





  1. 重写父类(Object类)的clone方法,将clone设置为public
  2. 实现标记性接口Cloneable


public class PrototyObj implements Cloneable{
    String str;
    Integer intVal;
    MyObj myObj;

    public PrototyObj clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        return (PrototyObj) super.clone();
public class MyObj {
    String code;
    String title;
public class PrototypeMain {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        PrototyObj prototyObj = new PrototyObj();
        MyObj myObj = new MyObj();
        PrototyObj cloneObj = prototyObj.clone();
        System.out.println("(cloneObj==prototyObj) = " + (cloneObj == prototyObj));
        System.out.println("(cloneObj.intVal== prototyObj.intVal) = " + (cloneObj.intVal == prototyObj.intVal));
        System.out.println("(cloneObj.str==prototyObj.str) = " + (cloneObj.str == prototyObj.str));




public class PrototypeMain {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        PrototyObj prototyObj = new PrototyObj();
        MyObj myObj = new MyObj();
        PrototyObj cloneObj = prototyObj.clone();
        System.out.println("(cloneObj==prototyObj) = " + (cloneObj == prototyObj));
        System.out.println("(cloneObj.myObj==prototyObj.myObj) = " + (cloneObj.myObj == prototyObj.myObj));
        System.out.println("cloneObj.myObj.code = " + cloneObj.myObj.code);
        System.out.println("cloneObj.myObj.title = " + cloneObj.myObj.title);





  1. 首先,MyObj对象也需要实现Cloneable接口
  2. PrototyObj在进行复制时,需要额外处理一下myObj属性

然后, 我们再跑一次程序,就得到了如下的结果:



  1. 方便的创建对象-------->通过clone来创建对象确实方便
  2. 高效-------->clone比我们直接new对象更高效吗?



@Warmup(time = 2, batchSize = 100)
@Measurement(time = 2, batchSize = 500)
@State(value = Scope.Benchmark)
public class PrototypeTest {

    private PrototyObj prototyObj;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {
        Options opt = new OptionsBuilder()
        new Runner(opt).run();

    public void init() {
        prototyObj = new PrototyObj();
        MyObj myObj = new MyObj();
        prototyObj.myObj = myObj;

    public PrototyObj testClone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        return prototyObj.clone();

    public PrototyObj testNew() {
        PrototyObj clone = new PrototyObj();
        clone.intVal = prototyObj.intVal;
        MyObj oriMyObj = prototyObj.myObj;
        MyObj myObj = new MyObj();
        myObj.code = oriMyObj.code;
        myObj.title = oriMyObj.title;
        clone.myObj =myObj;
        return clone;


# JMH version: 1.33
# VM version: JDK 1.8.0_261, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, 25.261-b12
# VM invoker: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_261\jre\bin\java.exe
# VM options: -javaagent:D:\jetbrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2\lib\idea_rt.jar=56720:D:\jetbrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2\bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
# Blackhole mode: full + dont-inline hint (default, use -Djmh.blackhole.autoDetect=true to auto-detect)
# Warmup: 5 iterations, 2 s each, 100 calls per op
# Measurement: 5 iterations, 2 s each, 500 calls per op
# Timeout: 10 min per iteration
# Threads: 10 threads, will synchronize iterations
# Benchmark mode: Sampling time
# Benchmark: com.example.jmh.PrototypeTest.testClone

# Run progress: 0.00% complete, ETA 00:01:20
# Fork: 1 of 2
# Warmup Iteration   1: 5518.031 ±(99.9%) 264.531 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   2: 5658.041 ±(99.9%) 1082.759 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   3: 6559.181 ±(99.9%) 627.511 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   4: 4881.049 ±(99.9%) 368.714 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   5: 7646.121 ±(99.9%) 1032.180 ns/op
Iteration   1: 22776.367 ±(99.9%) 916.867 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.00:   6800.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.50:   15488.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.90:   19072.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.95:   25184.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.99:   123648.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.999:  988408.832 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.9999: 7048259.174 ns/op
                 testClone·p1.00:   43319296.000 ns/op

Iteration   2: 24346.085 ±(99.9%) 1974.777 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.00:   6696.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.50:   15392.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.90:   19072.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.95:   25472.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.99:   121856.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.999:  1094416.384 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.9999: 11166567.629 ns/op
                 testClone·p1.00:   157548544.000 ns/op

Iteration   3: 22157.449 ±(99.9%) 675.149 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.00:   6800.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.50:   15600.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.90:   18592.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.95:   24480.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.99:   115467.520 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.999:  1071736.832 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.9999: 7350516.122 ns/op
                 testClone·p1.00:   21364736.000 ns/op

Iteration   4: 20359.747 ±(99.9%) 498.717 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.00:   6600.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.50:   15600.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.90:   19200.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.95:   24672.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.99:   105984.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.999:  577536.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.9999: 3781365.760 ns/op
                 testClone·p1.00:   25559040.000 ns/op

Iteration   5: 23996.060 ±(99.9%) 1572.413 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.00:   6696.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.50:   15488.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.90:   18688.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.95:   24672.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.99:   120720.640 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.999:  1130932.224 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.9999: 10015722.701 ns/op
                 testClone·p1.00:   110231552.000 ns/op

# Run progress: 25.00% complete, ETA 00:01:06
# Fork: 2 of 2
# Warmup Iteration   1: 5691.404 ±(99.9%) 364.499 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   2: 3977.670 ±(99.9%) 174.700 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   3: 4107.415 ±(99.9%) 105.080 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   4: 6307.642 ±(99.9%) 387.018 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   5: 5057.968 ±(99.9%) 196.002 ns/op
Iteration   1: 18594.193 ±(99.9%) 193.192 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.00:   6400.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.50:   15792.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.90:   18080.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.95:   23200.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.99:   88832.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.999:  430985.728 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.9999: 1875542.221 ns/op
                 testClone·p1.00:   6479872.000 ns/op

Iteration   2: 17515.850 ±(99.9%) 249.191 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.00:   6200.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.50:   15888.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.90:   17696.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.95:   20576.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.99:   49344.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.999:  334231.040 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.9999: 2072817.664 ns/op
                 testClone·p1.00:   18186240.000 ns/op

Iteration   3: 17655.096 ±(99.9%) 216.672 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.00:   6400.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.50:   16000.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.90:   17696.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.95:   20288.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.99:   59722.240 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.999:  377344.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.9999: 1784104.960 ns/op
                 testClone·p1.00:   7839744.000 ns/op

Iteration   4: 17349.219 ±(99.9%) 190.369 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.00:   6400.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.50:   16000.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.90:   17696.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.95:   19872.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.99:   50240.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.999:  330240.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.9999: 1307788.493 ns/op
                 testClone·p1.00:   10059776.000 ns/op

Iteration   5: 17475.811 ±(99.9%) 173.673 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.00:   6400.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.50:   15888.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.90:   17696.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.95:   20480.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.99:   56256.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.999:  325248.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p0.9999: 1695232.000 ns/op
                 testClone·p1.00:   5046272.000 ns/op

Result "com.example.jmh.PrototypeTest.testClone":
  N = 4893390
  mean =  20186.672 ±(99.9%) 272.095 ns/op

  Histogram, ns/op:
    [        0.000,  12500000.000) = 4893281 
    [ 12500000.000,  25000000.000) = 74 
    [ 25000000.000,  37500000.000) = 20 
    [ 37500000.000,  50000000.000) = 6 
    [ 50000000.000,  62500000.000) = 2 
    [ 62500000.000,  75000000.000) = 1 
    [ 75000000.000,  87500000.000) = 2 
    [ 87500000.000, 100000000.000) = 1 
    [100000000.000, 112500000.000) = 2 
    [112500000.000, 125000000.000) = 0 
    [125000000.000, 137500000.000) = 0 
    [137500000.000, 150000000.000) = 0 
    [150000000.000, 162500000.000) = 1 
    [162500000.000, 175000000.000) = 0 
    [175000000.000, 187500000.000) = 0 

  Percentiles, ns/op:
      p(0.0000) =   6200.000 ns/op
     p(50.0000) =  15696.000 ns/op
     p(90.0000) =  18176.000 ns/op
     p(95.0000) =  23200.000 ns/op
     p(99.0000) =  90496.000 ns/op
     p(99.9000) = 635904.000 ns/op
     p(99.9900) = 4303436.186 ns/op
     p(99.9990) = 20862104.371 ns/op
     p(99.9999) = 84163589.832 ns/op
    p(100.0000) = 157548544.000 ns/op

# JMH version: 1.33
# VM version: JDK 1.8.0_261, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, 25.261-b12
# VM invoker: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_261\jre\bin\java.exe
# VM options: -javaagent:D:\jetbrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2\lib\idea_rt.jar=56720:D:\jetbrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2\bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
# Blackhole mode: full + dont-inline hint (default, use -Djmh.blackhole.autoDetect=true to auto-detect)
# Warmup: 5 iterations, 2 s each, 100 calls per op
# Measurement: 5 iterations, 2 s each, 500 calls per op
# Timeout: 10 min per iteration
# Threads: 10 threads, will synchronize iterations
# Benchmark mode: Sampling time
# Benchmark: com.example.jmh.PrototypeTest.testNew

# Run progress: 50.00% complete, ETA 00:00:43
# Fork: 1 of 2
# Warmup Iteration   1: 5233.929 ±(99.9%) 406.860 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   2: 4409.203 ±(99.9%) 355.687 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   3: 4140.384 ±(99.9%) 191.148 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   4: 4425.205 ±(99.9%) 274.721 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   5: 4703.808 ±(99.9%) 315.689 ns/op
Iteration   1: 20516.239 ±(99.9%) 1245.102 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.00:   4000.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.50:   12800.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.90:   17184.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.95:   21888.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.99:   125696.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.999:  1052672.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.9999: 7712489.472 ns/op
                 testNew·p1.00:   115474432.000 ns/op

Iteration   2: 18789.290 ±(99.9%) 721.128 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.00:   3800.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.50:   13600.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.90:   16896.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.95:   22272.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.99:   88832.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.999:  773120.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.9999: 5905665.229 ns/op
                 testNew·p1.00:   43646976.000 ns/op

Iteration   3: 18495.429 ±(99.9%) 579.992 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.00:   3900.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.50:   13296.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.90:   16384.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.95:   19584.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.99:   93440.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.999:  899610.624 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.9999: 4818875.187 ns/op
                 testNew·p1.00:   29523968.000 ns/op

Iteration   4: 18666.115 ±(99.9%) 588.180 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.00:   3800.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.50:   13888.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.90:   16896.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.95:   21088.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.99:   87808.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.999:  751616.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.9999: 5836304.384 ns/op
                 testNew·p1.00:   27951104.000 ns/op

Iteration   5: 20645.492 ±(99.9%) 1139.081 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.00:   3900.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.50:   12800.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.90:   16288.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.95:   21984.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.99:   126325.760 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.999:  1158332.416 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.9999: 8136110.899 ns/op
                 testNew·p1.00:   50987008.000 ns/op

# Run progress: 75.00% complete, ETA 00:00:21
# Fork: 2 of 2
# Warmup Iteration   1: 5381.014 ±(99.9%) 345.255 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   2: 5295.847 ±(99.9%) 567.626 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   3: 5559.507 ±(99.9%) 442.106 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   4: 4024.242 ±(99.9%) 489.348 ns/op
# Warmup Iteration   5: 4709.293 ±(99.9%) 412.818 ns/op
Iteration   1: 18146.819 ±(99.9%) 671.877 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.00:   3700.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.50:   14192.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.90:   16480.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.95:   18592.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.99:   89088.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.999:  680060.928 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.9999: 3419793.818 ns/op
                 testNew·p1.00:   58195968.000 ns/op

Iteration   2: 18237.222 ±(99.9%) 349.829 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.00:   3900.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.50:   14096.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.90:   16992.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.95:   20480.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.99:   100096.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.999:  741957.632 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.9999: 3071115.264 ns/op
                 testNew·p1.00:   13877248.000 ns/op

Iteration   3: 18822.709 ±(99.9%) 451.900 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.00:   3800.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.50:   14192.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.90:   17088.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.95:   23488.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.99:   107520.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.999:  762880.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.9999: 3489378.304 ns/op
                 testNew·p1.00:   23003136.000 ns/op

Iteration   4: 20049.312 ±(99.9%) 1085.889 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.00:   4000.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.50:   13296.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.90:   16288.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.95:   19296.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.99:   95744.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.999:  909457.408 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.9999: 10102367.846 ns/op
                 testNew·p1.00:   45875200.000 ns/op

Iteration   5: 18218.396 ±(99.9%) 375.050 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.00:   3900.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.50:   14800.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.90:   16896.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.95:   18976.000 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.99:   82798.080 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.999:  762208.256 ns/op
                 testNew·p0.9999: 2597145.805 ns/op
                 testNew·p1.00:   12812288.000 ns/op

Result "com.example.jmh.PrototypeTest.testNew":
  N = 5052013
  mean =  19049.281 ±(99.9%) 246.082 ns/op

  Histogram, ns/op:
    [        0.000,  12500000.000) = 5051859 
    [ 12500000.000,  25000000.000) = 115 
    [ 25000000.000,  37500000.000) = 27 
    [ 37500000.000,  50000000.000) = 7 
    [ 50000000.000,  62500000.000) = 4 
    [ 62500000.000,  75000000.000) = 0 
    [ 75000000.000,  87500000.000) = 0 
    [ 87500000.000, 100000000.000) = 0 
    [100000000.000, 112500000.000) = 0 
    [112500000.000, 125000000.000) = 1 
    [125000000.000, 137500000.000) = 0 
    [137500000.000, 150000000.000) = 0 
    [150000000.000, 162500000.000) = 0 
    [162500000.000, 175000000.000) = 0 
    [175000000.000, 187500000.000) = 0 

  Percentiles, ns/op:
      p(0.0000) =   3700.000 ns/op
     p(50.0000) =  13696.000 ns/op
     p(90.0000) =  16800.000 ns/op
     p(95.0000) =  20800.000 ns/op
     p(99.0000) =  99712.000 ns/op
     p(99.9000) = 850944.000 ns/op
     p(99.9900) = 5251014.656 ns/op
     p(99.9990) = 22952004.157 ns/op
     p(99.9999) = 50443805.260 ns/op
    p(100.0000) = 115474432.000 ns/op

# Run complete. Total time: 00:01:26

REMEMBER: The numbers below are just data. To gain reusable insights, you need to follow up on
why the numbers are the way they are. Use profilers (see -prof, -lprof), design factorial
experiments, perform baseline and negative tests that provide experimental control, make sure
the benchmarking environment is safe on JVM/OS/HW level, ask for reviews from the domain experts.
Do not assume the numbers tell you what you want them to tell.

Benchmark                                    Mode      Cnt          Score     Error  Units
PrototypeTest.testClone                    sample  4893390      20186.672 ± 272.095  ns/op
PrototypeTest.testClone:testClone·p0.00    sample                6200.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testClone:testClone·p0.50    sample               15696.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testClone:testClone·p0.90    sample               18176.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testClone:testClone·p0.95    sample               23200.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testClone:testClone·p0.99    sample               90496.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testClone:testClone·p0.999   sample              635904.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testClone:testClone·p0.9999  sample             4303436.186            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testClone:testClone·p1.00    sample           157548544.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testNew                      sample  5052013      19049.281 ± 246.082  ns/op
PrototypeTest.testNew:testNew·p0.00        sample                3700.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testNew:testNew·p0.50        sample               13696.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testNew:testNew·p0.90        sample               16800.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testNew:testNew·p0.95        sample               20800.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testNew:testNew·p0.99        sample               99712.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testNew:testNew·p0.999       sample              850944.000            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testNew:testNew·p0.9999      sample             5251014.656            ns/op
PrototypeTest.testNew:testNew·p1.00        sample           115474432.000            ns/op






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