Monitor Service Health--Office 365

Service Health and Planned Maintenance


The Service Healthpage of the Office 365 admin center provides information on the health of youronline services and access to information about any impending maintenance tasksthat have been planned by Microsoft.


Service Health


On the main Office365 Dashboard page, in the Service Overview section, you can see and overviewof your service health, which lists the current health state of your onlineservices. However, if you need more detail then view the service health page,which can be accessed in the left menu or by clicking view details and historyon the service overview page.


The table one theservice health page displays status information for the current day and theprevious six days. This table shows the current status of each of the onlineservice components, and you can click each status icon for more information.


You can also clickView history for past 30 days to see further historical service health data. Onthe 30 day history page you can see specific incidents that have occurredwithin the last 30days and the categories they come under, including Office 365Portal, Identity Service, Lync Online, and Exchange Online.


To see specificincident details, click on the INCIDENT ID in the table, which gives youchronological data about the outage or issue and any resolution to the problem.If a Post-Incident report has been published, you can also download or view thereport for more detail.


Note:The service health page only includes information about the health of youronline services; it does notcover other items, such as network infrastructure issues.


Planned Maintenance


You can also viewinformation on any upcoming Office 365 maintenance tasks that have beenscheduled by clicking Planned Maintenance onthe service health page. This page displays the data and time of any plannedmaintenance that will be occurring, and you can click the link in the statuscolumn for more information.


RSS Feeds


The service healthpage also provides a link to an RSS feed for Office 365 service health. Clickthe Subscribe to this feed link to subscribe to the feed. This will add thefeed to your Common Feed List, which can be viewed in programs that use theCommon Feed List, such as Internet Explorer and Outlook.


The feed is updatedeach time a new incident event is added or an existing incident event isupdated.


Office 365 Management Pack for SCOM


You can use SystemCenter Operations Manager to perform some very basic monitoring of Office 365service, including checking internet connectivity  and some service availability.


There is a basicmanagement pack available which contains the following tests:


  • LoginOffice365. This tests logging in to the Office 365 portal.
  • InboxOffic365. This tests accessing an Office 365 mailbox.
  • TeamSiteOffice365. This tests accessing the Office 365 team site.


Note:To perform diagnostics and logging for Office 365, use the MOSDAL) supporttoolkit. MOSDAL is covered inthe first lesson of this module.


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