
  • PEP272 – API for Block Encryption Algorithms

    This document specifies a standard API for secret-key block encryption algorithms such as DES or Rijndael, making it easier to switch between different algorithms and implementations.

    Encryuption algorithms transform their input data(called plaintext) in some way that is dependent on a variable key, producing ciphertext. The transformation can easily be reversed if and only if one knews the key. The key is a sequence of bits chosen from some very large space of possibel keys. There are two classes of encryption algorithms: block ciphers and stream ciphers.

    Block ciphers encrypt multibyte inputs of a fixed size (frequently 8 or 16 bytes long), and can be operated in various feedback modes. The feedback modes supported in this specification are:

    1MODE_ECBElectronic Code Book
    2MODE_CBCCipher Block Chaining
    3MODE_CFBCipher Feedback
    5MODE_OFBOutput Feedback

    This PEP only aims at specifying an interface for block ciphers, though stream ciphers can support the interface described here by fixing ‘block_size’ to 1.

  • PEP287 – reStructuredText Docstring Format

    The reStructured Text markup is an alternative for those who want more expressive docstrings.

    Programmers are by nature a lazy breed.

  • PEP290 – Code Migration and Modernization

    This PEP is a collection of procedures and ideas for updating Python applications when newer versions of Python are installed.

  • PEP291 – Backward Compatibility for the Python 2 Standard Library

    This PEP describes the packages and modules in the Python 2 standard library which should remain backward compatible with prvious versions of Python.

  • PEP333 — Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0

  • PEP394 – The “Python” Command on Unix-Like Systems

    This PEP outlines the behavior of Python scripts when the python command is invoked.

  • PEP399 - Pure Python/C Accelerator Module Compatibility Requrements

  • PEP404 – Python 2.8 Un-release Schedule

  • PEP411 – Provisional packages in the Python standard library

  • PEP430 – Migrating to Python 3 as the default online documentation

  • PEP434 – IDLE Enhancement Exception for All Branches

  • PEP440 – Version Identification and Dependency Specification

  • PEP452 – API for Cryptographic Hash Functions v2.0

    There are several different modules available that implement cryptographic hashing algorithms sucha as MD5 or SHA.

  • PEP457 – Notation For Positional-Only Parameters

    The PEP proposes a notation for positional-only parameters in Python.

    Positional-only parameters are parameters without an externally-usable name; when a function accepting positional-only parameters is called, positional arguments are mapped to these parameters based solely on their position.

  • PEP478 – Python 3.5 Release Schedule

    This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 3.5. The schedule primarily concerns itseld wiht PEP-sized items.

  • PEP482 – Literature Overview for Type Hints

    This PEP is one of three related to type hinting. This PEP gives a literature overview of related work.

  • PEP483 – The Theory of Type Hints

  • PEP484 – Type Hints

  • PEP494 – Python 3.6 Release Schedule

  • PEP503 – Simple Repository API

  • PEP508 – Dependency specification for Python Software Packages

    This PEP specifies the language used to describe dependencies for packages.

  • PEP523 – A Platform Tag for Portable Linux Built Distributions

  • PEP514 – Python resistration in the Windows resistry

  • PEP537 – Python 3.7 Release Schedule

  • PEP569 – Python 3.8 Release Schedule

  • PEP571 – The manylinux2010 Platform Tag

  • PEP579 – Refactoring C functions and methods

  • PEP599 – The manylinux2014 Platform Tag

  • PEP600 – Future ‘manylinux’ Platform Tags for Portable Linux Built Distributions

  • PEP602 – Annual Release Cycle for Python

    This document describes a change in the release calendar for Python starting with Python 3.9.

  • PEP607 – Reducing CPython’s Feature Delivery Latency

  • PEP3333 – Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0.1

  • PEP8000 – Python Language Governance Proposal Overview

  • PEP8002 – Open Source Governance Survey

  • PEP8016 – The Steering Council Model

  • PEP8100 – January 2019 steering council election

  • PEP8101 – 2020 Term steering council election





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