继续我们本系列对复杂网络社区结构的方法探索,之前已经尝试过spark上标签传播算法、igraph 中随机游走算法、networkx中的clique渗透算法(见笔者相关文章),但一直局限于无向、无权重图的分析。本次,向前迈一步,引入权重。选用了igraph中的标签传播算法。
相比于spark上的标签传播算法,发现igraph中的接口增加了对权重的支持,同时不用事先指定迭代的次数,这是两点好的地方。当然,可以处理的数据量级上,igraph单机版本没法和spark集群版本相提并论了。但是相比于python版本networkx的性能瓶颈,igraph C library的计算效率领先几条街。(小小吐槽一下:igraph同时提供有python、R、C三种版本的接口,相比之下,C library的使用要繁琐很多,如果不是追求性能稍好些,真心推荐使用其它两种方式)
Weights are taken into account as follows: when the new label of node i is determined, the algorithm iterates over all edges incident on node i and calculate the total weight of edges leading to other nodes with label 0, 1, 2, ..., k-1 (where k is the number of possible labels). The new label of node i will then be the label whose edges (among the ones incident on node i) have the highest total weight.
int igraph_community_label_propagation(const igraph_t *graph,
igraph_vector_t *membership,
const igraph_vector_t *weights,
const igraph_vector_t *initial,
igraph_vector_bool_t *fixed,
igraph_real_t *modularity);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include </usr/local/igraph-0.7.1/include/igraph.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
printf("Hello world!\n");
FILE *edgeListFile;
FILE *community