Carbide.c++ IDE的常用快捷键和技巧 + Symbian OS的错误代码定义大全


From Forum Nokia Wiki

Carbide.c++ 是Nokia专门为Symbian系统开发提供的一个集成开发工具。此开发工具其实是基于Eclipse平台构建((我的理解应该是Eclipse + CDT + Nokia plugin))。熟悉Eclipse的都知道Eclipse的功能强大和易用性,在Eclipse上的大部分经验技巧都能在 Carbide.c++ 使用,由于Eclipse目前的主流开发环境还是以JAVA为主,作为C++的开发环境还是有些差别。在这里我将整理一些在Carbide.c++ 中可以使用的经验和技巧,持续更新中。 



1 编辑相关 

2 编译、运行 

3 调试 

4 重构相关 

5 阅读源码 

6 导航相关 


[edit] 编辑相关 

 * Ctrl+ ↓ Ctrl+↑ 在编辑区上下滚动(滚动滑块)

 * Ctrl+ ← Ctrl + → 向前向后移动一个单词

 * Ctrl+ Shift + ↓  Ctrl+ Shift + ↑ 向上向下移动一个段落(可以方便的在函数方法中滚动)

 * Ctrl+G 搜索工作区中的声明

 * Ctrl+ Shift +G 搜索所有引用

 * Ctrl+ Shift +S 保存所有文档

 * Ctrl+F 查找替换

 * Ctrl + J 增量查找(根据动态键盘输入进行动态匹配)

 * Ctrl + k 查找替换下一个

 * Ctrl + L 转到指定的行号

 * Ctrl+ Shift + F4 关闭所有编辑窗口

 * Ctrl + SHIFT + P 匹配对应的括号

 * CTRL+SHIFT+X  将选中的小写转换为大写 

 * CTRL+SHIFT+Y   将选中的大写转换为小写

 * Ctrl+M 将当前窗口在最小化和最大化之间切换

 * Ctrl+Q 定义最后编辑的地方

 * Ctrl+O 快速显示 OutLine

 * Ctrl+K 参照选中的Word快速定位到下一个

 * Ctrl+E 快速显示当前Editer的下拉列表

 * Ctrl+` 在c/c++中非常有用的功能 打开相关的源文件或头文件

 * Ctrl+D 删除当前行

 * Ctrl+Alt+↓ 复制当前行到下一行(复制增加)

 * Ctrl+Alt+↑ 复制当前行到上一行(复制增加)

 * Alt+↓ 当前行和下面一行交换位置(特别实用,可以省去先剪切,再粘贴了)

 * Alt+↑ 当前行和上面一行交换位置(同上)

[edit] 编译、运行 

 * Ctrl+B - 重新编译所有项目.

 * F11 - 调试(Debug)当前项目.

 * Ctrl+F11 - 运行当前项目.

 * Ctrl+. and Ctrl., - 转到下一个/前一个提示项目。当编译器为我们生成了很多编译警告等信息的时候,这个功能将发挥区大的作用。

 * Ctrl+Shift+B - 切换当前行的断点状态。注意,该快捷键仅仅在调试界面下是可用的,在Symbian开发界面下是不可用的。

 * Ctrl+Alt+B 程序编辑目标项目



[edit] 调试 

 * F5 - 进入当前行函数.

 * F6 - 执行当前行.


 * F7 - 跳出当前执行函数.

 * F8 - 继续执行.

 * Ctrl+R - 执行到当前行.

[edit] 重构相关 

 * Alt + shift + r  - 变量名函数名重构

[edit] 阅读源码 

 * F3 - 查看变量的声明(F3对头文件的作用在Carbide v1.3.中得到了修正,头文件可以在outline中双击打开)

 * F4 -  查看某类的继承层次关系

 * Ctrl + T 快速查看类的继承关系

 * Ctrl + SHIFT + T 快速打开某一类型

[edit] 导航相关 

 * F12 - 使编辑视图获得焦点

 * ALT+SHIFT+W 当焦点在编辑区的时候显示源文件的导航视图(Outline,Navigator,C++ project)

 * Ctrl+F6 ,Ctrl+ SHIFT+ F6 在编辑视图中对打开的文档进行进行切换(类似于WINDOWS的 ALT+TLB和 ALT+SHIFT+TBL)

 * Ctrl+F7,Ctrl+ SHIFT+ F7 对全局视图进行切换

 * Ctrl+F8 ,Ctrl+ SHIFT + F8 - 界面组的切换 ,这个快捷键可以切换Symbian界面组和调试(Debug)界面组。



进入Carbide:Window->Preferences->General->keys 进行设置


Add Bookmark : Ctrl+F2 (添加书签)

Next Bookmark : F2 (循环跳转到书签)

Find Word : Ctrl+F3 (查找单词)

Find Next : F3 (往下查找单词)

Find Previous : Shift+F3 (往上查找单词)

Open Declaration : F12 (打开函数或变量的声明)

Show View (View: Console) : F6 (打开控制台)


Build All : F7 (编译程序)

Debug : F5 (调试程序)

Resume : F5 (运行到下一断点)

Terminate : Shift+F5 (停止调试)

Run : F8 (运行程序)

Next : F4 (下一个错误或警告)

Previous : Shift+F4 (上一个错误或警告)

Step Over : F10 (不进入函数) 

Step Into : F11 (进入函数)

Step Return : Shift+F11 (推出所进入的函数)

Run to line : Ctrl+F10(运行到光标行)

Toggle Breakpoints : F9 (设置/取消 断点)

Removes All Breakpoints : Ctrl+Shift+F9 



Symbian OS的错误代码定义大全

Generic Errors        

KErrNone                 0 

KErrNotFound         -1         Unable to find the specified object

KErrGeneral            -2         General (unspecified) error

KErrCancel              -3         The operation was cancelled

KErrNoMemory        -4         Not enough memory

KErrNotSupported  -5         The operation requested is not supported

KErrArgument         -6         Bad request

KErrTotalLossOfPrecision -7         Total loss of precision

KErrBadHandle       -8         Bad object

KErrOverflow          -9         Overflow

KErrUnderflow        -10         Underflow

KErrAlreadyExists   -11         Already exists

KErrPathNotFound -12         Unable to find the specified folder

KErrDied                -13         Closed

KErrInUse              -14         The specified object is currently in use by another program

KErrServerTerminated -15 Server has closed

KErrServerBusy     -16         Server busy

KErrCompletion     -17         Completion error

KErrNotReady       -18         Not ready

KErrUnknown       -19         Unknown eror

KErrCorrupt          -20         Corrupt

KErrAccessDenied -21         Access denied

KErrLocked           -22         Locked

KErrWrite             -23         Failed to write

KErrDisMounted   -24         Wrong disk present

KErrEof                -25         Unexpected end of file

KErrDiskFull         -26         Disk full

KErrBadDriver     -27         Bad device driver

KErrBadName     -28         Bad name

KErrCommsLineFail -29         Comms line failed

KErrCommsFrame -30         Comms frame error

KErrCommsOverrun -31         Comms overrun error

KErrCommsParity -32         Comms parity error

KErrTimedOut     -33         Timed out

KErrCouldNotConnect -34         Failed to connect

KErrCouldNotDisconnect -35         Failed to disconnect

KErrDisconnected -36         Disconnected

KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint -37         Bad library entry point

KErrBadDescriptor -38         Bad descriptor

KErrAbort -39 Interrupted

KErrTooBig -40 Too big

KErrDivideByZero -41 Divide by zero

KErrBadPower -42 Batteries too low

KErrDirFull -43 Folder full

KErrHardwareNotAvailable -44 

KErrSessionClosed -45 

KErrPermissionDenied -46 

KErrMsgBioMessageNotValid -90 

Etel Fax

KFaxErrModemNotWorking -101 The fax modem has failed

KFaxErrCannotConnect -102 

KFaxErrCSIorCIG -103 

KFaxErrDISorDTC -104 

KFaxErrFrameFail -105 The connection to the fax machine has been broken

KFaxErrAtNegotiatedSpeed -106 

KFaxErrCFR -107 

KFaxErrMCF -108 

KFaxErrCRP -109 

KFaxErrNoDial -110 Could not dial fax number

KFaxErrNoDialTone -111 No dial tone was detected

KFaxErrBusy -112 The line is busy

KFaxErrNoAnswer -113 The call was not answered

KFaxErrNoCarrier -114 The call was not answered by a fax machine

KFaxErrRemoteCannotReceive -115 Could not send to the fax machine. The fax machine is unable to receive faxes

KFaxErrCompression -116 Panic

KFaxErrPageTooLong -117 Panic

KFaxErrDCN -118 

KFaxErrRemoteDCN -119 

KFaxErrHDLC -120 

KFaxErrStopAndWait -121 Panic

KFaxErrTrainStop -122 

KFaxErrReceiveTimeout -123 Could not send to the fax machine. The connection has timed out

KFaxErrCannotEndData -124 The connection to the fax machine has been broken

KFaxErrEOP -125 

KFaxErrMPS -126 

KFaxErrNoReceiveMode -127 

KFaxErrCannotAnswer -128 

KFaxErrPrematureHangup -129 Could not receive fax. The fax machine ended the call

KFaxErrModemResponse -130 

KFaxErrPrematureOK -131 

KFaxErrNoFinalOK -132 

KFaxErrUnknownPageCode -133 

KFaxErrNoHangup -134 

KFaxErrNoNegotiate -135 

KFaxErrModemDisconnect -136 

KFaxErrWrongModemType -137 

KFaxErrTrainFail -138 

KFaxTransmitterStalled -139 

KFaxReceiverOverflow -140 

KFaxCannotOpenPort -141 

KFaxCannotCloseStore -142 

KFaxCannotOpenStore -143 

KFaxThreadError -144 

KFaxFileSessionError -145 

KFaxLogCreateError -146 

KFaxFileSeekError -147 

KFaxPDDError -148 

KFaxLDDError -149 

KFaxC32Error -150 

KFaxCommsServerError -151 

KFaxCommsPortError -152 

KFaxCancelRequested -153 

KFaxNoClass2Xon -154 

KFaxConfigError -155 

KFaxCannotAutodetect -156 

KCannotFindFirstPage -157 

KFaxBadInitialization -158 

KFaxOnlyJustAutoDetected -159 

KFaxBelowMinSpeed -160 

KFaxPollingUnsupported -161 

KFaxNothingToPoll -162 

KFaxEtelServerError -163 

Email Pop Errors

KPop3CannotConnect -170 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection

KPop3InvalidUser -171 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username

KPop3InvalidLogin -172 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password

KPop3CannotCreateApopLogonString -173 Could not create secure logon string. Mailbox server may not support secure logon

KPop3ProblemWithRemotePopServer -174 Problem communicating with POP3 server

KPop3CannotOpenServiceEntry -175 Panic

KPop3CannotSetRequiredFolderContext -176 Panic

KPop3InvalidApopLogin -177 Panic

Email Socket Errors

KImsKErrorDNSNotFound -180 Could not find a DNS server. Please check the DNS address in the internet control panel 

KImsKErrorControlPanelLocked -181 Could not connect to internet. Please ensure the internet control panel is closed 

KImskErrorISPOrIAPRecordNotFound -182 

KImskErrorActiveSettingIsDifferent -183 Unable to connect using the specified IAP, already connected to the Internet using a different IAP 

KImskSecuritySettingsFailed -184 

Socket Errors

KErrNetUnreach -190 Could not connect to the network. Currently unreachable 

KErrHostUnreach -191 Could not connect to the specified server 

KErrNoProtocolOpt -192 The specified server refuses the selected protocol 

KErrUrgentData -193 

KErrWouldBlock -1000 See also BAFL, OCR and PTI errors

Email IMAP Errors

KErrImapConnectFail -200 Could not connect to IMAP4 server 

KErrImapServerFail -201 The connection to the IMAP4 server has been broken 

KErrImapServerParse -202 

KErrImapServerBusy -203 The IMAP4 server refused to allow connection. The server is currently busy 

KErrImapServerVersion -204 Could not connect to the IMAP server. The IMAP server is of the wrong version 

KErrImapSendFail -205 Could not transmit to the IMAP4 server 

KErrImapBadLogon -206 The IMAP4 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password 

KErrImapSelectFail -207 

KErrImapWrongFolder -208 Could not select an IMAP4 folder 

KErrImapServerNoSecurity -209 

KErrImapServerLoginDisabled -210 Login for this IMAP4 server has been disabled 

KErrImapTLSNegotiateFailed -211 A secure connection cannot be made to this server 

KErrImapCantDeleteFolder -212 This folder cannot be deleted 

KDmssUnknownErr -221 

KDmssMailboxUnavailableErr -222 

KDmssActionAbortedErr -223 

KDmssActionNotTakenErr -224 

KDmssCmdUnrecognisedErr -225 

KDmssSyntaxErrorErr -226 

KDmssCmdNotImplementedErr -227 

KDmssBadSequenceErr -228 

KDmssParamNotImplementedErr -229 

KDmssMailboxNoAccessErr -230 

KDmssExceededStorageErr -231 

KDmssMailboxNameErr -232 

KDmssTransactionFailedErr -233 

KDmssTimeOutErr -234 

 Symbian 系统错误大全详解-涵盖所有类型错误(英文)


Generic Errors 

KErrNone  0  

KErrNotFound  -1 Unable to find the specified object 

KErrGeneral  -2 General (unspecified) error 

KErrCancel  -3 The operation was cancelled 

KErrNoMemory  -4 Not enough memory 

KErrNotSupported  -5 The operation requested is not supported 

KErrArgument  -6 Bad request 

KErrTotalLossOfPrecision  -7 Total loss of precision 

KErrBadHandle  -8 Bad object 

KErrOverflow  -9 Overflow 

KErrUnderflow  -10 Underflow 

KErrAlreadyExists  -11 Already exists 

KErrPathNotFound  -12 Unable to find the specified folder 

KErrDied  -13 Closed 

KErrInUse  -14 The specified object is currently in use by another program 

KErrServerTerminated  -15 Server has closed 

KErrServerBusy  -16 Server busy 

KErrCompletion  -17 Completion error 

KErrNotReady  -18 Not ready 

KErrUnknown  -19 Unknown error 

KErrCorrupt  -20 Corrupt 

KErrAccessDenied  -21 Access denied 

KErrLocked  -22 Locked 

KErrWrite  -23 Failed to write 

KErrDisMounted  -24 Wrong disk present 

KErrEof  -25 Unexpected end of file 

KErrDiskFull  -26 Disk full 

KErrBadDriver  -27 Bad device driver 

KErrBadName  -28 Bad name 

KErrCommsLineFail  -29 Comms line failed 

KErrCommsFrame  -30 Comms frame error 

KErrCommsOverrun  -31 Comms overrun error 

KErrCommsParity  -32 Comms parity error 

KErrTimedOut  -33 Timed out 

KErrCouldNotConnect  -34 Failed to connect 

KErrCouldNotDisconnect  -35 Failed to disconnect 

KErrDisconnected  -36 Disconnected 

KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint  -37 Bad library entry point 

KErrBadDescriptor  -38 Bad descriptor 

KErrAbort  -39 Interrupted 

KErrTooBig  -40 Too big 

KErrDivideByZero  -41 Divide by zero 

KErrBadPower  -42 Batteries too low 

KErrDirFull  -43 Folder full 



Email Pop Errors 

KPop3CannotConnect -170  The POP3 server refused to allow a connection 

KPop3InvalidUser -171  The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username 

KPop3InvalidLogin -172  The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password 

KPop3CannotCreateApopLogonString -173  Could not create secure logon string. Mailbox server may not support secure logon 

KPop3ProblemWithRemotePopServer -174  Problem communicating with POP3 server 

KPop3CannotOpenServiceEntry -175  Panic 

KPop3CannotSetRequiredFolderContext -176  Panic 

KPop3InvalidApopLogin -177  Panic 

Email Socket Errors 

KImsKErrorDNSNotFound  -180  Could not find a DNS server. Please check the DNS address in the internet control panel  

KImsKErrorControlPanelLocked  -181  Could not connect to internet. Please ensure the internet control panel is closed  

KImskErrorISPOrIAPRecordNotFound  -182    

KImskErrorActiveSettingIsDifferent  -183  Unable to connect using the specified IAP, already connected to the Internet using a different IAP  

KImskSecuritySettingsFailed  -184  



Socket Errors 

KErrNetUnreach  -190  Could not connect to the network. Currently unreachable  

KErrHostUnreach  -191  Could not connect to the specified server  

KErrNoProtocolOpt  -192  The specified server refuses the selected protocol  

KErrUrgentData  -193    

KErrWouldBlock  -1000  See also BAFL, OCR and PTI errors 



Email IMAP Errors 

KErrImapConnectFail  -200  Could not connect to IMAP4 server  

KErrImapServerFail  -201  The connection to the IMAP4 server has been broken  

KErrImapServerParse  -202    

KErrImapServerBusy  -203  The IMAP4 server refused to allow connection. The server is currently busy  

KErrImapServerVersion  -204  Could not connect to the IMAP server. The IMAP server is of the wrong version  

KErrImapSendFail  -205  Could not transmit to the IMAP4 server  

KErrImapBadLogon  -206  The IMAP4 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password  

KErrImapSelectFail  -207    

KErrImapWrongFolder  -208  Could not select an IMAP4 folder  

KErrImapServerNoSecurity  -209    

KErrImapServerLoginDisabled  -210  Login for this IMAP4 server has been disabled  

KErrImapTLSNegotiateFailed  -211  A secure connection cannot be made to this server  

KErrImapCantDeleteFolder  -212  This folder cannot be deleted  

KDmssUnknownErr  -221    

KDmssMailboxUnavailableErr  -222    

KDmssActionAbortedErr  -223    

KDmssActionNotTakenErr  -224    

KDmssCmdUnrecognisedErr  -225    

KDmssSyntaxErrorErr  -226    

KDmssCmdNotImplementedErr  -227    

KDmssBadSequenceErr  -228    

KDmssParamNotImplementedErr  -229    

KDmssMailboxNoAccessErr  -230    

KDmssExceededStorageErr  -231    

KDmssMailboxNameErr  -232    

KDmssTransactionFailedErr  -233    

KDmssTimeOutErr  -234    

Email SMTP Error 

KSmtpNoMailFromErr  -240  Could not send email due to an invalid return email address. Check your email address in your account settings  

KSmtpUnknownErr  -241  Problem while sending email  

KSmtpBadMailFromAddress  -242  Email message has an invalid "From" address  

KSmtpBadRcptToAddress  -243  Email message has an invalid "To", "Cc" or "Bcc" address  

KSmtpLoginRefused  -244  SMTP server refused to allow connection  

KSmtpNoMsgsToSendWithActiveSettings  -245  Could not send email. The messages are destined for an account different from the currently connected one.  

KErrSmtpTLSNegotiateFailed  -246  Secure connection failed. Server may not accept secure connections or certificates may be expired.  

KImcmHTMLPartNotPopulated  -250    

KImcmInvalidMessageStructure -251    

KErrPop3TLSNegotiateFailed  -260 



Access Point Engine 

KErrInvalidColumn -300  Attempting to read or write a column which does not exists.  

KErrInvalidBearer -301  The given bearer is not valid.  

KErrInvalidDatabaseType  -302  The type of the database is not valid  

KErrInvalidName  -303  The name of the AP is not valid (length = 0)  

KErrDescOverflow  -304    

KErrNullPointerPassed  -305  The passed pointer was invalid = NULL  

KErrInvalidFilterType -310  The filter is not valid  

KErrInvalidBearerType -311  The bearer is not valid  

KErrInvalidIspRequest -312  The ISP type given is invalid  

KErrValueUnspecified -323  Used when the requested value was not specified in the database  

KApSelectionCanceled  -350  

KTxtNotOverriden -351  

KErrInvalidTextId -355  

KErrActiveApDbObserverNotFound -500  Can be BIO Messaging "KBspInvalidMessage" 



BIO messaging 

KBspInvalidMessage -500 "Corrupt message cannot be read. (can also be KErrValueUnspecified in AP Engine)" 

KBspSmartMessageInvalidToken -501 "Corrupt message cannot be read." 

KBspSmartMessageNoParserDefined -502 "Unknown message type cannot be read." 

KIacpUnknownSmsType -510 "Left token not starting with neither 'M' nor 'I'." 

KIacpBIOMsgTypeNotSupported -511 "This Bio msg is not suppported.." 

KiacpMandatoryDataNotSet -512 "A mandatory Field/Value has not been found in SMS message." 

KIacpUnknownMailProtocol -513 "Mailbox configuration message refers to an unknown protocol." 

KIacpErrRightToken -514 "Improper right token i.e not equal t/f (True/False)." 

KIacpErrLeftToken -515 "Unknown Left Token i.e not starting with 'M' for Mail or 'I' for Internet configuration" 

KIacpErrSmsDataNotParsed -516 "Sms data should be parsed before commiting." 

KIacpErrSmsDataNotRestored -517 "Sms data should be parsed before commiting." 

KIacpScriptErrISPNotFound -518 "Mailbox configuration message specifies an unknown Internet Access Point." 

KIacpErrScriptNotDefined -519 "Script not included in sms." 

KIacpErrScriptNotFoundInDB -520 "There is no script in DB to append to.." 

KIacpErrScriptAlreadyAdd -521 "Script cannot be add more than ounce for a each Bio Msg." 


KWappErrXmlVer -601 "Wrong XML version" 

KWappErrOutbound -602 "Index in exceeds boundaries" 

KWappErrStringTable -603 "Bad String table reference" 

KWappErrEOS -604 "Reached the end of a key descriptor" 

KWappErrUnexpectedValue -605 "Expecting a different tag or content/attributes" 

KWappErrNoAttributes -606 "Expecting attributes- missing" 

KWappErrMandatoryTagMissing -607 "Search for a mandatory tag failed" 

KWappErrStoreNotFound -608 "No store attached to this entry" 

KWappErrMsgUnparsed -609 "Trying to process a message which is unparsed" 

KWappErrUnrecognised -610 "Token or string is not a recognised value" 

KWappErrNullValue -611 "Variable is null or has not been intialised" 

KWappErrContent -612 "Empty element, particularly a problem if it's an empty characteristic- has no PARMS" 

KWappErrNoDBRecords -613 "Could not find a first record in the COMMDB" 

KWappErrNotSupported -614 "Not Supported - WAP specific" 

KWappErrBadMessage -615 "Data content/format of message is invalid" 

KWappErrNoTermination -616 "Terminating byte missing from string or data element." 

More Wap errors can be found in the ranges -5300..-5500 and -10000..-10025. See below. 


KErrExtended -1000  

KErrExtendedWithText -1001 

KLeaveWithoutAlert -1002 

KLeaveExit -1003 


KErrOcrBadImage -1001 Bad image or unsupported format 

KErrOcrBadLanguage -1002 Unsupported language 

KErrOcrBadRegion -1003 Bad layout region 

KErrOcrNotSetLanguage -1004 Not set any language 

KErrOcrBadDictFile -1005 Not set any language packages 



NetDial Errors 

KErrExitNoModem -3001 "No response from phone. Ensure phone is switched on" 

KErrExitModemError -3002 "Problem communicating with Internet service's modem" 

KErrExitLoginFail -3003 "Internet username or password is incorrect."  

KErrExitScriptTimeOut -3004 "Internet service login script timed out. Internet service login script may be incorrect."  

KErrExitScriptError -3005 "Problem with Internet service login script. Internet service login script may be incorrect."  

KErrNetDialDatabaseDefaultUndefined -3006 "No Internet Access Points are defined"  

KErrNetDialDatabaseTypeUnknown -3007 "No Internet Access Points are defined"  

KErrNetDialDatabaseNotFound -3008 "No Internet Access Points are defined"  

KErrNetDialHscsdNotSupported -3009  

TCP/IP (v4) 

KErrIfAuthenticationFailure -3050  "Internet username or password is incorrect"  

KErrIfAuthNotSecure -3051  "Internet service server only allows plain text authentication. This is currently disabled.  

KErrIfAccountDisabled -3052  "Could not connect to Internet service. Your account has been disabled"  

KErrIfRestrictedLogonHours -3053  "Could not connect to Internet service. Your account is only active during restricted hours"  

KErrIfPasswdExpired -3054  "Could not connect to Internet service. Your Internet password has expired"  

KErrIfNoDialInPermission -3055  "Could not connect to Internet service. Your do not have dial-in permission"  

KErrIfChangingPassword -3056    

KErrIfCallbackNotAcceptable -3057  "Could not connect to Internet service. Callback is not supported"  

KErrIfDNSNotFound -3058  "Could not find specified Internet server"  

KErrIfLRDBadLine -3059  "Bad line to Internet service dropped"  

KErrIfNoServerPresent -3060    

KErrIfRemoteDisconnected -3061    

More TCP/IP errors below (in the -5100 range). 

Multimode Telephony 

Multimode telephony errors that will be generated by TSY 

KErrMMEtelWrongMode  -3201  Client has requested a mode-specific API service and the phone is currently in the wrong mode.  

KErrMMEtelFailedDueToModeChange  -3202  Error code to cater for requests that fail because the mode changes mid-way during servicing that request  

KErrMMEtelRemoteEndTermination  -3203  Remote user (or network) has terminated an ongoing call.  

KErrMMEtelSmsFormatNotSupported  -3204  Client requested a message format that is not supported by TSY anor phone.  

KErrMMEtelFeatureCodeNotSet  -3205  Client requests a service whose feature code has not been programmed e.g. Call Forwarding.  

KErrMMEtelNetworkNotResponding  -3206  Network has failed to respond to an MS initiated request e.g. "flash info"  

KErrMMEtelCallForbidden  -3207  Client requests a call to a destination that is forbidden.  

KErrMMEtelMaxReached  -3208  The maximum number of entries in astore has been reached.  

KErrMMEtelCallTerminated  -3209  Remote user (or network) has terminated an ongoing call.  

KErrMMEtelFormatNotSupported  -3210  The client requested a message format that is not supported by TSY anor phone.  

KErrMMEtelHiddenEntry  -3211  The phonebook entry is hidden.This is a USIM phonebook specific error.  

KErrMMEtelFallbacktoVoice  -3212  The request to answer a multimedia call has failed because the network can now only support voice.  

KErrMMEtelMacVerificationFailed  -3213  Authentication derived MAC does not match locally calculated MAC  

KErrMMEtelSqnVerificationFailed  -3214  Authentication derived SQN value is not in the expected range  

KErrMMEtelAuthenticateFailed  -3215  Authenticate command failed  

Error codes for use with Smart card application APIs. 

KErrMMEtelScMaxApplicationsActive  -3216  Application cannot be activated as maximum number of applications already active.  

KErrMMEtelScNoInfoNonVolatileMemoryUnchanged  -3217  No information given, the state of the non-volatile memory is unchanged.  

KErrMMEtelScNoInfoNonVolatileMemoryChanged  -3218  No information given, the state of the non-volatile memory is changed.  

KErrMMEtelScReturnedDataCorrupt  -3219  Part of the returned data may be corrupt.  

KErrMMEtelScEofReached  -3220  End of file reached before reading requested number of bytes or records have been read.  

KErrMMEtelScFileInvalidated  -3221 Selected file is invalidated.  

KErrMMEtelScNoMemory  -3222 The smart card had a memory problem when executing the command.  

KErrMMEtelScWrongLength  -3223 Wrong length  

KErrMMEtelScGeneral  -3224  Technical problem, no precise diagnosis  

KErrMMEtelScIncompatibleFileStructure  -3225  Command incompatible with file structure  

KErrMMEtelScReferencedDataInvalidated  -3226  Referenced data invalidated  

KErrMMEtelScFunctionNotSupported  -3227  Function not supported  

KErrMMEtelScFileNotFound  -3228  File not found  

KErrMMEtelScRecordNotFound  -3229 Record not found  

KErrMMEtelScReferencedDataNotFound  -3230 Referenced data not found  

KErrMMEtelScApplicationNotActive  -3231  Application not activate.  

CDMA network errors that will be generated by networks 

KErrCdmaSmsAddressVacant  -3256  SMS destination address is valid but not currently allocated to an SMS terminal.  

KErrCdmaSmsAddressTranslationFailure  -3257  SMS destination address is invalid.  

KErrCdmaSmsNetworkResourceShortage  -3258  Network transmissionfailed due to lack of network resource or link capacity.  

KErrCdmaSmsNetworkFailure  -3259  A network node failed, a link failed or a required operation failed.  

KErrCdmaSmsInvalidTeleserviceId  -3260  SMS Teleservice ID is either not known or not supported.  

KErrCdmaSmsOtherNetworkProblem  -3261  A network problem other than identified by above error codes.  

KErrCdmaSmsNoPageResponse  -3262  The addressed MS-based SME is known but it does not respond to a page.  

KErrCdmaSmsDestinationBusy  -3263  The addressed MS-based SME is SMS capable but is currently engaged in a call, a service or a call mode that precludes the use of SMS.  

KErrCdmaSmsNoAcknowledgement  -3264  The destination SME does not acknowledge receipt of the SMS delivery.  

KErrCdmaSmsDestinationResourceShortage  -3265  A required terminal resource (e.g.memory) is not available to process this message.  

KErrCdmaSmsDeliveryPostponed  -3266  Delivery is not currently possible but SMS notification is pending.  

KErrCdmaSmsOtherNetworkProblem  -3267  The addressed destination is out of service for an extended period of time.  

KErrCdmaSmsDestinationNoLongerAtAddress  -3268  The MS based SME is no longer at the temporary SMS routing address.  

KErrCdmaSmsOtherTerminalProblem  -3269  A terminal problem other than identified by the above error codes.  

KErrCdmaSmsRadioInterfaceResourceShortage  -3320  There is no channel available or there is radio congestion at this time.  

KErrCdmaSmsRadioInterfaceIncompatibility  -3321  The MS for an MS-based SME is operating in a mode that does not support SMS at this time.  

KErrCdmaSmsOtherRadioInterfaceProblem  -3322  A radio interface problem other than identified by the above error codes.  

KErrCdmaSmsEncodingProblem  -3352  The size of a parameter or field is not what is expected.  

KErrCdmaSmsOriginationDenied  -3353  The originating MIN is not recognized, the originating address is not allowed for the originating MIN, the ESN doesn't match the originating MIN, the origination is not authorized, the originating address is not recognized, etc.  

KErrCdmaSmsTerminationDenied  -3354  The destination is not authorized to receive the SMS message, the MC refused the message, the destination SME refused the message, the destination is not authorized for a required supplementary service, etc.  

KErrCdmaSmsSupplServiceNotSupported  -3355  The originating supplementary service is not known or supported, the sender is not authorized for an originating supplementary service, etc.  

KErrCdmaSmsSmsNotSupported  -3356  SMS is not supported by an addressed functional entity.  

KErrCdmaSmsMissingExpectedParameter  -3358  An optional parameter is missing that is required for a particular function.  

KErrCdmaSmsMissingMandatoryParameter  -3359  A parameter is missing that is mandatory for a particular message.  

KErrCdmaSmsUnrecognizedParameterValue  -3360  A known parameter has an unknown or unsupported value.  

KErrCdmaSmsUnexpectedParameterValue  -3361  A known parameter has a known, but unexpected value.  

KErrCdmaSmsUserDataSizeError  -3362  The User Data size is too large for access technology, transport network, or call mode, etc. The User Data size is not what is expected for the indicated teleservice.  

KErrCdmaSmsOtherGeneralProblem  -3363  Other general problems.  


KErrGenConnDatabaseDefaultUndefined -3606  "No Internet accounts have been set up. Set up an account in Control panel."  

KErrGenConnDatabaseTypeUnknown -3607  "CommDb error"  

KErrGenConnDatabaseNotFound -3608  "CommDb error"  

KErrGenConnNoGPRSNetwork -3609  "No Packet network available"  

KErrGenConnIncorrectMSClass -3610  "Phone capabilities insufficient for required services"  

KErrGenConnInadequateSignalStrengh -3611  "Signal strength too low for connection, try again later"  

KErrGenConnStateMachineNotAvailable -3612  "State Machine not available for connection"  



TCP/IP (v6) 

TCP/IP v6    

tcpip6_error_NoDestination  -5100  IPv6: flow has no destination address 

tcpip6_error_NoPathMtu  -5101  IPv6: Misconfigured driver not giving proper MTU  

tcpip6_error_ShortPacket  -5102  IPv6: A packet in RMBUF is too short  

tcpip6_error_DuplicateAddress  -5103  IPv6: Duplicate address detected on a device  

tcpip6_error_AddressExpired  -5104  IPv6: Source Address used by connection has expired  

tcpip6_error_NoRoute  -5105  IPv6: No route available  


DndTimedOut  -5120  No response from DNS server 

DndHostNotFound  -5121  Host not found  

DndInternalError  -5122  Internal error in host name resolver  

DndInternalError  -5123  Internal error in host name resolver  

DndInternalError  -5124  Internal error in host name resolver  

DndNoAnswer  -5125  DNS server couldn't answer query  

DndNoAnswer  -5126  DNS server couldn't answer query  

DndHostNotFound  -5127  Host not found  

DndNoAnswer  -5128  DNS server couldn't answer query  

DndRefused  -5129  DNS server refused connection  

DndInternalError  -5130  Internal error in host name resolver  

DndHostNotFound  -5131  Host not found  

DndNameTooBig  -5132  Invalid Host Name (too long)  

DndInternalError  -5133  Internal error in host name resolver  

DndRetry  -5134    

IPSEC Errors 

EIpsec_NotANATTPacket  -5154  UDP packet is NOT a NAT Taversal packet 

EIpsec_NoInnerSource  -5155  Cannot find inner-src for outbound packet when tunneling (for SECPOL) 

EIpsec_LostSA  -5156  An SA has been lost betweenApply andVerify, expired? (for SECPOL) 

EIpsec_IcmpError  -5157  An ICMP error report containing AH orESP (for INET6) 

EIpsec_PolicyUnknownSelector  -5158  unknown selector keyword 

EIpsec_PolicyInboundOutbound  -5159  Only one of the 'inbound' or 'outbound' is allowed 

EIpsec_PolicyIpMaskExpected  -5160  Expected IP address (as mask) here 

EIpsec_PolicyIpAddressExpected  -5161  Expected IP address here 

EIpsec_PolicyInvalidIpAddress  -5162  Invalid IP address 

EIpsec_PolicyRightParen  -5163  Right parenthesis expected 

EIpsec_PolicyLeftParen  -5164  Left parenthesis expected 

EIpsec_PolicySpecNotFound  -5165  SA specification is not defined before reference in selector 

EIpsec_PolicySyntaxError  -5166  Generic delimiter error inspecification 

EIpsec_PolicySpecName  -5167  SA specification name missing or invalid 

EIpsec_PolicyNoEncryptAlgorithm  -5168  ESP specification must include encryptionb algorithm 

EIpsec_PolicyNoAuthAlgorithm  -5169  AH specification must include authentication algorithm 

EIpsec_PolicyTooManyTypes  -5170  Type can be specified onlyonce for specification 

EIpsec_PolicyNoType  -5171  SA type (AH or ESP) omittedfromspecification 

EIpsec_PolicyCloseBraceExpected -5172  closing brace expected 

EIpsec_PolicyNumberExpected  -5173  number value expected 

EIpsec_PolicyUnknownSpec  -5174  unknown policy specification keyword 

EIpsec_PolicyInvalidIdentity  -5175  invalid identity syntax 

EIpsec_PolicyIdentityDefined  -5176  identify already defined 

EIpsec_PolicyUnknownAuth  -5177  algorithm not defined in algorithm map 

EIpsec_PolicyUnknownEncrypt  -5178  algorithm not defined in algorithm map 

EIpsec_UnavailableDigest  -5179  No installed library implements the digest 

EIpsec_UnavailableCipher  -5180  No installed library implements the cipher 

EIpsec_UnknownDigestNumber  -5181  Attempting to use algorithmnumber that is not known 

EIpsec_UnknownCipherNumber  -5182  Attempting to use algorithmnumber that is not known 

EIpsec_BadCipherKey  -5183  Key in SA is too short (forthe algorithm) or is weak 

EIpsec_MismatchDestinationIdentity  -5184  destination identity does not match 

EIpsec_MismatchSourceIdentity  -5185  source identity does not match 

EIpsec_MismatchProtocol  -5186  protocol does not match 

EIpsec_MismatchDestinationPort  -5187  destination port does not match 

EIpsec_MismatchSourcePort  -5188  source port does not match 

EIpsec_MismatchProxy  -5189  proxy address does not match 

EIpsec_MismatchSource  -5190  source address does not match 

EIpsec_MismatchReplayWindow  -5191  ReplayWindow length is shorter than required 

EIpsec_MismatchedEncryptAlg  -5192  Encrypt algorithm doesn't match 

EIpsec_MismatchedAuthAlg  -5193  Auth algorithm doesn't match 

EIpsec_MismatchedPFS  -5194  PFS bit is not same 

EIpsec_MismatchedType  -5195  SA Type (AH/ESP) does not match 

EIpsec_MismatchedDestination  -5196  SA destination does not match (internal error?) 

EIpsec_AcquireFailed  -5197  Acquiring SA failed (no SAavailableor negotiated) 

EIpsec_EspBadCipherBlockSize  -5198  Configuration error, cipherblock size must be < 256 

EIpsec_EspSequenceWrap  -5199  Outbound sequence # wrappedaround for this SA 

EIpsec_AhSequenceWrap  -5200  Outbound sequence # wrappedaround for this SA 

EIpsec_AhPacketTooLong  -5201  Outbound packet would exeed2**16-1 with AH 

EIpsec_AhRMBufSplit  -5202  Inbound AH processing failed (Memory?) 

EIpsec_NoBundle  -5203  Incoming packet had transforms, but policy doesn't require any 

EIpsec_TooManyTransforms  -5204  Incoming packet had more transforms than policy requires 

EIpsec_UnrequiredSA  -5205  Applied SA where policy hasnone 

EIpsec_MismatchedSA  -5206  Applied SA does not match the policy 

EIpsec_TunnelMismatch  -5207  Tunnelmode does not match the policy 

EIpsec_TooFewTransforms  -5208  Incoming packet has less transforms than policy requires 

EIpsec_MaxTransforms  -5209  Incoming packet exceed configured maxlimit of transforms 

EIpsec_NoSelectorMatch  -5210  None of the policy selectors matched 

EIpsec_OutboundPending  -5211  Outbooud SA does not exits,ACQUIRE pending 

EIpsec_OutboundNotFound  -5212  Outbound SA does not exist,ACQUIRE started 

EIpsec_ReplayDuplicate  -5213  Duplicate packet (replay window test) 

EIpsec_EspPadLength  -5214  The ESP pad length is corrupt (probably wrong key) 

EIpsec_EspPadByte  -5215  The ESP pad byte content isinvalid (probably wrong key) 

EIpsec_DataAlignment  -5216  Data not aligned by block size 

EIpsec_PacketLength  -5217  Invalid lenght of the packet 

EIpsec_AhAuthentication  -5218  Authentication check failedin AH 

EIpsec_AhIcvLength  -5219  ICV length in packet does not match algorithm 

EIpsec_AhInboundSA  -5220  The inbound SA for AH doesnot exist 

EIpsec_AhAuthAlg  -5221  Required auth algorithm forAH not available/installed 

EIpsec_EspEncrAlg  -5222  Required encrypt algorithmfor ESP not available/installed 

EIpsec_EspAuthAlg  -5223  Required auth algorithm forESP not available/installed 

EIpsec_EspAuthentication  -5224  Authentication check failedin ESP 

EIpsec_EspInboundSA  -5225  The inbound SA for ESP doesnot exist 

EIpsec_CorruptPacketOut  -5226  Corrupt packet after IPSECoperations 

EIpsec_CorruptPacketIn  -5227  Truncated or corrupt packetor header(in) 

EIpsec_RMBUF  -5228  RMBUF operation failed unexpectedly 



Bluetooth AVCTP Error Codes    

KErrAvctpBadAddress -6400  AVCTP bad address  

KErrAvctpSAPUnexpectedEvent -6401  AVCTP unexpected SAP event  

KErrAvctpBadPacketReceived -6402  AVCTP bad packet received  

KErrAvctpBadResponse -6403 AVCTP bad response 

KErrAvctpConnectFailed -6404 AVCTP connect failed  

KErrAvctpLinkDisconnection -6405  AVCTP link disconnection  

KErrAvctpSAPNotConnected -6406  AVCTP SAP not connected  

KErrAvctpPeerDisconnected -6407  AVCTP peer disconnection  

KErrAvctpAccessRequestDenied -6408  AVCTP access request denied  

KErrAvctpRequestTimeout -6409  AVCTP request timeout  

KErrAvctpPeerRejectedCommand  -6410  AVCTP peer rejected command  

Bluetooth SDP Error Codes    

KErrSdpAlreadyBound -6400 Cannot bind to specifed sockets protocol, as already bound  

KErrSdpPeerError -6401 Remote device gave unknown error  

KErrSdpClientNotConnected -6402 Local device is not connected  

KErrSdpUnsupportedVersion -6403 Invalid/unsupported SDP version  

KErrSdpBadRecordHandle -6404 Invalid Service Record Handle  

KErrSdpBadContinuationState -6405 Invalid ContinuationState  

KErrSdpServerRejectedRequest -6406 SDP server rejected the request  

KErrSdpBadRequestBufferLength -6407 Request buffer was ill-formed  

KErrSdpBadResultBufferLength -6408 Result buffer was ill-formed  

KErrSdpBadUUIDLength -6409 UUID entry was ill-formed  

KErrSdpBadResultData -6410 Response was ill-formed  

KErrSdpDatabaseFull -6411 SDP database is full  

Bluetooth Link manager Error Codes    

KErrInsufficientBasebandResources  -6450 Insufficient baseband resources error value  

KErrProxyWriteNotAvailable  -6451 Proxy write not available error value  

KErrReflexiveBluetoothLink  -6452 Reflexive BT link error value  

Other Bluetooth Errors    

KErrBluetoothRegistryCorrupt  -6501    

KErrBtEskError  -6999  BT ESK error code 

PAN Agent Errors 

KErrLocalRoleNotSelected -6551  The role state machine did not select a valid pair of roles 

KErrWaitingForBasebandRoleSwitch -6552  Indicates that the roles selected require a baseband role switch 

KErrRoleChanged -6553  A PAN profile role (U, GN, NAP) has changed from the requested value. This may require renegotiation of roles, a disconnection of the device, or may just be part of normal operation (eg. selecting an actual role when EPanRoleUnknown was provided as an argument) 

KErrCouldNotSetCoDDuringStartup -6554  Could not set the Class of Device (CoD) when starting the PAN agent 

KErrLocallyInitiatedDisconnect -6555  The local device has requested a disconnect 

KErrInvalidDestinationServiceUuid -6556  The remote device sent an invalid destination service UUID 

KErrInvalidSourceServiceUuid -6557  The remote device sent an invalid source service UUID 

KErrCouldNotBecomePiconetMaster -6558  Could not role switch to become piconet master 

KErrInvalidOrUnacceptableRoleCombination -6559  The remote device sent us a invalid role combination, or requested roles that we cannot fulfil due to our current state 

KErrRemoteDeviceFailedToRespondToRoleRequests -6560  The remote device did not respond to our role request messages 

KErrDodgyResponseFromRemoteDevice -6561  The remote device sent us the wrong sort of packet (eg. a response when we expected a request) 

KErrAllDevicesDisconnected -6562  No more devices are connected 

KErrListenForIncomingConnectionRequestedWithoutListeningSupport -6563  An attempt has been made to start a connection with incoming support only (despite the settings for outgoing connections in commdb), but the connection does not have incoming support enabled in commdb 

KErrNapNotSupportedAsLocalRole -6564  The settings in commdb have NAP set as the fixed local role 

KErrIncompatiblePacketDriver -6565  The packet driver has not returned us the control handle, and therefore cannot be bnep.drv 


KErrUsbServiceStopped  -6601 Used to complete an RUsb::Start request when the service ends up Idle because another client did an RUsb::Stop.  

KErrUsbServiceStarted  -6602 Used to complete an RUsb::Stop request when the service ends up Started because another client did an RUsb::Start.  

Message Server Error Codes 

KMsvMediaUnavailable  -7000 There is no disk in the drive containing the Message Server index  

KMsvMediaIncorrect  -7001 There is a disk in the drive containing the Message Server index, but it is the wrong one  

KMsvMediaChanged  -7002  

KMsvIndexBackup  -7003  

KMsvIndexRestore  -7004  

Bookmark Database 

KErrBadVersion -7150  The version number in the repository does not match the bookmark database version number  

KErrWrongType -7151  The item is of the wrong type. A folder item is given where a bookmark item is required or visa versa  

KErrOpenHandle -7152  Not all handles have been closed. A database object has been opened and has not been closed.  

KErrNotOpen -7153  The handle has not been opened. The handle is not attached to any bookmark object 

KErrReadOnly -7154  The bookmark item is read only and can not be modified. 

KErrCyclicLoop -7155  An attempt has been made to set the parent of an item to an item it owns lower in the tree. This invalidate the tree structure. 

KErrDatabaseLocked -7156  The central database store is either locked or unaccessable at this time. You may want to try again later. 

KErrNoMoreSpace -7157  The database has no more space for new bookmark entries 

KErrCorrupt -7158  The database is in a corrupt state 

KErrNotRegistered -7159  A custom property with the given UID has not been reistered 

KErrUidAlreadyUsed -7160  An attempt was made to register a property using a UID that has already been used 

KErrOrphanedItem -7161  An orphaned item is one that is currently in the root folder due to its normal parent not being loaded. This usually occurs when folders are private but some of the bookmarks it contains are public. Some operations (such as changing the rank or order of an item) can not be performed on an orphaned object 

KErrTitleAlreadyUsed -7162  An attempt has been made to create a folder with a title that already exists 

KErrOperationDenied -7163  The operation is not allowed. (Like trying to delete the root folder) 

KErrNotCommitted -7164  The operation can not be completed until the item has been committed to the database (e.g. setting the owner ID) 

HTTP Error Codes 

KErrHttpEncodeDefault  -7200 Error making a default encoding of unrecognised headers  

KErrHttpEncodeAccept  -7201 Error encoding the Accept field  

KErrHttpEncodeAcceptCharset  -7202 Error encoding the Accept-Charset field  

KErrHttpEncodeQValue  -7203 Error encoding a q -value parameter  

KErrHttpEncodeAuthorization  -7204 Error encoding the Authorization field  

KErrHttpEncodeBasicAuth  -7205 Error encoding Basiccredentials  

KErrHttpEncodeDigestAuth  -7206 Error encoding Digestcredentials  

KErrHttpEncodeConnection  -7207 Error encoding the Connection field  

KErrHttpEncodeContentLength  -7208  Error encoding the Content-Length field  

KErrHttpEncodeContentType  -7209  Error encoding the Content-Type field  

KErrHttpEncodeHost  -7210  Error encoding the Host field  

KErrHttpEncodeHostPort  -7211  Error encoding the Host field's port parameter  

KErrHttpEncodeTransferEncoding  -7212  Error encoding the Transfer-Encoding field  

KErrHttpEncodeUserAgent  -7213  Error encoding the User-Agent field  

KErrHttpEncodeDate  -7214  Error encoding the Date field  

KErrHttpEncodeCookie  -7215  Error encoding the Cookie field  

KErrHttpEncodeCacheControl  -7216  Error encoding the Cache-Control field  

KErrHttpEncodePragma  -7217  Error encoding the Pragma field  

KErrHttpEncodeIfMatch  -7218  Error encoding the ifmatch field  

KErrHttpEncodeIfNoneMatch  -7219  Error encoding the ifnone match field  

KErrHttpEncodeIfModifiedSince  -7220  Error encoding the ifmodified since field  

KErrHttpEncodeIfUnmodifiedSince  -7221  Error encoding the ifunmodified since field  

KErrHttpEncodeCookie2  -7222  Error encoding the Cookie2 field  

KErrHttpDecodeMalformedDate  -7260 General formatting error for date values  

KErrHttpDecodeMalformedYear  -7261 Malformed year  

KErrHttpDecodeMalformedMonth  -7262 Malformed short monthname  

KErrHttpDecodeMalformedDay  -7263 Malformed number of day in month  

KErrHttpDecodeMalformedWkDay  -7264 Malformed short day name  

KErrHttpDecodeMalformedWeekDay  -7265 Malformed long day name  

KErrHttpDecodeMalformedInteger  -7266 Malformed integer value  

KErrHttpDecodeMalformedQuotedStr  -7267 Malformed quoted string  

KErrHttpDecodeAccept  -7270  Error decoding the Accept field  

KErrHttpDecodeConnection  -7271  Error decoding the Connection field  

KErrHttpDecodeContentLength  -7272  Error decoding the Content-Length field  

KErrHttpDecodeContentType  -7273  Error decoding the Content-Type field  

KErrHttpDecodeTransferEncoding  -7274  Error decoding the Transfer-Encoding field  

KErrHttpDecodeWWWAuthenticate  -7275  Error decoding the WWWAuthenticate field  

KErrHttpDecodeUnknownAuthScheme  -7276  The WWWAuthenticate field contained an unrecognised authentication scheme  

KErrHttpDecodeBasicAuth  -7277  Error decoding a Basic WWWAuthenticate challenge  

KErrHttpDecodeDigestAuth  -7278  Error decoding a Digest WWWAuthenticate challenge  

KErrHttpDecodeCookie  -7279  Error decoding a Set-Cookie field  

KErrHttpRedirectExceededLimit  -7300 A uri redirected too many times, possibly indicating a circular redirection  

KErrHttpRedirectUseProxy  -7301 A server responded that the uri must be fetched via a proxy  

KErrHttpRedirectNoLocationField  -7302 A server sent a redirection response that did not include a Location header  

KErrHttpUnknownParseState  -7303 An error occured in parsing which left the parser in a unknown state  

KErrHttpRequestHasBody  -7330  A body is provided with a method that doesn't allow bodys to be transmitted 

KErrHttpRequestBodyMissing  -7331  A body is missing from a method that requires it 

KErrHttpTraceReqWithoutMaxForwardHeader  -7332  Should contain The Max-Forward header 

KErrHttpPostReqBodyWithoutSizeOnHTTP10  -7333  Body must NOT be sent chunked if using HTTP/1.0 

KErrHttpInvalidHeaderInRequest  -7334  Request contained a response header or a entity header but no body 

KErrHttpEntityHeaderMissingContentType  -7360  A body was provided in the request but no Content-Type header was set 

KErrHttpGeneralHeaderMissingHost  -7361  The request URI was relative, but no Host header was set to indicate a server to connect to 

KErrHttpCantResetRequestBody  -7370  The request body needed to be rewound but the client but it doesn't support 

KErrHttpProtTransactionNotInitialised  -7371  The Protocol handler is not initialised 

KErrHttpCannotEstablishTunnel  -7372  Unable to establish a tunnel. 

KErrHttpInvalidUri  -7373  Invalid URI 

KErrHttpNonPipeliningError  -7374  Protocol handler experienced a non-pipelining error 

KErrHttpPipeliningError  -7375  Protocol handler experienced a pipelining error 


KErrSSLNoSharedCipher  -7401  No shared cipher was found. The handshake failed because there was no available shared cipher supported by both the client and the server. 

KErrSSLSocketBusy  -7402  The socket already has received data pending on it. This error is seen when StartClientHandshake is called when there is already data waiting to be read from the socket. 

KErrSSLInvalidCipherSuite  -7403  One or more cipher suites passed as an argument was invalid. 

KErrSSLInvalidCert  -7404  The certificate that was passed as an argument was invalid. 

KErrSSLNoClientCert  -7405  No client certificate was supplied. 

KErrSSLUnsupportedKeySize  -7406  The size of the key is too big. 

KErrSSLUnsupportedKey  -7407  General unsupported key error 

KErrSSLBadRecordHeader  -7408  An invalid record was received. 

KErrSSLBadProtocolVersion  -7409  Invalid protocol version 

KErrSSL2ServerOnly  -7410  The server only supports the SSL2.0 protocol. 

KErrSSLUnexpectedMessage  -7411  Unexpected message. 

KErrSSLUnsupportedCipher  -7412  Unsupported cipher. 

KErrSSLBadMAC  -7413  Bad MAC. 

KErrSSLReceivedAlert  -7414  An SSL alert was received from the remote end, which caused the connection to be terminated. 

KErrSSLRecvNotSupportedHS  -7415  An invalid handshake message was received. 

KErrSSLHSRecordFieldTooBig  -7416  A field in the handshake record being parsed was too big. 

KErrSSLRecordHeaderTooBig  -7417  Record header field too big. 

KErrSSLSendDataTooBig  -7418  Send data field too big. 

KErrSSLNoCertificate  -7419  No certificate. 

KErrSSLInvalidHash  -7420  Invalid hash. 

KErrSSLSendCanceled  -7421  Send cancelled. 

KErrSSLRecvCanceled  -7422  Receieve cancelled. 

KErrSSLHandshakeCanceled  -7423  CancelHandshake was called during one of the handshake methods. 

KErrSSLWriteFailed  -7424  Write failed. 

KErrSSLFailedToLoad  -7425  The SSL.dll couldn't be loaded by the adaptor. 

KErrSSLDisconnectIndication  -7426  An unspecified error was signaled from the SSL.dll to the adaptor. 

KErrSSLDllLeave  -7427  A leave occured in the SSL.dll. 

KErrSSLAlertCloseNotify  -7500  Close notification. 

KErrSSLAlertUnexpectedMessage  -7510  An inappropriate message was received. 

KErrSSLAlertBadRecordMac  -7520  A record was received withan incorrect MAC. 

KErrSSLAlertDecryptionFailed  -7521  A TLS cipher text was decrypted in an invalid way. 

KErrSSLAlertRecordOverflow  -7522  A TLS cipher text record was received which was too long. 

KErrSSLAlertDecompressionFailure  -7530  The decompression functionreceived improper input. 

KErrSSLAlertHandshakeFailure  -7540  With given the options available, the sender was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters. 

KErrSSLAlertNoCertificate  -7541  No certificate. 

KErrSSLAlertBadCertificate  -7542  A certificate was corrupt,e.g. contained signatures that could not be verified. 

KErrSSLAlertUnsupportedCertificate  -7543  The certificate was of an unsupported type. 

KErrSSLAlertCertificateRevoked  -7544  The certificate was revoked. 

KErrSSLAlertCertificateExpired  -7545  The certificate was expired. 

KErrSSLAlertCertificateUnknown  -7546  An unspecified problem withthe certificate. Certificate can not be used. 

KErrSSLAlertIllegalParameter  -7547  A field in the handshake was out of range or inconsistent with other fields. 

KErrSSLAlertUnknownCA  -7548  Either the CA certificate could not be located or the CA could not be matched with a known trusted CA. 

KErrSSLAlertAccessDenied  -7549  A valid certificate was received, but the access control denied access. 

KErrSSLAlertDecodeError  -7550  A message could not be decoded, e.g. some field was out of the specified range. 

KErrSSLAlertDecryptError  -7551  A handshake cryptographic operation failed. 

KErrSSLAlertExportRestriction  -7560  A negotiation was not allowed due to export restrictions. 

KErrSSLAlertProtocolVersion  -7570  The protocol version was not supported, e.g. the client has attempted to negotiate a recognised, but unsupported protocol. 

KErrSSLAlertInsufficientSecurity  -7571  Returned instead of KErrSSLAlertHandshakeFailure when the negotiation fails because the server requests ciphers more secure than those supported by the client. 

KErrSSLAlertInternalError  -7580  An internal error. 

KErrSSLAlertUserCanceled  -7590  This handshake is being cancelled by the user. 

KErrSSLAlertNoRenegotiation  -7600  No renegotiation will be accepted. 


KErrTransportRequest  -8321  The transport cannot send data as created. 

KErrTransportHeader  -8322  The transport has not been suitably configured. 

KErrTransportSvrNoUri  -8323  The URI does not exist. 

KErrTransportSvrError  -8324  There was a transport server error. 

KErrTransportAuthenticationFailure  -8325  Transport Authentification failure. 

KErrTransportDisconnected  -8326  Transport disconnected the session. 

KErrSyncEngineErrorBase  -8327  Base value for engine-related errors. 

KErrConnectionError  -8328  Transports could not connect to the server. 

KErrCannotCommunicateWithServer  -8329  Could not communicate with the server: possibly a time-out occurred. 

KErrDatabaseAdapterIndexError  -8330  Database adapter failed to create an item. 

KErrParseCallbackError  -8331  Currently unused. 

KErrCommandInvalid  -8332  Currently unused. 

KErrSessionIdNotValid  -8333  Invalid session ID. 

KErrVerDTDMissing  -8334  SyncML message did not specify a DTD version. 

KErrProtoMissing  -8335  SyncML message did not specify a protocol. 

KErrSyncHdrMissing  -8336  Currently unused. 

KErrTargetLocMissing  -8337  SyncML message did not specify a target location. 

KErrSourceLocMissing  -8338  SyncML message did not specify a source location. 

KErrTargetLocNameMissing  -8339  Currently unused. 

KErrSourceLocNameMissing  -8340  Currently unused. 

KErrMappingInfoMissing  -8341  Mapping of added item could not created. 

KErrMappingInfoNotAcked  -8342  Mapping has not been acknowledged by the server. 

KErrVersionDTDNotSupported  -8343  SyncML message specified an unsupported DTD version. 

KErrProtoNotSupported  -8344  SyncML message specified an unsupported protocol. 

KErrStatusCommandForCommandNotSent  -8345  A status was received for a cmdId, butthis cmdIdwas not sent. 

KErrStatusCommandNotTheSame  -8346  A status was received but the commandstringdoesnot matched the received one. 

KErrMissingStatusCommands  -8347  Status command(s) were expected but are missing. 

KErrFailedToAddRecord  -8348  Failed to add record in database. 

KErrFailedToReplaceRecord  -8349  Failed to replace record in database. 

KErrFailedToDeleteRecord  -8350  Failed to delete record in database. 

KErrXmlParsingError  -8351  XML parsing error. 

KErrReferenceToolkitError  -8352  There was an error reported in the reference toolkit. 

KErrClientDatabaseNotFound  -8404  No suitable database was found on the client device. 

KErrServerDatabaseNotFound  -8405  No suitable database was found on the server. 

KErrDevInfFileNotFound  -8406  Currently unused. 

KErrObjectTooLargeToSendToServer  -8407  Object is too large to send to server. 

KErrSlowSync  -8408  Sync is going to be slow. 

KErrFailedToGetRecord  -8409  Failed to get record from DevMan. 

KErrUserInteractionFailed  -8410  User interaction failed. 

KErrStatusSizeMismatch  -8411  Large object size mismatch. 

KErrFailedToCloseDatabase  -8412  Data Provider close failed. 

KErrMessageTooShort  -8451  Push message is too short 

KErrMessageIsCorrupt  -8452  Push message is corrupt 

KErrBadTransportId  -8453  Profile has no Transport ID 

KErrNoNotificationBody  -8454  Push message has no body 

KErrWrongVersion  -8455  Push message specifies an unsupportedversion 

KErrUnsupportedMimeType  -8456  Push message specifies an unsupportedversion 

KErrNoSuchTask  -8457  Currently unused 

KErrUnknownSyncType  -8458  Push message specifies an unknown typeof sync 

KErrUnknownProfile  -8459  Push message specifies an unknown profile 

KErrInvalidProfile  -8460  Currently unused 

KErrInvalidCredentials  -8461  Unsupported (USERNETWPIN or USERPIN) securitymechanism specified 

KErrNoCredentials  -8462  Currently unused 

KErrIntegrityFailureHMAC  -8463  Failed to verify the generated HMAC value 

KErrMustUsageUriNotComplete  -8464  Currently unused 

KErrDMAccUriIsCorrupt  -8465  Push message has invalid DM account URI 

KErrDMConUriIsCorrupt  -8466  Push message has invalid DM connectionURI 

KErrParmNameNotInProvDoc  -8468  Push message has missing characteristic 

KErrInvalidAppIdValue  -8469  Push message has missing or invalid App Id 

KErrInvalidToNapIdValue  -8470  Push message has missing or invalid TO-NAPID 

KErrInvalidProviderIdValue  -8471  Push message has missing or invalid Provider-ID 

KErrEmptyAauthLevelValue  -8472  Push message has missing or invalid AAUTHLEVEL 

KErrAppSrvAAuthLevelNotFound  -8473  Push message has missing or invalid APPSRV 

KErrClientAAuthLevelNotFound  -8474  Push message has missing or invalid AppAuth Client 

KErrInvalidAppAuth  -8475  Currently unused 

KErrNoApplicationCharac  -8476  Push message has missing or invalid APPLICATION characteristic 

KErrNoAppAuthCharac  -8478  Push message has missing or invalid APPAUTH characteristic 

KErrMissingRequiredParmInSvr  -8480  Currently unused 

KErrMissingRequiredParmInClient  -8481  Currently unused 

KErrAppAddrCharacNotFound  -8484  Missing APPADDR characteristic or subcharacteristic 

KErrUnsupportedVersion  -8485  Unsupported WBXML version 

KErrWrongProvPublicDocId  -8486  Prov Document identifier not WAP Provisoningversion 1.0 

KErrProfileNotFound  -8501  The requested profile does not exist 

KErrConnectionNotFound  -8502  The requested connection does not exist within the profile 

KErrTaskNotFound  -8503  The requested task does not exist within theprofile 

KErrTransportNotFound  -8504  The requested transport adaptor does not exist 

KErrDataProviderNotFound  -8505  The requested data provider does not exist 

KErrJobNotFound  -8506  The requested job has completed 

KErrObjectPendingDelete  -8507  The requested object is pending deletion 

KErrObjectInUse  -8508  The object to modify or delete is currently in use 

KErrProfileAccessDenied  -8509  The specified profile is not available, e.g. a Device Management profile, or open foredit by another client 

KErrSuspended  -8510  The requested data stream cannot be found intheData Store 

KErrDataDepotStreamNotFound  -8511  The requested data stream cannot be found intheData Store 

XML Parser and MMS SMIL Translator 

KErrXMLBadAttributeValue  -9001  XML attribute value  

KErrXMLBadAttributeName  -9002  XML attribute name  

KErrXMLInvalidChild  -9003  Invalid XML child element  

KErrXMLBadNesting  -9004  XML element nesting  

KErrXMLIncomplete  -9005  XML element incomplete  

KErrXMLBadElementName  -9006  XML element name  

KErrXMLDuplicateDocTypeTags  -9007  Error code that indicates that more than one DOCTYPE tag has been encountered: the first one encountered will be used 

KErrXMLDuplicateVersionTags  -9008  Error code that indicates that more than one XML version tag has been encountered: the first one encountered will be used 

KErrXMLDuplicateRootElements  -9009  Error code that indicates that more than one element has been encountered at the root of the document 

KErrXMLMissingDocTypeTag  -9010  Error code that indicates that no DOCTYPE tag was encountered 

KErrXMLMissingVersionTag  -9011  Error code that indicates that no XML version tag was encountered 

KErrXMLDuplicateAttributeName  -9012  Error code that indicates that an element has two or more entries for the same attribute 

KErrXMLMultipleRootElements  -9013  Error code that indicates there is no single root element 

KErrXMLCorruptFile  -9014  Error code that indicates spurious characters have been found. This may occur as the result of a missing or an extra attribute or element delimiter 

KErrXMLIllegalCharacter  -9015  Error code that indicates a built-in entity or element / attribute delimiter is at an inappropriate place 

KErrXMLBadEntity  -9016    

KErrXMLInvalidElement  -9017  Error code that indicates an element was found to be invalid by the DTD 

KErrXMLInvalidAttribute  -9018  Error code that indicates an attribute was found to be invalid by the DTD 



WAP Engine Errors 

EWapErrGeneral -10000  "A general error has occurred"  

EWapErrDocumentNotFound -10001  "The requested document cannot be found"  

EWapErrDocumentCorrupted -10002  "This document is corrupt and cannot be read"  

EWapErrAccessViolation -10003  "Access to this document has been denied"  

EWapErrDataCallDropped -10004  "The data call has been closed"  

EWapErrDataCallUnavailable -10005  "The data call is being used by another application"  

EWapErrScriptNotFound -10006  "The requested script has not been found"  

EWapErrScriptError -10007  "This script has returned a fatal error"  

EWapErrScriptCorrupt  -10008  "There is an error in this script"  

EWapErrScriptIllegalAction -10009  "The script attempted an illegal action and has been terminated"  

EWapErrScriptObscureLibraryCall -10010  "The script has attempted a function which is unavailable"  

EWapErrAuthorizationFailed -10011  "Authorization has failed"  

EWapErrProtocolNotSupported -10012  "The current network does not support the requested service"  

EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpGeneric -10013  "Access point information is missing"  

EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForUSSD -10014  "Access point information is missing (USSD)"  

EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForSMS -10015  "Access point information is missing (SMS)"  

EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForCSD -10016  "Access point information is missing (CSD)"  

EWapErrImageConversionFailed -10017  "Image conversion has failed"  

EWapErrPluginNotFound -10018  "The requested plugin has not been found"  

EWapErrCorruptUrl -10019  "Part of the URL contains invalid characters"  

EWapErrCorruptScheme -10020  "Part of the scheme contains invalid characters"  

EWapErrUnknownScheme -10021  "Unknown scheme"  

EWapErrDTDUnavailable -10022  "Document cannot be validated as DTD is not available"  

EWapErrInvalidDTD -10023  "DTD is invalid"  

EWapErrUnknownDocument -10024  "The document requested cannot be found"  

EWapErrMimeTypeMissing -10025  "MIME information is missing"  

Installer Engine 

KErrSISPrerequisitesMissingDependency -10136  "A dependency specified in the .pkg file is missing"  

KErrSISTooDeeplyEmbedded -10145  "The SIS file contains too many levels of embedded SIS files (the maximum depth is 8)."  

KErrSISInvalidTargetFile -10146 "Generally indicates an error with the file name and/or its target destination."  

KErrSISWouldOverWrite -10147  "A file being installed would overwrite an existing file."  

KErrBadHash -10253  "The checksums and digital signatures of the package might no longer match the rest of the data in the package."  

KErrSecurityError -10254  "A general purpose error code that can be generated in several situations like the SIS file is not signed and the device requires it, System capabilities are requested but not signed for, protected SID/VID which isn't signed for, certificate's validation period has expired, attempt to install an augmentation package with same name as an already installed base package"  

KErrMissingBasePackage -10255  "An installation of an augmentation or partial upgrade failed because the base package is not present on the device"  

KErrInvalidUpgrade -10256  "An upgrade failed because the package being installed is not a valid upgrade of the package already on the device."  

KErrInvalidEclipsing -10257  "The installation breaks eclipsing rules."  

KErrWrongHeaderFormat -10258 "The package contains executables which are not compatible with the target environment"  

KErrCapabilitiesMismatch -10259  

KErrLegacySisFile -10270 "The SIS file was created with old versions of tools (i.e. makesis.exe), and not those compatible with Symbian OS v9.x."  



Multimedia Framework 

KErrMMNotEnoughBandwidth  -12000  Not enough network bandwidth 

KErrMMSocketServiceNotFound  -12001  Error locating network socket services 

KErrMMNetworkRead  -12002  An error occurred while reading data from the network 

KErrMMNetworkWrite  -12003  An error occurred while writing data to the network 

KErrMMServerSocket  -12004  Invalid socket error or an error occurred while creating a network socket 

KErrMMServerNotSupported  -12005  Streaming Server not supported 

KErrMMServerAlert  -12006  Server alert 

KErrMMUDPReceive  -12007  Player cannot receive UDP data packets 

KErrMMInvalidProtocol  -12008  Network transport not recognized 

KErrMMInvalidURL  -12009  Invalid URL 

KErrMMMulticast  -12010  An error occured attempting to join or access multicast session 

KErrMMProxyServer  -12011  Proxy status error, Proxy invalid response error or invalid hostname for proxy 

KErrMMProxyServerNotSupported  -12012  Client cannot support proxy server 

KErrMMProxyServerConnect  -12013  Unable to locate proxy server or Proxy connection could not be established 

KErrMMAudioDevice  -12014  Cannot open audio device, or lost control of audio device 

KErrMMVideoDevice  -12015  Problem blitting video to display 

KErrMMDecoder  -12016  Invalid decoder, decoder not properly initialized, or appropriate decoder could not be found 

KErrMMPartialPlayback  -12017  Only able to play either the audio or the video portion of the media file. Could be due to a codec that isn't supported, the video frame size being too large etc 

KErrMMDRMNotAuthorized  -12018  Digital Rights have expired 

ECAM (Camera) 

KErrECamCameraDisabled -12100  The camera has been disabled, hence calls do not succeed 

KErrECamSettingDisabled -12101  This parameter or operation is supported, but presently is disabled. 

KErrECamParameterNotInRange  -12102  This value is out of range. 

KErrECamSettingNotSupported -12103  This parameter or operation is not supported. 

KErrECamNotOptimalFocus  -12104  The optimum focus is lost 







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