EDA Tool

#1.ReadDeviceList.py :

import xlrd    
def ReadDeviceList(ExcelPath,SheetName):
    #define output data
    #Tabel format:
    TableFormatHeader=['Device','Terminal','DeviceName','Instance Statement','Device Description (ADS explanation)','Equation']
    #read excel and parse
    with xlrd.open_workbook(ExcelPath) as Excel:
        #SheetName= Excel.sheet_names()[0]
        #get sheet contain Device List info
        Nrows=Sheet.nrows #获得sheet的总行数
        while Count<Nrows:
            RowList=Sheet.row_values(Count) #RowList是一个以每一行的各个列元素组合成的list
        #read by lines, Section = 1 mean catch the table info of device list 
            if (RowList[1].find(TableFormatHeader[0]) != -1):  #RowList should be string or error occur
                Section=1 # the first section Mask Name table, extract Layers
                continue    #if catch header, jump out of this segment
            elif Section==1:  #
                    DeviceDict[RowList[TableFormatHeader.index('DeviceName')+1]]=RowList[TableFormatHeader.index('Instance Statement')+1]
                except IndexError:
            elif Section==2:  #Section 2 is Design Rule Info
        if Count==0:
        #read failure
    #Excel.close() workbook do not have close() function
    return DeviceDict   #output format {DeviceName:'statement'}  statement format like {'qebe':'qbebxxx (E,B,C) we =2[1.6,5] le =20[10,50]  ne=1[2,8] nb=3[::] nc=2 selft =1 trise = 0 rthpkg =0 cthpag =0'}

import re
def DeleteNullInList(StringList):
    for item in StringList:
        if (item=='' or item==[]):
def ParseStatement(Statement):
    #define output
    if isinstance(Statement,str):
        RegularStatement=re.sub('=',' = ',Statement)
        #check if string
        DeleteNullInList(Words) # delete null cell
        #Words[0] is like 'qebexxx' represent the format
        #Words[1] is pins
        #Words[2+] is parameters
        i=Words.index('=') #initial i as the first index of '='
        while (i < WordLen):
            #check value exist & value
                if (Words[OperatorIndex] != '='):
                ValuePattern='\s|\[|\]|,|:'  #Notice [] represent the or relation of the sepeartors set
                if ValueLen==3 or ValueLen==1:
                    return 'FormatError','Statement format is unrecognizable' # waring that the format is unknown
            except IndexError:
                return 'IndexError','some words may missing or foramt is not unrecognizable' #error warning code & write log
        return ParameterDict,Pins
        #result is like {'we':[3,'2','1','10'],'le':}
        #multi expression []

        return 'TypeError','Arguement is not string'# error warning code

def ParseDeviceDict(DeviceDictRaw):
    for key in DeviceDictRaw:
    return DeviceDict        



#get all file in PDK/circuit/ael document: path, filename
import os
def RecursionFileInDoc(PATH):  
        PWD=PATH # if not / add
    for i in range (len(CurrentDir)):
    return Files    
#if the filename is not end with FilterKeywords like 'ael', it will be delete
def FilenameFilter(FileList,FilterKeyword):
    for filename in FileList:
        if tempname[-1]!=FilterKeyword :

#ParseAel file
def ParseCircuitAel(FilePath):
    with open(FilePath) as CircuitAelFile:
        #FilePath is CircuitAelFile 
        # 0: not parsing >0 parsing; different segment different parsing
        for row in CircuitAelFile:
            #remove //commmet
            #when row catch 'create_item' start Parsing
            if row.find('create_item')!=-1:
            elif row.find('create_parm')!=-1:
            if Count>0:
        #TempStringList is code segements split by 'create_item' or 'create_parm'
        for item in TempStringList:
            #item is segment of code
            #search prm("StdForm", "20 um") and first "item"  prm(.*)
            #search Parameter name lik "we"
        DeleteNullInList(DeviceParameterList)  #why there may be null exist in list
        return DeviceParameterList

def ParseCircuitAelofPath(DocPath):
    for file in FileList:
    return DeviceParameterListSet

def DataStructureTransform(DeviceParaListSet):
        except IndexError:
            return 'IndexError: out of range'
    return DeviceParaDictSet
#test code####################################################################


#final data structure {'device':[{parameter1:type,default,min,max....},{parameter2:type=1,default},{parameter3:value3}]}
#DeviceDict like {'qbeb':{'we':[3,'2','1','10'],'le':[1,'4'],'Pins':['a','b','c']},
#                  'device2':{'we':[3,'2','1','10'],'nf':[3,'2','1','10'],'Pins':['a','b','c']}}
#                }
#DeviceParameterListSet like {'qbeb':['we','le'], 'device2':['we','nf'], }
#Output DeviceInfoListSet like {'device':[['we',3,'2','1','10'],['le',1,'4']]}
def SortInOrder(DeviceDict,DeviceParameterListSet):
    #intermedia variable
    for device in DeviceDict:
            for Parameter in ParameterList:
                except IndexError:
        except IndexError:
            return 'Error: device name not match'
    return DeviceInfoListSet

#define sampling method
def SimplingInScope(METHOD,Scope,Nmax):
    #define output var
    #case by method
    if METHOD==1:
    else:    #default case Max Min Medium
        if len(Scope)==2:
            return SimplingList 
#!!!!Notice Generate Value type is String???

def Randomize(DeviceInfoListSet,Nmax): #Generate not more than Nmax
    #first get the list contain which parameter is randomizeable, scan all parameters
    for Device in DeviceInfoListSet:
        ParaListOfDevice=DeviceInfoListSet[Device] #format=[ParameterName,VarOrVal,Default,Min,Max]
        if ParaListOfDevice[1]==3 : #means Var not Val
            #simple and append the value to le Parameter List ['we',3,'2','1','10']->['we',3,'2','1','10','5','3'...]
        elif ParaListOfDevice[1]==1: # should complement parameter len to 3 like ['le',1,'4']->['le',1,'4','4','4']
    return DeviceInfoListSet

def WriteCsvByDeviceInstance(CsvPath,DeviceInfoListSet):
    for Device in DeviceInfoListSet:

#Final Type: {'DeviceName':[[ParameterList,value1,value2..],[ParameterList,value1,value2..]...,[Location,x,y,dx,dy]]}


#output format :CodeRowList [[Code Segment1],[CodeSegement2]....]
#input format: DeviceInfoListSet{'Device':[[Parameter1],[Parameter2],....[Loaction]]}
#Test Input: 
#DeviceInfoListSet={'RES_TFR':[['"Resistance"','"Resistance"','"Resistance"'],['"3 um"','"10 um"','"5 um"'],['"3 um"','"10 um"','"5 um"'],['""','""','""''],['"50 Ohm"','"50 Ohm"','"50 Ohm"],['"0"','"0"','"0"'],['"rt"','"rt"','"rt"'],[200,200,200,200]]}
#LayoutArraySetting=[1,5] #array cells by 1x5
def AelCodeGenerator(DeviceInfoListSet,LibInfo,LayoutArraySetting):
    #outpu definition
    #Infomation May from input
    CodeDefinitionSegment.append('//definition code segment start:')
    CodeDefinitionSegment.append('decl processLibName="%s";'%ProcessLibName)
    CodeDefinitionSegment.append('decl libName="%s";'%LibName)
    CodeDefinitionSegment.append('decl cellName="%s";'%ADSCellName)
    CodeDefinitionSegment.append('//definition code segment end')
    #cycle body 
    for Device in DeviceInfoListSet:
        #extract every type of device info from input
        LibCellName=ADSCellName #PDK lib里面定义的Cell的名字
        MaxNum=len(ParameterInfoList[0])  #device generate number
        #generate code for every device
        CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('//%s code segment start:'%DeviceName)
        CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('decl dx = %f;'%dx)
        CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('decl dy = %f;'%dy)
        CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('decl colNum = %0.f;'%colNum)
        CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('decl deviceName="%s";'%DeviceName)
        CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('decl deviceArtworkFileName="%s";'%LibCellName)  #like P25ED_Scalable...
        CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('decl context = db_oa_create_empty_design(%s, %s, %s, 2);'%(LibName,ADSCellName,DeviceName))
        CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('decl i = 0;')
        CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('decl MaxNum=%0.f;'%MaxNum)
        #for every Device generate layout
        i=0 #i means 1st/2nd/3rd/4th....ith instance of device
            #extract info 
            CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('    decl itemName=strcat(%s,":",%s,":","layout");'%(ProcessLibName,LibCellName))
            CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('    decl itemInfo0LP = de_init_item(itemName);')
            CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('    de_place_item(itemInfo0LP, dx*(i%colNum), dy*(i/colNum));')
            CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('    //修改参数:参数必须对应')
            CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('    de_set_item_parameters(itemInfo0LP, list(')
            j=0   #j is the parameter No
                CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('        prm_ex("Sanan_P25ED","StdForm","%s"),'%DeviceInfoList[j][i])
            CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('    de_end_edit_item(itemInfo0LP);')
            CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('    i+=1;')
        #End of a device instance drawing
        CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('decl designName=strcat(%s,":", %s,":", %s);'%(LibName,ADSCellName,DeviceName))
        CodeRowListOfSingleDevice.append('//%s code segment end'%DeviceName)
    return CodeRowList

def WriteList2File(CodeRowList,FilePath):
    with open(FilePath,'w') as f: 

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