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原创 《XNA高级编程》第一部分翻译完毕及阶段小结

开始翻译《Professional XNA Progamming》已经一个月了,经过一个月的努力终于把第一部分XNA Framework Basics翻译完成了。这是我第一次翻译文章,深有体会。我也是刚开始学习XNA,以前也没有任何的游戏制作基础,我也是一个地地道道的初学者。因为XNA也是新的技术,在网上游荡了很久都没有找到什么比较完整的教材。后来知道了这本XNA红皮书,于是乎就有了在亚马

2007-09-25 08:24:00 1188 4

翻译 Chapter 4(2):Tetris 俄罗斯方块

Tetris, Tetris, Tetris!Enough with all the helper classes and game components discussions. It is time to write another cool game. Thanks to the many classes available in the little game engine it is

2007-09-23 22:32:00 1796 1

翻译 Chapter 4(1): Game Components游戏组件

 Chapter 4: Game Components游戏组件OverviewThis chapter talks about the concept behind the Game class and the game components you can add to it. To get your graphic engine up and running in the next

2007-09-22 08:03:00 1402

翻译 Chapter 3(3):The Breakout Game

The Breakout GameAlright, this chapter talked a lot about helper classes and it is finally time to put them to some use. I will skip the concept phase here and basically just say that Breakout is an

2007-09-19 07:25:00 1193

翻译 Chapter 3(2): Helper Classes(2)

Logging Error Messages记录错误信息Debugging game code can be very complicated, especially if you don’t get any exceptions, but something in your render loop goes wrong. Just setting a few breakpoints migh

2007-09-12 08:25:00 1087

翻译 Chapter 3(1): Helper Classes

Chapter 3: Helper ClassesOverviewIn the Helper namespace I usually put a lot of helpful little tools and classes, which become quite useful over time. For a single project it might not be the most

2007-09-06 10:01:00 1291

翻译 Chapter 2(3): Write Pong(2)

Handling Player Input处理用户输入As you saw in Chapter 1, capturing the keyboard and gamepad input is quite easy in XNA. Writing an extra unit test just for that would be overkill; you already know how th

2007-09-03 22:28:00 7942 2

翻译 Chapter 2(2): Write Pong(1)

Let’s Write PongYou got the concept all figured out and have all the files you need to get started. It’s time to do some actual coding. First take a look at the SpriteBatch class and see how you can

2007-09-03 19:45:00 1425

翻译 Chapter 2(1): Creating Your First Game-Pong

 Chapter 2: Creating Your First Game-PongOverviewThis chapter talks about designing and creating a simple Pong game. Pong was the first video game ever and even before there were the first Pong

2007-08-31 14:22:00 1522 2

翻译 Chapter 1(3):Notes about XNA

 Notes about XNATo finish this chapter, here are some additional tips and tricks about the XNA Framework and XNA Game Studio Express. As you saw, you can just start coding and it works great, but

2007-08-30 10:19:00 1212

翻译 Chapter 1(2):Getting Started

 Getting Started You have everything set up now and it is time to finally do some coding and get your hands dirty. In this chapter you will just create a simple project with the help of the XNA St

2007-08-30 00:49:00 1700

翻译 Chapter 1(1): Introducing XNA

  Chapter 1: Introducing XNAWelcome to the world of XNA. As a game programmer you probably know about DirectX and maybe even the basics of the XNA Framework. This chapter explains how to install

2007-08-29 15:31:00 1591



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