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原创 A Possible Tree(裸带权并查集)

 问题 I: A Possible Tree时间限制: 2 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 61  解决: 20[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:admin]题目描述Alice knows that Bob has a secret tree (in terms of graph theory) with n nodes with n − 1 weighted...

2018-08-22 10:02:18 363

原创 Best Cow Fences(二分)

问题 K: Best Cow Fences时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 61  解决: 27[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:admin]题目描述Farmer John's farm consists of a long row of N (1 <= N <= 100,000)fields. Each field contains a...

2018-08-20 08:37:21 392

原创 七夕祭(贪心+分金币问题)

问题 M: 七夕祭时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 75  解决: 20[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:admin]题目描述七夕节因牛郎织女的传说而被扣上了「情人节」的帽子。于是TYVJ今年举办了一次线下七夕祭。Vani同学今年成功邀请到了cl同学陪他来共度七夕,于是他们决定去TYVJ七夕祭游玩。TYVJ七夕祭和11区的夏祭的形式很像。矩形的祭典...

2018-08-19 21:05:19 699

原创 费解的开关(二进制+BFS)

问题 E: 费解的开关时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 96  解决: 37[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:admin]题目描述你玩过“拉灯”游戏吗?25盏灯排成一个5x5的方形。每一个灯都有一个开关,游戏者可以改变它的状态。每一步,游戏者可以改变某一个灯的状态。游戏者改变一个灯的状态会产生连锁反应:和这个灯上下左右相邻的灯也要相应地改变其状态。...

2018-08-09 10:08:01 622

原创 异或序列(莫队)

6759: 异或序列时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 191  解决: 88[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:admin]题目描述已知一个长度为n的整数数列a1,a2,…,an,给定查询参数l、r,问在al,al+1,…,ar区间内,有多少子序列满足异或和等于k。也就是说,对于所有的x,y(l≤x≤y≤r),满足ax⊕ax+1⊕⋯⊕ay=k的x,y有...

2018-08-08 19:07:30 410

原创 Beautiful Now(爆搜dfs)

Beautiful Now Time Limit: 5000/2500 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1060    Accepted Submission(s): 366   Problem Description A...

2018-08-07 09:18:05 391

原创 Fruit Ninja (随机算法)

Fruit Ninja is a juicy action game enjoyed by millions of players around the world, with squishy,splat and satisfying fruit carnage! Become the ultimate bringer of sweet, tasty destruction with ever...

2018-08-06 09:26:27 846

原创 Color it(思维+暴力)

There is a matrix A that has N rows and M columns. Each grid (i,j)(0 ≤ i < N, 0 ≤ j < M) is painted in white at first.Then we perform q operations:For each operation, we are given (xc, yc) an...

2018-08-06 08:27:27 704

原创 Heritage of skywalkert(思维 + STL)

skywalkert, the new legend of Beihang University ACM-ICPC Team, retired this year leaving a group of newbies again. Rumor has it that he left a heritage when he left, and only the one who has at l...

2018-08-05 10:32:17 357

原创 Finite Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences(找规律)

6617: Finite Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 315  解决: 64[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:admin]题目描述In Finite Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (FEIS), all integer sequences o...

2018-08-04 09:11:10 493

原创 Small Multiple(最短路)

6616: Small Multiple时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 512 MB提交: 345  解决: 28[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:admin]题目描述Find the smallest possible sum of the digits in the decimal notation of a positive multiple of K.Con...

2018-08-03 19:55:07 546 3

原创 Harvest of Apples(分块思想)

Problem B. Harvest of ApplesTime Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2177    Accepted Submission(s): 847 Problem DescriptionThe...

2018-08-03 10:15:19 515

原创 游戏

6887: 游戏时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 512 MB提交: 228  解决: 64[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:admin]题目描述九条可怜是一个热爱游戏的女孩子,她经常在网上和一些网友们玩一款叫做《僵尸危机》游戏。在这款游戏中,玩家们会需要在成为僵尸之前与黑恶势力斗智斗勇,逃离被病毒感染的小岛。但是黑恶势力不会让玩家轻易得逞,他会把一些玩家抓走改造成僵...

2018-08-02 20:09:36 269

原创 Bichrome Tree (树形dp)

6611: Bichrome Tree时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 154  解决: 41[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:admin]题目描述We have a tree with N vertices. Vertex 1 is the root of the tree, and the parent of Vertex i (2≤i≤N) i...

2018-08-02 09:07:00 393

原创 11(组合数学)

6575: 11时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 95  解决: 29[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:admin]题目描述You are given an integer sequence of length n+1, a1,a2,…,an+1, which consists of the n integers 1,…,n. It is known...

2018-08-01 09:14:09 215



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