线性表应用 多项式加法

——Bertrand Russell

多项式求和, 即输入两个多项式, 然后将它们合并为一个多项式, 解决多项式求和问题是链表的应用之一。
用链表的原因是, 多项式的指数可能不是连续的, 当指数最大值很高而离散度很高时, 用线性表存储会导致空间利用率很低。 于是可以使用动态开辟结点的链表来进行优化。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

 * Linked list of integers. The key is data. The key is sorted in non-descending order.
typedef struct LinkNode{
	int coefficient;
	int exponent;
	struct LinkNode *next;
} *LinkList, *NodePtr;

 * Initialize the list with a header.
 * @return The pointer to the header.
LinkList initLinkList(){
	LinkList tempHeader = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkNode));
	tempHeader->coefficient = 0;
	tempHeader->exponent = 0;
	tempHeader->next = NULL;
	return tempHeader;
}// Of initLinkList

 * Print the list.
 * @param paraHeader The header of the list.
void printList(LinkList paraHeader){
	NodePtr p = paraHeader->next;
	while (p != NULL) {
		printf("%d * 10^%d + ", p->coefficient, p->exponent);
		p = p->next;
	}// Of while
}// Of printList

 * Print one node for testing.
 * @param paraPtr The pointer to the node.
 * @param paraChar The name of the node.
void printNode(NodePtr paraPtr, char paraChar){
	if (paraPtr == NULL) {
	} else {
		printf("The element of %c is (%d * 10^%d)\r\n", paraChar, paraPtr->coefficient, paraPtr->exponent);
	}// Of while
}// Of printNode

 * Add an element to the tail.
 * @param paraCoefficient The coefficient of the new element.
 * @param paraExponent The exponent of the new element.
void appendElement(LinkList paraHeader, int paraCoefficient, int paraExponent){
	NodePtr p, q;

	// Step 1. Construct a new node.
	q = (NodePtr)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkNode));
	q->coefficient = paraCoefficient;
	q->exponent = paraExponent;
	q->next = NULL;

	// Step 2. Search to the tail.
	p = paraHeader;
	while (p->next != NULL) {
		p = p->next;
	}// Of while

	// Step 3. Now add/link.
	p->next = q;
}// Of appendElement

 * Polynomial addition.
 * @param paraList1 The first list.
 * @param paraList2 The second list.
void add(NodePtr paraList1, NodePtr paraList2){
	NodePtr p, q, r, s;

	// Step 1. Search to the position.
	p = paraList1->next;
	printNode(p, 'p');
	q = paraList2->next;
	printNode(q, 'q');
	r = paraList1; // Previous pointer for inserting.
	printNode(r, 'r');
	free(paraList2); // The second list is destroyed. 
	while ((p != NULL) && (q != NULL)) {
		if (p->exponent < q->exponent) {
			//Link the current node of the first list.
			printf("case 1\r\n");
			r->next = p;
			r = p;
			printNode(r, 'r');
			p = p->next;
			printNode(p, 'p');
		} else if ((p->exponent > q->exponent)) {
			//Link the current node of the second list.
			printf("case 2\r\n");
			r->next = q;
			r = q;
			printNode(r, 'r');
			q = q->next;
			printNode(q, 'q');
		} else {
			printf("case 3\r\n");
			//Change the current node of the first list.
			p->coefficient = p->coefficient + q->coefficient;
			printf("The coefficient is: %d.\r\n", p->coefficient);
			if (p->coefficient == 0) {
				printf("case 3.1\r\n");
				s = p;
				p = p->next;
				printNode(p, 'p');
				// free(s);
			} else {
				printf("case 3.2\r\n");
				r = p;
				printNode(r, 'r');
				p = p->next;
				printNode(p, 'p');
			}// Of if
			s = q;
			q = q->next;
			//printf("q is pointing to (%d, %d)\r\n", q->coefficient, q->exponent);
		}// Of if

		printf("p = %ld, q = %ld \r\n", p, q);
	} // Of while
	printf("End of while.\r\n");

	if (p == NULL) {
		r->next = q;
	} else {
		r->next = p;
	} // Of if

	printf("Addition ends.\r\n");
}// Of add

 * Unit test 1.
void additionTest1(){
	// Step 1. Initialize the first polynomial.
	LinkList tempList1 = initLinkList();
	appendElement(tempList1, 7, 0);
	appendElement(tempList1, 3, 1);
	appendElement(tempList1, 9, 8);
	appendElement(tempList1, 5, 17);

	// Step 2. Initialize the second polynomial.
	LinkList tempList2 = initLinkList();
	appendElement(tempList2, 8, 1);
	appendElement(tempList2, 22, 7);
	appendElement(tempList2, -9, 8);

	// Step 3. Add them to the first.
	add(tempList1, tempList2);
	printf("The result is: ");
}// Of additionTest1

 * Unit test 2.
void additionTest2(){
	// Step 1. Initialize the first polynomial.
	LinkList tempList1 = initLinkList();
	appendElement(tempList1, 7, 0);
	appendElement(tempList1, 3, 1);
	appendElement(tempList1, 9, 8);
	appendElement(tempList1, 5, 17);

	// Step 2. Initialize the second polynomial.
	LinkList tempList2 = initLinkList();
	appendElement(tempList2, 8, 1);
	appendElement(tempList2, 22, 7);
	appendElement(tempList2, -9, 10);

	// Step 3. Add them to the first.
	add(tempList1, tempList2);
	printf("The result is: ");
}// Of additionTest2

 * The entrance.
int main(){
	return 0;
}// Of main


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#define remilia int
#define isMyWife main

using namespace std;

template<class ElemType>
class LinkedList {
		class Node {
				ElemType data;
				Node* next;
				virtual ~Node() {
				Node(ElemType data, Node* next) {
					this -> data = data;
					this -> next = next;	
				ElemType getData() {
					return this -> data;
				void setData(ElemType elem) {
					this -> data = elem;
				Node* getNext() {
					return this -> next;
				void setNext(Node* node) {
					this -> next = node;
		int length;
		Node* head;
		Node* tail;
		// 引入迭代器 
		Node* iterator;
		virtual ~LinkedList();
		LinkedList(vector<ElemType> v);
		Node* initIterator() {
			return (this -> iterator = this -> head);
		// get the length of linkedlist
		int getLength();
		// print all of the linkedlist
		void outputList();
		 * @brief  append a node to the tail
		 * @return the result of appending  1 -> success
		 * @param elem 
		 * the appending is always successful
		bool pushBack(ElemType elem);
		 * @brief append a node to the head
		 * @param elem 
		 * @return the result of appending  1 -> success
		 * the appending is always successful
		bool pushHead(ElemType elem);
		 * @brief delete a node from head
		 * @return the result of deleting 1 -> success, 0 -> failute
		 * the reason of failure is that the head node isn't existed
		bool popHead();
		 * @brief delete a node from tail
		 * @return the result of deleting 1 -> success, 0 -> failute
		 * the reason of failure is that the tail node isn't existed
		 * @return 
		bool popBack();
		// insert an element to the given position
		bool insertElement(int paraPosition, ElemType elem);
		 * @brief delete a node by the paraPosition
		 * @param the position of the node needed deleted
		 * @return 1 -> success, 0 -> fail
		 * the reason of failure is the position out of range
		bool deleteElementByParaPosition(int paraPosition); 
		 * @brief clear the list
		void clear();
		 * @brief get a element by paraPosition
		 * @return the element
		ElemType getElement(int paraPosition);

template<class ElemType>
LinkedList<ElemType>::~LinkedList() {

template<class ElemType>
LinkedList<ElemType>::LinkedList() {
	this -> length = 0;
	this -> head = this -> tail = nullptr;

template<class ElemType>
LinkedList<ElemType>::LinkedList(vector<ElemType> v) {
	for (auto e : v) {
		this -> pushBack(e);

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::pushBack(ElemType elem) {
	// if the tail equals null, the head equals null too
	if (this -> tail == nullptr) {
		this -> head = this -> tail = new Node(elem, nullptr);
	} else {
		Node* newTail = new Node(elem, nullptr);
		this -> tail -> setNext(newTail);
		this -> tail = newTail; 
	this -> length++;
	return 1;

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::pushHead(ElemType elem) {
	if (this -> head == nullptr) {
		this -> head = this -> tail = new Node(elem, nullptr);
	} else {
		Node* newTail = new Node(elem, head);
		this -> head = newTail;
	this -> length++;
	return 1;

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::popHead() {
	if (this -> length == 1) {
		this -> head = this -> tail = nullptr;
	if (this -> head == nullptr) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		Node* temp = this -> head;
		this -> head = this -> head -> getNext();
		delete temp;
		return 1;

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::popBack() {
	if (this -> length == 1) {
		this -> head = this -> tail = nullptr;
	if (this -> tail == nullptr) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		Node* temp = this -> head;
		while (temp -> getNext() != this -> tail) {
			temp = temp -> getNext();
		delete temp -> getNext();
		this -> tail = temp;
		return 1;

template<class ElemType>
void LinkedList<ElemType>::outputList() {
	Node* temp = this -> head;
	while (temp != nullptr) {
		cout << temp -> getData() << " ";
		temp = temp -> getNext();

template<class ElemType>
int LinkedList<ElemType>::getLength() {
	return this -> length;	

template<class ElemType>
void LinkedList<ElemType>::clear() {
	Node* temp = this -> head;
	Node* storge = temp;
	while (temp != nullptr) {
		temp = temp -> getNext();
		delete storge;
		storge = temp;
	delete storge;
	this -> head = this -> tail = nullptr;
	this -> length = 0;

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::deleteElementByParaPosition(int paraPosition) {
	if (paraPosition > this -> getLength()) {
		return 0;
	if (paraPosition == 1) {
		return popHead();
	int recordIndex = 1;
	Node* temp = this -> head;
	while (recordIndex < paraPosition - 1) {
		temp = temp -> getNext();	
	Node* recorder = temp -> getNext();
	temp -> setNext(recorder -> getNext());
	delete recorder;
	return 1;

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::insertElement(int paraPosition, ElemType elem) {
	if (paraPosition > this -> getLength() + 1) {
		return 0;	
	if (paraPosition == 1) {
		return this -> pushHead(elem);
	Node* temp = this -> head;
	int recordIndex = 1;
	while (recordIndex < paraPosition - 1) {
		temp = temp -> getNext();
	Node* newNode = new Node(elem, temp -> getNext());
	temp -> setNext(newNode);
	this -> length++;
	return 1;

template<class ElemType>
ElemType LinkedList<ElemType>::getElement(int paraPosition) {
	if (paraPosition > this -> length) {
		throw "out of range...";
	int recordIndex = 1;
	Node* temp = this -> head;
	while (recordIndex < paraPosition) {
		temp = temp -> getNext();
	return temp -> getData();
remilia isMyWife() {
	return 0;


// 重载pair的输出运算符 
template<class T, class U>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::pair<T, U>& p) {
  os << p.first << "x^" << p.second << " ";
  return os;


// 参数使用pair 
// pair<系数, 指数>
LinkedList<pair<int, int>> add(LinkedList<pair<int, int>>& a, LinkedList<pair<int, int>>& b) {
	// Node是内部私有类, 因此这里使用自动类型进行推断 
	LinkedList<pair<int, int>> ans;
	auto iteratorA = a.initIterator();
	auto iteratorB = b.initIterator();
	while (iteratorA && iteratorB) {
		if (iteratorA -> getData().second < iteratorB -> getData().second) {
			ans.pushBack({iteratorA -> getData().first, iteratorA -> getData().second});
			iteratorA = iteratorA -> getNext();
		} else if (iteratorA -> getData().second > iteratorB -> getData().second) {
			ans.pushBack({iteratorB -> getData().first, iteratorB -> getData().second});
			iteratorB = iteratorB -> getNext();
		} else {
			int sum = iteratorA -> getData().second + iteratorB -> getData().second;
			if (sum) {
				ans.pushBack({sum, iteratorA -> getData().second});
			iteratorA = iteratorA -> getNext();
			iteratorB = iteratorB -> getNext();
	while (iteratorA) {
		ans.pushBack({iteratorA -> getData().first, iteratorA -> getData().second});
		iteratorA = iteratorA -> getNext();
	while (iteratorB) {
		ans.pushBack({iteratorB -> getData().first, iteratorB -> getData().second});
		iteratorB = iteratorB -> getNext();
	return ans;


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define remilia int
#define isMyWife main

using namespace std;

// 重载pair的输出运算符 
template<class T, class U>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::pair<T, U>& p) {
  os << p.first << "x^" << p.second << " ";
  return os;

template<class ElemType>
class LinkedList {
		class Node {
					ElemType data;
					Node* next;
					virtual ~Node() {
					Node(ElemType data, Node* next) {
						this -> data = data;
						this -> next = next;	
					ElemType getData() {
						return this -> data;
					void setData(ElemType elem) {
						this -> data = elem;
					Node* getNext() {
						return this -> next;
					void setNext(Node* node) {
						this -> next = node;
		int length;
		Node* head;
		Node* tail;
		virtual ~LinkedList();
		LinkedList(vector<ElemType> v);
		// 引入迭代器 
		Node* iterator;
		Node* initIterator() {
			return (this -> iterator = this -> head);
		// get the length of linkedlist
		int getLength();
		// print all of the linkedlist
		void outputList();
		 * @brief  append a node to the tail
		 * @return the result of appending  1 -> success
		 * @param elem 
		 * the appending is always successful
		bool pushBack(ElemType elem);
		 * @brief append a node to the head
		 * @param elem 
		 * @return the result of appending  1 -> success
		 * the appending is always successful
		bool pushHead(ElemType elem);
		 * @brief delete a node from head
		 * @return the result of deleting 1 -> success, 0 -> failute
		 * the reason of failure is that the head node isn't existed
		bool popHead();
		 * @brief delete a node from tail
		 * @return the result of deleting 1 -> success, 0 -> failute
		 * the reason of failure is that the tail node isn't existed
		 * @return 
		bool popBack();
		// insert an element to the given position
		bool insertElement(int paraPosition, ElemType elem);
		 * @brief delete a node by the paraPosition
		 * @param the position of the node needed deleted
		 * @return 1 -> success, 0 -> fail
		 * the reason of failure is the position out of range
		bool deleteElementByParaPosition(int paraPosition); 
		 * @brief clear the list
		void clear();
		 * @brief get a element by paraPosition
		 * @return the element
		ElemType getElement(int paraPosition);

template<class ElemType>
LinkedList<ElemType>::~LinkedList() {

template<class ElemType>
LinkedList<ElemType>::LinkedList() {
	this -> length = 0;
	this -> head = this -> tail = nullptr;

template<class ElemType>
LinkedList<ElemType>::LinkedList(vector<ElemType> v) {
	for (auto e : v) {
		this -> pushBack(e);

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::pushBack(ElemType elem) {
	// if the tail equals null, the head equals null too
	if (this -> tail == nullptr) {
		this -> head = this -> tail = new Node(elem, nullptr);
	} else {
		Node* newTail = new Node(elem, nullptr);
		this -> tail -> setNext(newTail);
		this -> tail = newTail; 
	this -> length++;
	return 1;

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::pushHead(ElemType elem) {
	if (this -> head == nullptr) {
		this -> head = this -> tail = new Node(elem, nullptr);
	} else {
		Node* newTail = new Node(elem, head);
		this -> head = newTail;
	this -> length++;
	return 1;

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::popHead() {
	if (this -> length == 1) {
		this -> head = this -> tail = nullptr;
	if (this -> head == nullptr) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		Node* temp = this -> head;
		this -> head = this -> head -> getNext();
		delete temp;
		return 1;

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::popBack() {
	if (this -> length == 1) {
		this -> head = this -> tail = nullptr;
	if (this -> tail == nullptr) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		Node* temp = this -> head;
		while (temp -> getNext() != this -> tail) {
			temp = temp -> getNext();
		delete temp -> getNext();
		this -> tail = temp;
		return 1;

template<class ElemType>
void LinkedList<ElemType>::outputList() {
	Node* temp = this -> head;
	while (temp != nullptr) {
		cout << temp -> getData() << " ";
		temp = temp -> getNext();

template<class ElemType>
int LinkedList<ElemType>::getLength() {
	return this -> length;	

template<class ElemType>
void LinkedList<ElemType>::clear() {
	Node* temp = this -> head;
	Node* storge = temp;
	while (temp != nullptr) {
		temp = temp -> getNext();
		delete storge;
		storge = temp;
	delete storge;
	this -> head = this -> tail = nullptr;
	this -> length = 0;

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::deleteElementByParaPosition(int paraPosition) {
	if (paraPosition > this -> getLength()) {
		return 0;
	if (paraPosition == 1) {
		return popHead();
	int recordIndex = 1;
	Node* temp = this -> head;
	while (recordIndex < paraPosition - 1) {
		temp = temp -> getNext();	
	Node* recorder = temp -> getNext();
	temp -> setNext(recorder -> getNext());
	delete recorder;
	return 1;

template<class ElemType>
bool LinkedList<ElemType>::insertElement(int paraPosition, ElemType elem) {
	if (paraPosition > this -> getLength() + 1) {
		return 0;	
	if (paraPosition == 1) {
		return this -> pushHead(elem);
	Node* temp = this -> head;
	int recordIndex = 1;
	while (recordIndex < paraPosition - 1) {
		temp = temp -> getNext();
	Node* newNode = new Node(elem, temp -> getNext());
	temp -> setNext(newNode);
	this -> length++;
	return 1;

template<class ElemType>
ElemType LinkedList<ElemType>::getElement(int paraPosition) {
	if (paraPosition > this -> length) {
		throw "out of range...";
	int recordIndex = 1;
	Node* temp = this -> head;
	while (recordIndex < paraPosition) {
		temp = temp -> getNext();
	return temp -> getData();
// 参数使用pair 
// pair<系数, 指数>
LinkedList<pair<int, int>> add(LinkedList<pair<int, int>>& a, LinkedList<pair<int, int>>& b) {
	// Node是内部私有类, 因此这里使用自动类型进行推断 
	LinkedList<pair<int, int>> ans;
	auto iteratorA = a.initIterator();
	auto iteratorB = b.initIterator();
	while (iteratorA && iteratorB) {
		if (iteratorA -> getData().second < iteratorB -> getData().second) {
			ans.pushBack({iteratorA -> getData().first, iteratorA -> getData().second});
			iteratorA = iteratorA -> getNext();
		} else if (iteratorA -> getData().second > iteratorB -> getData().second) {
			ans.pushBack({iteratorB -> getData().first, iteratorB -> getData().second});
			iteratorB = iteratorB -> getNext();
		} else {
			int sum = iteratorA -> getData().second + iteratorB -> getData().second;
			if (sum) {
				ans.pushBack({sum, iteratorA -> getData().second});
			iteratorA = iteratorA -> getNext();
			iteratorB = iteratorB -> getNext();
	while (iteratorA) {
		ans.pushBack({iteratorA -> getData().first, iteratorA -> getData().second});
		iteratorA = iteratorA -> getNext();
	while (iteratorB) {
		ans.pushBack({iteratorB -> getData().first, iteratorB -> getData().second});
		iteratorB = iteratorB -> getNext();
	return ans;

remilia isMyWife() {
	LinkedList<pair<int, int>> a, b, c;
	for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
			a.pushBack({i, i});
		for (int j = 10; j <= 20; j++) {
			b.pushBack({j, j});
	c = add(a, b);
	return 0;
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实验一 线性表及其应用 一、 实验目的和要求 1、掌握线性表的插入、删除、查找等基本操作设计与实现 2、学习利用线性表提供的接口去求解实际问题 3、熟悉线性表的的存储方法 二、 实验内容和原理 1、实验内容:设计一个一元多项式的简单计算器,其基本功能有①输入并建立多项式;②输出多项式;③多项式相加。可利用单链表或单循环链表实现之。 2、实验原理:以线性表来描述一元多项式,存储结构采用单链表,每个结点存储的多项式中某一项的系数和指数,建立单链表时指数高的结点列于指数低的 结点之后,即线性表的元素按指数递增有序排列。 三、 实验环境 Visual C++ 6.0 及PC机 四、 算法描述及实验步骤 思想算法: 以线性表来描述一元多项式,存储结构采用单链表,每个结点存储的多项式中某一项的系数和指数,建立单链表时指数高的结点列于指数低的结点之后,即线性表的元素按指数递增有序排列。 例如构造两个多项式ha: 5X3+4X2+3X+2 hb: X2+X+1 多项式加法:定义指针p,q分别指向ha,hb i.p->exp==q->exp ,r->coef=p->coef+q->coef,pa,pb下移; ii.p->expexp ,r->coef=q->coef;r->exp=q->exp;,q下移 iii.pa->exp>pb->exp, r->exp=p->exp;r->coef=p->coef;,p下移 iv.p!=NULL,pb==NULL.相当于iii. V.q==NULL,pb!=NULL.相当于ii. 其流程图如下: 多项式乘法:定义指针fp,gp分别指向f,g 1.将两多项式最大指数相加并赋于maxp,并置g 2.用for循环求指数等于maxp时相乘的系数 3. (fp!=NULL)&&(gp!=NULL), p=fp->exp+gp->exp 1.p>maxp, fp=fp->next; 2. pnext; 3.p=maxp, x+=fp->coef*gp->coef; fp=fp->next;gp=gp->next; 五、 实验结果 1.分别输入两个多项式: 5X3+4X2+3X+2 和X2+X+1,然后输出结果如下: 2.分别输入两个多项式:6X4+4X2+2和5X+6,然后输出结果如下: 六、 总结 此次上机实验应用线性表实现了一次实际操作,完成了一个一元多项式的简单计算器,不仅对此次编译程序的算法思想有了新的认识,还让我深刻的体会到了线性表的重要性以及其应用的方便,并且对指针加深了映象,应用了书本中的算法思想,对我以后的编译以及完成新的程序有很大的帮助。 附录: 1.建立多项式列表代码如下: mulpoly *creatpoly()/*建立多项式列表*/ {mulpoly *head,*r,*s;/*设中间变量*/ int m,n; head=(mulpoly *)malloc(sizeof(mulpoly));/*头结点申请空间*/ printf("\ninput coef and exp:\n"); scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);/*输入多项式系数和指数*/ r=head;/*尾指针指向头指针*/ while(n!=0)/*将输入的多项式存放在S中*/ {s=(mulpoly*)malloc(sizeof(mulpoly)); s->coef=n; s->exp=m; r->next=s; r=s; /*printf("input coef and exp:\n");*/ scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);/*再次输入多项式系数和指数*/ } r->next=NULL;/*将尾指针置空*/ head=head->next;/*将head哑结点向前跑一个结点,使其不为空*/ return (head);/*返回多项式*/ } 2.两个多项式相加代码如下: mulpoly *polyadd(mulpoly *ha,mulpoly *hb)/*两个多项式相加*/ {mulpoly *hc,*p,*q,*s,*r;/*声明结构体型*/ int x; p=ha; q=hb; hc=(mulpoly *)malloc(sizeof(mulpoly));/*申请结点空间*/ s=hc; while((p!=NULL)&&(q!=NULL))/*两多项式不为空*/
多项式运算是指对两个多项式进行加法、减法和乘法操作。每个多项式由一系列项组成,每一项包括系数和指数两个部分。例如,多项式A = 5x^2,多项式B = -x + 4x^4。对于这两个多项式进行运算的结果如下: A + B = 5x^2 - x + 4x^4 A - B = 5x^2 + x - 4x^4 A * B = -5x - x^2 - 2x^3 + 20x^4 + 4x^5 + 8x^6 多项式的运算可以通过线性表(DS线性表)来实现。可以使用数组或链表来表示多项式的每一项,每一项包括系数和指数。在加法运算中,可以遍历两个多项式的项,根据指数进行比较,将相同指数的项的系数相加,得到结果多项式的项。在减法运算中,可以遍历两个多项式的项,将第一个多项式的项的系数减去第二个多项式的项的系数,得到结果多项式的项。在乘法运算中,可以遍历两个多项式的项,将每一项的系数相乘,并将指数相加,得到结果多项式的项。 对于输入的测试数据,先确定多项式A和B的项数,然后按照指数从小到大的顺序输入每一项的系数和指数。根据输入的多项式A和B,进行加法、减法和乘法运算,得到结果多项式。输出结果应按照指定的格式进行输出,每一行代表一个运算结果。 以上是对DS线性表多项式运算的问题的回答,引用了的多项式定义。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span> #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *3* [D. DS线性表多项式运算](https://blog.csdn.net/ZZZWWWFFF_/article/details/127175710)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v92^chatsearchT0_1"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] - *2* [C++ | 数据结构——DS线性表 多项式相加](https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41596737/article/details/83028621)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v92^chatsearchT0_1"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] [ .reference_list ]


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