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原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1078 Palindrom Numbers

Palindrom NumbersTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBStatement of the ProblemWe say that a number is a palindrom if it is the sane when read from left to right or from right

2015-01-28 19:37:41 513

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1067 Color Me Less

Color Me LessTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBProblemA color reduction is a mapping from a set of discrete colors to a smaller one. The solution to this problem require

2015-01-28 12:54:28 390

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1058 Currency Exchange

Currency ExchangeTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBWhen Issac Bernand Miller takes a trip to another country, say to France, he exchanges his US dollars for French francs. The

2015-01-28 12:23:38 523

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2417 Lowest Bit

Lowest BitTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBGiven an positive integer A (1 For example, given A = 26, we can write A in binary form as 11010, so the lowest bit of A is 1

2015-01-27 22:43:56 333

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1315 Excuses, Excuses!(字符串处理的好题)

Excuses, Excuses!Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBJudge Ito is having a problem with people subpoenaed for jury duty giving rather lame excuses in order to avoid serving. In

2015-01-27 22:17:05 641

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2060 Fibonacci Again

Fibonacci AgainTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBThere are another kind of Fibonacci numbers: F(0) = 7, F(1) = 11, F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) (n>=2)InputInput consists o

2015-01-27 20:33:29 366

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1392 The Hardest Problem Ever

The Hardest Problem EverTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBIntroductionJulius Caesar lived in a time of danger and intrigue. The hardest situation Caesar ever faced was kee

2015-01-27 20:05:19 397

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2104 Let the Balloon Rise

Let the Balloon RiseTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBContest time again! How excited it is to see balloons floating around. But to tell you a secret, the judges' favorite t

2015-01-27 19:06:39 380

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1698 Easier Done Than Said?

Easier Done Than Said?Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBPassword security is a tricky thing. Users prefer simple passwords that are easy to remember (like buddy), but such p

2015-01-27 18:35:24 595 2

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2095 Divisor Summation

Divisor SummationTime Limit: 5 Seconds      Memory Limit: 32768 KBGive a natural number n (1 Definition: A proper divisor of a natural number is the divisor that is strictly less than th

2015-01-27 16:51:14 673

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2679 Old Bill

Old BillTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBAmong grandfather��s papers a bill was found:72 turkeys $_679_The first and the last digits of the number that obviously re

2015-01-27 15:57:10 523

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2840 File Searching

File SearchingTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBHave you ever used file searching tools provided by an operating system? For example, in DOS, if you type "dir *.exe", the OS

2015-01-27 11:33:33 771

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1760 Doubles

DoublesTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBAs part of an arithmetic competency program, your students will be given randomly generated lists of from 2 to 15 unique positive inte

2015-01-26 23:10:52 403

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2830 Champion of the Swordsmanship

Champion of the SwordsmanshipTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBIn Zhejiang University, there is a famous BBS named Freecity. Usually we call it 88.Recently some stud

2015-01-26 22:41:52 397

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2388 Beat the Spread!

Beat the Spread!Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBSuperbowl Sunday is nearly here. In order to pass the time waiting for the half-time commercials and wardrobe malfunctions,

2015-01-26 21:56:27 361

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2176 Speed Limit

Speed LimitTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBBill and Ted are taking a road trip. But the odometer in their car is broken, so they don't know how many miles they have driven

2015-01-26 21:38:50 395

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2807 Electrical Outlets

Electrical OutletsTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBRoy has just moved into a new apartment.Well, actually the apartment itself is not very new, even dating back to the days

2015-01-26 21:25:30 442

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2476 Total Amount

Total AmountTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBGiven a list of monetary amounts in a standard format, please calculate the total amount.We define the format as follows:1. The

2015-01-26 21:01:47 280

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2772 Quick Change

Quick ChangeTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBJ.P. Flathead's Grocery Store hires cheap labor to man the checkout stations. The people he hires (usually high school kids) often

2015-01-26 19:14:01 474

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2420 Calendar

CalendarTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBA calendar is a system for measuring time, from hours and minutes, to months and days, and finally to years and centuries. The terms of

2015-01-26 13:24:30 294

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2201 No Brainer

No BrainerTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBZombies love to eat brains. Yum.InputThe first line contains a single integer n indicating the number of data sets.The followin

2015-01-26 10:55:26 369

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2876 Phone List

Phone ListTime Limit: 5 Seconds      Memory Limit: 32768 KBGiven a list of phone numbers, determine if it is consistent in the sense that no number is the prefix of another. Let's say the phon

2015-01-26 10:40:50 306

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2829 Beautiful Number

Beautiful NumberTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBMike is very lucky, as he has two beautiful numbers, 3 and 5. But he is so greedy that he wants infinite beautiful numbers. So

2015-01-25 23:41:10 653

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2723 Semi-Prime(ac,但有一点想不通)

Semi-PrimeTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBPrime Number Definition An integer greater than one is called a prime number if its only positive divisors (factors) are one and it

2015-01-25 23:14:36 518

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2835 Magic Square

Magic SquareTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBIn recreational mathematics, a magic square of n-degree is an arrangement of n2 numbers, distinct integers, in a square, such tha

2015-01-25 20:33:10 905

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2818 Root of the Problem

Root of the ProblemTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBGiven positive integers B and N, find an integer A such that AN is as close as possible to B. (The result A is an approximat

2015-01-25 19:03:05 287

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2744 Palindromes(字符串二分处理的好题)

PalindromesTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBA regular palindrome is a string of numbers or letters that is the same forward as backward. For example, the string "ABCDEDCBA" is

2015-01-25 18:22:28 351

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1109 Language of FatMouse

Language of FatMouseTime Limit: 10 Seconds      Memory Limit: 32768 KBWe all know that FatMouse doesn't speak English. But now he has to be prepared since our nation will join WTO soon. Thanks

2015-01-24 15:23:04 417

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2724 Windows Message Queue

Windows Message QueueTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBMessage queue is the basic fundamental of windows system. For each process, the system maintains a message queue. If somet

2015-01-23 23:37:52 357

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2722 Head-to-Head Match

Head-to-Head MatchTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBOur school is planning to hold a new exciting computer programming contest. During each round of the contest, the competitors

2015-01-23 22:59:01 684

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2727 List the Books

List the BooksTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBJim is fond of reading books, and he has so many books that sometimes it's hard for him to manage them. So he is asking for your

2015-01-23 22:26:51 547

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2109 FatMouse' Trade

FatMouse' TradeTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBFatMouse prepared M pounds of cat food, ready to trade with the cats guarding the warehouse containing his favorite food, JavaBe

2015-01-23 21:43:36 328

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1205 Martian Addition

Martian AdditionTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB  In the 22nd Century, scientists have discovered intelligent residents live on the Mars. Martians are very fond of mathematics

2015-01-23 18:39:43 323

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1949 Error Correction

Error CorrectionTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBA boolean matrix has the parity property when each row and each column has an even sum, i.e. contains an even number of bits wh

2015-01-23 16:31:57 382

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2736 Daffodil number

Daffodil numberTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBThe daffodil number is one of the famous interesting numbers in the mathematical world. A daffodil number is a three-digit numbe

2015-01-23 15:56:47 691

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1188 DNA Sorting

DNA SortingTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBOne measure of ``unsortedness'' in a sequence is the number of pairs of entries that are out of order with respect to each other. Fo

2015-01-23 15:44:44 335

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1049 I Think I Need a Houseboat

I Think I Need a HouseboatTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBFred Mapper is considering purchasing some land in Louisiana to build his house on. In the process of investigating

2015-01-22 16:31:53 322

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2001 Adding Reversed Numbers

Adding Reversed NumbersTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBThe Antique Comedians of Malidinesia prefer comedies to tragedies. Unfortunately, most of the ancient plays are tragedie

2015-01-22 12:42:15 307

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 2857 Image Transformation

Image TransformationTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBThe image stored on a computer can be represented as a matrix of pixels. In the RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color system, a pixel

2015-01-21 23:35:44 342

原创 ZOJ Problem Set - 1763 A Simple Question of Chemistry

A Simple Question of ChemistryTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KBYour chemistry lab instructor is a very enthusiastic graduate student who clearly has forgotten what their underg

2015-01-21 21:18:40 448



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