每天学命令<get_property>Design Property

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介绍一下get_property命令里面的design property属性。命令的用法参考下面链接

Design Properties

analysis_type: 返回design的timing analysis类型, single , bc_wc ,or ocv

capacitance_unit_in_farad: 返回design中的电容单位

current_unit_in_amp: 返回design中的电流单位

hierarchical_name: 返回module的完整的hierarchical名字

is_dont_touch: 返回该module是否具有don’t touch属性

is_max_transition_asserted: 返回该module是否有设置set_max_transition属性

is_min_transition_asserted: 返回该module是否有设置set_min_transition属性









process_min: 返回该design的最小工艺处理值


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EhLib 9.3 Build 9.3.026 source included version. ------------------------------------------------- The Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi versions 7, 9, Developer Studio 2006, Delphi 2007, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2009-XE10.3, Lazarus. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Overview Installation Library Installation Help Demonstration Programs Registering and Prices Other information About author Where to start. ------------------- Start overview of the library with the main Demo project .\Demos\Bin\MainDemo.Exe. (Compiled Demo files are available in the Evaluation version of the library) If you've used previous versions of the library, then you can read a summary of the new features and changes in the file history-eng.html. More detail about new features in this version of the library can be found in the file - About EhLib 9.2 Eng.doc To install a new version of the library in the IDE, use the installation program .\Installer\EhLibInstaller.exe If, at the installation have any problems, write a letter to ehlib support address support@ehlib.com You can also install the files in the library IDE manually, as described in Section 2. Installation Library After installation, make sure the operability of all installed components. To do this, open the IDE, compile and launch a major demonstration project .\Demos\MainDemo\Project1_XE2.dpr Read next file for full instructions of working with the library components: .\Hlp\ENG\"EhLib - Users guide.doc" Read about EhLib for Lazarus in the file - Lazarus<*>\readme.txt Overview -------- The Library contains several components and objects. TDBGridEh component TDBGridEh provides all functionality of TDBGrid and adds several new features as follows: Allows to select records, columns and rectangle areas. Special titles that can correspond to several/all columns. Footer that is able to show sum/count/other field values. Automatic column resizing to set grid width equal client width. Ability to change row and title height. Allows automatic broken of a single line long title and data row to a multiline. Title can act as button and, optionally show a sort marker. Automatically sortmarking. Ability to truncate long text with ellipsis. Lookup list can show several fields. Incremental search in lookup fields. Frozen columns. DateTime picker support for TDateField and TDateTimeField. Allows to show bitmaps from TImageList depending on field value. Allows to hide and track horizontal or vertical scrollbars. Allows to hide columns. Allows to show 3D frame for frozen, footer and data rows. Allows to draw memo fields. Multiline inplace editor. Proportional scrolling independently of sequenced of dataset. Automatically show checkboxes for Boolean fields. Allows to show checkboxes for other type of fields. Has a procedures to save and restore layout (visible columns, columns order, columns width, sortmarkers, row height) in/from registry or ini file. Allows to show hint (ToolTips) for text that don't fit in the cell. Allows to export data to Text, Csv, HTML, RTF, XLS and internal formats. Allows to import data from Text and internal formats. Can sort data in various dataset's. Can filter data in various dataset's. When DBGridEh is connected to DataSet of TMemTable type it allows: To view all data without moving active record. To display a tree-type structure of TMemTable records. To form list of values in dropdown list of SubTitle filter automatically. To create grouping records basing on the selected coulmns. TDBVertGridEh component Component to show one record from dataset in Vertical Orientation. Have a special column to show Field Captions Can customize inplace editor and data of the cell like in DBGridEh. TDBLookupComboboxEh component Provides all functionality of TDBLookupCombobox and adds several new features as follows: Can have flat style. Allows assign values as to KeyValue property just and to display Text property. Allows to type (assign) values to Text property not contained in data list (Style = csDropDownEh). Allows to hold KeyValue and Text as not affecting to each other values. Take effect when KeyField, ListField, ListSource, DataField and DataSource properties is empty. Drop down list can: Show titles, Have sizing grip, Automaticaly set width as sum of DisplayWidth of the list fields (Width = -1), Automaticaly drops on user pressed the key. Edit button can: Show DropDown, Ellipsis or Bitmap image. Have specified width. Have additional events: OnKeyValueChanged, OnButtonClick. TDBSumList component This component is intended for totaling sums and amounts of records in a TDataSet with dynamic changes. Component keeps a list of TDBSum objects, which contains types of group operations (goSum or goCount) and name sum field (goCount name of field is unnecessary). TPrintDBGridEh component TPrintDBGridEh provides properties and routines for preview and print of TDBGridEh component with several features: Ability to expand rows vertically until all text is printed. Ability to scale grid to fit it to page width. Ability to print/preview title for grid. Ability to print/preview page header and page footer where you can specify macros for current page, current date, current time and/or static text. Automatically print/preview multiselected area of TDBGridEh if it area is not empty. Ability to print/preview rich text before and after grid. TPreviewBox component TPreviewBox lets you create a customizable runtime preview. TPrinterPreview object TPrinterPreview lets you to record printable data in buffer for following output them on screen and to printer. TPrinterPreview have all functions and properties as in TPrinter object. You can use TPrinterPreview object similarly of TPrinter except some details. In TPrinter Printer.Canvas.Handle and Printer.Handle is the same but in TPrinterPreview PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle represent the metafile in that is recored the data and PrinterPreview.Handle represent Printer.Handle. That is mean that you have to use PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle for draw operation (DrawText, DrawTexteEx, e.t.c.) and use PrinterPreview.Handle in functions that return information about printer facilities (GetDeviceCaps, e.t.c.). Global function PrinterPreview returns default PrinterPreview object and shows data in default preview form. TDBEditEh component represents a single or multi-line edit control that can display and edit a field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control. TDBDateTimeEditEh component represents a single-line date or time edit control that can display and edit a datetime field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control. TDBComboBoxEh component represents a single or multi-line edit control that combines an edit box with a scrollable list and can display and edit a field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware combo edit control. TDBNumberEditEh component represents a single-line number edit control that can display and edit a numeric field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control. TPropStorageEh, TIniPropStorageManEh, TRegPropStorageManEh components Components realize technology to store component properties to/from settings storage such as ini files, registry etc. TMemTableEh component dataset, which hold data in memory. Its possible consider as an array of records. Besides, it: Supports a special interface, which allows DBGridEh component to view all data without moving active record. Allows fetch data from TDataDriverEh object (DataDriver property). Allows unload change back in DataDriver, operative or postponed (in dependencies of the CachedUpdates property). Allows to create a master/detail relations on the client (filtering record) or on the external source (updating parameters [Params] and requiring data from DataDriver). Allows once-only (without the dynamic support) sort data, including Calculated and Lookup field. Allows create and fill data in design-time and save data in dfm file of the Form. Allows keep record in the manner of trees. Each record can have record elements-branches and itself be an element to other parental record. Component TDBGridEh supports to show the tree-type structure of these records. Allows to connect to the internal array of other TMemTableEh (via ExternalMemData property) and work with its data: sort, filter, edit. Has interface for requesting list of all unique values in one column of records array, ignoring local filter of the DataSet. TDBGridEh uses this property for automatic filling a list in DropDownBox of the subtitle filter cell. TDataDriverEh component carry out two tasks: Delivers data to TMemTableEh. Processes changed records of TMemTableEh (writes them in other dataset, or call events for processing the changes in program). TSQLDataDriverEh DataDriver that have four objects of the TSQLCommandEh type: SelectCommand, DeleteCommand, InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, GetrecCommand. TSQLDataDriverEh can not transfer queries to the server but it call global (for application) event which it is necessary to write to execute SQL expressions on the server. TBDEDataDriverEh, TIBXDataDriverEh, TDBXDataDriverEh and TADODataDriverEh Components. These are SQLDataDrivers that can deliver queries to the server using corresponding drivers of the access to datas. -------------------- 2. Installation Library -------------------- -------------------- 2.1 Installing library automatically -------------------- Run EhLibInstaller.exe program from "Installer" folder to install EhLib in Delphi/C++ Builder IDE. The program creates folders to keep EhLib binary and other requared files, copies requared files to created folders, compiles packages, register packages in IDE and write requared paths in registry. If you have executable installation program (for example, EhLibSetupD7Eval.exe) then you only need to run program and follow installation process. Setup automatically writes all units in necessary directory, installs packages and help files in IDE. -------------------- 2.2 Installing library manually ------------------- Follow next instructions to install files from EhLib archive: -- 2.2.1. For RAD Studio XE2 (Delphi) or higher: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstall previous or evaluation version of EhLib (Old version) from Delphi IDE. Remove or copy to other directory files of old version to prevent crossing old and new version of EhLib (Including EhLib.bpl, EhLib.dcp or EhLibXX.bpl, EhLibXX.dcp, EhLibDataDriversXX, DclEhLibDataDriversXX files). These files can be located in the following folders on your computer C:\Users\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\1X.0 C:\Users\All Users\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\XX.0\Bpl C:\Users\All Users\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\XX.0\Dcp Create new folder where source code and binary files will be kept (For example, C:\RAD_Studio_XE2\Components\EhLib). Hereinafter this folder will be call as "EhLib folder". Create new subfolder "Lib" in the "EhLib folder". Copy files from folders "Common", "RADStudioXE2" and "LangResources\Res" of EhLib archive into the folder "[EhLib folder]\Lib" as that all files were in one folder - "Lib". Default language resource of the library is English. If you want to change it to the other language do the next steps: - Select one of language file EhLibLangConsts.XXX.dfm - Copy this file to EhLibLangConsts.dfm file (with replacment of existing file) - In the first line of a new EhLibLangConsts.dfm file delete _XXX suffix in the name of object like this: object TEhLibLanguageConsts_ENU -> object TEhLibLanguageConsts Run RAD Studio IDE and Open EhLibProjGroup160.groupproj file from [EhLib folder]\Lib. Compile all packages of Prject Group. Install DclEhLibXX.Dpk and DclEhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk packages in IDE (Use Project/Install menu). Consistently compile packages EhLibXX.Dpk and EhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk in next modes: Win32\Debug Win64\Release Win64\Debug After compilation there should be created subfolders a Win32\Release, Win32\Debug, Win64\Release, Win64\Debug in the "[EhLib folder]\Lib" folder. Copy the *. dfm and *. res files from the "[Folder EhLib]\Lib" folder into the each of the next folders: Win32\Release, Win32\Debug, Win64\Release, Win64\Debug In the RAD Studio IDE add next paths: "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win32\Release" path in the "Library path" for the Win32 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win32\Debug" path in the "Debug dcu" for the Win32 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\" path in the "Browsing path" for the Win32 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win64\Release" path in the "Library path" for the Win64 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\Win64\Debug" path in the "Debug dcu" for the Win64 platform. "[EhLib folder]\Lib\" path in the "Browsing path" for the Win64 platform. -- Copy DEMOS folder from the Archive EhLib to the "[EhLib Folder]". Open and compile any demo project for test. 2.2.2. Delphi 5.x - 7.x, Delphi 9.X Win32, BDS2006 Win32, Delphi2007, CodeGear RAD Studio 2009: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstall previous or evaluation version of EhLib (Old version) from Delphi IDE. Remove or copy to other directory files of old version to prevent crossing old and new version of EhLib (Including EhLib.bpl, EhLib.dcp or EhLibXX.bpl, EhLibXX.dcp, EhLibDataDriversXX, DclEhLibDataDriversXX files). Create directory from which you will install EhLib library ('EhLib directory') (for example, C:\Delphi[X]\EhLib). Copy files from "Common", "Delphi[X]" | "BDS2006" and "LangResources\Res.Ansi" folders of the EhLib archive to 'EhLib directory'. Default language resource of the library is English. If you want to change it to the other language do the next steps: - Select one of language file EhLibLangConsts.XXX.dfm - Copy this file to EhLibLangConsts.dfm file (with replacment of existing file) - In the first line of a new EhLibLangConsts.dfm file delete _XXX suffix in the name of object like this: object TEhLibLanguageConsts_ENU -> object TEhLibLanguageConsts By default Delphi (5, 6 and 7) places compiled files to the <Delphi path>\Projects\Bpl directory and this directory already present in the search PATH. But if you overwrite default BPL directory then you need put compiled EhLibXX.BPL file into directory that is accessible through the search PATH (i.e. DOS "PATH" environment variable; for example, in the Windows\System directory). Add, (if needed) 'EhLib directory' in Tools->Environment Options->Library-> Library Path (For Delphi 9 in Tools->Options->Environment Options-> Delphi Options->Library - Win32->Library Path). Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the runtime package - EhLibXX.Dpk. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package. After that open and compile EhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk. After compiling run-time packages install design-time packages DclEhLibXX.BPL and DclEhLibDataDriversXX.BPL into the IDE. For that use "File\Open..." menu item to open design-time package DclEhLibXX.Dpk. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package and then click "Install" button to register EhLib components on the component palette. Open and install DclEhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk package. EhLib components have to appear on 'EhLib' page of components palette. 2.2.4. Delphi 9.X Vcl.Net, , BDS2006 Vcl.Net: ---------------------------------------- Uninstall previous or evaluation version of EhLib (Old version) from Delphi IDE. Remove or copy to other directory files of old version to prevent crossing old and new version of EhLib (Including Vcl.EhLib90.dll, Vcl.DclEhLib90.dll, Vcl.EhLibDataDrivers90.dll, Vcl.DclEhLibDataDrivers90.dll files). Create directory from which you will install EhLib library ('EhLib directory') (for example, C:\BDS\3.0\EhLibVclNet). Copy files from Common and Delphi9 directories of the EhLib archive to 'EhLib directory'. In Delphi IDE: Add, (if needed) 'EhLib directory' in Component->Installed .NET Components ...-> Assembly Search Paths. Add, (if needed) 'EhLib directory' in Tools->Options->Environment Options-> Delphi Options->Library - NET->Library Path. Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the runtime package - Vcl.EhLibXX.Dpk. In "Project Manager..." window, click right button above 'Vcl.EhLibXX.Dll' and select "Build" menu to compile package. After that, open and compile Vcl.EhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk, Vcl.DclEhLibXX.Dpk and Vcl.DclEhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk. Open menu "Component->Installed .NET Components ..."->.NET VCL Components. Press 'Add...' button. Locate 'Vcl.DclEhLibXX.dll' and press 'Open'. (By default, this file have to be located in 'EhLib directory' directory) Press 'Ok' in 'Installed .NET Components' Dialog. 4. Documentation and Help ------------------------- 4.1. This version of library doesn't have embedded help files for Delphi8 or Higher. But the online help is available on the ehlib home page - http://www.ehlib.com/online-help 4.2. Delphi 7.x: Copy the EhLib.hlp and EhLib.cnt files to the Delphi HELP subdirectory. Select Help|Customize to start the OpenHelp application. Add the EhLib.cnt file to the Contents page, add the EhLib.hlp file to the Index and Link pages. 5. Demonstration Programs and Projects -------------------------------------- Demonstration programs use tables from the DEMOS directory and ADO Data Access. Read description of Demo projects in the file Demos\Info Eng.doc 6. Registering and Prices ------------------------- The EhLib is a Commercial product. If you find it useful and want to receive the latest versions please register your evaluation copy. You can read detailed information about prices on ehlib home prices page http://www.ehlib.com/buy You can read detailed information about registration at https://secure.shareit.com/shareit/product.html?productid=102489 After registration you will receive (e-mail only) address of registered version for downloading and password for unpacking. By registering the components you get the following advantages: 1. You will get new versions of the library free within a year from the date of registration. 2. You will get technical support for the library all the time. 3. You encourage EhLib Team to make the library even better. 7. Other information ----------------- The ability to compile applications for OS X and Linux in combination with the CrossVCL library is only available in the EhLib version with source codes. The ability to compile applications under Linux is available only in the EhLib version with source codes. 8. About Company ---------------- Contact as if you have any questions, comments or suggestions: EhLib Team www: http://www.ehlib.com E-mail: support@ehlib.com Skype support: ehlib.support
Chapter 1. Basic Optics and Optical System Specifications 1 The Purpose of an Imaging Optical System 1 How to Specify Your Optical System: Basic Parameters 4 Basic Definition of Terms 11 Useful First-Order Relationships 15 Chapter 2. Stops and Pupils and Other Basic Principles 29 The Role of the Aperture Stop 29 Entrance and Exit Pupils 31 Vignetting 32 Chapter 3. Diffraction, Aberrations, and Image Quality 35 What Image Quality Is All About 35 What Are Geometrical Aberrations and Where Do They Come From? 36 What Is Diffraction? 40 Diffraction-Limited Performance 43 Derivation of System Specifications 45 Chapter 4. The Concept of Optical Path Difference 49 Optical Path Difference (OPD) and the Rayleigh Criteria 49 Peak-to-Valley and RMS Wavefront Error 52 The Wave Aberration Polynomial 55 Depth of Focus 56 Chapter 5. Review of Specific Geometrical Aberrations and How to Get Rid of Them 59 Spherical Aberration 60 Coma 72 Astigmatism 75 For more information about this title, click here vi Contents Field Curvature and the Role of Field Lenses 78 Distortion 85 Axial Color 89 Lateral Color 90 Parametric Analysis of Aberrations Introduced by Plane Parallel Plates 91 Chapter 6. Glass Selection (Including Plastics) 95 Material Properties Overview 95 The Glass Map and Partial Dispersion 96 Parametric Examples of Glass Selection 102 How to Select Glass 106 Plastic Optical Materials 109 A Visual Aid to Glass Selection 111 Chapter 7. Spherical and Aspheric Surfaces 115 Definition of an Aspheric Surface 115 Conic Surfaces 117 Application of Aspheric Surfaces in Reflective and Refractive Systems 119 Guidelines in the Use of Aspheric Surfaces 124 Specification of Aspheric Surfaces 126 Chapter 8. Design Forms 129 Introduction 129 System Configurations for Refractive Systems 131 System Configurations for Reflective Systems 138 Reflective Systems, Relative Merits 144 Refractive Systems, Relative Merits 146 Mirrors and Prisms 147 Design of Visual Systems 155 Chapter 9. The Optical Design Process 167 What Do We Do When We Optimize a Lens System? 168 How Does the Designer Approach the Optical Design Task? 171 Sample Lens Design Problem 176 Contents vii Chapter 10. Computer Performance Evaluation 179 What Is Meant by Performance Evaluation 179 What Is Resolution? 180 Ray Trace Curves 181 Spot Diagrams 187 Optical Path Difference 189 Encircled Energy 189 MTF 191 Chapter 11. Gaussian Beam Imagery 199 Beam Waist and Beam Divergence 201 Collimation of Laser Beams 203 Propagation of Gaussian Beams and Focusing into a Small Spot 204 Truncation of a Gaussian Beam 205 Application of Gaussian Beam Optics in Laser Systems 208 F-θ Lenses in Laser Scanners 211 Chapter 12. Basics of Thermal Infrared Imaging in the 3- to 5- and 8- to 12-μm Spectral Bands (Plus UV Optics) 213 The Basics of Thermal Infrared Imaging 213 The Dewar, Cold Stop, and Cold Shield 217 Cold Stop Efficiency 219 Scanning Methods 222 IR Materials 229 Reduced Aberrations with IR Materials 236 Image Anomalies 239 Athermalization 246 System Design Examples 250 Optical Systems for the UV 255 Chapter 13. Diffractive Optics 259 Introduction 259 The Many Faces of Diffractive Optics 262 What Design and Modeling Tools Should I Use? 277 How Are Diffractives Fabricated? 287 Where Are Diffractives Used? 308 References 318 viii Contents Chapter 14. Design of Illumination Systems 321 Introduction 321 Köhler and Abbe Illumination 322 Optical Invariant and Etendue 324 Other Types of Illumination Systems 329 Chapter 15. Performance Evaluation and Optical Testing 333 Testing with the Standard 1951 U.S. Air Force Target 333 The Modulation Transfer Function 337 Interferometry 340 Other Tests 344 Chapter 16. Tolerancing and Producibility 347 Introduction 347 What Are Testplates and Why Are They Important? 348 How to Tolerance an Optical System 353 How Image Degradations from Different Tolerances Are Summed 356 Forms of Tolerances 359 Adjusting Parameters 364 Typical Tolerances for Various Cost Models 366 Example of Tolerance Analysis 367 Surface Irregularities 374 How Does Correlation Relate to Performance? 376 Effect to Spot Diameter 377 Effect to MTF: The Optical Quality Factor 379 Beam Diameter and Surface Irregularity 383 The Final Results 384 Chapter 17. Optomechanical Design 389 Environmental Considerations 389 Applicable Design Guidelines 393 Environmental Testing Methods 393 Mechanical Parameters and Properties 393 Typical Mechanical Property Values for Selected Materials 394 Structural Design 396 Vibration, Self-Weight Deflection, and Fundamental Frequency 398 Shock 400 Contents ix Rigid Housing Configurations 400 Modular Construction 401 Support Structure Configurations 405 Establishing Axial and Lateral Preload Requirements 414 Spherical and Crowned Lens Rims 415 Interfaces for Other Optical Components 416 Individual Lens Mounting Techniques 419 Surface Contact Interface Shapes 426 Mounting Windows, Shells, and Domes 429 Stress Consequences of Axial Preload 434 Temperature Effects on Axial Preload 436 Radial Stresses and Their Variations with Temperature 439 Bending Effects in Rotationally Symmetric Optics 439 Multiple-Component Lens Assemblies 441 Incorporating Prisms into the Design 452 Mirror Mountings 459 Mechanical Athermalization Techniques 467 References 476 Chapter 18. Optical Manufacturing Considerations 479 Material 480 Manufacturing 485 Special Fabrication Considerations 492 Relative Manufacturing Cost 502 Sourcing Considerations 502 Conclusion 504 Chapter 19. Polarization Issues in Optical Design 507 Introduction 507 Introduction to Polarization 508 The Mathematical Description of Polarized Light 513 Some Polarization Phenomena 523 Polarization Control Nuts and Bolts 535 Polarization Analysis of an Optical System 555 Minimizing Polarization Problems in Optical Design 559 Polarization as a Tool in Optical System Design 560 Summary 565 Bibliography 567 x Contents Chapter 20. Optical Thin Films 569 Introduction 569 Designing Optical Coatings 570 Various Categories of Optical Coatings 571 Optical Coating Process 578 Coating Performance Versus Number of Layers 582 Specifying Coating Requirements 583 Relationship Between Production Cost, Tolerances, and Quality 584 Bibliography 585 Chapter 21. Hardware Design Issues 587 Off-the-Shelf Optics 587 How to Effectively Work with Off-the-Shelf Optics 589 Working with Off-the-Shelf Singlets and Doublets 590 Example of Lens Used at Conjugates Different from What It Was Designed 591 Pupil Matching 594 Development of a Lab Mockup Using Off-the-Shelf Optics 595 Stray Light Control 595 Optomechanical Design 600 Chapter 22. Lens Design Optimization Case Studies 603 Error Function Construction 603 Achromatic Doublet Lens Design 605 Double Gauss Lens Design 610 Digital Camera Lens 632 Binocular Design 642 Parametric Design Study of Simple Lenses Using Advanced Manufacturing Methods 646 Design Data for Double Gauss 655 Chapter 23. Optical Sensor Systems Modeling and Analysis 659 Introduction 659 Image Formation 660 Detector Arrays 663 Optical System Noise Characteristics 669 Contents xi Color Sensors 691 Electronic Correction 696 Camera Connectivity 697 Bibliography 701 Chapter 24. Stray Light and Optical Scattering 703 Introduction 703 Stray Light Scatter Sources 703 Types of Scatter 711 Modeling and Analysis Techniques 713 Veiling Glare 715 Cleanliness 716 Suppression Techniques 717 Bright Field and Dark Field 731 How to Avoid Unwanted Stray Light 736 Bibliography 737 Chapter 25. Bloopers and Blunders in Optics 739 Distortion in a 1:1 Imaging Lens 739 Zoom Periscope 740 Sign of Distortion 742 Lens Elements That Are Not Necessary 744 Pupil Problems 744 Not Enough Light 745 Athermalization Using Teflon 746 Athermalization Specifications 746 Bad Glass Choice 747 Elements in Backward 747 Insufficient Sampling of Fields of View or Aperture 748 Images Upside Down or Rotated 749 The Hubble Telescope Null Lens Problem 750 Wrong Glass Type in a Precision Lens System 755 Single Use Camera with a Diffractive Achromat 755 Wrong Image Handedness 756 Cemented Triplet as Part of an Imaging System 757 Total Internal Reflection in a Cube Beamsplitter 758 Diffractive Optics Issues 760 Case of the Miscoated Mangin 763 Telescopes and Polarization 765 xii Contents Chapter 26. Rule of Thumb and Hints 767 General Optical Design Topics 767 Optomechanical Topics 770 Diffractive Optics 772


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