3D detection metrics介绍

Average Precision metric

mean Average Precision (mAP): We use the well-known Average Precision metric, but define a match by considering the 2D center distance on the ground plane rather than intersection over union based affinities. Specifically, we match predictions with the ground truth objects that have the smallest center-distance up to a certain threshold. For a given match threshold we calculate average precision (AP) by integrating the recall vs precision curve for recalls and precisions > 0.1. We finally average over match thresholds of {0.5, 1, 2, 4} meters and compute the mean across classes.

True Positive metrics

Here we define metrics for a set of true positives (TP) that measure translation / scale / orientation / velocity and attribute errors. All TP metrics are calculated using a threshold of 2m center distance during matching, and they are all designed to be positive scalars.

Matching and scoring happen independently per class and each metric is the average of the cumulative mean at each achieved recall level above 10%. If 10% recall is not achieved for a particular class, all TP errors for that class are set to 1. We define the following TP errors:

  • Average Translation Error (ATE): Euclidean center distance in 2D in meters.
  • Average Scale Error (ASE): Calculated as 1 - IOU after aligning centers and orientation.
  • Average Orientation Error (AOE): Smallest yaw angle difference between prediction and ground-truth in radians. Orientation error is evaluated at 360 degree for all classes except barriers where it is only evaluated at 180 degrees. Orientation errors for cones are ignored.
  • Average Velocity Error (AVE): Absolute velocity error in m/s. Velocity error for barriers and cones are ignored.
  • Average Attribute Error (AAE): Calculated as 1 - acc, where acc is the attribute classification accuracy. Attribute error for barriers and cones are ignored.
    All errors are >= 0, but note that for translation and velocity errors the errors are unbounded, and can be any positive value.

The TP metrics are defined per class, and we then take a mean over classes to calculate mATE, mASE, mAOE, mAVE and mAAE.

nuScenes detection score

nuScenes detection score (NDS): We consolidate the above metrics by computing a weighted sum: mAP, mATE, mASE, mAOE, mAVE and mAAE. As a first step we convert the TP errors to TP scores as TP_score = max(1 - TP_error, 0.0). We then assign a weight of 5 to mAP and 1 to each of the 5 TP scores and calculate the normalized sum.

From Nescenes





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