Using RTE enabled fields in BI Publisher with PeopleTools 8.52

Using RTE enabled fields in BI Publisher with PeopleTools 8.52

In PeopleTools 8.50 adding a Rich Text Editor to Long fields was introduced. With this RTE users are able to actually format text like you would do in for example Microsoft Word. This was a great feature for online entry and presentation in PeopleSoft. Unfortunately this does have a downside. The text that is entered and formatted using RTE gets stored in the database as HTML. This means that when you are using PSQuery to query the data, the data is presented as plain text with the HTML tags and therefor also not usable in any BI Publisher reporting.

With PeopleTools 8.52 a new tempate is introduced that solves this issue and renders the HTML tags in the Long field to the actual formatting the same way as presented in online PeopleSoft.

Enable Rich Text Editor

First you need to enable a Long field with the Rich Text Editor. After starting Application Designer, open the page that contains a long field and open the properties. On the Options Tab of the field properties, you can enable the RTE as shown in the following picture.

Now when you enter the text as show in the screenshot it will be stored in the database with HTML formatting. If you would create a PSQuery on this field, it will the return the text as plain text with HTML tags like shown in the following screenshot.

Pre-PeopleTools 8.52 Processing

When you would create a template and add the RTE enabled field to the template the text would be presented as plain text without formatting.

Template example


When you would create a Report Definition and run the report, it would result in the following output.

PeopleTools 8.52 Processing

With PeopleTools 8.52 the template HTML_SUB is introduced. This is in fact a XSL that will transform and render the HTML tags in the RTE enabled field from PSQuery and present the text in the BI Publisher output including the formatting.

First thing that needs to be done, is importing the subtemplate in the main template by adding the following line:


After this right click on the RTE enabled field and choose properties and enter the following code:

<xsl:apply-templates select="FIELD_NAME"/>

See following screenshot of the template as an example:

Now open the Report Definition and go to tab Properties. From the Property Group dropdown select PeopleTools Settings and enter all fields that are RTE enabled in the psxp_nocdatafields property. This will remove the CDATA block that PSQuery generates.

Now when you run the report it will format the text according the formatting used by the user with RTE.

If you want to be able to run a preview straight from Word, you need to save the PSXP_xhtml2fo.xsl locally from the content library (to be found with subtemplate HTML_SUB)  and change the import of the subtemplate HTML_SUB, to the following:


In above example PSXP_xhtml2fo.xsl is saved to the root of the c drive.

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"无法从项目文件中读取RTE数据:RTE未启用"的错误信息表示无法从项目文件中读取RTE(Runtime Environment)数据,因为RTE并未启用。 RTE是指运行时环境,它提供了项目中所需的资源和库文件,以确保项目能够正确运行。在项目文件中,可能有一个或多个模块或组件需要RTE才能正常工作。 要解决此问题,需要启用RTE。以下是解决该问题的步骤: 1. 打开项目文件:首先,确保你打开的是正确的项目文件。检查文件路径和名称是否正确。 2. 检查项目设置:在项目设置或选项菜单中查找关于RTE的设置。确保RTE选项已启用。如果找到相关选项,请勾选相应的复选框以启用RTE功能。 3. 更新软件版本:如果软件版本较旧,可能存在RTE相关的bug或问题。尝试更新软件到最新版本,以获得更好的兼容性和支持。 4. 检查依赖项:某些项目可能依赖于其他库文件或第三方组件。确保这些依赖项已正确配置和安装。如果缺少某些依赖项,可能需要手动添加或更新它们。 5. 寻求技术支持:如果按照上述步骤仍然无法解决问题,建议联系软件的技术支持团队。提供错误详细信息和项目文件,以便他们能够更好地理解和解决问题。 总之,"无法从项目文件中读取RTE数据:RTE未启用"的错误通常是由于RTE未启用或配置不正确引起的。通过检查项目设置、更新软件版本和处理依赖关系,通常可以解决这个问题。


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