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叶雄进,Autodesk ADN
在立面图上的几片墙彼此连接,但是墙与墙之间有一条横线。 可以通过Revit自带的“连接几何图形”功能把这根横线消除。
现在Revit 2013还未提供这个API。 已经有这样一个API的功能需求报告给研发部门。
更新: Revit 2014 提供了此功能,请在Revit2014的API帮助(RevitAPI.chm) 里面找JoinGeometryUtils 类,他下面提供了这些函数用于查询相交情况,以及调整顺序。
AreElementsJoined() Determines whether two elements are joined.
GetJoinedElements() Returns all elements joined to given element.
IsCuttingElementInJoin() Determines whether the first of two joined elements is cutting the second element.
JoinGeometry() Creates clean joins between two elements that share a common face.
SwitchJoinOrder() Reverses the order in which two elements are joined.
UnjoinGeometry () Removes a join between two elements.