Property | Description | W3C |
accessKey | Sets or returns an accesskey for an element | Yes |
className | Sets or returns the class attribute of an element | Yes |
clientHeight | Returns the viewable height of the content on a page (not including borders, margins, or scrollbars) | Yes |
clientWidth | Returns the viewable width of the content on a page (not including borders, margins, or scrollbars) | Yes |
dir | Sets or returns the text direction of an element | Yes |
disabled | Sets or returns whether an element is disabled, or not | Yes |
firstChild | Returns the first child of an element | Yes |
height | Sets or returns the height attribute of an element | Yes |
id | Sets or returns the id of an element | Yes |
innerHTML | Sets or returns the HTML contents (+text) of an element | Yes |
lang | Sets or returns the language code for an element | Yes |
lastChild | Returns the last child of an element | Yes |
length | | Yes |
nextSibling | Returns the element immediately following an element | Yes |
nodeName | Returns the tagname of an element (in uppercase) | Yes |
nodeType | Returns the type of the element | Yes |
nodeValue | Returns the value of the element | Yes |
offsetHeight | Returns the height of an element, including borders and padding if any, but not margins | No |
offsetLeft | Returns the horizontal offset position of the current element relative to its offset container | Yes |
offsetParent | Returns the offset container of an element | Yes |
offsetTop | Returns the vertical offset position of the current element relative to its offset container | Yes |
offsetWidth | Returns the width of an element, including borders and padding if any, but not margins | No |
ownerDocument | Returns the root element (document object) for an element | Yes |
parentNode | Returns the parent node of an element | Yes |
previousSibling | Returns the element immediately before an element | Yes |
scrollHeight | Returns the entire height of an element (including areas hidden with scrollbars) | Yes |
scrollLeft | Returns the distance between the actual left edge of an element and its left edge currently in view | Yes |
scrollTop | Returns the distance between the actual top edge of an element and its top edge currently in view | Yes |
scrollWidth | Returns the entire width of an element (including areas hidden with scrollbars) | Yes |
style | Sets or returns the style attribute of an element | Yes |
tabIndex | Sets or returns the tab order of an element | Yes |
tagName | Returns the tagname of an element as a string (in uppercase) | Yes |
title | Sets or returns the title attribute of an element | Yes |
width | Sets or returns the width attribute of an element | Yes |