
tackle [5tAkl]                            n.       渔具,运动器具    v.     处理,解决

tack [tAk]                         n.       1.大头钉 2.粗缝3.行动方针;

vt.      1.以大头针钉住 2.附加             

tact [tAkt]                          n.        老练

tactical [5tAktikEl]                                a.        战术的

tactics [5tAktiks]                    n.(pl.)      策略,手段,战术

intact [in5tAkt]                      a.             1.未经触动的 2.完好无损的

1. A monthly newsletter would contain stories about overwhelmed parentsand offer guidance on how childless adults can respond to the differentlobbying tactics that would-be grandparents employ. (CET-6, 2006.1, Passage 3,Paragraph 5)



2. Clearly, protecting will come onlythrough coordinated international efforts to control human population,stabilize the composition of the atmosphere, and preserve intactEarth’s complex web of life. (CET-6, 1998.6, Passage 4, Paragraph 3)





integrate [5inti^reit]                   vt.      1.(使)成为一个整体 2.合并,联合

integrity [in5te^riti]                   n.      1.完整 2.诚实

integral [5inti^rEl]                    a.       1.构成整体所必需的 2.完整的3.整数的

1. Death is normal; we are geneticallyprogrammed to disintegrate and perish, even under idealconditions. (NETEM 2003, Text 4, Pargraph 1)



2. Handsomemale executives were perceived as having more integritythan plainer men; effort and ability were thought to account for their success.(CET-6, 1995.6, Passage 2, Paragraph 3)





soil [sCil]                                 n.       土壤,土地           vt.         弄脏

coil [kCil]                                v.        卷,盘绕              n.          卷,圈,线圈

coin [kCin]                                vt.      1.杜撰(新词等) 2.铸造  n.    硬币,钱币

join [dVCin]                               v.       1.参加 2.连接

junction [5dVQNkFEn]                     n.     1.连接 2.交叉点

joint [dVCint]                                       n.      1.接头,接合处 2.关节   a. 连接的,联合的adjoin [E5dVCin]                         vt.       毗连

adjacent [E5dVeisEnt]                a.            毗连的

On most systems, a driver enters a desiredaddress, motorway junction or point of interest via atouch screen or disc. (CET-6,2002.1, Passage 1, Paragraph 5)





subject [5sQbdVikt]                      n.      1.主题 2.主语3.科目

a.       1.受…支配的 2.易遭…的

vt.      1.使服从 2.使遭受

eject [I5dVekt]                      vt.   1.喷射 2.驱逐

inject [in5dVekt]                    vt.   1.(广义)注入 2.(狭义)注射

object [5CbdVikt]                    n.    1.物体 2.目标3.对象          vi.          反对

objection [Eb5dVekFEn]              n.        反对

objective [Eb5dVektiv]               a.        客观的

project [5prCdVekt]                                v.       1.设计,规划 2.投射,放映3.伸出

n.       1.计划,方案 2.工程,项目

projector [prE5dVektE]               n.        放映机,投影仪,幻灯机

reject [ri5dVekt]                                     vt.      1.拒绝,抵制,驳回 2.退掉


1. In 1975 psychologist Robert Ader at the University of RochesterSchool of Medicine conditioned(使形成条件反射) mice to avoid saccharin(糖精) by simultaneously feeding them the sweetener and injectingthem with a drug that while suppressing their immunesystems caused stomach upsets. (CET-6, 1999.6, Passage 1, Paragraph 3)

1975年,罗切斯特大学医学院的心理学家Robert Ader在使老鼠形成抗糖精的条件反射的实验中,不断地给老鼠喂甜食,同时给它们注射一种压迫老鼠的免疫系统,造成其胃部不适的药物。


2. Because toys can be generally regarded as akind of art form, they have not been subject totechnological leaps that characterize inventions for adult use. (CET-4, 1999.6,Passage 4, Paragraph 4)


3. Eachrattle is the product of the artistic tastes of the times and subjectto the limitations of available materials. (CET-4, 1999.6, Passage 4, Paragraph4)






sane [sein]                       a.        健全的,明智的

insane [in5sein]                      a.       患精神病的,精神病患者的,极愚蠢的




cause [kC:z]                        vi.      引起,导致                                                                                                       n.       1.原因,理由 2.事业,奋斗目标

because [bi5kCz]                        conj.   因为




ground [^raJnd]                       n.       1.根据,理由 2.场所3.土地,地面

sound [saund]                       n.       声音       v.      1.发声 2.听起来

a.       1.健全的,完好的 2.正当的3.彻底的

pound [paund]                         v.    (连续)猛击,捣碎

n.       1.(重量单位)磅 2.(货币单位)英镑

bounce [bauns]                                     vi.       跳起,弹起           n.      跳起,反弹

bound [baund]                           v.       1.跳 2.限制                

                                  n.       1.跳,跳跃 2. (pl.)边界

a.               1.必定的 2.开往……的


boundary [5baundEri]                n.        边界,边界线

abound [E5baund]                         vi.       丰富;多,充满

abandon                       例:    Thisriver abounds with fish. 这条河里鱼很多。

bond [bCnd]                            n.      1.联络,联系 2.债券

band [bAnd]                                vt.       缚,捆绑

n.              1. 乐队 2.一群3.带子4.波段

bandage [5bAndidV]                    vt.       包扎       n.            绷带

1. Some pessimistic experts feel thatthe automobile is bound to fall into disuse. (CET-4,2002.1, Passage 2, Paragraph 1)



2. We must recognizethat environmental health issues do not stop at city limits, county lines,state or even federal boundaries. (CET-6, 1999.6, Passage2, Paragraph 4)



3. We all enjoyour freedom of choice and do not like to see it restricted when it is withinthe legal and moral boundaries of society. (CET-6, 1993.6, Passage 4, Paragraph 1)



4. We will thenbe able to spend pollution dollars truly on prevention rather than on bandages.(CET-6, 1999.6, Passage 2, Paragraph 5)






toe [tEu]                              n.        脚趾              v.       用脚尖走

tie [tai]                               n.      1.领带 2.纽带,关系     

v.     1.捆,系 2.打结

untie [5Qn5tai]                                           vt.       解开,解放

tide [taid]                             n.       1.潮 2.潮流

tile [tail]                            n.        瓦片, 瓷砖

tube [5tju:b]                                n.        管, 管子  [英] 地铁;[美] 电子管, 显象管

tune [tju:n]                          n.        1.曲调, 调子 2.和谐, 合调

                                              vt.       调音, 收听

tyre [5taiE]                           n.        轮胎              vt.     装轮胎于

tire [5taiE]                            n.        1.疲劳, 劳累 2.轮胎, 头饰

                                              v.        (使) 疲倦,(使) 厌烦

And ofcourse in Britainlisteners and viewers can tune in to two BBC televisionchannels, five BBC national radio services and dozens of local radio station.(NETEM 1996, Passage 2, Paragraph 2)





grind [^raind]                           vt.      1.碾碎 2.折磨

grin [^rin]                            n.     露齿笑, 裂口笑      v.     露齿而笑

grim       [^rim]                           a.     严酷的,冷酷的

                                              例:    lookgrim表情冷酷

grime [^raIm]                                           n.        污垢, 烟灰





tip [tip]                                  n.      1.尖端 2.小费3. 提示,建议,技巧

vt.      1.(使)倾斜(倒) 2.给小费

top [tCp]                                  n.     顶部            a.       最高的,头等的

                                              vt.      1.登上 2.超过

Here are some tips for staying safe whileconducting a job search on the Internet.(CET-4,2007.6,快速阅读Paragraph6)





peak [pi:k]                                         n.       1.山顶 2.最高点,顶点a.    高峰的,最高的

speak [spi:k]                           v.        说,演讲

leak [li:k]                               vi.      1.漏 2.泄漏(消息等)             

                                              n.      1.漏洞,漏隙 2.泄漏




wax [wAks]                              v.       1.增大,变大  2. 变成    n.          蜡

tax [tAks]                               n.       税                 vt.          对……征税

taxi [5tAksI]                                         n.        出租汽车,计程车(= taxicab)




tariff [5tArif]                        n.      1.关税,税率  2.(旅店等的)价目表

cliff [klif]                          n.             峭壁,悬崖

staff [stB:f]                           v.       1.全体职工 2.参谋人员

3.(手)杖 (棋)杆

vt.      配备工作人员

stuff [stQf]                          n.    原料,材料,东西 vt.         填满,塞满

stuffy [5stQfi]                       a.       不透气的,闷的

stiff [stif]                           a.       僵直的,拘谨的,呆板的,艰难的

例:  a stiff examination.很难的考试   




inference [5infErEns]                 n.        推论,推断

interpret [in5tE:prit]                       vt.      1.解释 2.口译

interfere [7intE5fiE]                   vi.      1.干涉,干预 2.妨碍,打扰

interference [7intE5fiErEns]            n.         1.(in)干涉 2. (with) 妨碍

intervene [7intE5vi:n]                 vi.     1.干涉 2.(物)介入,插入

interface [5intE(:)7feis]               n.     [地质]分界面,接触面, [物、化]界面

interim [5intErim]                   a.            中间的,临时的    n.    过渡时期, 暂定




advent [5AdvEnt]                    n.        到来,出现  [Advent]耶稣降临(节)

例:    the advent of spring              春天的到来

event [i5vent]                          n.        事件,大事,事变

eventually [I5ventjJElI]                            ad.      终于,最后

invent [in5vent]                         vt.      1.捏造,虚构 2.发明

invention [in5venFEn]                n.   1.捏造,虚构 2.创造,发明

inventory [5invEntri]               n.        详细目录,存货,财产清册,总量

prevent [pri5vent]                       vt.       预防,防止





equal [5i:kwEl]                              a.                  1.相等的 2. (to)胜任的                   

n.                  (地位)相等的人或事物          

vt.                 1. 等于,相等 2. 比得上

equality [i(:)5kwCliti]                   n.                  平等,同等

equivalent [i5kwivElEnt]                  a.                   相等的,相当的                 

n.               相等物,等价物

equation [i5kweiFEn]                       n.                 1. 方程式,等式 2. (with) 相等,均衡

equator [i5kweitE]                            n.                  赤道

inadequate [in5Adikwit]             a.                  1.不充足的 2. 不够格的

adequate [5Adikwit]                 a.                  1.足够的 2. 可以胜任的

1. Bypumping more than 1 million barrels a day from the reserve for the next twothree decades, lobbyists claim, the nation could cut back on imports equivalentto all shipments to the U.S.from Saudi Arabia.(CET-4,2005.6, Passage 1, Paragraph 2)



2. If sufficient rest is not included in a training program, imbalancebetween excess training and inadequate rest will occur,and performance will decline.

(CET-6, 2003.9 passage 4, paragraph 2)





revenue [5revinju:]                          n.           财政收入,税收

avenue [5Avinju:]                         n.           1.途径,手段 2.林荫道,大街

revenge [ri5vendV]                        n.           报复,报仇           v.            替……报仇

avenge [E5vendV]                              vt.          1. 惩罚2. 报复, 报仇 


1. An oil boom would also mean a multibillion-dollar windfall(意外之财)in tax revenues,royalties(开采权使用费)andleasing fees for Alaska and the Federal Government. (CET-4, 2005.6, Passage 1, Paragraph 2)



2. OnSeptember 5 his suggestion bore fruit, as an estimated 10,000 workers, many ofthem ignoring their bosses' warnings, left work to march from Union Square up Fifth Avenueto 42nd Street.(CET-4, 1996.6, Passage 2, Paragraph 1)



3. Says Perry, “People wanted revengefor all the years of bad service.” (CET-4, 2003.1, Passage 4, Paragraph 2)





melt [melt]                                            v.    (使)融化,(使)溶化

belt [belt]                          n.        腰带,带





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