

1. 指标 reporters

flink 内置了多种指标 reporter ,如jmx、slf4j、graphite、prometheus、influxdb、statsd、datadog等。


1.1 flink-metrics-dropwizard

并且实现了 ScheduledDropwizardReporter :

public static final String ARG_HOST = "host";
public static final String ARG_PORT = "port";
public static final String ARG_PREFIX = "prefix";
public static final String ARG_CONVERSION_RATE = "rateConversion";
public static final String ARG_CONVERSION_DURATION = "durationConversion";

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * dropwizard 包中的 MetricRegistry
protected final MetricRegistry registry;
 * dropwizard 包中的 ScheduledReporter
protected ScheduledReporter reporter;

private final Map<Gauge<?>, String> gauges = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<Counter, String> counters = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<Histogram, String> histograms = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<Meter, String> meters = new HashMap<>();

 * 添加指标,需要将flink内部的Metric转换成dropwizard中的Metric,
 * 再注册到 dropwizard 的 MetricRegistry 中
public void notifyOfAddedMetric(Metric metric, String metricName, MetricGroup group) {
	final String fullName = group.getMetricIdentifier(metricName, this);

	synchronized (this) {
		if (metric instanceof Counter) {
			counters.put((Counter) metric, fullName);
			registry.register(fullName, new FlinkCounterWrapper((Counter) metric));
		else if (metric instanceof Gauge) {
			gauges.put((Gauge<?>) metric, fullName);
			registry.register(fullName, FlinkGaugeWrapper.fromGauge((Gauge<?>) metric));
		} else if (metric instanceof Histogram) {
			Histogram histogram = (Histogram) metric;
			histograms.put(histogram, fullName);

			if (histogram instanceof DropwizardHistogramWrapper) {
				registry.register(fullName, ((DropwizardHistogramWrapper) histogram).getDropwizardHistogram());
			} else {
				registry.register(fullName, new FlinkHistogramWrapper(histogram));
		} else if (metric instanceof Meter) {
			Meter meter = (Meter) metric;
			meters.put(meter, fullName);

			if (meter instanceof DropwizardMeterWrapper) {
				registry.register(fullName, ((DropwizardMeterWrapper) meter).getDropwizardMeter());
			} else {
				registry.register(fullName, new FlinkMeterWrapper(meter));
		} else {
			log.warn("Cannot add metric of type {}. This indicates that the reporter " +
				"does not support this metric type.", metric.getClass().getName());

 * report 时直接从 dropwizard 内部的 MetricRegistry 中捞取所有指标,执行 ScheduledReporter 的 report 方法
public void report() {
	// we do not need to lock here, because the dropwizard registry is
	// internally a concurrent map
	final SortedMap<String, com.codahale.metrics.Gauge> gauges = registry.getGauges();
	final SortedMap<String, com.codahale.metrics.Counter> counters = registry.getCounters();
	final SortedMap<String, com.codahale.metrics.Histogram> histograms = registry.getHistograms();
	final SortedMap<String, com.codahale.metrics.Meter> meters = registry.getMeters();
	final SortedMap<String, com.codahale.metrics.Timer> timers = registry.getTimers();

	this.reporter.report(gauges, counters, histograms, meters, timers);

public abstract ScheduledReporter getReporter(MetricConfig config);

只有flink-metrics-graphite模块会引用这个模块,直接复用 dropwizard 包提供的 GraphiteReporter 功能。

1.2 flink-metrics-graphite

  1. Reporter实现
    GraphiteReporter 继承了 flink-metrics-dropwizard 模块中的 ScheduledDropwizardReporter。
    只需要实现其中的 getReporter() 抽象方法:
public ScheduledReporter getReporter(MetricConfig config) {
	String host = config.getString(ARG_HOST, null);
	int port = config.getInteger(ARG_PORT, -1);

	if (host == null || host.length() == 0 || port < 1) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid host/port configuration. Host: " + host + " Port: " + port);

	String prefix = config.getString(ARG_PREFIX, null);
	String conversionRate = config.getString(ARG_CONVERSION_RATE, null);
	String conversionDuration = config.getString(ARG_CONVERSION_DURATION, null);
	String protocol = config.getString(ARG_PROTOCOL, "TCP");

	// 复用 dropwizard 包提供的 GraphiteReporter
	com.codahale.metrics.graphite.GraphiteReporter.Builder builder =

	if (prefix != null) {

	if (conversionRate != null) {

	if (conversionDuration != null) {

	Protocol prot;
	try {
		prot = Protocol.valueOf(protocol);
	} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
		log.warn("Invalid protocol configuration: " + protocol + " Expected: TCP or UDP, defaulting to TCP.");
		prot = Protocol.TCP;

	log.info("Configured GraphiteReporter with {host:{}, port:{}, protocol:{}}", host, port, prot);
	switch(prot) {
		case UDP:
			return builder.build(new GraphiteUDP(host, port));
		case TCP:
			return builder.build(new Graphite(host, port));
  1. 配置
  • 复制 flink-metrics-graphite-xxx.jar 到 $FLINK_HOME/lib 下
  • 在 flink-conf.yml 增加如下配置:
metrics.reporter.grph.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.graphite.GraphiteReporter
metrics.reporter.grph.host: localhost  # Graphite server host
metrics.reporter.grph.port: 2003       # Graphite server port
metrics.reporter.grph.protocol: TCP    # protocol to use (TCP/UDP)

1.3 flink-metrics-influxdb

  1. influxdb基本概念

使用方法参考:时序数据库 Influxdb 使用详解
为了方便理解 InfluxdbReporter 的实现,这里简单说下 Influxdb 中的几个概念:

name: census
time                     butterflies     honeybees     location   scientist
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z      12                23           1         langstroth
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z      1                 30           1         perpetua
2015-08-18T00:06:00Z      11                28           1         langstroth
2015-08-18T00:06:00Z      3                 28           1         perpetua
2015-08-18T05:54:00Z      2                 11           2         langstroth
2015-08-18T06:00:00Z      1                 10           2         langstroth
2015-08-18T06:06:00Z      8                 23           2         perpetua
2015-08-18T06:12:00Z      7                 22           2         perpetua
  • timestamp
    既然是时间序列数据库,influxdb 的数据都有一列名为 time 的列。

  • field key,field value,field set
    bufferflies 和 honeybees 为 field key,它们为String类型,用于存储元数据。
    数据 12-7 为 bufferflies 的field value,数据 23-22 为 honeybees 的field value。field value可以为String,float,integer或boolean类型。
    field key 和 field value 对组成的集合称之为 field set,如下:

butterflies = 12 honeybees = 23
butterflies = 1 honeybees = 30
butterflies = 11 honeybees = 28
butterflies = 3 honeybees = 28
butterflies = 2 honeybees = 11
butterflies = 1 honeybees = 10
butterflies = 8 honeybees = 23
butterflies = 7 honeybees = 22

在 influxdb 中,field 是必须的,但是字段是没有索引的,如果字段作为查询条件,会扫描所有符合查询条件的所有字段值。相当于SQL的没有索引的列。

  • tag key,tag value,tag set
    location 和 scientist 是两个tag,location 有两个 tag value:1和2,scientist 有两个 tag value:langstroth 和 perpetua。
    tag key 和 tag value 对组成的集合称之为 tag set,如下:
location = 1, scientist = langstroth
location = 2, scientist = langstroth
location = 1, scientist = perpetua
location = 2, scientist = perpetua

在 influxdb 中,tag 是可选的,但 tag 相当于SQL中有索引的列,因此强烈建议使用。

  • measurement
    指标项,是 fields,tags 以及 time 列的容器。

  • retention policy
    数据保留策略,默认是 autogen,表示数据一直保留永不过期,副本数量为1。

  • series
    指共享同一个 retention policy,measurement 以及 tag set 的数据集合,如下:

| Arbitrary series number | Retention policy | Measurement | Tag set |
| ----------------------- | ---------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------- |
|        series 1         |       autogen    |     census  | location=1,scientist=langstroth |
|        series 2         |       autogen    |     census  | location=2,scientist=perpetua   |
|        series 3         |       autogen    |     census  | location=1,scientist=langstroth |
|        series 4         |       autogen    |     census  | location=2,scientist=perpetua   |
  • point
    指的是同一个series中具有相同时间的 field set,points 相当于SQL中的数据行。如下:
name: census
time                  butterflies    honeybees   location    scientist
  • 1
  • 3
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 5


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
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