
① 一般不使用完整的句子,而多用名词(词组)或动名词(词组)。

如:Education for Elite and Its Effect Evaluation (英才教育及其效果评估)

Nonlinear Waves in Elastic Rods(弹性棒材的非线形波)

Boriding and Eutecticuming of Steel(钢的渗硼与共晶化处理)

② 标题不宜过长,最好控制在15个词内,有时可以加副标题。应该力求语义明了,言简意赅。

③ 英文学术论文许多情况下不用 “Regarding…”, “On…”, “Studies on…”, “Investigation on…”, “Observations on”, “Probe into …”, “Some Thought on…”, “The Method of …”等等。汉语中的许多谦语,如“会议……”、“初探……”、“试论……”等都不宜对应译成英语。

④ 少用疑问句标题

作者及其工作单位、地址应该采用汉语拼音。作者之前不加写学衔、职称,例如Professor, manager 等等。单位地址由小至大,切忌英文和汉语拼音混杂。例如:East Sanhuan, Beijing, 应该写为:Dong Sanhuan, Beijing。在国际会议上发表的论文,作者的单位应该注明国籍和邮政编码。

3. 论文摘要和关键词
关键词写在摘要的下面,一般在4-6个词之间,最少2个,最多不能超过10个。多用名词形式而不使用动词。例如:key word: observation, incubation, examination-oriented education.


① 介绍主题内容,即:论文作了何种研究,主题是什么。

② 限定研讨范围,指出论文主题的界限,参数范围,研究工作侧重点等。





· 阐明论文目的(宗旨)时常用的句型:


1) The purpose of this paper is …

2) The primary goal of this research is…

3) The intention of this paper is to survey…

4) The overall objective of this study is…

5) In this paper, … was provided (given, illustrated)…

6) Our goal has been to provide…

7) In this paper, we aim at…

8) The emphasis of this study lies in…


1) The present work is concerned with the processes underlying…

2) The above work deals with the mechanism involved in…

3) Our work at present is devoted to the changes occurring in…

4) the work we have done bears on the effects produced by…

5) The work we are dong is closely related to the deliberations described in…

6) Compared with the current research, the previous work was in connection with the investigation made by…

7) The work presented in this paper focuses on several aspects of the following…

8) The authors are now initiating some experimental investigation to establish…

9) Our studies were performed to determine the amount of…

10) The problem we have outlined deals largely with the study of…


1) The chief aim of the present work is to investigate the features of…

2) The main purpose of our recent work was to examine the properties of…

3) The major object of their further work will be research into the nature of…

4) Our work in this direction has been intended to provide some information about…

5) The work which is being done now is designed to find some solution to the problem of…

6) Work of this kind has been started in order to assess the role of…

7) Previous work in this area was initiated in the hope of obtaining data in…

8) We did this work hoping to establish…

9) The authors undertook the work with a view to show…

10) By doing this work we expect(ed) to demonstrate…

11) Doing this joint work, we intend(ed) to show…

12) The primary objective of our work was to define the reasons for redundant protection systems and give examples of systems used in …

13) With research of many years, the author’s endeavour is to explain why in…

14) The above-mentioned work has been performed with a view of…


1) The chief aim of the present study is to find out…

2) The primary object of this fundamental research will be to reveal the cause of…

3) The main objective of our investigation has been to obtain some knowledge of…

4) The study of …was made in order to clarify…

5) The above study has been carried out to determine…

6) Their (pioneer) studies were intended to elucidate…

7) Those earlier investigations are in hopes of providing evidence for…

8) We performed this present study in the hope that we might bring to light some facts about…

9) The authors attempted their studies in order that they might…

10) We undertook the above study to the end that we might…

11) They initiated the present study so that they might…

12) Carrying out this study we hope to find out…

13) Performing these studies the author intended to reveal…

14) With recent research, the author intends to outline the framework of…


1) We made these experiments in order to show a correlation…

2) The author attempted the set experiment with a view to demonstrate certain phenomena…

3) Experiments on…were made in order to measure the amount of…

4) Experiments involving… have been carried out to determine…

5) Experiments using this technique are (not) under way to test (check)…

6) Experiments on… are made to answer the question whether…

7) The experiment being made by our research group is aimed at obtaining the result of…

8) We have designed such an experiment for the purpose…





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