has a pdus input port, which is how we will inject PDU messages into the flowgraph. These PDUs could come from another block or flowgraph, but here, we will create and insert them by hand.

 port = pmt.intern("pdus")
 msg = pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, pmt.make_u8vector(16, 0xFF))
 src.to_basic_block()._post(port, msg)

The PDU’s metadata section is empty, hence the pmt::PMT_NIL object. The payload is now just a simple vector of 16 bytes of all 1’s. To post the message, we have to access the block’s gr::basic_block class, which we do using the gr::basic_block::to_basic_block method and then call the gr::basic_block::_post method to pass the PDU to the right port.

All of these mechanisms are explored and tested in the QA code of the file

There are some examples of using the message passing infrastructure through GRC in:


Using Messages as Commands(使用消息作为命令)

One important use of messages is to send commands to blocks. Examples for this include:

gr::qtgui::freq_sink_c: The scaling of the frequency axis can be changed by messages(可以通过消息来改变频率轴的间隔)

gr::uhd::usrp_source and gr::uhd::usrp_sink: Many transceiver-related settings can be manipulated through command messages, such as frequency, gain and LO offset(许多收发器相关的设置可以通过命令消息来修改,比如频率,增益和LO偏移)

gr::digital::header_payload_demux, which receives an acknowledgement from a header parser block on how many payload items there are to process(它从头解析器接收有多少负载项目要处理的确认)

There is no special PMT type to encode commands, however, it is strongly recommended to use one of the following formats:

pmt::cons(KEY, VALUE): This format is useful for commands that take a single value. Think of KEY and VALUE as the argument name and value, respectively. For the case of the QT GUI Frequency Sink, KEY would be “freq” and VALUE would be the new center frequency in Hz.(这个格式非常适用于使用单个值的命令。KEY和VALUE分别为参数名和值。对于QT GUI Frequency Sink案例,KEY将是”freq“而VALUE为新的中心频率(单位为Hz))

pmt::dict((KEY1: VALUE1), (KEY2: VALUE2), …): This is basically the same as the previous format, but you can provide multiple key/value pairs. This is particularly useful when a single command takes multiple arguments which can’t be broken into multiple command messages (e.g., the USRP blocks might have both a timestamp and a center frequency in a command message, which are closely associated).(这和前面的格式基本一样,但是你可以使用多个键值对。这对一个使用多个参数而不能分解为多个命令消息的命令非常有用(例如,USRP块在命令消息中有时间戳和中心频率,它们密切相关))

In both cases, all KEYs should be pmt::symbols (i.e. strings). VALUEs can be whatever the block requires.

It might be tempting to deviate from this format, e.g. the QT Frequency sink could simply take a float value as a command message, and it would still work fine. However, there are some very good reasons to stick to this format:
偏离这种格式可能很诱人,例如,QT Frequency sink可以简单的使用浮点数值作为一个消息命令,它仍然可以正常工作。但是坚持使用这种格式有很多的好处:

Interoperability: The more people use the standard format, the more likely it is that blocks from different sources can work together(使用标准格式的人越多,那么来自不同源的块能一同工作的机会有越大)

Inspectability: A message debug block will display more useful information about a message if it’s containing both a value and a key(如果一个消息调式块包含值和键,那么它可以显示一个消息的更多的有效信息)

Intuition: This format is pretty versatile and unlikely to create situations where it is not sufficient (especially considering that values are PMTs themselves). As a counterexample, using positional arguments (something like “the first argument is the frequency, the second the gain”) is easily forgotten, or changed in one place and not another, etc.(这种格式非常通用,不太可能造成一个不适用的情况(特别是考虑到值本身就是PMT)。作为一个反例,使用位置参数(比如说”第一个参数是频率,第二个参数是增益“)非常容易被遗忘, 或者在一个地方而不是另一个地方改变,等等)。

Code Examples(代码样例)


The following is snippets of code from blocks currently in GNU Radio that take advantage of message passing. We will be using gr::blocks::message_debug and gr::blocks::tagged_stream_to_pdu below to show setting up both input and output message passing capabilities.
以下是当前GNU Radio中利用消息传递的块的代码片段。我们将在下面使用gr::blocks::message_debug和gr::blocks::tagged_stream_to_pdu来显示设置输入和输出消息传递功能。

The gr::blocks::message_debug block is used for debugging the message passing system. It describes two input message ports: print and store. The print port simply prints out all messages to standard out while the store port keeps a list of all messages posted to it. The store port works in conjunction with a gr::blocks::message_debug::get_message(size_t i) call that allows us to retrieve message i afterward.
gr::blocks::message_debug块被用来调试消息传输系统。它描述了两个输入消息端口:print和store。print端口把所有的消息简单的打印到标准输出,但是store端口存放了被传输过来的所有消息列表。store端口与gr::block::message_debug::get_message(size_t i)一同调用,允许我们后面检索消息i。

The constructor of this block looks like this:

     [this](const pmt::pmt_t& msg) { print(msg); });
     [this](const pmt::pmt_t& msg) { store(msg); });

The three message input ports are registered by their respective names. We then use the gr::basic_block::set_msg_handler function to identify this particular port name with a callback function.

So now the functions in the block’s private implementation class, gr::blocks::message_debug_impl::print and gr::blocks::message_debug_impl::store are assigned to handle messages passed to them. Below is the print function for reference.

 message_debug_impl::print(const pmt::pmt_t& msg)
   std::cout << "***** MESSAGE DEBUG PRINT ********\n";
   std::cout << "**********************************\n";

The function simply takes in the PMT message and prints it. The method pmt::print is a function in the PMT library to print the PMT in a friendly and (mostly) pretty manner.

The gr::blocks::tagged_stream_to_pdu block only defines a single output message port. In this case, its constructor contains the line:


So we are only creating a single output port where pdu_port_id is defined in the file pdu.h as pdus.

This block’s purpose is to take in a stream of samples along with stream tags and construct a predefined PDU message from it. In GNU Radio, we define a PDU as a PMT pair of (metadata, data). The metadata describes the samples found in the data portion of the pair. Specifically, the metadata can contain the length of the data segment and any other information (sample rate, etc.). The PMT vectors know their own length, so the length value is not actually necessary unless useful for purposes down the line. The metadata is a PMT dictionary while the data segment is a PMT uniform vector of either bytes, floats, or complex values.
块的目的是接收样本流和流标签同时从从它们之中构建一个一个预定义PDU消息。在GNU Radio中,我们将一个PDU定义为一个PMT对(元数据,数据)。元数据描述了在该对数据部分找到的样本。特别的是,该元数据能够包含数据段的长度以及任何其他信息(样本率等等)。PMT向量组知道它们自己的长度,所以长度不是必须的,除非在后面的代码中有用。元数据是一个PMT数据字典而数据段是字节、浮点数或者复数值的一个PMT的统一向量。

In the end, when a PDU message is ready, the block calls its gr::blocks::tagged_stream_to_pdu_impl::send_message function that is shown below.

   if(pmt::length(d_pdu_vector) != d_pdu_length) {
     throw std::runtime_error("msg length not correct");
   pmt::pmt_t msg = pmt::cons(d_pdu_meta,
   message_port_pub(pdu_port_id, msg);
   d_pdu_meta = pmt::PMT_NIL;
   d_pdu_vector = pmt::PMT_NIL;
   d_pdu_length = 0;
   d_pdu_remain = 0;
   d_inpdu = false;

This function does a bit of checking to make sure the PDU is OK as well as some cleanup in the end. But it is the line where the message is published that is important to this discussion. Here, the block posts the PDU message to any subscribers by calling gr::basic_block::message_port_pub publishing method.

There is similarly a gr::blocks::pdu_to_tagged_stream block that essentially does the opposite. It acts as a source to a flowgraph and waits for PDU messages to be posted to it on its input port pdus. It extracts the metadata and data and processes them. The metadata dictionary is split up into key:value pairs and stream tags are created out of them. The data is then converted into an output stream of items and passed along. The next section describes how PDUs can be passed into a flowgraph using the gr::blocks::pdu_to_tagged_stream block.


A Python Block example:

 class msg_block(gr.basic_block):
     def __init__(self):
         self.set_msg_handler(pmt.intern('msg_in'), self.handle_msg)
     def handle_msg(self, msg):
         self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern('msg_out'), pmt.intern('message received!'))

Flowgraph Example(流图示例)

Here’s a simple example of a flow graph using both streaming and messages:
There are several interesting things to point out. First, there are two source blocks, which both output items at regular intervals, one every 1000 and one every 750 milliseconds. Dotted lines denote connected message ports, as opposed to solid lines, which denote connected streaming ports. In the top half of the flow graph, we can see that it is, in fact, possible to switch between message passing and streaming ports, but only if the type of the PMTs matches the type of the streaming ports (in this example, the pink color of the streaming ports denotes bytes, which means the PMT should be a u8vector if we want to stream the same data we sent as PMT).

Another interesting fact is that we can connect more than one message output port to a single message input port, which is not possible with streaming ports. This is due to the asynchronous nature of messages: The receiving block will process all messages whenever it has a chance to do so, and not necessarily in any specific order. Receiving messages from multiple blocks simply means that there might be more messages to process.

What happens to a message once it was posted to a block? This depends on the actual block implementation, but there are two possibilities:

  1. A message handler is called, which processes the message immediately.
  2. The message is written to a FIFO buffer, and the block can make use of it whenever it likes, usually in the work function.

For a block that has both message ports and streaming ports, any of these two options is OK, depending on the application. However, we strongly discourage the processing of messages inside of a work function and instead recommend the use of message handlers. Using messages in the work function encourages us to block in work waiting for a message to arrive. This is bad behavior for a work function, which should never block. If a block depends upon a message to operate, use the message handler concept to receive the message, which may then be used to inform the block’s actions when the work function is called. Only on specially, well-identified occasions should we use method 2 above in a block.
对于一个同时拥有消息端口 和流端口的块来说,这两种选择都可以,取决于应用程序。当时,我们强烈反对在一个工作函数内来处理消息,我们推荐通过使用消息处理器来处理消息。在工作函数内使用消息会使得我们在等待消息的过程中形成阻塞。这对于永远不能被阻塞的工作函数来说是一个非常不好的行为。如果依赖一个消息来操作,使用消息处理程序来接收消息,然后在调用工作函数时来使用消息来告知块的操作。只有在啊特殊明确的场合我们才应该使用上面的方法2。

With a message passing interface, we can write blocks that don’t have streaming ports, and then the work function becomes useless, since it’s a function that is designed to work on streaming items. In fact, blocks that don’t have streaming ports usually don’t even have a work function.
通过消息传递接口,我们可以编写一个不需要流端口的块,然后工作函数将变得没有用,因为工作函数时被设计用来处理流项目的。 事实上,没有流端口的块甚至通常没有工作函数。


In the previous flow graph, we have a block called PDU to Tagged Stream. A PDU (protocol data unit) in GNU Radio has a special PMT type, it is a pair of a dictionary (on CAR) and a uniform vector type. So, this would yield a valid PDU, with no metadata and 10 zeros as stream data:
在之前的流图中,我们有一个叫做PDU to Tagged Stream的块。一个在GNU Radio中的PDU(协议数据单元)有一个特殊的数据类型,它是一对字典(在CAR上)和统一向量类型。所以我们将会生成一个有效的PDU,没有元数据和10个0作为流数据。

pdu = pmt.cons(pmt.make_dict(), pmt.make_u8vector(10, 0))

The key/value pairs in the dictionary are then interpreted as key/value pairs of stream tags.

Flowgraph Example: Chat Application(流图样例:聊天应用)

Let’s build an application that uses message passing. A chat program is an ideal use case, since it waits for the user to type a message, and then sends it. Because of that, no Throttle block is needed.

Create the following flowgraph and save it as ‘chat_app2.grc’:
The ZMQ Message blocks have an Address of ‘tcp://’. Typing in the QT GUI Message Edit Box will send the text once the Enter key is pressed. Output is on the terminal screen where gnuradio-companion was started.

If you want to talk to another user (instead of just yourself), you can create an additional flowgraph with a different name such as ‘chat_app3.grc’. Then change the ZMQ port numbers as follows:

	ZMQ PUSH Sink: tcp://
	ZMQ PULL Source: tcp://
	ZMQ PUSH Sink: tcp://
	ZMQ PULL Source: tcp://

When using GRC, doing a Generate and/or Run creates a Python file with the same name as the .grc file. You can execute the Python file without running GRC again.

For testing this system we will use two processes, so we will need two terminal windows.

Terminal 1:(终端1)

since you just finished building the chat_app3 flowgraph, you can just do a Run.

Terminal 2: Open another terminal window.(终端2:打开另一个终端窗口。)

change to whatever directory you used to generate the flowgraph for chat_app2.
execute the following command:
python3 -u

Typing in the Message Edit Box for chat_app2 should be displayed on the Terminal 1 screen (chat_app3) and vice versa.

To terminate each of the processes cleanly, click on the ‘X’ in the upper corner of the GUI rather than using Control-C.

¹ In old GNU Radio 3.7, we used Boost’s ‘bind’ function:
在老版本的GNU Radio 3.7中我们使用了Boost的’bind‘函数:

 set_msg_handler(pmt::pmt_t port_id,
 boost::bind(&block_class::message_handler_function, this, _1));}}

The ‘this’ and ‘_1’ are standard ways of using the Boost bind function to pass the ‘this’ pointer as the first argument to the class (standard OOP practice) and the _1 is an indicator that the function expects 1 additional argument.
’this‘和’_1‘是使用Boost bind函数传递第一个’this‘指针参数到类(标准OOP实践)中以及_1是函数需要一个附加参数的指示符。

评论 4




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