


    x = Input(shape=(img_height, img_width, img_channels))

    # The following identity layer is only needed so that the subsequent lambda layers can be optional.
    x1 = Lambda(identity_layer, output_shape=(img_height, img_width, img_channels), name='identity_layer')(x)
    if not (subtract_mean is None):
        x1 = Lambda(input_mean_normalization, output_shape=(img_height, img_width, img_channels), name='input_mean_normalization')(x1)
    if not (divide_by_stddev is None):
        x1 = Lambda(input_stddev_normalization, output_shape=(img_height, img_width, img_channels), name='input_stddev_normalization')(x1)
    if swap_channels:
        x1 = Lambda(input_channel_swap, output_shape=(img_height, img_width, img_channels), name='input_channel_swap')(x1)

    conv1 = Conv2D(32, (5, 5), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='conv1')(x1)
    conv1 = BatchNormalization(axis=3, momentum=0.99, name='bn1')(conv1) # Tensorflow uses filter format [filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels], hence axis = 3
    conv1 = ELU(name='elu1')(conv1)
    pool1 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), name='pool1')(conv1)

    conv2 = Conv2D(48, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='conv2')(pool1)
    conv2 = BatchNormalization(axis=3, momentum=0.99, name='bn2')(conv2)
    conv2 = ELU(name='elu2')(conv2)
    pool2 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), name='pool2')(conv2)

    conv3 = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='conv3')(pool2)
    conv3 = BatchNormalization(axis=3, momentum=0.99, name='bn3')(conv3)
    conv3 = ELU(name='elu3')(conv3)
    pool3 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), name='pool3')(conv3)

    conv4 = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='conv4')(pool3)
    conv4 = BatchNormalization(axis=3, momentum=0.99, name='bn4')(conv4)
    conv4 = ELU(name='elu4')(conv4)
    pool4 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), name='pool4')(conv4)

    conv5 = Conv2D(48, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='conv5')(pool4)
    conv5 = BatchNormalization(axis=3, momentum=0.99, name='bn5')(conv5)
    conv5 = ELU(name='elu5')(conv5)
    pool5 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), name='pool5')(conv5)

    conv6 = Conv2D(48, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='conv6')(pool5)
    conv6 = BatchNormalization(axis=3, momentum=0.99, name='bn6')(conv6)
    conv6 = ELU(name='elu6')(conv6)
    pool6 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), name='pool6')(conv6)

    conv7 = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='conv7')(pool6)
    conv7 = BatchNormalization(axis=3, momentum=0.99, name='bn7')(conv7)
    conv7 = ELU(name='elu7')(conv7)

    # The next part is to add the convolutional predictor layers on top of the base network that we defined above.
    # Note that I use the term "base network" differently than the paper does.
    # To me, the base network is everything that is not convolutional predictor layers or anchor 
    # In this case we'll have four predictor layers, but of course you could box layers.
    # easily rewrite this into an arbitrarily deep base network and add an arbitrary number of predictor layers on top of the base network by simply following the pattern shown here.

    # Build the convolutional predictor layers on top of conv layers 4, 5, 6, and 7.
    # We build two predictor layers on top of each of these layers: One for class prediction (classification), one for box coordinate prediction (localization)
    # We precidt `n_classes` confidence values for each box, hence the `classes` predictors have depth `n_boxes * n_classes`
    # We predict 4 box coordinates for each box, hence the `boxes` predictors have depth `n_boxes * 4`
    # Output shape of `classes`: `(batch, height, width, n_boxes * n_classes)`
    classes4 = Conv2D(n_boxes[0] * n_classes, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='classes4')(conv4)
    classes5 = Conv2D(n_boxes[1] * n_classes, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='classes5')(conv5)
    classes6 = Conv2D(n_boxes[2] * n_classes, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='classes6')(conv6)
    classes7 = Conv2D(n_boxes[3] * n_classes, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='classes7')(conv7)
    # Output shape of `boxes`: `(batch, height, width, n_boxes * 4)`
    boxes4 = Conv2D(n_boxes[0] * 4, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='boxes4')(conv4)
    boxes5 = Conv2D(n_boxes[1] * 4, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='boxes5')(conv5)
    boxes6 = Conv2D(n_boxes[2] * 4, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='boxes6')(conv6)
    boxes7 = Conv2D(n_boxes[3] * 4, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='boxes7')(conv7)

    # Generate the anchor boxes
    # Output shape of `anchors`: `(batch, height, width, n_boxes, 8)`    aspect_ratios = [0.5,1,2]   two_boxes_for_ar1:是否生成两个横纵比例为1的框
    anchors4 = AnchorBoxes(img_height, img_width, this_scale=scales[0], next_scale=scales[1], aspect_ratios=aspect_ratios[0],
                           two_boxes_for_ar1=two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps=steps[0], this_offsets=offsets[0],
                           clip_boxes=clip_boxes, variances=variances, coords=coords, normalize_coords=normalize_coords, name='anchors4')(boxes4)
    anchors5 = AnchorBoxes(img_height, img_width, this_scale=scales[1], next_scale=scales[2], aspect_ratios=aspect_ratios[1],
                           two_boxes_for_ar1=two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps=steps[1], this_offsets=offsets[1],
                           clip_boxes=clip_boxes, variances=variances, coords=coords, normalize_coords=normalize_coords, name='anchors5')(boxes5)
    anchors6 = AnchorBoxes(img_height, img_width, this_scale=scales[2], next_scale=scales[3], aspect_ratios=aspect_ratios[2],
                           two_boxes_for_ar1=two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps=steps[2], this_offsets=offsets[2],
                           clip_boxes=clip_boxes, variances=variances, coords=coords, normalize_coords=normalize_coords, name='anchors6')(boxes6)
    anchors7 = AnchorBoxes(img_height, img_width, this_scale=scales[3], next_scale=scales[4], aspect_ratios=aspect_ratios[3],
                           two_boxes_for_ar1=two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps=steps[3], this_offsets=offsets[3],
                           clip_boxes=clip_boxes, variances=variances, coords=coords, normalize_coords=normalize_coords, name='anchors7')(boxes7)

    # Reshape the class predictions, yielding 3D tensors of shape `(batch, height * width * n_boxes, n_classes)`
    # We want the classes isolated in the last axis to perform softmax on them
    classes4_reshaped = Reshape((-1, n_classes), name='classes4_reshape')(classes4)
    classes5_reshaped = Reshape((-1, n_classes), name='classes5_reshape')(classes5)
    classes6_reshaped = Reshape((-1, n_classes), name='classes6_reshape')(classes6)
    classes7_reshaped = Reshape((-1, n_classes), name='classes7_reshape')(classes7)
    # Reshape the box coordinate predictions, yielding 3D tensors of shape `(batch, height * width * n_boxes, 4)`
    # We want the four box coordinates isolated in the last axis to compute the smooth L1 loss
    boxes4_reshaped = Reshape((-1, 4), name='boxes4_reshape')(boxes4)
    boxes5_reshaped = Reshape((-1, 4), name='boxes5_reshape')(boxes5)
    boxes6_reshaped = Reshape((-1, 4), name='boxes6_reshape')(boxes6)
    boxes7_reshaped = Reshape((-1, 4), name='boxes7_reshape')(boxes7)
    # Reshape the anchor box tensors, yielding 3D tensors of shape `(batch, height * width * n_boxes, 8)`
    anchors4_reshaped = Reshape((-1, 8), name='anchors4_reshape')(anchors4)
    anchors5_reshaped = Reshape((-1, 8), name='anchors5_reshape')(anchors5)
    anchors6_reshaped = Reshape((-1, 8), name='anchors6_reshape')(anchors6)
    anchors7_reshaped = Reshape((-1, 8), name='anchors7_reshape')(anchors7)

    # Concatenate the predictions from the different layers and the assosciated anchor box tensors Axis 0 (batch) and axis 2 (n_classes or 4,respectively) are identical for all layer predictions,
    # so we want to concatenate along axis 1
    # Output shape of `classes_concat`: (batch, n_boxes_total, n_classes)
    classes_concat = Concatenate(axis=1, name='classes_concat')([classes4_reshaped,

    # Output shape of `boxes_concat`: (batch, n_boxes_total, 4)
    boxes_concat = Concatenate(axis=1, name='boxes_concat')([boxes4_reshaped,

    # Output shape of `anchors_concat`: (batch, n_boxes_total, 8)
    anchors_concat = Concatenate(axis=1, name='anchors_concat')([anchors4_reshaped,

    # The box coordinate predictions will go into the loss function just the way they are,
    # but for the class predictions, we'll apply a softmax activation layer first
    classes_softmax = Activation('softmax', name='classes_softmax')(classes_concat)

    # Concatenate the class and box coordinate predictions and the anchors to one large predictions tensor
    # Output shape of `predictions`: (batch, n_boxes_total, n_classes + 4 + 8)
    predictions = Concatenate(axis=2, name='predictions')([classes_softmax, boxes_concat, anchors_concat])



接下来是七层  卷积+批量归一化+elu激活+maxpooling池化,最后一层没有进行池化。



n_boxes:[4,4,4,4],表示这四层feature_map,每层每个锚所拥有框的数量。这里就是每个锚点有四个框,两个长方形,两个正                  方形。



    classes4 = Conv2D(n_boxes[0] * n_classes, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='classes4')(conv4)
    classes5 = Conv2D(n_boxes[1] * n_classes, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='classes5')(conv5)
    classes6 = Conv2D(n_boxes[2] * n_classes, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='classes6')(conv6)
    classes7 = Conv2D(n_boxes[3] * n_classes, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='classes7')(conv7)
    # Output shape of `boxes`: `(batch, height, width, n_boxes * 4)`
    boxes4 = Conv2D(n_boxes[0] * 4, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='boxes4')(conv4)
    boxes5 = Conv2D(n_boxes[1] * 4, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='boxes5')(conv5)
    boxes6 = Conv2D(n_boxes[2] * 4, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='boxes6')(conv6)
    boxes7 = Conv2D(n_boxes[3] * 4, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding="same", kernel_initializer='he_normal', kernel_regularizer=l2(l2_reg), name='boxes7')(conv7)


    anchors4 = AnchorBoxes(img_height, img_width, this_scale=scales[0], next_scale=scales[1], aspect_ratios=aspect_ratios[0],
                           two_boxes_for_ar1=two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps=steps[0], this_offsets=offsets[0],
                           clip_boxes=clip_boxes, variances=variances, coords=coords, normalize_coords=normalize_coords, name='anchors4')(boxes4)
    anchors5 = AnchorBoxes(img_height, img_width, this_scale=scales[1], next_scale=scales[2], aspect_ratios=aspect_ratios[1],
                           two_boxes_for_ar1=two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps=steps[1], this_offsets=offsets[1],
                           clip_boxes=clip_boxes, variances=variances, coords=coords, normalize_coords=normalize_coords, name='anchors5')(boxes5)
    anchors6 = AnchorBoxes(img_height, img_width, this_scale=scales[2], next_scale=scales[3], aspect_ratios=aspect_ratios[2],
                           two_boxes_for_ar1=two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps=steps[2], this_offsets=offsets[2],
                           clip_boxes=clip_boxes, variances=variances, coords=coords, normalize_coords=normalize_coords, name='anchors6')(boxes6)
    anchors7 = AnchorBoxes(img_height, img_width, this_scale=scales[3], next_scale=scales[4], aspect_ratios=aspect_ratios[3],
                           two_boxes_for_ar1=two_boxes_for_ar1, this_steps=steps[3], this_offsets=offsets[3],
                           clip_boxes=clip_boxes, variances=variances, coords=coords, normalize_coords=normalize_coords, name='anchors7')(boxes7)
def call(self, x, mask=None):
        Return an anchor box tensor based on the shape of the input tensor.

        The logic implemented here is identical to the logic in the module ``.

        Note that this tensor does not participate in any graph computations at runtime. It is being created
        as a constant once during graph creation and is just being output along with the rest of the model output
        during runtime. Because of this, all logic is implemented as Numpy array operations and it is sufficient
        to convert the resulting Numpy array into a Keras tensor at the very end before outputting it.

            x (tensor): 4D tensor of shape `(batch, channels, height, width)` if `dim_ordering = 'th'`
                or `(batch, height, width, channels)` if `dim_ordering = 'tf'`. The input for this
                layer must be the output of the localization predictor layer.

        # Compute box width and height for each aspect ratio
        # The shorter side of the image will be used to compute `w` and `h` using `scale` and `aspect_ratios`.
        size = min(self.img_height, self.img_width)
        # Compute the box widths and and heights for all aspect ratios
        wh_list = []
        for ar in self.aspect_ratios:
            if (ar == 1):
                # Compute the regular anchor box for aspect ratio 1.
                box_height = box_width = self.this_scale * size
                wh_list.append((box_width, box_height))
                if self.two_boxes_for_ar1:
                    # Compute one slightly larger version using the geometric mean of this scale value and the next.
                    box_height = box_width = np.sqrt(self.this_scale * self.next_scale) * size
                    wh_list.append((box_width, box_height))
                box_height = self.this_scale * size / np.sqrt(ar)
                box_width = self.this_scale * size * np.sqrt(ar)
                wh_list.append((box_width, box_height))
        wh_list = np.array(wh_list)

        # We need the shape of the input tensor
        if K.image_dim_ordering() == 'tf':
            batch_size, feature_map_height, feature_map_width, feature_map_channels = x._keras_shape
        else: # Not yet relevant since TensorFlow is the only supported backend right now, but it can't harm to have this in here for the future
            batch_size, feature_map_channels, feature_map_height, feature_map_width = x._keras_shape

        # Compute the grid of box center points. They are identical for all aspect ratios.

        # Compute the step sizes, i.e. how far apart the anchor box center points will be vertically and horizontally.
        if (self.this_steps is None):
            step_height = self.img_height / feature_map_height
            step_width = self.img_width / feature_map_width
            if isinstance(self.this_steps, (list, tuple)) and (len(self.this_steps) == 2):
                step_height = self.this_steps[0]
                step_width = self.this_steps[1]
            elif isinstance(self.this_steps, (int, float)):
                step_height = self.this_steps
                step_width = self.this_steps
        # Compute the offsets, i.e. at what pixel values the first anchor box center point will be from the top and from the left of the image.
        if (self.this_offsets is None):
            offset_height = 0.5
            offset_width = 0.5
            if isinstance(self.this_offsets, (list, tuple)) and (len(self.this_offsets) == 2):
                offset_height = self.this_offsets[0]
                offset_width = self.this_offsets[1]
            elif isinstance(self.this_offsets, (int, float)):
                offset_height = self.this_offsets
                offset_width = self.this_offsets
        # Now that we have the offsets and step sizes, compute the grid of anchor box center points.
        cy = np.linspace(offset_height * step_height, (offset_height + feature_map_height - 1) * step_height, feature_map_height)
        cx = np.linspace(offset_width * step_width, (offset_width + feature_map_width - 1) * step_width, feature_map_width)
        cx_grid, cy_grid = np.meshgrid(cx, cy)
        cx_grid = np.expand_dims(cx_grid, -1) # This is necessary for np.tile() to do what we want further down
        cy_grid = np.expand_dims(cy_grid, -1) # This is necessary for np.tile() to do what we want further down

        # Create a 4D tensor template of shape `(feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 4)`
        # where the last dimension will contain `(cx, cy, w, h)`
        boxes_tensor = np.zeros((feature_map_height, feature_map_width, self.n_boxes, 4))

        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 0] = np.tile(cx_grid, (1, 1, self.n_boxes)) # Set cx
        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 1] = np.tile(cy_grid, (1, 1, self.n_boxes)) # Set cy
        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 2] = wh_list[:, 0] # Set w
        boxes_tensor[:, :, :, 3] = wh_list[:, 1] # Set h

        # Convert `(cx, cy, w, h)` to `(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)`
        boxes_tensor = convert_coordinates(boxes_tensor, start_index=0, conversion='centroids2corners')

        # If `clip_boxes` is enabled, clip the coordinates to lie within the image boundaries
        if self.clip_boxes:
            x_coords = boxes_tensor[:,:,:,[0, 2]]
            x_coords[x_coords >= self.img_width] = self.img_width - 1
            x_coords[x_coords < 0] = 0
            boxes_tensor[:,:,:,[0, 2]] = x_coords
            y_coords = boxes_tensor[:,:,:,[1, 3]]
            y_coords[y_coords >= self.img_height] = self.img_height - 1
            y_coords[y_coords < 0] = 0
            boxes_tensor[:,:,:,[1, 3]] = y_coords

        # If `normalize_coords` is enabled, normalize the coordinates to be within [0,1]
        if self.normalize_coords:
            boxes_tensor[:, :, :, [0, 2]] /= self.img_width
            boxes_tensor[:, :, :, [1, 3]] /= self.img_height

        # TODO: Implement box limiting directly for `(cx, cy, w, h)` so that we don't have to unnecessarily convert back and forth.
        if self.coords == 'centroids':
            # Convert `(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)` back to `(cx, cy, w, h)`.
            boxes_tensor = convert_coordinates(boxes_tensor, start_index=0, conversion='corners2centroids', border_pixels='half')
        elif self.coords == 'minmax':
            # Convert `(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)` to `(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).
            boxes_tensor = convert_coordinates(boxes_tensor, start_index=0, conversion='corners2minmax', border_pixels='half')

        # Create a tensor to contain the variances and append it to `boxes_tensor`. This tensor has the same shape
        # as `boxes_tensor` and simply contains the same 4 variance values for every position in the last axis.
        variances_tensor = np.zeros_like(boxes_tensor) # Has shape `(feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 4)`
        variances_tensor += self.variances # Long live broadcasting
        # Now `boxes_tensor` becomes a tensor of shape `(feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 8)`
        boxes_tensor = np.concatenate((boxes_tensor, variances_tensor), axis=-1)

        # Now prepend one dimension to `boxes_tensor` to account for the batch size and tile it along
        # The result will be a 5D tensor of shape `(batch_size, feature_map_height, feature_map_width, n_boxes, 8)`
        boxes_tensor = np.expand_dims(boxes_tensor, axis=0)
        boxes_tensor = K.tile(K.constant(boxes_tensor, dtype='float32'), (K.shape(x)[0], 1, 1, 1, 1))

        return boxes_tensor





aspect_ratios:[0.5,1,2] 锚框横纵比。














锚框生成了,接下来就是要将所有的层进行融合,融合的形式就是通过Reshape()和Concatenate()这两种方法来实现的。这里也没什么好讲的。最后模型输出的predictions的shape为:(batch, n_boxes_total, n_classes + 4 + 8),n_boxes_total:表示所有层锚框的总和。


adam = Adam(lr=0.001, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08, decay=0.0)

ssd_loss = SSDLoss(neg_pos_ratio=3, alpha=1.0)

model.compile(optimizer=adam, loss=ssd_loss.compute_loss)



def compute_loss(self, y_true, y_pred):
        Compute the loss of the SSD model prediction against the ground truth.

            y_true (array): A Numpy array of shape `(batch_size, #boxes, #classes + 12)`,
                where `#boxes` is the total number of boxes that the model predicts
                per image. Be careful to make sure that the index of each given
                box in `y_true` is the same as the index for the corresponding
                box in `y_pred`. The last axis must have length `#classes + 12` and contain
                `[classes one-hot encoded, 4 ground truth box coordinate offsets, 8 arbitrary entries]`
                in this order, including the background class. The last eight entries of the
                last axis are not used by this function and therefore their contents are
                irrelevant, they only exist so that `y_true` has the same shape as `y_pred`,
                where the last four entries of the last axis contain the anchor box
                coordinates, which are needed during inference. Important: Boxes that
                you want the cost function to ignore need to have a one-hot
                class vector of all zeros.
            y_pred (Keras tensor): The model prediction. The shape is identical
                to that of `y_true`, i.e. `(batch_size, #boxes, #classes + 12)`.
                The last axis must contain entries in the format
                `[classes one-hot encoded, 4 predicted box coordinate offsets, 8 arbitrary entries]`.

            A scalar, the total multitask loss for classification and localization.
        self.neg_pos_ratio = tf.constant(self.neg_pos_ratio)
        self.n_neg_min = tf.constant(self.n_neg_min)
        self.alpha = tf.constant(self.alpha)

        batch_size = tf.shape(y_pred)[0] # Output dtype: tf.int32
        n_boxes = tf.shape(y_pred)[1] # Output dtype: tf.int32, note that `n_boxes` in this context denotes the total number of boxes per image, not the number of boxes per cell.

        # 1: Compute the losses for class and box predictions for every box.

        classification_loss = tf.to_float(self.log_loss(y_true[:,:,:-12], y_pred[:,:,:-12])) # Output shape: (batch_size, n_boxes)
        localization_loss = tf.to_float(self.smooth_L1_loss(y_true[:,:,-12:-8], y_pred[:,:,-12:-8])) # Output shape: (batch_size, n_boxes)

        # 2: Compute the classification losses for the positive and negative targets.

        # Create masks for the positive and negative ground truth classes.
        negatives = y_true[:,:,0] # Tensor of shape (batch_size, n_boxes)
        positives = tf.to_float(tf.reduce_max(y_true[:,:,1:-12], axis=-1)) # Tensor of shape (batch_size, n_boxes)

        # Count the number of positive boxes (classes 1 to n) in y_true across the whole batch.
        n_positive = tf.reduce_sum(positives)

        # Now mask all negative boxes and sum up the losses for the positive boxes PER batch item
        # (Keras loss functions must output one scalar loss value PER batch item, rather than just
        # one scalar for the entire batch, that's why we're not summing across all axes).
        pos_class_loss = tf.reduce_sum(classification_loss * positives, axis=-1) # Tensor of shape (batch_size,)

        # Compute the classification loss for the negative default boxes (if there are any).

        # First, compute the classification loss for all negative boxes.
        neg_class_loss_all = classification_loss * negatives # Tensor of shape (batch_size, n_boxes)
        n_neg_losses = tf.count_nonzero(neg_class_loss_all, dtype=tf.int32) # The number of non-zero loss entries in `neg_class_loss_all`
        # What's the point of `n_neg_losses`? For the next step, which will be to compute which negative boxes enter the classification
        # loss, we don't just want to know how many negative ground truth boxes there are, but for how many of those there actually is
        # a positive (i.e. non-zero) loss. This is necessary because `` in the function below will pick the top k boxes with
        # the highest losses no matter what, even if it receives a vector where all losses are zero. In the unlikely event that all negative
        # classification losses ARE actually zero though, this behavior might lead to `` returning the indices of positive
        # boxes, leading to an incorrect negative classification loss computation, and hence an incorrect overall loss computation.
        # We therefore need to make sure that `n_negative_keep`, which assumes the role of the `k` argument in ``,
        # is at most the number of negative boxes for which there is a positive classification loss.

        # Compute the number of negative examples we want to account for in the loss.
        # We'll keep at most `self.neg_pos_ratio` times the number of positives in `y_true`, but at least `self.n_neg_min` (unless `n_neg_loses` is smaller).
        n_negative_keep = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(self.neg_pos_ratio * tf.to_int32(n_positive), self.n_neg_min), n_neg_losses)

        # In the unlikely case when either (1) there are no negative ground truth boxes at all
        # or (2) the classification loss for all negative boxes is zero, return zero as the `neg_class_loss`.
        def f1():
            return tf.zeros([batch_size])
        # Otherwise compute the negative loss.
        def f2():
            # Now we'll identify the top-k (where k == `n_negative_keep`) boxes with the highest confidence loss that
            # belong to the background class in the ground truth data. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean that the model
            # predicted the wrong class for those boxes, it just means that the loss for those boxes is the highest.

            # To do this, we reshape `neg_class_loss_all` to 1D...
            neg_class_loss_all_1D = tf.reshape(neg_class_loss_all, [-1]) # Tensor of shape (batch_size * n_boxes,)
            # ...and then we get the indices for the `n_negative_keep` boxes with the highest loss out of those...
            values, indices = tf.nn.top_k(neg_class_loss_all_1D,
                                          sorted=False) # We don't need them sorted.
            # ...and with these indices we'll create a mask...
            negatives_keep = tf.scatter_nd(indices=tf.expand_dims(indices, axis=1),
                                           updates=tf.ones_like(indices, dtype=tf.int32),
                                           shape=tf.shape(neg_class_loss_all_1D)) # Tensor of shape (batch_size * n_boxes,)
            negatives_keep = tf.to_float(tf.reshape(negatives_keep, [batch_size, n_boxes])) # Tensor of shape (batch_size, n_boxes)
            # ...and use it to keep only those boxes and mask all other classification losses
            neg_class_loss = tf.reduce_sum(classification_loss * negatives_keep, axis=-1) # Tensor of shape (batch_size,)
            return neg_class_loss

        neg_class_loss = tf.cond(tf.equal(n_neg_losses, tf.constant(0)), f1, f2)

        class_loss = pos_class_loss + neg_class_loss # Tensor of shape (batch_size,)

        # 3: Compute the localization loss for the positive targets.
        #    We don't compute a localization loss for negative predicted boxes (obviously: there are no ground truth boxes they would correspond to).

        loc_loss = tf.reduce_sum(localization_loss * positives, axis=-1) # Tensor of shape (batch_size,)

        # 4: Compute the total loss.

        total_loss = (class_loss + self.alpha * loc_loss) / tf.maximum(1.0, n_positive) # In case `n_positive == 0`
        # Keras has the annoying habit of dividing the loss by the batch size, which sucks in our case
        # because the relevant criterion to average our loss over is the number of positive boxes in the batch
        # (by which we're dividing in the line above), not the batch size. So in order to revert Keras' averaging
        # over the batch size, we'll have to multiply by it.
        total_loss = total_loss * tf.to_float(batch_size)

        return total_loss




from keras import backend as K
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from keras.models import load_model
from ssd_encoder_decoder.ssd_output_decoder import decode_detections
import numpy as np
from keras_layers.keras_layer_AnchorBoxes import AnchorBoxes
from keras_loss_function.keras_ssd_loss import SSDLoss
import cv2
import  tensorflow as tf
import  numpy as np
import time

K.clear_session() # Clear previous models from memory.

img_height = 300 # Height of the input images
img_width = 480 # Width of the input images
normalize_coords = True
n_classes = 5

classes = ['background', 'car', 'truck', 'pedestrian', 'bicyclist', 'light'] # Just so we can print class names onto the image instead of IDs

rgb = np.linspace(0, 250, n_classes+1)# Set the colors for the bounding boxes
colors = []
for color in rgb:

model_path = 'train_models/val_loss-2.0870.h5'

ssd_loss = SSDLoss(neg_pos_ratio=3, alpha=1.0)
model = load_model(model_path, custom_objects={'AnchorBoxes': AnchorBoxes,
                                               'compute_loss': ssd_loss.compute_loss})

cap = cv2.VideoCapture('video/test.avi')
while (cap.isOpened()):
	ret,frame =

	image = cv2.resize(frame,(img_width,img_height))
	image = np.array(image)
	batch_image = np.reshape(image,[1,img_height,img_width,3])

	y_pred = model.predict(batch_image)
	y_pred_decoded = decode_detections(y_pred,

	for box in y_pred_decoded[0]:
		xmin = int(box[-4])
		ymin = int(box[-3])
		xmax = int(box[-2])
		ymax = int(box[-1])

		label = "{}:{:.2f}%".format(classes[int(box[0])],box[1])
		y = ymin - 15 if ymin - 15 >15 else ymin + 15

	key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
	if key == ord("q"):


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