


import * as THREE from 'three/build/three.module';
 * PathPoint
class PathPoint {

  constructor() {
    this.pos = new THREE.Vector3();
    this.dir = new THREE.Vector3();
    this.right = new THREE.Vector3();
    this.up = new THREE.Vector3(); // normal
    this.dist = 0; // distance from start
    this.widthScale = 1; // for corner = false; // marks as sharp corner

  lerpPathPoints(p1, p2, alpha) {
    this.pos.lerpVectors(p1.pos, p2.pos, alpha);
    this.dir.lerpVectors(p1.dir, p2.dir, alpha);
    this.up.lerpVectors(p1.up, p2.up, alpha);
    this.right.lerpVectors(p1.right, p2.right, alpha);
    this.dist = (p2.dist - p1.dist) * alpha + p1.dist;
    this.widthScale = (p2.widthScale - p1.widthScale) * alpha + p1.widthScale;

  copy(source) {
    this.dist = source.dist;
    this.widthScale = source.widthScale;


const helpVec3_1 = new THREE.Vector3();
const helpVec3_2 = new THREE.Vector3();
const helpVec3_3 = new THREE.Vector3();
const helpMat4 = new THREE.Matrix4();
const helpCurve = new THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve3();

function _getCornerBezierCurve(last, current, next, cornerRadius, firstCorner, out) {
  const lastDir = helpVec3_1.subVectors(current, last);
  const nextDir = helpVec3_2.subVectors(next, current);

  const lastDirLength = lastDir.length();
  const nextDirLength = nextDir.length();


  // cornerRadius can not bigger then lineDistance / 2, auto fix this
  const v0Dist = Math.min((firstCorner ? lastDirLength / 2 : lastDirLength) * 0.999999, cornerRadius);


  const v2Dist = Math.min(nextDirLength / 2 * 0.999999, cornerRadius);

  return out;

 * PathPointList
 * input points to generate a PathPoint list
class PathPointList {

  constructor() {
    this.array = []; // path point array
    this.count = 0;

   * Set points
   * @param {THREE.Vector3[]} points key points array
   * @param {number} cornerRadius? the corner radius. set 0 to disable round corner. default is 0.1
   * @param {number} cornerSplit? the corner split. default is 10.
   * @param {number} up? force up. default is auto up (calculate by tangent).
   * @param {boolean} close? close path. default is false.
  set(points, cornerRadius = 0.1, cornerSplit = 10, up = null, close = false) {
    points = points.slice(0);

    if (points.length < 2) {
      console.warn('PathPointList: points length less than 2.');
      this.count = 0;

    // Auto close
    if (close && !points[0].equals(points[points.length - 1])) {
      points.push(new THREE.Vector3().copy(points[0]));

    // Generate path point list
    for (let i = 0, l = points.length;i < l;i++) {
      if (i === 0) {
        this._start(points[i], points[i + 1], up);
      } else if (i === l - 1) {
        if (close) {
          // Connect end point and start point
          this._corner(points[i], points[1], cornerRadius, cornerSplit, up);

          // Fix start point
          const dist = this.array[0].dist; // should not copy dist
          this.array[0].copy(this.array[this.count - 1]);
          this.array[0].dist = dist;
        } else {
      } else {
        this._corner(points[i], points[i + 1], cornerRadius, cornerSplit, up);

   * Get distance of this path
   * @return {number}
  distance() {
    if (this.count > 0) {
      return this.array[this.count - 1].dist;
    return 0;

  _getByIndex(index) {
    if (!this.array[index]) {
      this.array[index] = new PathPoint();
    return this.array[index];

  _start(current, next, up) {
    this.count = 0;

    const point = this._getByIndex(this.count);

    point.dir.subVectors(next, current);

    // init start up dir
    if (up) {
    } else {
      // select an initial normal vector perpendicular to the first tangent vector
      let min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
      const tx = Math.abs(point.dir.x);
      const ty = Math.abs(point.dir.y);
      const tz = Math.abs(point.dir.z);
      if (tx < min) {
        min = tx;
        point.up.set(1, 0, 0);
      if (ty < min) {
        min = ty;
        point.up.set(0, 1, 0);
      if (tz < min) {
        point.up.set(0, 0, 1);

    point.right.crossVectors(point.dir, point.up).normalize();
    point.up.crossVectors(point.right, point.dir).normalize();
    point.dist = 0;
    point.widthScale = 1; = false;



  _end(current) {
    const lastPoint = this.array[this.count - 1];
    const point = this._getByIndex(this.count);

    point.dir.subVectors(current, lastPoint.pos);
    const dist = point.dir.length();

    point.up.copy(lastPoint.up); // copy last up

    const vec = helpVec3_1.crossVectors(lastPoint.dir, point.dir);
    if (vec.length() > Number.EPSILON) {
      const theta = Math.acos(Math.min(Math.max(, -1), 1)); // clamp for floating pt errors
      point.up.applyMatrix4(helpMat4.makeRotationAxis(vec, theta));

    point.right.crossVectors(point.dir, point.up).normalize();

    point.dist = lastPoint.dist + dist;
    point.widthScale = 1; = false;


  _corner(current, next, cornerRadius, cornerSplit, up) {
    if (cornerRadius > 0 && cornerSplit > 0) {
      const lastPoint = this.array[this.count - 1];
      const curve = _getCornerBezierCurve(lastPoint.pos, current, next, cornerRadius, this.count - 1 === 0, helpCurve);
      const samplerPoints = curve.getPoints(cornerSplit); // TODO optimize

      for (let f = 0;f < cornerSplit;f++) {
        this._sharpCorner(samplerPoints[f], samplerPoints[f + 1], up, f === 0 ? 1 : 0);

      if (!samplerPoints[cornerSplit].equals(next)) {
        this._sharpCorner(samplerPoints[cornerSplit], next, up, 2);
    } else {
      this._sharpCorner(current, next, up, 0, true);

  // dirType: 0 - use middle dir / 1 - use last dir / 2- use next dir
  _sharpCorner(current, next, up, dirType = 0, sharp = false) {
    const lastPoint = this.array[this.count - 1];
    const point = this._getByIndex(this.count);

    const lastDir = helpVec3_1.subVectors(current, lastPoint.pos);
    const nextDir = helpVec3_2.subVectors(next, current);

    const lastDirLength = lastDir.length();



    if (dirType === 1) {
    } else if (dirType === 2) {
    } else {
      point.dir.addVectors(lastDir, nextDir);

    if (up) {
      if ( === 1) {
        point.right.crossVectors(nextDir, up).normalize();
      } else {
        point.right.crossVectors(point.dir, up).normalize();

      point.up.crossVectors(point.right, point.dir).normalize();
    } else {

      const vec = helpVec3_3.crossVectors(lastPoint.dir, point.dir);
      if (vec.length() > Number.EPSILON) {
        const theta = Math.acos(Math.min(Math.max(, -1), 1)); // clamp for floating pt errors
        point.up.applyMatrix4(helpMat4.makeRotationAxis(vec, theta));

      point.right.crossVectors(point.dir, point.up).normalize();

    point.dist = lastPoint.dist + lastDirLength;

    const _cos =;
    point.widthScale = Math.min(1 / Math.sqrt((1 + _cos) / 2), 1.415) || 1; = Math.abs(_cos - 1) > 0.05 && sharp;



 * PathGeometry
class PathGeometry extends THREE.BufferGeometry {

   * @param {Object|Number} initData - If initData is number, geometry init by empty data and set it as the max vertex. If initData is Object, it contains pathPointList and options.
   * @param {Boolean} [generateUv2=false]
  constructor(initData = 3000, generateUv2 = false) {

    if (isNaN(initData)) {
      this._initByData(initData.pathPointList, initData.options, initData.usage, generateUv2);
    } else {
      this._initByMaxVertex(initData, generateUv2);

  _initByMaxVertex(maxVertex, generateUv2) {
    this.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(maxVertex * 3), 3).setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage));
    this.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(maxVertex * 3), 3).setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage));
    this.setAttribute('uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(maxVertex * 2), 2).setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage));
    if (generateUv2) {
      this.setAttribute('uv2', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(maxVertex * 2), 2).setUsage(THREE.DynamicDrawUsage));

    this.drawRange.start = 0;
    this.drawRange.count = 0;

    this.setIndex(maxVertex > 65536 ?
      new THREE.Uint32BufferAttribute(maxVertex * 3, 1) :
      new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute(maxVertex * 3, 1));

  _initByData(pathPointList, options = {}, usage, generateUv2) {
    function generatePathVertexData(pathPointList, options, generateUv2 = false) {
      const width = options.width || 0.1;
      const progress = options.progress !== undefined ? options.progress : 1;
      const arrow = options.arrow !== undefined ? options.arrow : true;
      const side = options.side !== undefined ? options.side : 'both';
      const halfWidth = width / 2;
      const sideWidth = side !== 'both' ? width / 2 : width;
      const totalDistance = pathPointList.distance();
      const progressDistance = progress * totalDistance;
      if (totalDistance == 0) {
        return null;
      const sharpUvOffset = halfWidth / sideWidth;
      const sharpUvOffset2 = halfWidth / totalDistance;
      let count = 0;
      // modify data
      const position = [];
      const normal = [];
      const uv = [];
      const uv2 = [];
      const indices = [];
      let verticesCount = 0;
      const right = new THREE.Vector3();
      const left = new THREE.Vector3();
      // for sharp corners
      const leftOffset = new THREE.Vector3();
      const rightOffset = new THREE.Vector3();
      const tempPoint1 = new THREE.Vector3();
      const tempPoint2 = new THREE.Vector3();
      function addVertices(pathPoint) {
        const first = position.length === 0;
        const sharpCorner = && !first;
        const uvDist = pathPoint.dist / sideWidth;
        const uvDist2 = pathPoint.dist / totalDistance;
        const dir = pathPoint.dir;
        const up = pathPoint.up;
        const _right = pathPoint.right;
        if (side !== 'left') {
          right.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(halfWidth * pathPoint.widthScale);
        } else {
          right.set(0, 0, 0);
        if (side !== 'right') {
          left.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(-halfWidth * pathPoint.widthScale);
        } else {
          left.set(0, 0, 0);
        if (sharpCorner) {
          leftOffset.fromArray(position, position.length - 6).sub(left);
          rightOffset.fromArray(position, position.length - 3).sub(right);
          const leftDist = leftOffset.length();
          const rightDist = rightOffset.length();
          const sideOffset = leftDist - rightDist;
          let longerOffset = null;
          let longEdge = null;
          if (sideOffset > 0) {
            longerOffset = leftOffset;
            longEdge = left;
          } else {
            longerOffset = rightOffset;
            longEdge = right;
          const _cos = tempPoint2.copy(longEdge).sub(tempPoint1)
          const _len = tempPoint2.copy(longEdge).sub(tempPoint1)
          const _dist = _cos * _len * 2;
          if (sideOffset > 0) {
              tempPoint1.x, tempPoint1.y, tempPoint1.z, // 6
              right.x, right.y, right.z, // 5
              left.x, left.y, left.z, // 4
              right.x, right.y, right.z, // 3
              tempPoint2.x, tempPoint2.y, tempPoint2.z, // 2
              right.x, right.y, right.z // 1
            verticesCount += 6;
              verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 8, verticesCount - 7,
              verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 7, verticesCount - 5,
              verticesCount - 4, verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 5,
              verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 4, verticesCount - 1
            count += 12;
          } else {
              left.x, left.y, left.z, // 6
              tempPoint1.x, tempPoint1.y, tempPoint1.z, // 5
              left.x, left.y, left.z, // 4
              right.x, right.y, right.z, // 3
              left.x, left.y, left.z, // 2
              tempPoint2.x, tempPoint2.y, tempPoint2.z // 1
            verticesCount += 6;
              verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 8, verticesCount - 7,
              verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 7, verticesCount - 5,
              verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 5, verticesCount - 3,
              verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 3, verticesCount - 1
            count += 12;
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z
            uvDist - sharpUvOffset, 0,
            uvDist - sharpUvOffset, 1,
            uvDist, 0,
            uvDist, 1,
            uvDist + sharpUvOffset, 0,
            uvDist + sharpUvOffset, 1
          if (generateUv2) {
              uvDist2 - sharpUvOffset2, 0,
              uvDist2 - sharpUvOffset2, 1,
              uvDist2, 0,
              uvDist2, 1,
              uvDist2 + sharpUvOffset2, 0,
              uvDist2 + sharpUvOffset2, 1
        } else {
            left.x, left.y, left.z,
            right.x, right.y, right.z
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z
            uvDist, 0,
            uvDist, 1
          if (generateUv2) {
              uvDist2, 0,
              uvDist2, 1
          verticesCount += 2;
          if (!first) {
              verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 4, verticesCount - 3,
              verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 3, verticesCount - 1
            count += 6;
      const sharp = new THREE.Vector3();
      function addStart(pathPoint) {
        const dir = pathPoint.dir;
        const up = pathPoint.up;
        const _right = pathPoint.right;
        const uvDist = pathPoint.dist / sideWidth;
        const uvDist2 = pathPoint.dist / totalDistance;
        if (side !== 'left') {
          right.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(halfWidth * 2);
        } else {
          right.set(0, 0, 0);
        if (side !== 'right') {
          left.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(-halfWidth * 2);
        } else {
          left.set(0, 0, 0);
        sharp.copy(dir).setLength(halfWidth * 3);
          left.x, left.y, left.z,
          right.x, right.y, right.z,
          sharp.x, sharp.y, sharp.z
          up.x, up.y, up.z,
          up.x, up.y, up.z,
          up.x, up.y, up.z
          uvDist, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'right' ? -2 : 0 : -0.5,
          uvDist, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'left' ? 2 : 0 : 1.5,
          uvDist + 1.5, side !== 'both' ? 0 : 0.5
        if (generateUv2) {
            uvDist2, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'right' ? -2 : 0 : -0.5,
            uvDist2, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'left' ? 2 : 0 : 1.5,
            uvDist2 + 1.5 * width / totalDistance, side !== 'both' ? 0 : 0.5
        verticesCount += 3;
        indices.push(verticesCount - 1, verticesCount - 3, verticesCount - 2);
        count += 3;
      let lastPoint = null;
      if (progressDistance > 0) {
        for (let i = 0;i < pathPointList.count;i++) {
          const pathPoint = pathPointList.array[i];
          if (pathPoint.dist > progressDistance) {
            const prevPoint = pathPointList.array[i - 1];
            lastPoint = new PathPoint();
            // linear lerp for progress
            const alpha = (progressDistance - prevPoint.dist) / (pathPoint.dist - prevPoint.dist);
            lastPoint.lerpPathPoints(prevPoint, pathPoint, alpha);
          } else {
      } else {
        lastPoint = pathPointList.array[0];
      // build arrow geometry
      if (arrow) {
        lastPoint = lastPoint || pathPointList.array[pathPointList.count - 1];
      return {
    const vertexData = generatePathVertexData(pathPointList, options, generateUv2);

    if (vertexData && vertexData.count !== 0) {
      this.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vertexData.position), 3).setUsage(usage || THREE.StaticDrawUsage));
      this.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vertexData.normal), 3).setUsage(usage || THREE.StaticDrawUsage));
      this.setAttribute('uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vertexData.uv), 2).setUsage(usage || THREE.StaticDrawUsage));
      if (generateUv2) {
        this.setAttribute('uv2', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vertexData.uv2), 2).setUsage(usage || THREE.StaticDrawUsage));

      this.setIndex(vertexData.position.length / 3 > 65536 ?
        new THREE.Uint32BufferAttribute(vertexData.indices, 1) :
        new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute(vertexData.indices, 1));
    } else {
      this._initByMaxVertex(2, generateUv2);

   * Update geometry by PathPointList instance
   * @param {PathPointList} pathPointList
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {Number} [options.width=0.1]
   * @param {Number} [options.progress=1]
   * @param {Boolean} [options.arrow=true]
   * @param {String} [options.side='both'] - "left"/"right"/"both"
  update(pathPointList, options = {}) {
    function generatePathVertexData(pathPointList, options, generateUv2 = false) {
      const width = options.width || 0.1;
      const progress = options.progress !== undefined ? options.progress : 1;
      const arrow = options.arrow !== undefined ? options.arrow : true;
      const side = options.side !== undefined ? options.side : 'both';
      const halfWidth = width / 2;
      const sideWidth = side !== 'both' ? width / 2 : width;
      const totalDistance = pathPointList.distance();
      const progressDistance = progress * totalDistance;
      if (totalDistance == 0) {
        return null;
      const sharpUvOffset = halfWidth / sideWidth;
      const sharpUvOffset2 = halfWidth / totalDistance;
      let count = 0;
      // modify data
      const position = [];
      const normal = [];
      const uv = [];
      const uv2 = [];
      const indices = [];
      let verticesCount = 0;
      const right = new THREE.Vector3();
      const left = new THREE.Vector3();
      // for sharp corners
      const leftOffset = new THREE.Vector3();
      const rightOffset = new THREE.Vector3();
      const tempPoint1 = new THREE.Vector3();
      const tempPoint2 = new THREE.Vector3();
      function addVertices(pathPoint) {
        const first = position.length === 0;
        const sharpCorner = && !first;
        const uvDist = pathPoint.dist / sideWidth;
        const uvDist2 = pathPoint.dist / totalDistance;
        const dir = pathPoint.dir;
        const up = pathPoint.up;
        const _right = pathPoint.right;
        if (side !== 'left') {
          right.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(halfWidth * pathPoint.widthScale);
        } else {
          right.set(0, 0, 0);
        if (side !== 'right') {
          left.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(-halfWidth * pathPoint.widthScale);
        } else {
          left.set(0, 0, 0);
        if (sharpCorner) {
          leftOffset.fromArray(position, position.length - 6).sub(left);
          rightOffset.fromArray(position, position.length - 3).sub(right);
          const leftDist = leftOffset.length();
          const rightDist = rightOffset.length();
          const sideOffset = leftDist - rightDist;
          let longerOffset = null;
          let longEdge = null;
          if (sideOffset > 0) {
            longerOffset = leftOffset;
            longEdge = left;
          } else {
            longerOffset = rightOffset;
            longEdge = right;
          const _cos = tempPoint2.copy(longEdge).sub(tempPoint1)
          const _len = tempPoint2.copy(longEdge).sub(tempPoint1)
          const _dist = _cos * _len * 2;
          if (sideOffset > 0) {
              tempPoint1.x, tempPoint1.y, tempPoint1.z, // 6
              right.x, right.y, right.z, // 5
              left.x, left.y, left.z, // 4
              right.x, right.y, right.z, // 3
              tempPoint2.x, tempPoint2.y, tempPoint2.z, // 2
              right.x, right.y, right.z // 1
            verticesCount += 6;
              verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 8, verticesCount - 7,
              verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 7, verticesCount - 5,
              verticesCount - 4, verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 5,
              verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 4, verticesCount - 1
            count += 12;
          } else {
              left.x, left.y, left.z, // 6
              tempPoint1.x, tempPoint1.y, tempPoint1.z, // 5
              left.x, left.y, left.z, // 4
              right.x, right.y, right.z, // 3
              left.x, left.y, left.z, // 2
              tempPoint2.x, tempPoint2.y, tempPoint2.z // 1
            verticesCount += 6;
              verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 8, verticesCount - 7,
              verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 7, verticesCount - 5,
              verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 5, verticesCount - 3,
              verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 3, verticesCount - 1
            count += 12;
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z
            uvDist - sharpUvOffset, 0,
            uvDist - sharpUvOffset, 1,
            uvDist, 0,
            uvDist, 1,
            uvDist + sharpUvOffset, 0,
            uvDist + sharpUvOffset, 1
          if (generateUv2) {
              uvDist2 - sharpUvOffset2, 0,
              uvDist2 - sharpUvOffset2, 1,
              uvDist2, 0,
              uvDist2, 1,
              uvDist2 + sharpUvOffset2, 0,
              uvDist2 + sharpUvOffset2, 1
        } else {
            left.x, left.y, left.z,
            right.x, right.y, right.z
            up.x, up.y, up.z,
            up.x, up.y, up.z
            uvDist, 0,
            uvDist, 1
          if (generateUv2) {
              uvDist2, 0,
              uvDist2, 1
          verticesCount += 2;
          if (!first) {
              verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 4, verticesCount - 3,
              verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 3, verticesCount - 1
            count += 6;
      const sharp = new THREE.Vector3();
      function addStart(pathPoint) {
        const dir = pathPoint.dir;
        const up = pathPoint.up;
        const _right = pathPoint.right;
        const uvDist = pathPoint.dist / sideWidth;
        const uvDist2 = pathPoint.dist / totalDistance;
        if (side !== 'left') {
          right.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(halfWidth * 2);
        } else {
          right.set(0, 0, 0);
        if (side !== 'right') {
          left.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(-halfWidth * 2);
        } else {
          left.set(0, 0, 0);
        sharp.copy(dir).setLength(halfWidth * 3);
          left.x, left.y, left.z,
          right.x, right.y, right.z,
          sharp.x, sharp.y, sharp.z
          up.x, up.y, up.z,
          up.x, up.y, up.z,
          up.x, up.y, up.z
          uvDist, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'right' ? -2 : 0 : -0.5,
          uvDist, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'left' ? 2 : 0 : 1.5,
          uvDist + 1.5, side !== 'both' ? 0 : 0.5
        if (generateUv2) {
            uvDist2, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'right' ? -2 : 0 : -0.5,
            uvDist2, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'left' ? 2 : 0 : 1.5,
            uvDist2 + 1.5 * width / totalDistance, side !== 'both' ? 0 : 0.5
        verticesCount += 3;
        indices.push(verticesCount - 1, verticesCount - 3, verticesCount - 2);
        count += 3;
      let lastPoint = null;
      if (progressDistance > 0) {
        for (let i = 0;i < pathPointList.count;i++) {
          const pathPoint = pathPointList.array[i];
          if (pathPoint.dist > progressDistance) {
            const prevPoint = pathPointList.array[i - 1];
            lastPoint = new PathPoint();
            // linear lerp for progress
            const alpha = (progressDistance - prevPoint.dist) / (pathPoint.dist - prevPoint.dist);
            lastPoint.lerpPathPoints(prevPoint, pathPoint, alpha);
          } else {
      } else {
        lastPoint = pathPointList.array[0];
      // build arrow geometry
      if (arrow) {
        lastPoint = lastPoint || pathPointList.array[pathPointList.count - 1];
      return {
    const generateUv2 = !!this.getAttribute('uv2');

    const vertexData = generatePathVertexData(pathPointList, options, generateUv2);

    if (vertexData) {
      this._updateAttributes(vertexData.position, vertexData.normal, vertexData.uv, generateUv2 ? vertexData.uv2 : null, vertexData.indices);
      this.drawRange.count = vertexData.count;
    } else {
      this.drawRange.count = 0;

  _resizeAttribute(name, len) {
    let attribute = this.getAttribute(name);
    while (attribute.array.length < len) {
      const oldLength = attribute.array.length;
      const newAttribute = new THREE.BufferAttribute(
        new Float32Array(oldLength * 2),
      ); =;
      newAttribute.usage = attribute.usage;
      this.setAttribute(name, newAttribute);
      attribute = newAttribute;

  _resizeIndex(len) {
    let index = this.getIndex();
    while (index.array.length < len) {
      const oldLength = index.array.length;
      const newIndex = new THREE.BufferAttribute(
        oldLength * 2 > 65535 ? new Uint32Array(oldLength * 2) : new Uint16Array(oldLength * 2),
      ); =;
      newIndex.usage = index.usage;
      index = newIndex;

  _updateAttributes(position, normal, uv, uv2, indices) {
    this._resizeAttribute('position', position.length);
    const positionAttribute = this.getAttribute('position');
    positionAttribute.array.set(position, 0);
    positionAttribute.updateRange.count = position.length;
    positionAttribute.needsUpdate = true;

    this._resizeAttribute('normal', normal.length);
    const normalAttribute = this.getAttribute('normal');
    normalAttribute.array.set(normal, 0);
    normalAttribute.updateRange.count = normal.length;
    normalAttribute.needsUpdate = true;

    this._resizeAttribute('uv', uv.length);
    const uvAttribute = this.getAttribute('uv');
    uvAttribute.array.set(uv, 0);
    uvAttribute.updateRange.count = uv.length;
    uvAttribute.needsUpdate = true;

    if (uv2) {
      this._resizeAttribute('uv2', uv2.length);
      const uv2Attribute = this.getAttribute('uv2');
      uv2Attribute.array.set(uv2, 0);
      uv2Attribute.updateRange.count = uv2.length;
      uv2Attribute.needsUpdate = true;

    const indexAttribute = this.getIndex();
    indexAttribute.set(indices, 0);
    indexAttribute.updateRange.count = indices.length;
    indexAttribute.needsUpdate = true;


// Vertex Data Generate Functions

// function generatePathVertexData(pathPointList, options, generateUv2 = false) {
//   const width = options.width || 0.1;
//   const progress = options.progress !== undefined ? options.progress : 1;
//   const arrow = options.arrow !== undefined ? options.arrow : true;
//   const side = options.side !== undefined ? options.side : 'both';

//   const halfWidth = width / 2;
//   const sideWidth = side !== 'both' ? width / 2 : width;
//   const totalDistance = pathPointList.distance();
//   const progressDistance = progress * totalDistance;
//   if (totalDistance == 0) {
//     return null;
//   }

//   const sharpUvOffset = halfWidth / sideWidth;
//   const sharpUvOffset2 = halfWidth / totalDistance;

//   let count = 0;

//   // modify data
//   const position = [];
//   const normal = [];
//   const uv = [];
//   const uv2 = [];
//   const indices = [];
//   let verticesCount = 0;

//   const right = new THREE.Vector3();
//   const left = new THREE.Vector3();

//   // for sharp corners
//   const leftOffset = new THREE.Vector3();
//   const rightOffset = new THREE.Vector3();
//   const tempPoint1 = new THREE.Vector3();
//   const tempPoint2 = new THREE.Vector3();

//   function addVertices(pathPoint) {
//     const first = position.length === 0;
//     const sharpCorner = && !first;

//     const uvDist = pathPoint.dist / sideWidth;
//     const uvDist2 = pathPoint.dist / totalDistance;

//     const dir = pathPoint.dir;
//     const up = pathPoint.up;
//     const _right = pathPoint.right;

//     if (side !== 'left') {
//       right.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(halfWidth * pathPoint.widthScale);
//     } else {
//       right.set(0, 0, 0);
//     }

//     if (side !== 'right') {
//       left.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(-halfWidth * pathPoint.widthScale);
//     } else {
//       left.set(0, 0, 0);
//     }

//     right.add(pathPoint.pos);
//     left.add(pathPoint.pos);

//     if (sharpCorner) {
//       leftOffset.fromArray(position, position.length - 6).sub(left);
//       rightOffset.fromArray(position, position.length - 3).sub(right);

//       const leftDist = leftOffset.length();
//       const rightDist = rightOffset.length();

//       const sideOffset = leftDist - rightDist;
//       let longerOffset;let longEdge;

//       if (sideOffset > 0) {
//         longerOffset = leftOffset;
//         longEdge = left;
//       } else {
//         longerOffset = rightOffset;
//         longEdge = right;
//       }

//       tempPoint1.copy(longerOffset).setLength(Math.abs(sideOffset))
//         .add(longEdge);

//       const _cos = tempPoint2.copy(longEdge).sub(tempPoint1)
//         .normalize()
//         .dot(dir);
//       const _len = tempPoint2.copy(longEdge).sub(tempPoint1)
//         .length();
//       const _dist = _cos * _len * 2;

//       tempPoint2.copy(dir).setLength(_dist)
//         .add(tempPoint1);

//       if (sideOffset > 0) {
//         position.push(
//           tempPoint1.x, tempPoint1.y, tempPoint1.z, // 6
//           right.x, right.y, right.z, // 5
//           left.x, left.y, left.z, // 4
//           right.x, right.y, right.z, // 3
//           tempPoint2.x, tempPoint2.y, tempPoint2.z, // 2
//           right.x, right.y, right.z // 1
//         );

//         verticesCount += 6;

//         indices.push(
//           verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 8, verticesCount - 7,
//           verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 7, verticesCount - 5,

//           verticesCount - 4, verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 5,
//           verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 4, verticesCount - 1
//         );

//         count += 12;
//       } else {
//         position.push(
//           left.x, left.y, left.z, // 6
//           tempPoint1.x, tempPoint1.y, tempPoint1.z, // 5
//           left.x, left.y, left.z, // 4
//           right.x, right.y, right.z, // 3
//           left.x, left.y, left.z, // 2
//           tempPoint2.x, tempPoint2.y, tempPoint2.z // 1
//         );

//         verticesCount += 6;

//         indices.push(
//           verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 8, verticesCount - 7,
//           verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 7, verticesCount - 5,

//           verticesCount - 6, verticesCount - 5, verticesCount - 3,
//           verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 3, verticesCount - 1
//         );

//         count += 12;
//       }

//       normal.push(
//         up.x, up.y, up.z,
//         up.x, up.y, up.z,
//         up.x, up.y, up.z,
//         up.x, up.y, up.z,
//         up.x, up.y, up.z,
//         up.x, up.y, up.z
//       );

//       uv.push(
//         uvDist - sharpUvOffset, 0,
//         uvDist - sharpUvOffset, 1,
//         uvDist, 0,
//         uvDist, 1,
//         uvDist + sharpUvOffset, 0,
//         uvDist + sharpUvOffset, 1
//       );

//       if (generateUv2) {
//         uv2.push(
//           uvDist2 - sharpUvOffset2, 0,
//           uvDist2 - sharpUvOffset2, 1,
//           uvDist2, 0,
//           uvDist2, 1,
//           uvDist2 + sharpUvOffset2, 0,
//           uvDist2 + sharpUvOffset2, 1
//         );
//       }
//     } else {
//       position.push(
//         left.x, left.y, left.z,
//         right.x, right.y, right.z
//       );

//       normal.push(
//         up.x, up.y, up.z,
//         up.x, up.y, up.z
//       );

//       uv.push(
//         uvDist, 0,
//         uvDist, 1
//       );

//       if (generateUv2) {
//         uv2.push(
//           uvDist2, 0,
//           uvDist2, 1
//         );
//       }

//       verticesCount += 2;

//       if (!first) {
//         indices.push(
//           verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 4, verticesCount - 3,
//           verticesCount - 2, verticesCount - 3, verticesCount - 1
//         );

//         count += 6;
//       }
//     }
//   }

//   const sharp = new THREE.Vector3();
//   function addStart(pathPoint) {
//     const dir = pathPoint.dir;
//     const up = pathPoint.up;
//     const _right = pathPoint.right;

//     const uvDist = pathPoint.dist / sideWidth;
//     const uvDist2 = pathPoint.dist / totalDistance;

//     if (side !== 'left') {
//       right.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(halfWidth * 2);
//     } else {
//       right.set(0, 0, 0);
//     }

//     if (side !== 'right') {
//       left.copy(_right).multiplyScalar(-halfWidth * 2);
//     } else {
//       left.set(0, 0, 0);
//     }

//     sharp.copy(dir).setLength(halfWidth * 3);

//     right.add(pathPoint.pos);
//     left.add(pathPoint.pos);
//     sharp.add(pathPoint.pos);

//     position.push(
//       left.x, left.y, left.z,
//       right.x, right.y, right.z,
//       sharp.x, sharp.y, sharp.z
//     );

//     normal.push(
//       up.x, up.y, up.z,
//       up.x, up.y, up.z,
//       up.x, up.y, up.z
//     );

//     uv.push(
//       uvDist, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'right' ? -2 : 0 : -0.5,
//       uvDist, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'left' ? 2 : 0 : 1.5,
//       uvDist + 1.5, side !== 'both' ? 0 : 0.5
//     );

//     if (generateUv2) {
//       uv2.push(
//         uvDist2, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'right' ? -2 : 0 : -0.5,
//         uvDist2, side !== 'both' ? side !== 'left' ? 2 : 0 : 1.5,
//         uvDist2 + 1.5 * width / totalDistance, side !== 'both' ? 0 : 0.5
//       );
//     }

//     verticesCount += 3;

//     indices.push(verticesCount - 1, verticesCount - 3, verticesCount - 2);

//     count += 3;
//   }

//   let lastPoint;

//   if (progressDistance > 0) {
//     for (let i = 0;i < pathPointList.count;i++) {
//       const pathPoint = pathPointList.array[i];

//       if (pathPoint.dist > progressDistance) {
//         const prevPoint = pathPointList.array[i - 1];
//         lastPoint = new PathPoint();

//         // linear lerp for progress
//         const alpha = (progressDistance - prevPoint.dist) / (pathPoint.dist - prevPoint.dist);
//         lastPoint.lerpPathPoints(prevPoint, pathPoint, alpha);

//         addVertices(lastPoint);
//         break;
//       } else {
//         addVertices(pathPoint);
//       }
//     }
//   } else {
//     lastPoint = pathPointList.array[0];
//   }

//   // build arrow geometry
//   if (arrow) {
//     lastPoint = lastPoint || pathPointList.array[pathPointList.count - 1];
//     addStart(lastPoint);
//   }

//   return {
//     position,
//     normal,
//     uv,
//     uv2,
//     indices,
//     count
//   };
// }

 * PathTubeGeometry
class PathTubeGeometry extends PathGeometry {

   * @param {Object|Number} initData - If initData is number, geometry init by empty data and set it as the max vertex. If initData is Object, it contains pathPointList and options.
   * @param {Boolean} [generateUv2=false]
  constructor(initData = 1000, generateUv2 = false) {
    super(initData, generateUv2);

  _initByData(pathPointList, options = {}, usage, generateUv2) {
    function generateTubeVertexData(pathPointList, options, generateUv2 = false) {
      const radius = options.radius || 0.1;
      const progress = options.progress !== undefined ? options.progress : 1;
      const radialSegments = Math.max(2, options.radialSegments || 8);
      const startRad = options.startRad || 0;
      const circum = radius * 2 * Math.PI;
      const totalDistance = pathPointList.distance();
      const progressDistance = progress * totalDistance;
      if (progressDistance == 0) {
        return null;
      let count = 0;
      // modify data
      const position = [];
      const normal = [];
      const uv = [];
      const uv2 = [];
      const indices = [];
      let verticesCount = 0;
      const normalDir = new THREE.Vector3();
      function addVertices(pathPoint, radius, radialSegments) {
        const first = position.length === 0;
        const uvDist = pathPoint.dist / circum;
        const uvDist2 = pathPoint.dist / totalDistance;
        for (let r = 0;r <= radialSegments;r++) {
          let _r = r;
          if (_r == radialSegments) {
            _r = 0;
          normalDir.copy(pathPoint.up).applyAxisAngle(pathPoint.dir, startRad + Math.PI * 2 * _r / radialSegments)
          position.push(pathPoint.pos.x + normalDir.x * radius * pathPoint.widthScale, pathPoint.pos.y + normalDir.y * radius * pathPoint.widthScale, pathPoint.pos.z + normalDir.z * radius * pathPoint.widthScale);
          normal.push(normalDir.x, normalDir.y, normalDir.z);
          uv.push(uvDist, r / radialSegments);
          if (generateUv2) {
            uv2.push(uvDist2, r / radialSegments);
        if (!first) {
          const begin1 = verticesCount - (radialSegments + 1) * 2;
          const begin2 = verticesCount - (radialSegments + 1);
          for (let i = 0;i < radialSegments;i++) {
              begin2 + i, begin1 + i, begin1 + i + 1,
              begin2 + i, begin1 + i + 1, begin2 + i + 1
            count += 6;
      if (progressDistance > 0) {
        for (let i = 0;i < pathPointList.count;i++) {
          const pathPoint = pathPointList.array[i];
          if (pathPoint.dist > progressDistance) {
            const prevPoint = pathPointList.array[i - 1];
            const lastPoint = new PathPoint();
            // linear lerp for progress
            const alpha = (progressDistance - prevPoint.dist) / (pathPoint.dist - prevPoint.dist);
            lastPoint.lerpPathPoints(prevPoint, pathPoint, alpha);
            addVertices(lastPoint, radius, radialSegments);
          } else {
            addVertices(pathPoint, radius, radialSegments);
      return {
    const vertexData = generateTubeVertexData(pathPointList, options, generateUv2);

    if (vertexData && vertexData.count !== 0) {
      this.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vertexData.position), 3).setUsage(usage || THREE.StaticDrawUsage));
      this.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vertexData.normal), 3).setUsage(usage || THREE.StaticDrawUsage));
      this.setAttribute('uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vertexData.uv), 2).setUsage(usage || THREE.StaticDrawUsage));
      if (generateUv2) {
        this.setAttribute('uv2', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vertexData.uv2), 2).setUsage(usage || THREE.StaticDrawUsage));

      this.setIndex(vertexData.position.length / 3 > 65536 ?
        new THREE.Uint32BufferAttribute(vertexData.indices, 1) :
        new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute(vertexData.indices, 1));
    } else {
      this._initByMaxVertex(2, generateUv2);

   * Update geometry by PathPointList instance
   * @param {PathPointList} pathPointList
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {Number} [options.radius=0.1]
   * @param {Number} [options.progress=1]
   * @param {Boolean} [options.radialSegments=8]
   * @param {String} [options.startRad=0]
  update(pathPointList, options = {}) {
    function generateTubeVertexData(pathPointList, options, generateUv2 = false) {
      const radius = options.radius || 0.1;
      const progress = options.progress !== undefined ? options.progress : 1;
      const radialSegments = Math.max(2, options.radialSegments || 8);
      const startRad = options.startRad || 0;
      const circum = radius * 2 * Math.PI;
      const totalDistance = pathPointList.distance();
      const progressDistance = progress * totalDistance;
      if (progressDistance == 0) {
        return null;
      let count = 0;
      // modify data
      const position = [];
      const normal = [];
      const uv = [];
      const uv2 = [];
      const indices = [];
      let verticesCount = 0;
      const normalDir = new THREE.Vector3();
      function addVertices(pathPoint, radius, radialSegments) {
        const first = position.length === 0;
        const uvDist = pathPoint.dist / circum;
        const uvDist2 = pathPoint.dist / totalDistance;
        for (let r = 0;r <= radialSegments;r++) {
          let _r = r;
          if (_r == radialSegments) {
            _r = 0;
          normalDir.copy(pathPoint.up).applyAxisAngle(pathPoint.dir, startRad + Math.PI * 2 * _r / radialSegments)
          position.push(pathPoint.pos.x + normalDir.x * radius * pathPoint.widthScale, pathPoint.pos.y + normalDir.y * radius * pathPoint.widthScale, pathPoint.pos.z + normalDir.z * radius * pathPoint.widthScale);
          normal.push(normalDir.x, normalDir.y, normalDir.z);
          uv.push(uvDist, r / radialSegments);
          if (generateUv2) {
            uv2.push(uvDist2, r / radialSegments);
        if (!first) {
          const begin1 = verticesCount - (radialSegments + 1) * 2;
          const begin2 = verticesCount - (radialSegments + 1);
          for (let i = 0;i < radialSegments;i++) {
              begin2 + i, begin1 + i, begin1 + i + 1,
              begin2 + i, begin1 + i + 1, begin2 + i + 1
            count += 6;
      if (progressDistance > 0) {
        for (let i = 0;i < pathPointList.count;i++) {
          const pathPoint = pathPointList.array[i];
          if (pathPoint.dist > progressDistance) {
            const prevPoint = pathPointList.array[i - 1];
            const lastPoint = new PathPoint();
            // linear lerp for progress
            const alpha = (progressDistance - prevPoint.dist) / (pathPoint.dist - prevPoint.dist);
            lastPoint.lerpPathPoints(prevPoint, pathPoint, alpha);
            addVertices(lastPoint, radius, radialSegments);
          } else {
            addVertices(pathPoint, radius, radialSegments);
      return {
    const generateUv2 = !!this.getAttribute('uv2');

    const vertexData = generateTubeVertexData(pathPointList, options, generateUv2);

    if (vertexData) {
      this._updateAttributes(vertexData.position, vertexData.normal, vertexData.uv, generateUv2 ? vertexData.uv2 : null, vertexData.indices);
      this.drawRange.count = vertexData.count;
    } else {
      this.drawRange.count = 0;


// Vertex Data Generate Functions

// function generateTubeVertexData(pathPointList, options, generateUv2 = false) {
//   const radius = options.radius || 0.1;
//   const progress = options.progress !== undefined ? options.progress : 1;
//   const radialSegments = Math.max(2, options.radialSegments || 8);
//   const startRad = options.startRad || 0;

//   const circum = radius * 2 * Math.PI;
//   const totalDistance = pathPointList.distance();
//   const progressDistance = progress * totalDistance;
//   if (progressDistance == 0) {
//     return null;
//   }

//   let count = 0;

//   // modify data
//   const position = [];
//   const normal = [];
//   const uv = [];
//   const uv2 = [];
//   const indices = [];
//   let verticesCount = 0;

//   const normalDir = new THREE.Vector3();
//   function addVertices(pathPoint, radius, radialSegments) {
//     const first = position.length === 0;
//     const uvDist = pathPoint.dist / circum;
//     const uvDist2 = pathPoint.dist / totalDistance;

//     for (let r = 0;r <= radialSegments;r++) {
//       let _r = r;
//       if (_r == radialSegments) {
//         _r = 0;
//       }
//       normalDir.copy(pathPoint.up).applyAxisAngle(pathPoint.dir, startRad + Math.PI * 2 * _r / radialSegments)
//         .normalize();

//       position.push(pathPoint.pos.x + normalDir.x * radius * pathPoint.widthScale, pathPoint.pos.y + normalDir.y * radius * pathPoint.widthScale, pathPoint.pos.z + normalDir.z * radius * pathPoint.widthScale);
//       normal.push(normalDir.x, normalDir.y, normalDir.z);
//       uv.push(uvDist, r / radialSegments);

//       if (generateUv2) {
//         uv2.push(uvDist2, r / radialSegments);
//       }

//       verticesCount++;
//     }

//     if (!first) {
//       const begin1 = verticesCount - (radialSegments + 1) * 2;
//       const begin2 = verticesCount - (radialSegments + 1);

//       for (let i = 0;i < radialSegments;i++) {
//         indices.push(
//           begin2 + i, begin1 + i, begin1 + i + 1,
//           begin2 + i, begin1 + i + 1, begin2 + i + 1
//         );

//         count += 6;
//       }
//     }
//   }

//   if (progressDistance > 0) {
//     for (let i = 0;i < pathPointList.count;i++) {
//       const pathPoint = pathPointList.array[i];

//       if (pathPoint.dist > progressDistance) {
//         const prevPoint = pathPointList.array[i - 1];
//         const lastPoint = new PathPoint();

//         // linear lerp for progress
//         const alpha = (progressDistance - prevPoint.dist) / (pathPoint.dist - prevPoint.dist);
//         lastPoint.lerpPathPoints(prevPoint, pathPoint, alpha);

//         addVertices(lastPoint, radius, radialSegments);
//         break;
//       } else {
//         addVertices(pathPoint, radius, radialSegments);
//       }
//     }
//   }

//   return {
//     position,
//     normal,
//     uv,
//     uv2,
//     indices,
//     count
//   };
// }

export {PathGeometry, PathPointList, PathTubeGeometry};


     * @class: curveLine
     * @author: 大帅逼
     * @param: arr 路线数据
     * @param: width 路线宽度
     * @param: tileLine 路线贴图
     * @param: curveObjectArr 路线模型存放数组,用于轮播
     * @param: lat 中心点纬度判断轮播点位在什么地方,用于弹窗位置修改
     * @param: renderOrder 透明路线的渲染层级
     * @description: 创建中欧班列线路
     * **/
    racingLine(arr, width, curveObjectArr, tileLine, lat, renderOrder) {
      // if (arr) {
      const up = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0);
      pathPointList = new PathPointList();
      pathPointList.set(arr, 0.1, 2, up, false);
      const geometry = new PathGeometry(
          pathPointList: pathPointList,
          options: {
            width: 0.1, // default is 0.1
            arrow: true, // default is true
            progress: 1, // default is 1
            side: 'both' // "left"/"right"/"both", default is "both"
          usage: THREE.StaticDrawUsage // geometry usage
      geometry.update(pathPointList, {
        width: width, // default is 0.1
        arrow: false, // default is true
        progress: 1, // default is 1
        side: 'both' // "left"/"right"/"both", default is "both"
      const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(
        new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
          map: tileLine,
          // color: '#ffffff', //#00c5ff
          depthWrite: false,
          transparent: true
          // opacity: 1,
          // side: THREE.DoubleSide
          // map: lineTexture

      mesh.renderOrder = renderOrder;
      mesh.lngLat = arr[arr.length - 1];
      mesh.lastLat = lat;
      // }




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