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原创 【网站推荐】更高效的获取视频信息


2023-05-24 01:12:51 164

原创 达芬奇睡眠法 总结


2023-05-23 16:06:27 888

原创 短睡眠 堀大辅 超短眠 人生更丰富


2023-05-23 09:18:26 1007

原创 美军2分钟快速入睡法


2023-05-22 23:06:53 7109 9

原创 RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.9) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn‘t match a supported version

请求依赖警告:urllib3 (1.26.9) 或者 chardet (3.0.4)与支持的版本不匹配RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.9) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn’t match a supported version!解决方法:pip3 install --upgrade requests

2022-04-02 14:44:40 6561

原创 Message: unknown error: cannot create temp dir for user data dir

python selenium webdriver使用非administrator时出现该错误解决方法:Win + R cmd 确认输入echo %temp%回车获得路径如C:\Users******~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2打开相应的目录创建新目录2

2020-12-14 18:30:31 3124 2

原创 centos7 关闭 111 端口 systemd rpcbind

同事收到一封主机商邮件说Dear Customer,Recent network security audits have detected some issues on yourinstances. Please review the following reports and help us to ensurethe security of our network:== Port...

2020-04-15 01:34:20 4842

原创 python mysql 套路 集合

##########################################import pymysqlmysql_ip = ' 'mysql_username = ' 'mysql_password = ' 'mysql_name = ' '##########################################con = pymysql.connect(mys...

2020-03-31 16:12:27 220

原创 python requests socks5

pip install requests[socks]# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import requestsproxies = {'http' : 'socks5://', 'https': 'socks5://'}url= 'http://icanhazip.com/'...

2020-03-30 20:31:02 4529 1

原创 frp使用记录

官方介绍:frp 是一个可用于内网穿透的高性能的反向代理应用,支持 tcp, udp 协议,为 http 和 https 应用协议提供了额外的能力,且尝试性支持了点对点穿透。特点:全平台 简单实用下载地址:https://github.com/fatedier/frp/releases/使用介绍:https://github.com/fatedier/frp/blob/master/READ...

2020-03-11 15:42:49 714

原创 python2 copytree Subprocess Startup Error

产生原因及解决方法:https://blog.csdn.net/u012611644/article/details/79325212感谢文件名为copy.py,运行时生成copy.pyw,提示错误Python IDLE :Subprocess Startup ErrorIDLE’s subprocess didn’t make connection. Either IDLE can’t...

2019-12-17 16:24:13 176

原创 google chrome 修复 profile error occurred 错误

打开chrome,输入chrome://version找到并打开Profile Path,删除Web Data

2019-11-06 15:24:44 5708

翻译 python循环执行

while True: try: # do something except Exception as e: print e continue break

2019-06-14 19:40:34 989

原创 bat批量打开程序

start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --profile-directory="Profile 1"延迟5秒timeout /T 5

2019-04-19 17:49:57 1849

原创 大量快速创建chrome用户

打开chrome,输入chrome://version获得Profile Path C:\Users\kongjingrou\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1复制Profile 1得到Profile 2右击浏览器快捷图标,修改target(目标为):“C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\A...

2019-04-18 17:28:22 2888

转载 digitalocean run the do-agent in debug mode

I apologize that you are encountering those issues. To help us troubleshoot this, would you please purge and reinstall the do-agent on your droplet:sudo apt-get purge do-agentcurl -sSL https://agent...

2019-03-19 11:39:09 164

转载 特殊字符


2018-12-10 17:18:05 2432 1

原创 luminati 还原IP端口数据


2018-11-28 14:11:32 1582

原创 Jarvee安装转移


2018-11-28 14:04:20 1530

原创 通过JS在网页中隐藏URL

js文件比如test.js写入var url="https://www.baidu.com/";var time="0.006511926651001";var top_text="";var img_url="";var bottom_text="";var can_show=true;网页中加载

2018-11-13 17:16:39 7659

转载 centos 7 安装python3.6 设置默认

sudo yum updatesudo yum install yum-utilssudo yum groupinstall developmentsudo yum install https://centos7.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpmsudo yum install python36usudo yum install python36u-pip...

2018-07-17 14:30:50 783

原创 shopify 收集

修改关联商品的数量 snippets/related-products.liquid

2018-07-05 11:44:13 832

转载 kloxo-mr nginx wordress woocommerce cart can’t remove

/opt/configs/nginx/conf/globals/php-fpm_standard.conftry_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;修改为 try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

2018-07-04 18:19:55 224

原创 python 文本去重

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-#==============================file_name = 'uk_urls.txt'#==============================open('quchong.txt','w').truncate()with open(file_name, 'r') as f: lines = f.rea...

2018-06-20 16:06:11 2558

转载 python读取txt文件最后一行(文件大+文件小)

txt文件小#coding:utf-8'''fname为所读xx.txt文件输出为:文件第一行和最后一行'''fname = 'test.txt'with open(fname, 'r') as f: #打开文件 lines = f.readlines() #读取所有行 first_line = lines[0] #取第一行 last_line = ...

2018-06-15 16:26:57 633

转载 python 同时运行多个程序

start many programsexecfile('C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/schnei17/Desktop/python/zeit/1.py')print 1execfile('C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/schnei17/Desktop/python/zeit/2.py')print 2

2018-06-14 16:43:01 21575 3

转载 str list 转

字符串转列表str1 = "hi hello world"print(str1.split(" "))输出:['hi', 'hello', 'world']列表转字符串l = ["hi","hello","world"]print(" ".join(l))输出:hi hello world...

2018-06-08 15:39:37 176

转载 python js 滚动鼠标

将页面滚动条拖到底部js="var q=document.documentElement.scrollTop=10000"driver.execute_script(js)time.sleep(3)将滚动条移动到页面的顶部js="var q=document.documentElement.scrollTop=0"driver.execute_script(js)tim...

2018-06-08 11:26:01 557

原创 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character

sth.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')

2018-06-05 18:50:27 236

原创 python selenium import json cookies

driver.get('https://www.facebook.com/')cookies = json.load(open('xxxxx@aol.com.txt'))for cookie in cookies: driver.add_cookie(cookie)driver.get('https://www.facebook.com/')由于.txt是utf-8-bom编...

2018-05-24 17:38:58 529

原创 python webdriver proxy user-agent

from selenium import webdriverPROXY = “” # IP:PORT or HOST:PORT chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument(‘–proxy-server=%s’ % PROXY) driver = webdriver...

2018-05-15 01:12:42 1528

原创 python webdriver cookie

导出cookiefrom selenium import webdriverimport pickledriver = webdriver.Chrome()driver.get('https://www.facebook.com/')driver.find_element_by_id('email').send_keys(email)driver.find_element_by_id('pa

2018-05-08 15:22:14 246

转载 urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:

urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590)>解决方法import ssl #add line 1ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

2018-01-29 21:12:11 1772

原创 一条命令监控、重启服务

if ! (service nginx status | grep 'running' &>/dev/null); then sudo service nginx restart; fiif ! (service mysql status | grep 'running' &>/dev/null); then sudo service mysql restart; fi

2018-01-29 00:52:41 972

原创 selenium 智能 延时 点击

搜索了很多国内外脚步发现智能延时写的很复杂,自己想了个简单的方法,判断页面内的某元素是否出现,出现则点击,未出现延迟1秒再判断,思路清晰,代码简洁while u'中文' not in driver.page_source: time.sleep(1)else: driver.find_element_by_xpath(u"//a[contains(text(),'中文')]").cl

2018-01-04 11:30:26 1414

原创 kloxo-mr nginx 404 重定向

/opt/configs/nginx/conf/globals/php-fpm_standard.conf location ~ \.php$ { try_files $uri =404; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; #fastcgi_pass$var_fpmport;

2018-01-03 03:41:48 333

转载 kloxo-mr 查看已安装模块 模块安装 模块冲突 解决方法

yum list installed httpd* mod*通过yum安装删除

2018-01-03 03:34:14 352

转载 kloxo-mr 常用命令

to know the configuration of the installedsh /script/sysinforestarting all servicessh /script/restart-servicessh /script/restart-allrestarting per-item/etc/init.d/named restart/etc/init.d/httpd resta

2018-01-03 02:29:18 765

原创 python 时间记录

last_monday = (datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=time.localtime().tm_wday + 7)).strftime(“%Y-%m-%d”) last_tuesday = (datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=time.loca

2017-12-29 17:28:12 419

原创 廖雪峰 Python3

之前学的python2,准备重新系统的学习一遍python,做到快速和查漏补缺。 作者原网址:https://www.liaoxuefeng.com/wiki/0014316089557264a6b348958f449949df42a6d3a2e542c000安装Python https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.3/python-3.6.3-amd64.e

2017-12-29 17:27:29 926



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