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转载 走路和跳跃

This is the second in a series of tutorials I will be writing of creating actions within UDK script. I am self taught when it comes to scripting and over the last couple months I have been learning Un

2015-04-14 14:07:10 754

转载 跨栏运动(hurding)

This is the Third in a series of tutorials I will be writing of creating actions within UDK script. I am self taught when it comes to scripting and over the last couple months I have been learning Unr

2015-04-14 14:07:07 1413

原创 根骨骼控制/旋转

This is the first in a series of tutorials I will be writing of creating actions within UDK script. I am self taught when it comes to scripting and over the last couple months I have been learning Unr

2015-04-14 14:05:34 785

转载 伤害处理

Hi there, last time we’ve learned how to create weapons. However, we still don’t know how to make a weapon that hurts. Yet.I’ll cover this area in 3 parts. First, We’ll have a look at how what

2015-04-14 14:03:46 1691

转载 UDK – Input commands

In this paper, we’ll have a look at controls and input commands. In other words, we’ll learn how to define game actions, and map them to buttons (or keys). As there is unfortunately no hint of

2015-04-14 14:02:16 1462

转载 UDK – Projectiles

Projectiles are little more than Actors that are spawned dynamically, move around for a certain amount of time and then die, possibly inflicting damage. In UT3 for instance, the Shock Rifle’s

2015-04-14 14:02:14 683

转载 HUD(Canvas)

DefaultProperties {    bShowDebugMenu= false     CurrentPage=- 1     CurrentIndex= 0      Pages( 0 )=(PageName= "General" ,PageCommands[ 0 ]

2015-04-14 14:00:55 1411

转载 配置文件

If you have successfully compiled a custom Unrealscript class, chances are you’ve heard about Unreal configuration files, and you’ve most likely already modified one. The UDN documentation on conf

2015-04-14 13:59:19 680

转载 UDK 载具基础

Cars, planes, tanks, hoverboards. All of these, in Unreal terms are vehicles. Like many other systems in the Unreal Engine, you’ll find several flavors of Vehicles (the Engine, UDK, UT, etc.). 

2015-04-14 13:58:36 2047

转载 UDK中的Trigger

It is very easy to set up interactive objects using trigger actors and kismet. However, what if we want to have the same kind of object in several places without repeating the Kismet sequences? 

2015-04-14 13:56:31 638

转载 动画基础

In this article, I’ll take a look at what needs to be done to play generic animations on an actor. Generic as opposed to bespoke (i.e. cutscenes or other location specific animations).I’ll start b

2015-04-14 13:55:27 697

转载 寻路基础

Time to talk about AI is approaching, but before diving into such a deep topic, there is one thing we must understand first in order to make things easier. And that is pathfinding.I will only

2015-04-14 13:55:12 639

转载 A user login system for UDK

This is the placeholder tutorial for all of you who are patiently awaiting the Kiosk final touches, I have had to rework a large portion of the kiosks in light of some issues with forwarding input aro

2015-04-14 13:52:37 804

转载 How To: Interactive Kiosks-Part2

The kiosks are in the midst of being revised, but I figured I would share the previous setup with you, so you can at least get things to start coming together. The way it works currently includes mous

2015-04-14 13:52:19 467

转载 How To: Interactive Kiosks-Part1

You will want to go into the typical setup for a Scaleform movie before you proceed. I have added a couple components to help simplify development on my end. One key element I have added is the follow

2015-04-14 13:50:42 543

转载 Create a Futuristic Animated Computer Screen Shader in the Unreal 3 Editor

The Unreal 3 Editor is a powerful game development tool that ships free with most Unreal 3 games (Unreal Tournament,Gearsof War, Roboblitz). It's quickly becoming a standard tool in the game devel

2015-04-13 10:26:50 787

转载 UDK中的环境反射

In this tutorial we'll learn how to setup both a Dynamic (realtime) and a Static reflection material in Unreal Development Kit, and create a Parameter Switch to switch from Dynamic to Static reflectio

2015-04-13 10:24:54 985

转载 雪材质的创建

IntroductionPrerequisitesCreating Seamless Textures in PhotoshopHi, thanks for stopping in. This lesson will be a basic introduction to creating a material for use inside the Unreal Development

2015-04-13 10:19:44 1185 1

转载 创建动态雾的效果

Here is a video to show the functionality of the shader in a scene. To make the effect easier to see, it has been sped up 4 times, so for me, the end result is much more subtle. enjoy.This sha

2015-04-13 10:15:49 904

原创 虚幻4——蓝图在脚本之间的交互


2015-03-18 21:53:59 5886 2

原创 虚幻4的学习——TSubclassof 的用法

TSubclassOf模板 提供了一个安全的虚幻类,他的好处有一下几个:·1.方便关卡设计师编辑当我们准备在自己的类中引用一个伤害类型时,我们可能是这样定义这个伤害类的引用。/** type of damage */UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=Damage)UClass* DamageType;官方推荐的

2015-03-18 21:10:13 5265

原创 对UE4动画通知的理解

UE4的动画通知和UE3的通知其实在本质上是一样的,但是在UE4 更多的时候使用BP进行了封装,不想UE3的时候直接在Pawn的代码中直接调用。 UE4允许在每个动画的时间帧上添加我们需要执行动画通知。 UE4的动画通知主要分为两类: Notify和Notify State. 下面简单的比较比较一下两种通知不一样的地方。  Notify,属于单帧的概念。

2015-03-09 13:40:46 3514

原创 在UC脚本中不能调用AS3.0中定义的函数的方法

在UC脚本中使用ActionScriptVoid("调用函数名") 没有作用eg:  ActionScriptVoid("LoadView");正确的方式是ActionScriptVoid("_root.LoadView");UDK 论坛的答案链接网址https://forums.epicgames.com/threads/87288

2015-03-09 13:36:30 756

原创 解决Scaleform中使用AS2.0的UILoader不加载图片的问题

如果在flash中使用2.0的UIloader加载图片资源的格式是这样的 Path = "Ant_assets/Level_11.png"; 这是设置好的图片格式,注意这是带后最的loader.ImageLoader.load(Path); 然后使用UILoader加载这个资源。在flash编辑器中,能实现图片的正确显示!但是导入引擎中,然后把所有的SWF文件放

2015-03-09 13:31:11 921








大家都知道虚幻吧 ,只是它的一些API和虚幻的脚本,希望对大家有所帮助






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