

tidy [5taidi]                        a.        整齐的,整洁的        vt.      整理

tidily [5taidli]                          a.        整齐地,整洁地

tide [taid]                                n.       1.潮 2.潮流

tidal [5taidl]                           a.        潮汐的,定时涨落的

Already the public agencies for adulteducation are swamped by the tide that has swept over themsince the depression began. (CET-6, 2003.6, Passage 3, Paragraph 2)





clarify [5klArifai]                        v.        澄清,阐明

clarity [5klAriti]                         n.       清晰,明晰

charity [5tFAriti]                   n.       1.慈善,施舍 2.慈善团体




chart [tFB:t]                            n.        图(像)

charter [5tFB:tE]                                v.        租(船,车等)      n.     宪章

chartism [5tFB:tIz(E)m]                           n.        宪章运动

chapter [5tFAptE]                                 n.        章,节,回




chase [tFeis]                          v./n.    追逐,追求

chaser [5tFeisE]                      n.        猎人,驱逐舰

chaste [tFeist]                      a.        1.贞节的,纯洁的 2.朴素的,简朴的

例:    He wrote in a chaste style.他文笔朴实。

Myers is the founder of Auburn University’sInstitute for Biological Detection Systems, the main task of which is to chasethe ultimate in detection devices—an artificial nose. (CET-6, 1999.6, Passage 4, Paragraph 2)




cathedral [kE5Wi:drEl]                n.        大教堂

Catholic [5kAWElik]                a.        天主教的              n.      天主教徒




decrease [di:5kri:s]                    v.        减少,降价                  n.           减少

increase [in5kri:s]                      v.        增加,增进                  n.           增长,增进




fold [fEuld]                         v.       1.包,笼罩 2.折叠,合拢  

n.        折,褶痕

unfold [Qn5fEuld]                        v.       1.逐渐表露,阐明 2.开展

folk [fEuk]                             a.        民间的             n.        人们,家属

foster [5fCstE]                                    vt.       1.养育,抚育,培养 2.抱(希望)

例:    foster hopes for success 抱成功的希望

n.       养育者,鼓励者

a.        养育的,收养的

例:    foster child 养子,养女

fork [fC:k]                              n.       1.叉子  2.岔路口

1. If no one owns the resource concerned,no one has an interest in conserving it or fostering it:fish is the best example of this. (CET-6, 2002.1, Passage 2, Paragraph 5)



2. It’salso true of children who suffer for years in foster homes(收养孩子的家庭)because of parents who can’t or won’t carefor them but refuse to give up custody(监护)rights(CET-4, 2003.6, Passage 4, Paragraph 1)





check [tFek]                                        vt.      1.检查,核对 2.阻止,控制3.寄存

n.       1.检查,核对 2.支票3.方格图案

cheek [tFi:k]                                n.        1.脸颊,面颊 2. [俚]臀部

3. 没礼貌的话(或行为)

cheeky [5tFi:ki]                               a.        厚颜无耻的, 大胆无礼的




assent [E5sent]                      n.                  赞成          vi.       同意

ascent [E5sent]                      n.                  1. 上升;向上走;攀登 2.  上坡路

accent [5AksEnt]                          n.                  口音, 重音




ascend [E5send]                 vi.              攀登,登高

ascendant [E5sendEnt]               a.                  1.上升的,向上的 2.占优势

descend [di5send]              vi.                 下来,下降

decent [5di:snt]              a.                   正派的,体面的,相当好的

descendant [dI5send(E)nt]      n.                 子孙,后代

ancestor [5AnsistE]         n.                  祖宗,祖先

descent [di5sent]              n.                  1.血统,出身 2.斜坡3.下降

If there is one thing in which the citizensof all parts of the country have an interest, it is, in the decenteducation of the citizens of all parts of the country. (CET-6, 2003.6, Passage3, Paragraph3)





captain [5kAptin]                     vt.                 做……的首领, 指挥        

                                    n.                  1.首领,队长 2. 船长, 舰长3. 上尉

capital [5kApitEl]                  n.                  1. 首都 2. 大写字母3. 资本  

a.                  1. 大写的 2. 首位的, 重要的

capitalism [5kApitElizEm]       n.                  资本主义




devil [5devl]                       n.                  魔鬼,恶魔

evil [5i:vl]                            a.                   邪恶的                 

n.                  罪恶

A person with evilintent could use it to hunt down sites that are easy to burgle. (CET-6, 2003.6,Passage 1, paragraph 3)





dip [dip]                                    n./vt.   浸,蘸

diplomatic [7diplE5mAtik]            a.        1.外交的 2.老练的

diploma [di5plEumE]                     n.        毕业文凭,证书


German Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck may bemost famous for his military and diplomatic talent, buthis legacy includes many of today’s social insurance programs. (CET-6, 2003-1, Passage 2, Paragraph 1)





document [5dCkjumEnt]              n.               文献     v.   证明

documentary [7dCkju5mentEri]      a.               文献的         

n.            纪录片

doctrine [5dCktrin]                     n.              1.教条,主义 2. 学说





distinguish [dis5tiN^wiF]               vt.                 1. 区别,辨别 2. 使杰出3. 辨认出,看清楚

distinguished [dis5tiN^wiFt]          a.                   卓著的, 著名的, 高贵的

distinct [dis5tiNkt]                    a.                  1.(from) 截然不同的 2. 清楚的,明显的

distinctly [dis5tiNktlI]                    ad.                 清楚地, 显然

distinction [dis5tiNkFEn]        n.                 1.差别 2. 区分

distinctive [dI5stINktIv]                     a.                   特殊的;独特的;不一般的

instinct [5instiNkt]                    n.                  1.本能 2. 天性

extinct [iks5tiNkt]                          a.                  1.熄灭了的 2. 灭绝的

extinction[Ik5stINkF(E)n]             n.                  灭绝,熄灭

extinguish [iks5tiN^wiF]           vt.                 熄灭,扑灭(火等)                 

vi.                 消灭

anguish [5AN^wiF]                n.                  极度痛苦

sting [stiN]                            v.                  1.叮,螫 2. 刺痛,刺             

n.               刺(痛)

stingy [5stIndVI]                       a.                   吝啬的, 小气的


1. War may be a natural expression ofbiological instincts and drives toward aggression in the humanspecies. (CET-6, 2002.6, Passage 3, Paragraph 1)



2. Whenwe learn that the distinguished professor assuring us of the safety of aparticular product holds a consultancy with the company making it, we cannot beblamed for wondering whether his fee might conceivably cloud his professionaljudgment. (CET-6, 2006.1 Passage 3, Paragraph 2)



3. “Miss Baxter,” he says, “could you pleasesend in someone who can distinguish right fromwrong?” (CET-4, 2002.12, Passage 2, Paragraph 7)



4. When school officials in Kalkaska, Michigan, closed classes lastweek, the media flocked to the story, portraying the town’s 2,305 students asvictims of stingy taxpayers. (CET-6, 2003.1, Passage 2, paragraph 1)



5. After driving many of the animals around them to near extinction,people were forced to abandon their old way of life for a radically newsurvival strategy that resulted in widespread starvation and disease.  (CET-6, 2002.6 passage 1, paragraph 1)



6. In order to extinguish thisdislike for the sweetener, Ader reexposed the animals to saccharin, this timewithout the drug, and was astonished to find that those mice that had receivedthe highest amounts of sweetener during their earlier conditioning died. (CET-6,1999.6 Passage 1, paragraph 3)





destine [5destin]                   vt.                 (常与to, for连用)注定,指定为

destiny [5destini]                    n.                  命运

destination [7desti5neiFEn]           n.                  目的地,终点,目标

Thedriver will use a telephone to dial instructions about his destination intothe system. (CET-4, 2002.1 Passage 1, paragraph5)





digest [dai5dVest]                  n.                  文摘,摘要                 

vt.                 消化

digestive [dI5dVestIv]            a.                   消化的;助消化的

digestion [dI5dVestF(E)n]  n.                  消化;消化功能

digital [5didVitl]               a.                   数字的

dignity [5di^niti]                  n.                  1. 尊贵,高贵 2. 尊严,庄严

dignify [5di^nifai]                    v.                   使有威严,使高贵

indignant [in5di^nEnt]            a.                   愤怒的,愤慨的

indignation [7indi^5neiFEn] n.                  愤慨

indignity [in5di^niti]             n.                  侮辱


1. Chemists discovered olestra in the late 1960s,when they were searching for a fat that could be digested byinfants more easily. (CET-6, 2000.1, Passage 4, paragraph 3)



2. Much of the food value is lost in theanimal’s process of digestion and cell replacement. (CET-6, 1998.1, Passage 2,paragraph 2)



3. And the associatedrisk of cancer in the digestivesystem may be more of a dietary problem—too much fat and a lack of fiber—than aweight problem. (CET-6, 2002.6, Passage 2, paragraph 5)






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