ABB PFTL101A 1.0KN 3BSE004166R1 称重传感器


ABB PFTL101A 1.0KN 3BSE004166R1 称重传感器

称重传感器按转换方法分为光电式、液压式、电磁力式、电容式、磁极变形式、振动式、陀螺仪式、电阻应变式等8类,以电阻应变式使用最广。 光电式 包括光栅式和码盘式两种。 光栅式传感器利用光栅形成的莫尔条纹把角位移转换成光电信号。光栅有两块,一为固定光栅,另一为装在表盘轴上的移动光栅。

加在承重台上的被测物通过传力杠杆系统使表盘轴旋转,带动移动光栅转动,使莫尔条纹也随之移动。利用光电管、转换电路和显示仪表,即可计算出移过的莫尔条纹数量,测出光栅转动角的大小,从而确定和读出被测物质量。 码盘式传感器的码盘(符号板)是一块装在表盘轴上的透明玻璃,上面带有按一定编码方法编定的黑白相间的代码。加在承重台上的被测物通过传力杠杆使表盘轴旋转时,码盘也随之转过一定角度。光电池将透过码盘接受光信号并转换成电信号,然后由电路进行数字处理,最后在显示器上显示出代表被测质量的数字。

光电式传感器曾主要用在机电结合秤上。 液压式 在受被测物重力P作用时,液压油的压力增大,增大的程度与P成正比。测出压力的增大值,即可确定被测物的质量。液压式传感器结构简单而牢固,测量范围大,但准确度一般不超过1/100。 电容式 它利用电容器振荡电路的振荡频率f与极板间距d的正比例关系工作。极板有两块,一块固定不动,另一块可移动。在承重台加载被测物时,板簧挠曲,两极板之间的距离发生变化,电路的振荡频率也随之变化。测出频率的变化即可求出承重台上被测物的质量。电容式传感器耗电量少,造价低,准确度为1/200~1/500。 主要优点 电阻、电感和电容是电子技术中的三大类无源元件,电容式传感器是将被测量的变化转换成电容量变化的传感器,它实质上就是一个具有可变参数的电容器。

电容式传感器具有下列优点: (1)高阻抗,小功率,仅需很低的输入能量。 (2)可获得较大的变化量,从而具有较高的信噪比和系统稳定性。 (3)动态响应快,工作频率可达几兆赫,稠b接触测量,被测物是导体或半导体均可。 (4)结构简单.适应性强,可在高低温、强辐射等恶劣的环境下工作,应用较广。 随着电子技术及计算机技术的发展,电容式传感器所存在的易受干扰和易受分布电容影响等缺点不断得以克服,而且还开发出容栅位移传感器和集成电容式传感器:因此它在非电量测量和自动检测中得到广泛应用,可测量压力、位移、转速、加速度、A度、厚度、液位、湿度、振动、成分含量等参数。电容式传感器有着很好的发展前景。 主要缺点 缺点一:输出阻抗高,负载能力差 缺点二:输出特性非线性 缺点三:寄生电容影响大 电磁力式 它利用承重台上的负荷与电磁力相平衡的原理工作。

当承重台上放有被测物时,杠杆的一端向上倾斜;光电件检测出倾斜度信号,经放大后流入线圈,产生电磁力,使杠杆恢复至平衡状态。对产生电磁平衡力的电流进行数字转换,即可确定被测物质量。电磁力式传感器准确度高,可达1/2000~1/60000,但称量范围仅在几十毫克至10千克之间。 磁极变形式 铁磁元件在被测物重力作用下发生机械变形时,内部产生应力并引起导磁率变化,使绕在铁磁元件(磁极)两侧的次级线圈的感应电压也随之变化。

测量出电压的变化量即可求出加到磁极上的力,进而确定被测物的质量。磁极变形式传感器的准确度不高,一般为1/100,适用于大吨位称量工作,称量范围为几十至几万千克。 振动式 弹性元件受力后,其固有振动频率与作用力的平方根成正比。测出固有频率的变化,即可求出被测物作用在弹性元件上的力,进而求出其质量。振动式传感器有振弦式和音叉式两种。 振弦式传感器的弹性元件是弦丝。当承重台上加有被测物时,V形弦丝的交点被拉向下,且左弦的拉力增大,右弦的拉力减小。两根弦的固有频率发生不同的变化。

求出两根弦的频率之差,即可求出被测物的质量。振弦式传感器的准确度较高,可达1/1000~1/10000,称量范围为100克至几百千克,但结构复杂,加工难度大,造价高。 音叉式传感器的弹性元件是音叉。音叉端部固定有压电元件,它以音叉的固有频率振荡,并可测出振荡频率。当承重台上加有被测物时,音叉拉伸方向受力而固有频率增加,增加的程度与施加力的平方根成正比。测出固有频率的变化,即可求出重物施加于音叉上的力,进而求出重物质量。音叉式传感器耗电量小,计量准确度高达1/10000~1/200000,称量范围为500g~10kg。

陀螺仪式 转子装在内框架中,以角速度ω绕X轴稳定旋转。内框架经轴承与外框架联接,并可绕水平轴 Y 倾斜转动。外框架经万向联轴节与机座联接,并可绕垂直轴Z 旋转。转子轴 (X轴)在未受外力作用时保持水平状态。转子轴的一端在受到外力(P/2)作用时,产生倾斜而绕垂直轴Z 转动(进动)。进动角速度ω与外力P/2成正比,通过检测频率的方法测出ω,即可求出外力大小,进而求出产生此外力的被测物的质量。 

By measuring the change of voltage, the force applied to the magnetic pole can be obtained, and then the mass of the measured object can be determined. The accuracy of the variable magnetic pole sensor is not high, generally 1/100, and it is suitable for large tonnage weighing, with the weighing range of tens to tens of thousands of kilograms. After a vibrating elastic element is stressed, its natural vibration frequency is proportional to the square root of the acting force. By measuring the change of natural frequency, the force exerted by the measured object on the elastic element can be obtained, and then its mass can be obtained. There are two kinds of vibration sensors: vibrating wire type and tuning fork type. The elastic element of the vibrating sensor is string wire. When the tested object is added on the bearing platform, the intersection of V-shaped chords is pulled down, and the tension of the left chord increases and the tension of the right chord decreases. The natural frequencies of the two strings change differently.

Find the difference between the frequencies of two strings, and you can find the mass of the measured object. The accuracy of the vibrating sensor is high, up to 1/1000 ~ 1/10000, and the weighing range is 100 grams to several hundred kilograms, but the structure is complex, the processing is difficult and the cost is high. The elastic element of tuning fork sensor is tuning fork. A piezoelectric element is fixed at the end of the tuning fork, which oscillates at the natural frequency of the tuning fork and can measure the oscillation frequency. When an object to be measured is placed on the bearing platform, the natural frequency of the tuning fork increases due to the tension direction, and the degree of increase is proportional to the square root of the applied force. By measuring the change of natural frequency, the force exerted by the weight on the tuning fork can be obtained, and then the weight mass can be obtained. The tuning fork sensor consumes little power, its measurement accuracy is as high as 1/10,000 ~ 1/200,000, and its weighing range is 500g~10kg.

The gyro rotor is installed in the inner frame and rotates stably around the X axis at angular velocity ω. The inner frame is connected with the outer frame through a bearing, and can tilt around the horizontal axis Y. The outer frame is connected with the base through universal coupling and can rotate around the vertical axis Z. The rotor shaft (X-axis) remains horizontal when no external force is applied. Under the action of external force (P/2), one end of the rotor tilts and rotates (precesses) around the vertical axis Z. The precession angular velocity ω is proportional to the external force P/2. By measuring ω by frequency, the magnitude of the external force can be obtained, and then the mass of the measured object that produces the external force can be obtained.  

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