一目了然, 蛮好看的, 那就拿来自己用试试.
/** ===========================================================================
* @func CSL_spiOpen
* @desc
* This function populates the peripheral data object for the instance
* and returns a handle to the instance.
* The open call sets up the data structures for the particular instance
* of SPI device. The device can be re-opened anytime after it has been
* normally closed if so required. SPI Hardware setup will be performed
* at the end of the open call only if the HwSetup Pointer supplied was
* non-NULL. The handle returned by this call is input as an essential
* argument for rest of the APIs described for this module.
* @arg pSpiObj
* Pointer to the SPI instance object
* @arg spiNum
* Instance of the SPI to be opened.
* @arg pSpiParam
* Pointer to module specific parameters
* @arg pStatus
* pointer for returning status of the function call
* @ret CSL_SpiHandle
* Valid SPI instance handle will be returned if status value is
* equal to CSL_SOK.
* @eg
* CSL_Status status;
* CSL_SpiObj spiObj;
* CSL_SpiHandle hSpi;
* hSpi = CSL_spiOpen (&spiObj,
* CSL_SPI_0,
* &status
* );
* ===========================================================================
/** @brief opens if possible the instance of SPI requested */
CSL_SpiHandle CSL_spiOpen(
/** pointer to the object that holds reference to the instance of SPI
* requested after the call */
CSL_SpiObj *hSpiObj,
/** instance of SPI to which a handle is requested */
CSL_InstNum spiNum,
/** specifies if SPI should be opened with excusive or share access to
* the associate pins */
CSL_SpiParam *pSpiParam,
/** This returns the status (success/errors) of the call */
CSL_Status *status