






例句:Food safety problem has caused a widespread panic among the public recently.
(这里的problem是泛指,是复数名词。注:不可数名词-> a piece of luggage/furniture,使用the + 普通可数名词单数,泛指一个类。)
修改:the food safety problem has caused a widespread panic among the public recently. 或者:Food safety problems have caused a widespread panic among the public recently.
例句:On the other hand, people can use Alipay to buy daily products they want instead of cash.
('daily products they want instead of cash.'存在歧义,'Alipay’不能够准确表达“移动支付”。)
修改:On the other hand, people can use mobile payment, instead of (或者rather than)cash, to buy daily products they want.
不地道表达:One Belt and Road Initiative
地道表达:The Belt and Road Initiative
例句:Every one of us should undertake the responsibility of taking care of aged parents.
修改:Every one of us should take/shoulder/bear/assume the responsibility of taking care of aged parents. 或者:Every one of us should undertake the task/duties of taking care of aged parents.
原句: 不计后果地使用杀虫剂来控制害虫及使用添加剂来保障食品质量对庄稼、产品和人类健康造 成威胁,结果适得其反,这种结果正得到证实。
例句:The reckless use of pesticides and additives in the control of pests and the insurance of food quality pose a threat to crops, products and human health, and is proving to be counter-productive.
('pesticides and additives in the control of pests and the insurance of food quality’表述不好,"pose a threat"不够简洁)
修改:The reckless use of pesticides in the control of pests and of additives as insurance against food decay threatens crops and humans.
原句: 一方面,人们对他们健康的重要性有更深刻的认识,因此这些人更关注他们的饮食质量。
例句: For one thing, people have gained a greater awareness of the importance of their health and therefore, these people pay much more attention to the quality of the food they eat.
(“of"修改为"about”,"and"需要添加逗号,“the quality of the food”)
修改:For one thing, people have gained a greater awareness不够简洁 of the importance of their health, and therefore paid much more attention to food quality.
原句: 越来越多人因渴望金钱而蒙蔽了双眼,上图描绘的这些人尤其如此。
例句: More and more people, especially these people describing in picture above, are blind by the desiring for money.
修改:More and more people, especially these people described in picture above, are blinded by the their desire for money.
原句: 另一方面,花太多时间玩手机可能使他们沉迷其中,就像沉迷海洛因那样。
例句: On the other hand, spending too much time on the phone may make them addict with mobile phones, heroin alike.
("alike"是采用A and B结构用法)
修改:On the other hand, they spend too much time on smart phone in the same way that drug addicts overdose on heroin.
例句: Last but not least, the powerful function of Internet is meeting mentally and socially with people’s needs by ``providing many apps`.
("by providing many apps"逻辑错误,lie in+n/that从句,在于…)
修改:Last but not least, the powerful function of the Internet meets people’s mental and social needs.
原句: 互联网把中国和世界连接在一起。这种连接打破了地域和时间限制,使我们更深入了解 这个世界。
例句: The Internet has established a connection between China and the world. This link broke the limitation of territory and time, enable us to have a deeper understand of the world.
("has established"和"China and the world"表达逻辑错误,"the limitation of territory and time"表达不地道)
例句:The Internet connects China with the rest of the world. The link enable the Chinese to have a deeper understanding of the world without time or geographic limitation.



spend money on someone/something 在某事/物上花钱
spend time with someone 花时间和某人在一起
spend time in something 在某事上花费时间
spend time etc. (on) doing something 花时间等做某事
spend money for something/ spend money to do something
原句: 统计表明,中国年轻人每天平均花费6小时在手机上。
书写:The statistics indicates that the average Chinese young person spends 6 hours per day on mobile phones.
或者:The statistics indicates that on average, Chinese young person spends 6 hours per day on mobile phones.
原句: 无论学习或工作多忙,我们都应该花更多时间陪伴父母。
(no matter how"无论"+半倒装句的用法如下:)
书写:No matter how busy we are with learning or work stuff,we should spend more time with our parents.(stuff一般加在不好描述个数的物体后面


lack(动词)+ something 缺少某物(品质等)
be lacking(动词)+ in something 在某方面比较缺乏
a lack(名词)+ of something 缺乏某物(品质等)
not lack(动词)+ for something 不缺少某物(品质等)
lack(动词)+ of/in something
原句: 有些社会观察员指出,越来越多的孩子缺乏自制能力,受到父母或爷爷奶奶溺爱的孩子尤其如此。
(especially尤其,先说大环境,然后其中一部分群体怎么怎么样… the ability to do sth表达XX的能力而不是the ability doing sth)
书写:Some observers point out that, more and more children,especially those spoilt by their parents and grandparents, lack self-control.
原句: 因为大众缺乏对环境的忧虑,所以大量的塑料垃圾进入河流并最终进入大海。
(the public看作单数,concern for/about sth关于XX的忧虑, an amount of+不可数名词)
书写:Because the public lacks concern about the environment, a huge amount of plastic waste ends up in rivers and eventually in seas.
或者:Because of an obvious lack of public concern about/for the environment, a huge amount of plastic waste ends up in rivers and eventually in seas.


share something with someone 与某人分享某物/共用某物
share something between/among someone 分配/分摊
[名词/形容词] + share 某物/方面所占比重
share with someone
原句: 为了和室友保持良好关系,你可以经常和他们分享你的食物、生活用品以及有趣的经历等等。
maintain“维持”,daily articles"日常用品",share with sb sth…,by doing通过…怎么样做
书写: To maintain a good relationship with your roommates, you could often share with them your foods, daily articles, interesting experiences and so on.(后重心句式)
原句: 很多大学生毕业生认同这么一个观念:一份开心的工作比一份高薪工作更重要。
(idea想法/outlook深刻观念, one代指,well-paid高新的)
书写:A great many college graduates share the idea that a job making them happy(后置定语修饰job,相当于a job that makes them happy)is more important than a well-paid one.
或者:The belief is shared among a great many college graduates that a job making them happy is more important than a well-paid one.


prefer something 偏爱某事物
prefer to do something 偏爱做某事
prefer doing something 偏爱做某事
prefer something to something 喜欢某物多过某物
prefer that …(宾语从句)喜欢…
I would prefer it if … (谓语动词用一般过去式形式) 要是…,我会高兴/乐意/开心/…(用于建议,例如:I would prefer it if you did’t smoke in here.)
have/express a/the preference for something 对某物的偏爱
give preference(priority) to something 优先考虑某事
prefer do something
be preferring something
a/an/the preference on/to/in something
原句: 精通至少一门乐器、有舞台表演经验以及善于调动观众情绪的优先考虑。
(master掌握,at least至少,stage舞台, warm up调动,audience观众)
书写:Those who master at least one type of instrument, have stage experience and are good at warming up the audience are preferred.
原句: 生男孩这种偏好在亚洲国家和地区根深蒂固, 在中国、韩国、新加坡尤其如此。
(boy babies生男孩,deep-rooted根深蒂固的)
书写:The preference for boy babies is deep-rooted in Asian countries and areas, especially China, South Korea and Singapore.


prepare food/meal/plan/document 准备食物/餐食/计划/文件/…
prepare for exam/test/contest/trial/… 准备(参加)考试/测试/比赛/考验…
prepare to do something 准备做某事
prepare oneself for something 为(做某事)做好准备
be prepared for something 为(做某事)做好准备
prepare someone for something 使某人为某事做好准备
make preparation(s) for something 为(做某事)做好准备
do something in preparation for something 为某事而事先做好某事
prepare for food/meal/plan
原句: 准备一顿饭非常耗费时间,所以生活上独立的上班族往往吃外卖。
(time-consuming耗时的, commuter上班族,takeaway外卖,可打包食物)
Because preparing a meal is very time-consuming, commuters living on their own often eat takeaways.
原句: 我不能参加毕业典礼,因为我现在在纽约,正为即将到来的国际数学竞赛做准备。
(join in/take part in参与到活动中,而attend"出席"更适合,upcoming即将到来的,make preparations for强调各种准备)
I cannot attend the graduation ceremony because I am in New York now,making preparations for the upcoming international math contest.


a history/psychology/English/math major(名词)一位历史/心理学/英语/数学专业学生
major(动词) in … 主修某专业
One’s major(名词) is … 某人的主修专业是…
major(形容词) problem/crisis 主要问题/危机
major(形容词) role/change 重要作用/重大改变
study/learn the major of … 学某专业
原句: 主修科学、工程学、数学和技术领域的学生起薪更高,进入管理层也更快,而且在经济下滑时期也恢复得更好。
(starting salaries 起薪,move into management进入管理层, during在…时期, downturn下滑(泛指现象))
书写:Students who major in scientific, engineering, mathematic and technological fields get higher starting salaries, move into management faster and recover better during economic downturn.
原句: 这项研究的主要目的是弄明白家庭环境会对孩子性格塑造有多大影响。
(the major purpose of / aim to 主要目的是…,figure out 弄明白,character building性格塑造,to what extent …程度,have influence on sth 在…有影响)
书写:The major purpose of this study is to figure out to what extent the family environment can influence children’s character building.


Something fails. 某事物以失败告终。
fail in one’s attempt to do something 没能做成某事
fail to do something 没能做成某事,manage to do sth做成某事
fail a subject 没能完成一门学科
fail a test/exam 测试/考试失利
never fail to do something 从未做不到某事
fail someone 令/让某人失望
failure to do something
fail doing something
原句: 因为久坐的生活方式,不少高中生和大学生长期缺乏锻炼,因此往往无法通过常规体能测试。
(sedentary久坐的.quite a few+可数名词 不少的,long 长期地,lack缺乏,thus因此地,physical fitness test体能测试,fail to do无法通过)
书写:Because of their sedentary lifestyle, quite a few high school and college students have long lacked exercise, and thus often fail to pass physical fitness tests.
原句: 每个人都应该明白能够接受失败是生命中不可或缺的一部分。
(the ability to +名词 …的能力, part of等价于不可或缺的,a part of …的一部分)
书写:Every one of us should be aware that the ability to accept failure is part of life.


suggest something to someone 给某人提出某建议
suggest doing something 建议做某事
suggest (that) someone (should) do something 建议或主张某人应该做某事
suggest what/how/where etc. … 建议做某事/如何做某事/在何处做某事等等
suggest (that) … 暗示某事存在/发生/…
suggestion about/for something 关于某事的建议
suggest to do something
suggest someone something
suggest someone to do something
原句: 统计数字表明对薪水和办公环境感到满意的员工不足三分之一。
(one third of sth xx的三分之一,one fourth四分之一,less than少于,不足)
书写:The statistics suggests that less than one third of the staff are satisfied with their salaries and work environment.
原句: 我建议你去读冯庆华的《实用翻译教程》,这本书内容全面,译文质量很高。
(A Practical Coursebook on Translation《实用翻译教程》,Feng Qinghua冯庆华, comprehensive 内容全面的,high-quality 高质量的 )
书写: I suggest you read A Practical Coursebook on Translation by Feng Qinghua, a comprehensive book that provides high-quality translated texts.


consider doing something 考虑做某事
consider the possibility of doing something 考虑做某事的可能性
consider whether/why/where/how to do something 考虑是否/为什么/在何处/如何做某事
be considered something/someone 被认为是某种样子/某种人
be considered to do something 被认为怎么样
consider it + adj. + to do something 认为做某事怎么样
take something into consideration/account 将某事考虑在内
consider to do something
原句: 孝顺被认为是非常重要的品德,因为这是所有人类与生俱来的情感之一。
filial piety孝顺 especially非常地 virtue品德 be natural to 与生俱来的
书写:Filial piety is considered especially important virtue, because it is one of the emotions that are natural to all humans. (it放在从句中,代指主句中的主语)
原句: 学业繁重的大学生计划学一门新技能时应该把时间成本考虑在内。
(assignment 作业;研究任务 schooling 学业 college student大学生)
书写:When planning to learn a new skill, college students should take time cost into consideration.( 简化状语从句,这里的when表示“当”,现在分词短语放句首表示原因)


reason for doing something 做某事的原因
reason why … 某事发生/出现的原因
reason (that) … 某事发生/出现的原因
reason behind something 某事物背后的原因
cause of something 造成/导致某事物的原因
cause(不可数) for something 去做某事/保持某状态的原因
have cause to do something 有理由做某事
reason of doing something
a cause for something
原句: 年轻人对中国传统文化越来越不感兴趣的主要原因是,在他们看来,了解这些文化无助于解决生活问题。
less and less越来越少take interest in sth对XX感兴趣, know about了解, make contribution to对XX有帮助, solve one’s problem解决问题
书写:The main reason why young people take less and less interest in Chinese traditional culture is that, in their opinion, knowing about the culture makes no contribution to solving their problems.
(population migration人口迁移 strong desire强烈向往 wonderful美好的)
书写:The main cause of the population migration from countryside to cities is people’s strong desire for better material and spiritual life.


adapt to something 适应某种场景/环境
be adapted to something 适应某种场景/环境
adapt oneself to something 使自己适应场景/环境
adapt something to do something 改编/改造某物以实现某目的
adapt something for something 改编/改造某物以实现某目的
adapt something for someone 改编/改造某物以适合某人(使用)
adaptation of something 改编某物
adaptation to something 适应某物
原句: 这张图片告诉我们,温室中长大的花朵几乎无法适应暴风雪、长期干旱和施虐的洪水等极端环境。
greenhouse 温室 hardly 几乎不 long-term 长期的 raging愤怒的 flood 洪水 drought 干旱 snowstorm 暴风雪)
书写: The picture tells us that flowers, growing up in greenhouses, are hardly adapted to extreme environments such as heavy snowstorm, long-term drought, and raging flood.
原句: 市中心很多废弃厂房没有被拆除,而是改造后供周边居民消遣娱乐。
(abandoned 被废弃的 deserted 遗弃的 downtown area市中心 suburb郊区 remove 拆除 tear down 拆除 recreation 消遣娱乐 nearby 周边的 resident 居民)
书写:Many deserted plants in downtown areas are not torn down / removed but have been adapted for recreational use by nearby residents.


begin/start to do something 开始做某事
begin/start doing something 开始做某事
begin/start at…在某时间开始
begin/start with something 以某事做为开始
begin/start by doing something 以某事做为开始
begin something as something 以某事做为某事的开端
start someone doing something 让/使某人开始做某事
start from scratch/zero 白手起家/从零开始
原句: 这篇文章揭露了一位白手起家的成功企业家很多不为人知的故事。
(article 文章 untold不为人知的 entrepreneur企业家)
书写:This article reveals many untold stories of a successful businessman who has started from scratch
原句: 从21世纪初开始,发展中国家手机用户数量经历了指数级增长。
subscriber 用户 in developing country 在发展中国家 exponential 指数级的
书写: Since the start of the 21st century, the number of mobile phone subscribers in developing countries has experienced an exponential growth.


provide something for someone
provide someone with something
offer someone something
offer something to someone
provide something to someone
provide someone something
offer someone with something
a host of+可数名词 大量的 a amount of+不可数名词 academic works学术著作 periodicals期刊 environments 表示不同类型的环境 A and B and C是错的,通常用A and B and also C
书写:The library of our university aims to provide students with a host of academic works and periodicals and also effective learning environments.
原句: 互联网给我们提供了各种各样的平台来获悉国家大事以及分享自己的观点。
a variety of 既可以接可数名词也可以接不可数名词 keep abreast of +sth 实时了解
书写:The internet offers us a variety of platforms to keep abreast of state events and share our opinions.
well-known 知名的 corporation 公司 give up sth放弃某事 the entrance exam 升学考试
书写:Receiving a job offer from a well-known corporation, I give up preparation for the entrance exam.


help someone (to) do something帮助某人做某事
help (to) do something/help someone with something帮助某人做某事
help someone + prep. +n.帮助某人实现某目的(help the old lady across the road.help the woman through the hole.)
cannot help but do something忍不住做某事
a helping hand援助之手
help doing something
help to doing something
原句: 我希望每一位同学都能伸出援助之手,让这些孩子们尽快重返校园。
书写:I hope every one of us could give a helping hand so that these children could return to school as soon as possible.
原句: 一个良好的家庭环境有助于阻止孩子们养成餐前不洗手、熬夜等坏习惯。
(prevent 阻止 prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 stay up late 熬夜 吃饭 dine 进餐)
A good family environment can help prevent children from developing bad habits like/such as dining without washing hands and staying up late.


Something fits (动词) someone某物适合某人
be fitted (动词) with something安装/安置了某物
fit (动词) in/into适应,融入
be fit (形容词) for something/someone适合某事/某人
be fit (形容词) to do something适合做某事
keep (形容词) fit保持健康
be fit to something
原句: 很多办公室和公寓都安装了一种智能系统,允许用户通过语音来操控连接到该系统的电子设备。
(apartment公寓 be fitted with 安装)
书写: Many offices and apartments are fitted with a smart system that allows users to control by voice electronic devices connected to the system.
原句: 医生的观点是我不适合走动,应该躺在床上,所以我不能去三亚参加你的婚礼了。
书写: The doctor’s opinion is that I am not fit to walk and should lie in bed, so I can’t attend your wedding in Sanya.
原句: 没有症状并不一定意味着你身体健康;所以,一年一次的体检很重要。
(a lack of sth/the absence of 缺乏 do not necessarily mean that并不意味着 physical examination体检)
The absence of symptoms does not necessarily mean that you are physically fit==; thus,== it is very important to take an annual physical examination.
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1、资源项目源码均已通过严格测试验证,保证能够正常运行; 2、项目问题、技术讨论,可以给博主私信或留言,博主看到后会第一时间与您进行沟通; 3、本项目比较适合计算机领域相关的毕业设计课题、课程作业等使用,尤其对于人工智能、计算机科学与技术等相关专业,更为适合; 4、下载使用后,可先查看README.md文件(如有),本项目仅用作交流学习参考,请切勿用于商业用途。 、 1资源项目源码均已通过严格测试验证,保证能够正常运行; 2、项目问题、技术讨论,可以给博主私信或留言,博主看到后会第一时间与您进行沟通; 3、本项目比较适合计算机领域相关的毕业设计课题、课程作业等使用,尤其对于人工智能、计算机科学与技术等相关专业,更为适合; 4、下载使用后,可先查看READmE.文件(md如有),本项目仅用作交流学习参考,请切勿用于商业用途。 1、资源项目源码均已通过严格测试验证,保证能够正常运行; 2、项目问题、技术讨论,可以给博主私信或留言,博主看到后会第一时间与您进行沟通; 3、本项目比较适合计算机领域相关的毕业设计课题、课程作业等使用,尤其对于人工智能、计算机科学与技术等相关专业,更为适合; 4、下载使用后,可先查看README.md文件(如有),本项目仅用作交流学习参考,请切勿用于商业用途。




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