Types of Schools(2018/12/21)


Do you think schools usually offer good education?

What is the best age to learn optimally(最合适)?

Do you think education stops when you finish school?


fund(noun)--an amount of money that is collected and kept for a particular purpose

exclusive(adjective)--available and belonging only to particular people ,and not shared

common(adjective)--existing in large numbers

attend(verb)--to go regularly to a school,church,etc

tuition(noun,学费)--the money you pay for being taught

Basic Classification(基础分类) of Schools

Schools can be classified in different ways:by age,source of  funds,gender,living arrangement and exclusivity.

Which of these classifications do you know?

Which classifications are common in your country?

By Age(preschool and Elementary-基本的)

Schools can be classified according to the age of the students who attend them .From the ages of three to seven.children go to preschool,nursery(托儿所) school and kindergarten(幼儿园),Children usually start primary/elementary school at the age of seven and finish by the age of 11,In some countries,children are 14 years old when they finish element school.

How old are children when they start and finish elementary school in your country?

By Age(Secondary and University)

Student can start secondary school at different ages(typically anywhere from 11 to 15)and finish at the age of 18of 19,Some students go to university after secondary school to study for their future career.

Did you go to university?or Do you want to go?

Do many people in your country study at university?

By Source of Funds

Schools differ according to the manner in which they are financed.(资助).State/public schools are usually financed by the government,whereas private schools normally receive some or all of their funds through tuition charged to students.

Which schools are more common in your country?

Which school did you go?

By Gender

Today most shcools around the world are mixed-sex schools which provide education for both male and female students together.There are also single-sex schools ,but these are less popular now than they were in the past.

Which schools are better in your opinion?

Which schools are more popula rin your country?

By Living Arrangements

Although most schools today are day schools where students come to school in the morning and leave after classes finish.There are some schools where students live.Residential schools are those where some or all studnets live at school,Boarding schools are those residential schools which are usually private ,old and/or elite(精英的).

Are there residential or boarding schools in your country?

Who attends these schools?


Some schools are selective.Which means that they only allow students to enter if they achieved certain results in an annual entrance examination.partially(区域,部分) selective schools have special classes for student who have achieved particularly well in one or more areas,Geographically selective schools only allow students from a certain zone(地区) to enter。

Do you have selective schools in your country?


Do you think children shou be classified according to their age or skills?

Do you think the private schools are better than public schools?

Should children be placed(放置) in boarding schools and be separated from their families?

Do you think all schools should be selective?









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