Chapter 13 Reduced Instruction Set Computer

  1. Key features
    • Limited and simple instructions set with a fixed format
    • Large number of general purpose registers or use of compiler technology to optimize register use
    • Emphasis on optimizing the instruction pipeline
  2. Instruction execution characteristics
  3. The use of a large register file
    • Register features
      • Faster than cache, memory
      • Shorter address
      • Near CPU
    • Software solution
      • Require compiler to allocate registers
      • Allocate based on most used variables in a given time
      • Requires sophisticated program analysis
    • Hardware solution
      • Have more registers
      • Thus more variables will be in registers
    • Registers for local variables
      • Store local scalar variables in registers
      • Reduces memory access
      • Every procedure(function) call changes locality
        • Parameters must be passed
        • Results myst be returned
      • Variables from calling programs must be stored to registers
    • Register Windows
      • Typically, a procedure employs:
        • Only few parameters and local variables
        • Limited range of depth of call
      • Use multiple small sets of registers, each assigned to a different procedure
        • a window for a procedure
      • Calls switch to a different set of registers, rather than saving contents of registers into memory
      • Windows for adjacent procedures are overlapped to allow parameter passing
      • Returns switch back to a previously used set of registers
      • Global variables: allocated by the compiler to memory
      • Compiler based register optimization: optimization is done by the RISC compiler
        • Assign symbolic or virtual register to each candidate variable
        • Graph coloring: to decide which variables can use registers at any given point in a program
          • The nodes are symbolic registers, if two symbolic registers are "live" during the same program fragment, they are joined by a edge to depict interference
          • Try to color the graph with n colors, where n is the number of real registers
            • Colors represents the number of physical registers
            • The same color means the same register
          • If this process does not fully succeed, then those nodes that cannot be colored must be placed in memory
  4. Reduced instruction set architecture
    • Charateristics
      • One instruction per cycle
      • Register to register operations
      • Few, simple addressing modes
      • Few, simple, fixed instruction formats
      • Hardwired design
      • Effectively instruction pipelining
      • More responsive to interrupt
      • More compile time/effort
  5. RISC vs CISC
    • Compiler simplification
      • To compile less machine instructions(Hard to find the exactly fit instructions)
      • Smaller & faster programs
  6. RISC pipelining
    • Most instructions are register to register
    • Two phases of execution
      • I: Instruction fetch
      • E: Execute
    • For load and store, three phases are required:
      • I: Instruction fetch
      • E: Execute
        • Calculate memory address
      • D: Memory
        • Register to memory or memory to register operation
      • Delay slot




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


