第三篇 ME909s-821设备描述符分析


HUAWEI Mobile V7R11
Manufacturer: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Serial Number: 0123456789ABCDEF
Speed: 480Mb/s (high)
USB Version:  2.10
Device Class: 00(>ifc )
Device Subclass: 00
Device Protocol: ff
Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 64
Number of Configurations: 3
Vendor Id: 12d1
Product Id: 15c1
Revision Number:  1.02

Config Number: 1
	Number of Interfaces: 6
	Attributes: a0
	MaxPower Needed:   2mA

	Interface Number: 0
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 10
		Number of Endpoints: 3

			Endpoint Address: 82
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 3
			Type: Int.
			Max Packet Size: 10
			Interval: 32ms

			Endpoint Address: 81
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 01
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

	Interface Number: 1
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 13
		Number of Endpoints: 2

			Endpoint Address: 83
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 02
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

	Interface Number: 2
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 12
		Number of Endpoints: 2

			Endpoint Address: 84
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 03
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

	Interface Number: 3
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 16
		Number of Endpoints: 1

			Endpoint Address: 86
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 3
			Type: Int.
			Max Packet Size: 16
			Interval: 2ms

	Interface Number: 3
		Alternate Number: 1
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 16
		Number of Endpoints: 3

			Endpoint Address: 86
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 3
			Type: Int.
			Max Packet Size: 16
			Interval: 2ms

			Endpoint Address: 85
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 04
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

	Interface Number: 4
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 06
		Number of Endpoints: 2

			Endpoint Address: 87
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 05
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

	Interface Number: 5
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 1b
		Number of Endpoints: 2

			Endpoint Address: 88
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 06
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

Config Number: 2
	Number of Interfaces: 7
	Attributes: a0
	MaxPower Needed:   2mA

	Interface Number: 0
		Name: cdc_ether
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: 02(comm.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 00
		Number of Endpoints: 1

			Endpoint Address: 82
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 3
			Type: Int.
			Max Packet Size: 16
			Interval: 2ms

	Interface Number: 1
		Name: cdc_ether
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: 0a(data ) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 00
		Number of Endpoints: 2

			Endpoint Address: 81
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 01
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

	Interface Number: 2
		Name: option
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 10
		Number of Endpoints: 3

			Endpoint Address: 84
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 3
			Type: Int.
			Max Packet Size: 10
			Interval: 32ms

			Endpoint Address: 83
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 02
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

	Interface Number: 3
		Name: option
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 13
		Number of Endpoints: 2

			Endpoint Address: 85
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 03
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

	Interface Number: 4
		Name: option
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 12
		Number of Endpoints: 2

			Endpoint Address: 86
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 04
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

	Interface Number: 5
		Name: option
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 06
		Number of Endpoints: 2

			Endpoint Address: 87
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 05
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

	Interface Number: 6
		Name: option
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: ff(vend.) 
		Sub Class: 06
		Protocol: 1b
		Number of Endpoints: 2

			Endpoint Address: 88
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 06
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

Config Number: 3
	Number of Interfaces: 2
	Attributes: a0
	MaxPower Needed:   2mA

	Interface Number: 0
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: 02(comm.) 
		Sub Class: 0e
		Protocol: 00
		Number of Endpoints: 1

			Endpoint Address: 82
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 3
			Type: Int.
			Max Packet Size: 16
			Interval: 2ms

	Interface Number: 1
		Alternate Number: 0
		Class: 0a(data ) 
		Sub Class: 00
		Protocol: 02
		Number of Endpoints: 0

	Interface Number: 1
		Alternate Number: 1
		Class: 0a(data ) 
		Sub Class: 00
		Protocol: 02
		Number of Endpoints: 2

			Endpoint Address: 81
			Direction: in
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms

			Endpoint Address: 01
			Direction: out
			Attribute: 2
			Type: Bulk
			Max Packet Size: 512
			Interval: 0ms



HUAWEI Mobile V7R11---------------------------------设备名字
Manufacturer: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.-----制造商
Serial Number: 0123456789ABCDEF---------------序列号,写驱动反正没用上
Speed: 480Mb/s (high)---------------------------------这是一个高速的USB设备
USB Version:  2.10--------------------------------------使用的USB2.0协议,当然高速设备就是USB2.0的接口
Device Class: 00(>ifc )---------------------------------1、设备类,有用
Device Subclass: 00------------------------------------2、设备子类,有用
Device Protocol: ff---------------------------------------3、设备协议,只要是FF,就代表厂商自己定义的
Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 64
Number of Configurations: 3--------------------------包含配置描述符个数
Vendor Id: 12d1-----------------------------------------4、厂商ID号
Product Id: 15c1----------------------------------------4、产品ID号
Revision Number:  1.02-------------------------------

Config Number: 2--------------------------------------配置描述符2,通过分析只有这个里边的接口描述符才有详细名字
Number of Interfaces: 7------------------------接口描述符个数
Attributes: a0-------------------------------------5、属性
MaxPower Needed:   2mA

Interface Number: 0
Name: cdc_ether
Alternate Number: 0
Class: 02(comm.) -------------------------6、接口的类
Sub Class: 06-------------------------------7、接口子类
Protocol: 00---------------------------------8、使用的协议
Number of Endpoints: 1

Endpoint Address: 82
Direction: in
Attribute: 3
Type: Int.
Max Packet Size: 16
Interval: 2ms

Interface Number: 1
Name: cdc_ether
Alternate Number: 0
Class: 0a(data ) 
Sub Class: 06
Protocol: 00
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 81
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 01
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Interface Number: 2
Name: option
Alternate Number: 0
Class: ff(vend.) 
Sub Class: 06
Protocol: 10
Number of Endpoints: 3

Endpoint Address: 84
Direction: in
Attribute: 3
Type: Int.
Max Packet Size: 10
Interval: 32ms

Endpoint Address: 83
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 02
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Interface Number: 3
Name: option
Alternate Number: 0
Class: ff(vend.) 
Sub Class: 06
Protocol: 13
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 85
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 03
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Interface Number: 4
Name: option
Alternate Number: 0
Class: ff(vend.) 
Sub Class: 06
Protocol: 12
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 86
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 04
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Interface Number: 5
Name: option
Alternate Number: 0
Class: ff(vend.) 
Sub Class: 06
Protocol: 06
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 87
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 05
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Interface Number: 6
Name: option
Alternate Number: 0
Class: ff(vend.) 
Sub Class: 06
Protocol: 1b
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 88
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Endpoint Address: 06
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 512
Interval: 0ms

Class: 02(comm.) -------------------------6、接口的类
Sub Class: 06-------------------------------7、接口子类
Protocol: 00---------------------------------8、使用的协议

Sub Class = 06 代表这个是Ethernet Control Model(以太网控制模型),
Protocol = 00 代表不需要类特定协议
1--Class的定义 答案:Defined 1.0 Class Codes
2--Sub Class定义 答案:USB Device Class Specifications
3--Protocol定义 答案:USB Device Class Specifications,里面包括每一种设备的详细说明。

3、详细分析4G模块的Class、Sub Class、Protocol与接口驱动程序之间的关系







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


