
本期做客直播间的嘉宾是来自COVAC首席运营官Dr. Kim。错过直播的小伙伴一起跟着xt君来回顾一下此次直播主题AMA吧!

(Q:XT.COM  A:Dr. Kim)


Hi, everyone! Welcome to the XT AMA Channel. XT is honored to invite COVAC today. Let me give a brief introduction to XT first.

大家好,欢迎来到XT AMA频道!今天,我们邀请到COVAC的嘉宾做客我们的AMA。首先,请允许我简单地介绍一下XT。

XT.com is the world's first real-time social trading platform with 0% leverage interest. The XT ecosystem has over 6 million global users with a daily transaction volume of close to $5 billion. The platform has real-time indicators and tools that bring the best trading atmosphere for all users.

XT.com是世界首个杠杆率为0%的实时社交化数字资产交易所。 XT生态系统拥有超过600万来自全球各地的用户,日交易额近50亿美元。 XT交易平台有实时指标和工具,可以给所有用户带来最佳的交易氛围。

XT Group governs the XT Exchange, XT Capital, XT Labs, XT Academy, XT PooL, and among additional institutions, which comprehensively lay out the industrial chain of digital asset ecology.

XT Group 下辖XT Exchange、XT Capital、XT Labs、XT Academy、XT PooL 等机构,全面布局数字资产生态产业链。

XT exchange's innovative social model empowers the blockchain industry through newly developed social trading avenues, which were once not possible. XT has achieved this through a combined effort with our partners, like Btok and Tapatalk.


Today, our guest is COVAC.Let's talk to him to learn about COVAC

Hello COVAC, thank you for joining us for the XT and COVAC AMA!

今天,我们邀请到了来自COVAC的嘉宾Dr. Kim。让我们跟随嘉宾的步伐,深入了解COVAC吧。

Dr. Kim,您好,欢迎来到XT和COVAC的AMA!


My name is Dr. Kim and I'm the Chief Operating Officer for COVAC.

我叫Dr. Kim,是 COVAC 的首席运营官。


Can you give our audience a brief introduction of COVAC?

您能给我们的观众简单介绍一下 COVAC吗?


COVAC, which stands for COVID Vaccine, is a community-driven, fair launched DeFi token used to track the number of COVID vaccinated people around the world.

There are 19 billion $COVAC tokens created to commemorate the year COVID-19 was discovered, i.e. 2019, with 3.8 billion in circulation, 5.7 billion will be burned with the token burn schedule following the global vaccination penetration rate. The founding team holds 0.95 billion in $COVAC, and the rest of the 8.55 billion $COVAC will be used for airdrops, marketing, partnership and community-building events.

We launched on PancakeSwap in June, and Hotbit in August. Since then, our price has skyrocketed 100x with as of today, and our current market cap is about $1.5 million.

We currently have close to 20k followers combined on Twitter and Telegram and will be launching on XT.com on 11 Nov, and we closely engage our community and hold events like airdrops, and social media competitions.

We currently have 2 products, of which $COVAC acts as a utility token. This includes TokenBlast, our tool for airdrops or token distribution which is 10x cheaper than any tool out there, faster, and with a user-friendly UI/UX.

Our second product is COVACPass+, a digital health pass which enables users to store their vaccination and test results for location check-ins and travel.

The APK version is out already, so do check it out on our website.

COVAC 代表 COVID 疫苗,是一种社区驱动、公平推出的 DeFi 代币,用于跟踪全球接种 COVID 疫苗的人数。

为纪念 COVID-19 被发现的那一年,即 2019 年,创建了 190 亿美元的 COVAC 代币,流通量为 38 亿,根据全球疫苗接种普及率,将按照代币销毁计划销毁 57 亿。创始团队持有 9.5 亿美元 COVAC,其余 85.5 亿美元 COVAC 将用于空投、营销、合伴关系和社区建设活动。

我们于 6 月在 PancakeSwap 上发布,8 月在 Hotbit 上发布。截至今天,我们的价格飙升了 100 倍,我们目前的市值约为 150 万美元。

我们目前在 Twitter 和 Telegram 上拥有近 20,000 名粉丝,并将于 11 月 11 日在 XT.com 上推出,我们密切参与社区并举办空投和社交媒体比赛等活动。

我们目前有 2 个产品,其中 $COVAC 充当实用程序代币。这包括 TokenBlast,我们的空投或代币分发工具,它比现有任何工具便宜 10 倍,速度更快,并且具有用户友好的 UI/UX。

我们的第二个产品是 COVACPass+,这是一种数字健康通行证,使用户能够存储他们的疫苗接种和测试结果,以便进行位置登记和旅行。APK 版本已经发布,所以请在我们的网站上查看。


I have checked your project has got impressive ratings by some top crypto rating websites. How do you take these ratings?



It’s a testament of the good work the team has been doing, in terms of building up a token with utility, and attracting the right kind of investors who believe in our tokenomics and whitepaper.



Can you introduce the core team members of COVAC We hear that the team is highly experienced, can we get some examples?



We are a 7-man team with strong tech background, including ecommerce, travel tech and gaming. We have 3 developers who focus on Product, 2 teammates on Product, Content and UI/UX, 1 on Marketing, and 1 on Operations.

我们是一个拥有强大技术背景的 7 人团队,包括电子商务、旅游技术和游戏。 我们有 3 名开发人员专注于产品,2 名团队成员负责产品、内容和 UI/UX,1 名负责营销,1 名负责运营。


Can you give our community a brief introduction behind the inspiration to build COVAC?



Most of us are from the travel tech background and when the pandemic hit, our industry was badly hit, and we wanted to think of ways of which we can help the community a creative manner and adjust to the new norm. So, we created COVAC as a countdown timer to when we can resume travel and get back to our pre-COVID travel lifestyle. This is why the token supply is 19 billion to commemorate the year 2019 when it was discovered, and the burn schedule is done in accordance to the % of the population which has been vaccinated.

我们大多数人都来自旅游技术背景,当流行病来袭时,我们的行业受到了严重打击,我们想思考如何以创造性的方式帮助社区并适应新规范。 因此,我们创建了 COVAC 作为倒计时计时器,来计算我们何时可以恢复旅行并回到新冠之前的旅行生活方式。 这就是为什么代币供应量为 190 亿以纪念它被发现的 2019 年,并且按照已接种疫苗的人口百分比进行燃烧计划。


In the Crypto industry, what do you think of the current state? What do you think that needs to be improved?



We think that the current crypto industry is booming with a lot of new and exciting projects – some with utility and clear use cases, whereas there are some which are just meme-driven, riding the hype, and taking advantage of investors. We think that a great more effort needs to be done for users to DYOR and ensure they are investing into solid projects and/or those with good potential.

Take for instance, a project like ours, COVAC. We focus on the BUIDL mindset with our new products, CovacPass+ and TokenBlast, we aim to drive more $COVAC utility, build up our COVAC community and give even better returns to our investors. We are consistently engaging our community, getting feedback, and focusing on building up our projects.

We keep a close watch on changing market trends in travel and covid to ensure that our product is fit-for-purpose and constantly innovating.

我们认为当前的加密行业正在蓬勃发展,有许多新的和令人兴奋的项目——一些具有实用性和明确的例子,而有些则只是由文化基因驱动,利用炒作并利用投资者。 我们认为 DYOR 的用户需要做更多的努力,并确保他们投资于可靠的项目和/或具有良好潜力的项目。

以我们的项目 COVAC 为例。我们通过我们的新产品 CovacPass+ 和 TokenBlast 专注于 BUIDL 思维方式,我们的目标是推动更多的 $COVAC 效用,建立我们的 COVAC 社区并为我们的投资者提供更好的回报。 我们一直在与社区互动,获取反馈,并专注于构建我们的项目。



How does the COVAC team plan to tackle these issues to reach mass adoption?



Our current focus is on community-building and user growth. If you can see, our marketing and growth has been organic, and for our products, we will not be charging users at the start. To use our products, users will required to hold a minimum number of $COVAC tokens in order to use the TokenBlast tool for free, and unlock certain features in COVACPass+. This is quite different from other platforms which typically charge a high upfront or subscription fee to use their products.

We will then look into charging revenue and earning profits at a later stage once our user adoption reaches a certain critical mass.

我们目前的重点是社区建设和用户增长。 你能看到,我们的营销和增长是有机的,对于我们的产品,我们一开始不会向用户收费。 要使用我们的产品,用户需要持有最低数量的 $COVAC 代币才能免费使用 TokenBlast 工具,并解锁 COVACPass+ 中的某些功能。 这与其他平台完全不同,其他平台通常会收取高额的预付费用或订阅费来使用其产品。



What is your timeline, and what can we look forward to from COVAC?



Post-listing on XT.com, the COVAC team aims to build a staking product to encourage HODLing, build up an online travel platform, and begin strategic partnerships with others in the travel tech industry, including hotels, flights, tours, and attractions operators, to promote safe travel and expand the use case of our tokens.

This in only Q4 of 2021. You’ll have to watch us closely to see what’s in store for 2022 where we will focus on building up our products, token utility and price!

在XT.com上市后,COVAC团队旨在打造一个质押产品来鼓励持币,建立一个在线旅游平台,并与旅游科技行业的其他人开始战略合作,包括酒店、航班、旅游和景点运营商 ,以促进安全旅行并扩大我们代币的使用。

现在只是 2021 年第四季度。您一定要密切关注我们,以了解 2022 年我们将专注于构建我们的产品、代币功能和价格!


Anything else do you want to share with our community?



Yes of course! Do follow us on Twitter, Telegram and watch our videos on YouTube.

是的当然! 请在 Twitter、Telegram 上关注我们并在 YouTube 上观看我们的视频。


Thank you, COVAC, for taking the time to do this AMA with us today. It has been great learning more about COVAC and the team behind it!








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