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原创 Pointer for JOB APPLICATIONS(2019/11/12)

QUESTIONSWhat your job? Are you looking for a new or better job? What king of job do you like ? Are you looking for a job you like or high paying job?Image you are a busy personal manager,You ar...

2019-11-25 17:58:18 180

原创 1Curiosity--NASA's Mission to Mars 2019/11/05F450KLG2H

Warm-UpDoes your country have a space program? Do you think your country should spend more money on space exploration(探测;探究;踏勘)?Explain your answer? Do you think people will ever live in outer sp...

2019-11-10 16:14:17 439 1

原创 Managing Employees--developing skills for success(2019/11/6)

Managing employeesDeveloping skills for successWhat do you think effetive manager do to help employees peform well? How can a manager do a better job of working with individuals and groups?Vocab...

2019-11-07 17:08:53 281

原创 How to make fast food favorite at home(2019/07/26)

IntroductionWith our fast-spaced lifestyles,There is usually little time to make a home cooked meal ,Thus ,fast food remains a popular option for many.But fast food tends to expensive and is an un...

2019-08-06 18:22:44 452

原创 Who owns my data(2019/4/16)

Learing Objectiveshave a discussion on personal data and the ownership of data; talk about how data can be distributed by third-party users share our thoughts on the protection of data ownership(所...

2019-04-23 17:38:02 259

原创 Go on a digital diet(2019/1/15)

Discussion1.How many hours a day do you spend connected to technology devices?2.Do you feel anxious when your internet or phone doesn't work?3.Do you think that your personal life is being impac...

2019-01-20 12:32:13 303

原创 Expressing Fear(2019/1/4)

Discussion1.What's the most terrifying(令人恐惧的) horror(令人恐怖的事物) movie you have ever seen?2.After watching a horror movie,do you have problems slleping at night,or turning off the lights when you are...

2019-01-14 22:04:50 315

原创 What kind of cat is that?(2019/1/11)

Opening DialogP:Hey Tim,Did you see that?T:See what?Where?P:That cat! It just tarted past your legs and is now somewhere in that  brush(灌木丛),T:Oh,really,What kind was it?P:How am I supposed ...

2019-01-14 15:46:26 430

原创 Snug(舒适) as a Bug(小虫) in a Rug(小地毯)(2019/1/2)

Using Rhyming(押韵) and alliteration(头韵) to make a pointWarm-up with wordsApril showers bring May flowersYou say "yes" but i say 'no',You say 'stop' but i say goRain,rain,go away,come again anot...

2019-01-04 18:33:13 442

原创 Fostering Good Communication(2018/12/31)

Learning ObjectivesToday we are going to:learn about the importance of effective communication with our children;and learn some skills to communicate effectively with them.Warm-upWhy is good c...

2019-01-02 19:20:25 216

原创 Business Meetings(2018/12/27)

IntroductionMany of us must attend meeting daily at our jobs,For some it is a necessary  and useful part of the day,But for other 's it is a monotonous waste of time.In this lesson,we will learn s...

2018-12-27 11:36:40 205

原创 Firing:Preserving the Employee's Dignity(尊严)(2018/07/26)

Firing :Preserving DignityDo you find it easy to fire an employee?Do you think it is possible to fire an emmployee without hurting his/her feeling?If an employee makes a mistake,you would immedi...

2018-12-26 16:59:00 332

原创 Basic Vocabulary:Music(2018/12/24)

Vocabularysymphony--a large group of people who play music together(short for symphony orchestra( 管弦乐队))instrument--something you play to make musiccompose--to write musicera--a certain period...

2018-12-24 15:50:18 336

原创 Types of Schools(2018/12/21)

IntroductionDo you think schools usually offer good education?What is the best age to learn optimally(最合适)?Do you think education stops when you finish school?Vocabularyfund(noun)--an amount...

2018-12-21 11:09:32 245

原创 Middle Ages The Hundred Years War(2018/12/11)

Introduction The Hundred Years' War  accurred during the Middle Ages,lasting from 1337 to 1453,The war was a series of battle between England and France,with long periods of peace in England.Wramp...

2018-12-20 18:54:54 301

原创 Is spelling in English improtant(2018/12/17)

Vocabularybarring--except forvariant--something that differs slightly from something elseestablished--already in use or existing for a long period of timecorehent--logical(合逻辑的) and consisiten...

2018-12-20 18:13:59 418

原创 Lets talk about clothes(2018/11/15)

IntroductionThe aim of today's lesson is to pratice conversation and have a discussion  based on clothes1.We will focus on one question on each page2.Each answer should be about 1-2 minutes long...

2018-12-16 09:54:45 542

原创 Ichiro Suzuki(2018/08/01)

QuestionsWhich are you favorite sports to watch?What do you about the baseball?Vocabularylegendary--very famous and admire persondraft(征兵)--a system in which professional  teams invite playe...

2018-12-10 17:49:25 213

原创 Success in Business(2018/08/07)

Striving(努力) for SuccessSuccess in business is the goal for many hardworking people ,But it can take years of effort to achieve your business goals,This lesson is about an interview with a successfu...

2018-12-09 16:56:54 727

原创 Perfecting All Perfect Verbs(2018/08/13)

Introduction Because of the shared word,"perfect"in the title of different "perfect"verbs,as well as the common usage of the semi-auxiliary(助动词) "to have" in each of these verb forms.perfect verbs(完...

2018-12-08 21:59:56 305

原创 Business collocation(2018/09/13)

IntroductionIn this lesson ,we will  be learning collocations with the word " desk" that are used in the business world.Collocations are words that native speakers put together naturally because the...

2018-12-08 12:08:01 267

原创 Welcome To The Windy City (2018/08/15)

Lets TalkHave you ever been to CHicago?if not ,would you like to to go ?What adjectives come to mind when you hear the name of Chicago?Chicagp is also know as The Windy City,Do you know why?Th...

2018-12-07 11:26:02 390

原创 Business collocations key

IntroductionIn this lession,we will be learning collocations with the word 'key' that are used in the business world.Collocations are word that native speaker usually put together naturally because ...

2018-12-06 14:50:56 216

原创 Fortunate Finds

Wramp-up1.What 's the biggest mistake you have ever made?2.Have you ever had what you thought was a lousy idea turn out to be a great one?3.What's the most famous invention you know of ?Do you k...

2018-12-05 15:12:37 330

原创 A cheaper cup of coffee

Vocabularychain--a number of similar shops,restaurant,etc,own by the same company.trial--a test of something new to find out if it is safe,work correctly,etc.aside--not including something.red...

2018-12-04 14:56:26 574

原创 Are you getting enough sleep

Before you read1.How many hours a night do you usually sleep?2.How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?3.How often do you feel sleepy(困乏的) during the day? eg:I usually sleep for fewer ...

2018-12-04 13:55:46 560

原创 Medical specialties

warm-up Questins1. How often do you get sick?2.do you know the difference between a general physician and a medical specialistA bit of humorI told my doctor I broke my leg in two places.he tol...

2018-12-03 18:32:15 198

原创 Can sugar make you stupid?

Vocabulary Previewconcentrated-- made stronger,especially by removing liquid(such as water)maze--a difficult and confusing path ,or a puzzle(迷惑) or game whose object is to find the continuous(连续的)...

2018-12-03 17:10:53 280

原创 business plans general description

Vocabularysection--a separate part of book,newspaper,document,report etc..structure--the way in witch the parts of something are connected with each other and form a whole,or the thing that these ...

2018-12-03 16:08:25 260

原创 Learning english

Vocabularyperception--the way you think about something and your idea of what it is likeThe public perception of him as a hero is surprisingrepetition--doing or saying the same thing many times...

2018-11-29 17:14:47 634

原创 A Never-ending Dream

vocabularyendurance--the ability to continue doing something difficult or painful over a long period of time..lethal--causing death,or able to cause deathfeat--something that is an impressive(令人...

2018-11-26 11:01:47 217

原创 Time for change

DiscussionThe only thing is constant is changeChange is an important concept in life and there are many uses for the word.it is used often in  idioms.daily expressions and everyday conversation .I...

2018-11-22 14:35:00 257

原创 too much of a good thing..

Warm-upAre you addicted any food or drink? Do you have anything to drink with your meals?what do you prefer to drink with your meals? Explain the meaning of the idiom:morderation in all things Do...

2018-11-22 13:31:40 667

原创 Money a little tight?-----Have a staycation

The staycationSome people love to travel.and they do it all the time.others hate to travel.preferring a quiet holiday at home on the couch.You might call them  couch potatoes,but some people believe...

2018-11-22 11:42:02 295

原创 Giving team members directions

Vocabularydirection--instructions about what to doimmediately--without delaydetailed--contaning or including a lot of information or detailsaggressive--behaving in an angery ,threatening way ,...

2018-11-14 19:05:39 242

原创 Retails giant 's profits fall

Warm-upWhich online retailer is your favorite ? Do you think it is viable to expend you company in the current economic climate? Do you use e_reader like Kindle? Would you prefer to own shares in...

2018-11-14 11:53:19 228

原创 Balancing your Budget

IntroductionWithout a doubt ,millions of people around the world are experiencing unprecedented(空前的) financial hardship .With soaring inflation and unemployment as well as increasing market competit...

2018-11-11 22:46:59 229

原创 Russia metoer largest to hit Earth in century

warm-upDo you believe in doomsday prophecies(世界末日的预言)? How  much warning time do people normally have to prepare for typhoons,hurricanes,or earthquakes? Do you have extra fooe and water in your ho...

2018-11-08 11:33:44 158

原创 Business collocations:Desk

 IntroductionCollocation(搭配) are words that native speakers put together naturally because they grow up always hearing them together.To an ESL student these combinations might not sound natural ,T...

2018-10-20 23:49:45 211

原创 Medicinal Foods and Culture

IntroductionWhat,How ,When and Where we eat all embedded in cultural practices.In traditional cultures,food and medicine are strongly interwoven.This lesson discusses medicinal food and their link t...

2018-10-20 23:49:31 279



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