CUDA sample学习笔记(一)reduction

1. seperated threads and interleaved addressing

template <class T>
__global__ void reduce0(T *g_idata, T *g_odata, unsigned int n) {
  // Handle to thread block group
  cg::thread_block cta = cg::this_thread_block();
  T *sdata = SharedMemory<T>();

  // load shared mem
  unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
  unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  sdata[tid] = (i < n) ? g_idata[i] : 0;


  // do reduction in shared mem
  for (unsigned int s = 1; s < blockDim.x; s *= 2) {
    // modulo arithmetic is slow!
    if ((tid % (2 * s)) == 0) {
      sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + s];


  // write result for this block to global mem
  if (tid == 0) g_odata[blockIdx.x] = sdata[0];



2. contiguous threads but with shared memory bank conflict

template <class T>
__global__ void reduce1(T *g_idata, T *g_odata, unsigned int n) {
  // Handle to thread block group
  cg::thread_block cta = cg::this_thread_block();
  T *sdata = SharedMemory<T>();

  // load shared mem
  unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
  unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  sdata[tid] = (i < n) ? g_idata[i] : 0;


  // do reduction in shared mem
  for (unsigned int s = 1; s < blockDim.x; s *= 2) {
    int index = 2 * s * tid;

    if (index < blockDim.x) {
      sdata[index] += sdata[index + s];


  // write result for this block to global mem
  if (tid == 0) g_odata[blockIdx.x] = sdata[0];

分析:这种方法改变了thread号与shared memory数据下标的对应关系,例如s=1时执行计算的是threadIdx.x=0-127(假设一个block中256个thread);s=2时,进行计算的thread为0-63;s=4时为0-31...这样随着循环的进行GPU使用了尽可能少的warp。但是这种方法会带来bank conflict。

bank conflict:发生于同一个warp的thread访问同一个shared memory中同一个bank的不同数据时。Volta架构中shared memory为32个bank,申请时连续4字节(1word)的数据会被分配在一个bank上,例如将连续的32个int存入shared memory中则每个数据都会被分配到不同的bank上。

上面的代码中,假设T为int型,则sdata[0]和sdata[32]会被分配到同一bank上,那么当s=2时,thread 0和thread 16虽然同时访问的是不同数据,但由于其位于同一内存bank所以不能一次取出,产生延迟。


3. squential addressing solves bank conflict

template <class T>
__global__ void reduce2(T *g_idata, T *g_odata, unsigned int n) {
  // Handle to thread block group
  cg::thread_block cta = cg::this_thread_block();
  T *sdata = SharedMemory<T>();

  // load shared mem
  unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
  unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  sdata[tid] = (i < n) ? g_idata[i] : 0;


  // do reduction in shared mem
  for (unsigned int s = blockDim.x / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) {
    if (tid < s) {
      sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + s];


  // write result for this block to global mem
  if (tid == 0) g_odata[blockIdx.x] = sdata[0];

分析:可以看出一个warp中32个thread如果各访问一个bank的数据则刚好不会产生bank conflict, 而上个算法之所以产生是因为其各thread访问的数据地址不连续,所以我们希望一个warp内的某个thread总是负责特定一个bank的reduction,例如thread 0-31无论在第几个循环,相邻thread访问的数据总是相邻的。

4. perform first level reduction at first

template <class T>
__global__ void reduce3(T *g_idata, T *g_odata, unsigned int n) {
  // Handle to thread block group
  cg::thread_block cta = cg::this_thread_block();
  T *sdata = SharedMemory<T>();

  // perform first level of reduction,
  // reading from global memory, writing to shared memory
  unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
  unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * (blockDim.x * 2) + threadIdx.x;

  T mySum = (i < n) ? g_idata[i] : 0;

  if (i + blockDim.x < n) mySum += g_idata[i + blockDim.x];

  sdata[tid] = mySum;

  // do reduction in shared mem
  for (unsigned int s = blockDim.x / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) {
    if (tid < s) {
      sdata[tid] = mySum = mySum + sdata[tid + s];


  // write result for this block to global mem
  if (tid == 0) g_odata[blockIdx.x] = mySum;

分析:与上个方法唯一不同是先在local memory(mySum)中计算2*blockDim.x个数(n>=2*blockDim.x)的一次reduction,再进行block-level的reduction。

至于为什么不多加几次,我也没弄清楚,但是想象一下如果进行太多片外memory (local 和global)的读写势必会造成一些block读数据较慢而使计算资源空闲。


5. threads communication with warp shuffle

template <class T, unsigned int blockSize>
__global__ void reduce4(T *g_idata, T *g_odata, unsigned int n) {
  // Handle to thread block group
  cg::thread_block cta = cg::this_thread_block();
  T *sdata = SharedMemory<T>();

  // perform first level of reduction,
  // reading from global memory, writing to shared memory
  unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
  unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * (blockDim.x * 2) + threadIdx.x;

  T mySum = (i < n) ? g_idata[i] : 0;

  if (i + blockSize < n) mySum += g_idata[i + blockSize];

  sdata[tid] = mySum;

  // do reduction in shared mem
  for (unsigned int s = blockDim.x / 2; s > 32; s >>= 1) {
    if (tid < s) {
      sdata[tid] = mySum = mySum + sdata[tid + s];


  cg::thread_block_tile<32> tile32 = cg::tiled_partition<32>(cta);//得到当前thread所在的size为32的线程组

  if (cta.thread_rank() < 32) {//lane ID<32
    // Fetch final intermediate sum from 2nd warp
    if (blockSize >= 64) mySum += sdata[tid + 32]; //完成mySum = sdata[0-31] + sdata[32-63],这里虽然不能用shuffle但也把它拿出循环也是为了提高性能
    // Reduce final warp using shuffle
    for (int offset = tile32.size() / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
      mySum += tile32.shfl_down(mySum, offset);

分析: 关于使用shuffle操作的reduction在NVIDIA的developer blog中有详细介绍:。 shuffle用来直接访问同一warp内特定thread中的数据,这里的reduction算法和3,4中一样,除了最后剩下32个数据时,在一个warp内用shufl_down来访问当前thread号+offset的thread中的mySum。

6. completely unrolled

template <class T, unsigned int blockSize>
__global__ void reduce5(T *g_idata, T *g_odata, unsigned int n) {
  // Handle to thread block group
  cg::thread_block cta = cg::this_thread_block();
  T *sdata = SharedMemory<T>();

  // perform first level of reduction,
  // reading from global memory, writing to shared memory
  unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
  unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * (blockSize * 2) + threadIdx.x;

  T mySum = (i < n) ? g_idata[i] : 0;

  if (i + blockSize < n) mySum += g_idata[i + blockSize];

  sdata[tid] = mySum;

  // do reduction in shared mem
  if ((blockSize >= 512) && (tid < 256)) {
    sdata[tid] = mySum = mySum + sdata[tid + 256];


  if ((blockSize >= 256) && (tid < 128)) {
    sdata[tid] = mySum = mySum + sdata[tid + 128];


  if ((blockSize >= 128) && (tid < 64)) {
    sdata[tid] = mySum = mySum + sdata[tid + 64];


  cg::thread_block_tile<32> tile32 = cg::tiled_partition<32>(cta);

  if (cta.thread_rank() < 32) {
    // Fetch final intermediate sum from 2nd warp
    if (blockSize >= 64) mySum += sdata[tid + 32];
    // Reduce final warp using shuffle
    for (int offset = tile32.size() / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
      mySum += tile32.shfl_down(mySum, offset);

  // write result for this block to global mem
  if (cta.thread_rank() == 0) g_odata[blockIdx.x] = mySum;

分析: 算法和5相同,只是将for循环完全展开,因为维护需要额外的开销,所以简单地把循环展开也可以使性能提升。

7. sequentially addition

template <class T, unsigned int blockSize, bool nIsPow2>
__global__ void reduce6(T *g_idata, T *g_odata, unsigned int n) {
  // Handle to thread block group
  cg::thread_block cta = cg::this_thread_block();
  T *sdata = SharedMemory<T>();

  // perform first level of reduction,
  // reading from global memory, writing to shared memory
  unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
  unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockSize * 2 + threadIdx.x;
  unsigned int gridSize = blockSize * 2 * gridDim.x;

  T mySum = 0;

  // we reduce multiple elements per thread.  The number is determined by the
  // number of active thread blocks (via gridDim).  More blocks will result
  // in a larger gridSize and therefore fewer elements per thread
  while (i < n) {
    mySum += g_idata[i];

    // ensure we don't read out of bounds -- this is optimized away for powerOf2
    // sized arrays
    if (nIsPow2 || i + blockSize < n) mySum += g_idata[i + blockSize];

    i += gridSize;

  // each thread puts its local sum into shared memory
  sdata[tid] = mySum;

  // do reduction in shared mem
  if ((blockSize >= 512) && (tid < 256)) {
    sdata[tid] = mySum = mySum + sdata[tid + 256];


  if ((blockSize >= 256) && (tid < 128)) {
    sdata[tid] = mySum = mySum + sdata[tid + 128];


  if ((blockSize >= 128) && (tid < 64)) {
    sdata[tid] = mySum = mySum + sdata[tid + 64];


  cg::thread_block_tile<32> tile32 = cg::tiled_partition<32>(cta);

  if (cta.thread_rank() < 32) {
    // Fetch final intermediate sum from 2nd warp
    if (blockSize >= 64) mySum += sdata[tid + 32];
    // Reduce final warp using shuffle
    for (int offset = tile32.size() / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
      mySum += tile32.shfl_down(mySum, offset);

  // write result for this block to global mem
  if (cta.thread_rank() == 0) g_odata[blockIdx.x] = mySum;

分析: 每个while循环计算一次2*blocksize个数的一次reduction,整个grid在单次循环中把2*blocksize*gridDim.x个数据reduce到blocksize*gridDim.x个数据,经过整个while后只需要把block内每个thread中的mySum全部加起来,同样这里也是采用完全展开的方式。同样只剩最后一个warp时利用shuffle。

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