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原创 使用 IAR for 51 实验 LED 灯模拟二进制加减法.

/********************************************************** 第一次使用 IAR 来搞 51 的程序, 用起来蛋疼, 搞了一晚上, * 居然和 Keil 差别挺大. 看来要慢慢熟悉, 多看文档和手册.* 多使用这些工具, 对比才能知道不同, 学习起来有意思啊!* 2012.5.28 proteus 仿真, LED 模拟加减法运算.

2012-05-28 22:07:49 3270 2

原创 一: AVR 单片机实现 LED 灯闪烁.

不同的开发环境, C 语言的语句不同, 主要看头文件里有没定义声明, 开始啥也不懂凑活着来吧. 开发环境为AVR Studio5.1和WinAVR-20100110. 也可以选用 IAR 或者Code Vision AVR 或 ICC AVR等. 没工夫捣鼓了.ATmega16 有 4 个 8 位的双向 I/O 端口 PA, PB, PC, PD, 他们对外对应 32 个 I/O 引脚

2012-05-28 16:30:59 7723 5

原创 IAR for 51 设置产生 hex 文件.

2012-05-28 14:21:25 2296

原创 使用IAR for MSP430 和 Proteus 进行仿真的设置

一时热情, 学习MSP430, 不知能坚持多久. 呵呵....... 就这样吧.第一个实验, 用定时器 A 实现流水灯. 没钱买板子, 就仿真吧.建立一个新的工程, 很多软件都这样子, 如下图:然后, 点击 project->options 或者 ALT + F7 就可进入选项栏. 点进General Options, 在 Target 内选择器件型号, 千万别搞错了, 不然和

2012-05-26 18:48:03 11968 3

原创 Problem - 1196 : Lowest Bit

/************************************************************************************************** Lowest BitProblem DescriptionGiven an positive i

2012-05-25 21:59:18 1227

原创 Problem-1002 : A + B Problem II

/****************************************************************************************Problem DescriptionI have a very simple problem for you. Given two integers A and B, your job is tocalculate

2012-05-25 19:31:20 1155

原创 Problem-1008: Elevator

杭电1008题./*==========================================================================================Problem DescriptionThe highest building in our city has only one elevator. A request list is ma

2012-05-22 14:51:09 877

原创 Problem - 1096 : A+B for Input-Output Practice (VIII)

题目要求地址#include #include int main(void){ int n = 0, m = 0; int i = 0, j = 0; int sum = 0; int *p = NULL; while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++)

2012-05-22 13:18:36 825

原创 Problem-1976: Software Version

/*********************************************************************************** Software VersionTime Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limi

2012-05-22 12:59:49 1063

原创 Problem - 1001: Sum Problem

/**********************************************************************************************Sum ProblemProblem DescriptionHey, welcome to HDOJ(Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge).In this

2012-05-14 19:08:21 1249

翻译 嵌入式系统高效编程

作者:Hai Shalom          译者: KISSMonX原文地址:http://www.rt-embedded.com/blog/archives/writing-efficient-c-code-for-embedded-systems//*** 注:** 本文的翻译是业余捣鼓的, 本人是个菜鸟, 不是谦虚. 呵呵...... 早就弄好了, 今天才发.

2012-05-14 18:39:18 1081

转载 Efficient C Tips #10 – Use unsigned integers

by Nigel Jones原文: http://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2009/07/efficient-c-tips-10-use-unsigned-integers/This is the tenth in a series of tips on writing efficient C for embedded system

2012-05-12 15:08:07 720

转载 Efficient C Tips #9 – Use lookup tables

by Nigel Jones              原文:http://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2009/05/efficient-c-tips-9-use-lookup-tables/           This the ninth in a series of tips on how to make your C co

2012-05-12 14:41:31 638

转载 Efficient C Tips #8 – Use const

by Nigel Jones           原文: http://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2009/03/efficient-c-tips-8-use-const/        One of the easiest ways to make your code more efficient is to use const whe

2012-05-10 12:13:42 696

转载 Efficient C Tips #7 – Fast loops

by Nigel Jones       原文: http://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2009/03/efficient-c-tips-7-fast-loops/        Every program at some point requires some set of actions to be taken a fixed nu

2012-05-09 21:03:09 754

转载 Efficient C Tips #6 – Don’t use the ternary operator

by Nigel Jones       原文: http://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2009/02/efficient-c-tips-6-dont-use-the-ternary-operator/        I have to confess that I like the ternary operator. K&R ob

2012-05-08 21:28:32 683

转载 Efficient C Tips #5 – Make ‘local’ functions ‘static’

by Nigel Jones   原文:http://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2008/12/efficient-c-tips-5-make-local-functions-static/                In my humble opinion, one of the biggest mistakes the desig

2012-05-08 21:14:07 667

转载 Beyond volatile (C & C++)

作者: IAR Systems, The Code to Success(具体未知)or How to save days of debugging time         When debugging embedded applications, intermittent problems are among the more difficult ones. This text d

2012-05-07 19:29:18 713

转载 Efficient C Tips #4 – Use Speed Optimization

by Nigel Jones         原文: http://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2008/09/efficient-c-tips-4-use-speed-optimization/        Back in July 2008 I promised that the next blog post would be on

2012-05-07 18:55:02 633

转载 Efficient C Tips #3 – Avoiding post increment / decrement

by Nigel Jones        原文地址: http://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2008/08/efficient-c-tips-3-avoiding-post-increment-decrement/        It always seems counter intuitive to me,  but post

2012-05-07 17:53:32 715

转载 Efficient C Tips #2 – Using the optimizer

BY :  Nigel Jones       原文: http://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2008/07/efficient-c-tips-2-using-the-optimizer/        In my first post on “Efficient C” I talked about how to use the opt

2012-05-06 20:00:41 641

转载 Efficient C Tips #1 – Choosing the correct integer size

BY:  Nigel Jones     原文链接: http://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2008/06/efficient-c-tips-1-choosing-the-correct-integer-size/        From time to time I write articles for Embedded System

2012-05-06 13:42:59 1109

原创 ATmega16单片机(AVR)主要特点总结

这款AVR单片机现在变得好贵啊! 本不打算学习AVR的, 因为早先贪多, 买了本马潮老师的书(真心不错的一本书), 现在不看浪费, 看了不做也浪费, 所以买了几块芯片做着学, 反正各种处理器也没啥大的区别! 总归没有坏处.在加上硬件基础知识真心烂啊! 希望亲自画/搭电路好好补补, 对以后学习 RISC 体系的 ARM 处理器应该也有益处.  ^_^这篇博客内容, 其实多数都是手册上或者

2012-05-04 19:33:19 9337

原创 电子工程术语汇编

地址: http://china.maxim-ic.com/glossary/

2012-05-03 20:53:59 762

翻译 C 语言中宏的使用

作者:  Hai Shalom                                      译者: KISSMonX原文地址:http://www.rt-embedded.com/blog/archives/macros-in-the-c-programming-language/================================================

2012-05-03 20:02:10 1915

转载 Writing Efficient C Code for Embedded Systems

By Hai Shalom  原文链接: http://www.rt-embedded.com/blog/archives/writing-efficient-c-code-for-embedded-systems/The traditional definition of efficiency has two aspects: speed and size. In most cases,

2012-05-03 13:16:14 1051

PJProject SIP Stack

PJLIB is an Open Source, small footprint framework library written in C for making scalable applications. Because of its small footprint, it can be used in embedded applications (we hope so!), but yet the library is also aimed for facilitating the creation of high performance protocol stacks. PJLIB is released under GPL terms.


SerialChart_v034串口助手工具, 支持可视化曲线

SerialChart_v034 串口助手工具, 支持可视化曲线, 支持可视化曲线


Gource-windows, software version control visualization

The repository is displayed as a tree where the root of the repository is the centre, directories are branches and files are leaves. Contributors to the source code appear and disappear as they contribute to specific files and directories.


Geekbench 3.3.2 Pro + 破解注册

性能测试软件. 觉得还不错. 如果商业用就买licence. 支持正版. 自己玩一下就破解玩玩.



日本人写的一个电子系统如何接地的书籍。 内容不错,推荐给大家。


印制板设计技术 ---西电 邱扬教授

西安电子科技大学的邱杨教授的印制电路版设计技术课件。 说的很详细,很深入。推荐。



介绍了一种 4+1 View Model of Software Architecture 不太懂。


Garlan and Shaw describe several architectural styles for software.pdf

介绍了 Garlan and Shaw 描述的软件架构风格和样式, 我也不太懂。 找到这个就看了。 稀里糊涂。



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