


原文题目为:How one man’s dream to rival Google’s AI chief reflects China’s quest for tech supremacy

撰文:Minghe Hu

首发:South China Morning Post

Yuan Jinhui, the 40-year-old founder of OneFlow Technology in Beijing, believes his company will one day rival Google’s TensorFlow and Facebook’s Pytorch to become the mainstream AI computing framework of choice and, through this accomplishment, he can become China’s answer to Jeff Dean, the American computer scientist who heads Google’s artificial intelligence research.

袁进辉,这位北京一流科技年届四旬的创始人,相信自己公司的产品OneFlow有朝一日可以超越谷歌的TensorFlow和脸书的PyTorch,成为AI计算框架的主流选择,他在中国达成的这一成就正如Jeff Dean在美国取得的成就,Jeff Dean是美国著名计算机科学家,谷歌人工智能的领袖。

In an interview with the South China Morning Post, the grey-haired Yuan, one of a group of Chinese scientists whose research may help the country become an AI superpower, said that it is only a matter of time for OneFlow, an open-source framework released last summer.


“I have always been trying to achieve it, and I know my work is still lagging far behind Dean’s accomplishment,” said Yuan, who started the company in 2017 when he saw an opening in the deep learning framework market.

2017年,袁进辉看到深度学习框架市场在“大模型分布式”方向上有着空缺,于是创办了这家公司。他说:“我一直在努力达成这个理想,我也知道我个人的成就目前远远落后于Jeff Dean。”

“But the framework of OneFlow is faster than Google’s, and I believe our ecosystem could eventually compete with theirs.”


OneFlow is a newcomer in the area of open-source AI frameworks for machine learning, which is similar to operating systems for personal computers.


While Google and Facebook are the preferred frameworks globally, major Chinese technology firms are racing to come up with their own: Huawei developed Mindspore, Megvii launched MegEngine, and Baidu has its Paddle Paddle platform.

虽然谷歌TensorFlow和脸书PyTorch是全球范围内的首选框架,但中国主要科技公司也在竞相推出自己的框架:华为开发了Mindspore, 旷视推出了MegEngine,百度有自己的飞桨平台。

Beijing named AI as a key technology to develop in its 14th five-year plan, with the area expected to be a battlefield for China and the US as they jostle for supremacy.


While China’s main advantage comes from the vast amounts of data from its 1.4 billion people, the country still has yet to figure out how to rapidly train its AI models using massive data inputs.


While working as an AI scientist at Microsoft Research Asia to create a large-scale machine learning platform in 2014, Yuan developed a light training algorithm system using only dozens of servers that could process highly complex calculations.


The achievement brought Yuan recognition as the system was used in Microsoft’s search engine and gave him an inkling about the future growth potential of data and AI models. It also echoed his research into computational neuroscience for his post-doctoral degree.


“Biological neural networks are at least 1,000 times larger than the current largest artificial ones, which means the scale of the framework would be a key component for future AI development,” Yuan said.


Seeing the huge demand for data and AI models, he left Microsoft and created OneFlow, which supports AI applications in image processing, voice recognition, text and ad recommendation systems.


Researchers believe new AI frameworks have a chance to shine. “The current popular frameworks were designed about eight years ago with an original goal to support supervised models, such as those for computer vision,” said Luo Mai, an assistant professor at the University of Edinburgh and a specialist in machine learning systems.


“Those models are much smaller compared to the giant AI models that are emerging today. Nowadays, we are expecting a framework that is designed to support much bigger models and target wider applications.”


At the same time, Beijing is throwing support behind its own AI labs to cut reliance on US tools. Despite an ambitious plan to become a global leader in AI by 2030, nearly all small- to mid-sized Chinese AI companies rely on open-source platforms from the US.


“Open-source deep learning frameworks are fundamental and critical for AI technology, and 90 per cent of current applications in the market are rooted in them,” said Lu Yanxia, associate research director at IDC China. “It is a problem you cannot get around for a domestic replacement in AI innovation.”


Huawei, the telecoms giant struggling under strict US trade sanctions, is investing significant sums to build an AI ecosystem, from deep learning frameworks to AI chips and cloud computing.


“The best scenario for AI frameworks is to combine novel software design with hardware innovation because such a combination can often lead to tens or even hundreds of times improvement in computational efficiency,” said the University of Edinburgh’s Mai.


“It will give the framework an unsurpassedcompetitive advantage.”


Yuan’s vision for OneFlow is for it to become the most popular AI framework in the world. To achieve that goal at home first, the company is working with the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence and Hangzhou-based Zhejiang Lab, along with top-tier universities and institutions, including Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University and the Chinese Academy of Science, to give students and academia the chance to know and use OneFlow.


It is also winning over investors. In February, A-round fundraising with Hillhouse raised 50 million yuan, (US$7.7 million) and since then more investors have expressed interest.

OneFlow还赢得了投资者的青睐。今年2月, OneFlow A轮融资筹集了人民币5,000万元(770万美元),为高瓴创投独家投资,此后越来越多的投资者表达了兴趣。

Yuan said OneFlow has received local government support in the form of tax breaks, talent recruitment and R&D funding, and in March Beijing’s Communist Party secretary, Cai Qi, visited the company’s headquarters, a sign of the high level of support for technology innovation.


Since launching four years ago, OneFlow’s staff has grown from three, including Yuan, to more than 50. These days, Yuan said he chases investors during the day and writes code at night - a lifestyle that baffled his former colleagues and frustrated his family.


“I was running into walls all the time. Former colleagues couldn’t understand why I gave up a stable job and started a company … even my family couldn’t agree with me,” said Yuan, who added that investors have been more rational about his vision.

“我一直在碰壁。以前的同事们无法理解我为什么放弃一份稳定的工作而自己创业……甚至我的家人也不同意我的选择” 不过他补充到,投资者反而更加理解他的愿景。

Raised by parents who worked as wheat farmers in northern Hebei province, Yuan was the top student at his school.


After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Xidian University in northwestern Shaanxi province, he was admitted to a doctoral programme at Tsinghua University, studying with Zhang Bo, a well-known AI scientist in China and a fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


“I have always been looking for a sense of accomplishment. Everyone should do the same, look for areas where they have a competitive edge,” Yuan said.


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