Cloud Design Pattern - Leader Election Pattern(领导选拔模式)


上一篇我们讨论了云计算设计模式之索引表模式,了解了Azure Table Storage 存储的机制及如何在云应用中应用这种模式来提升系统的性能.这一篇我们来讨论下在云端的分布式应用中,我们如何来协调不同的Task的运作.










1)Selecting the task instance with the lowest-ranked instance or process ID.

2)Racing to obtain a shared distributed mutex. The first task instance that acquires the mutex is the leader. However, the system must ensure that, if the leader terminates or becomes disconnected from the rest of the system, the mutex is released to allow another task instance to become the leader.

3)Implementing one of the common leader election algorithms such as the Bully Algorithm or the Ring Algorithm. These algorithms are relatively straightforward, but there are also a number of more sophisticated techniques available. These algorithms assume that each candidate participating in the election has a unique ID, and that they can communicate with the other candidates in a reliable manner.


1)The process of electing a leader should be resilient to transient and persistent failures.

2)It must be possible to detect when the leader has failed or has become otherwise unavailable (perhaps due to a communications failure). The speed at which such detection is required will be system dependent. Some systems may be able to function for a short while without a leader, during which time a transient fault that caused the leader to become unavailable may have been rectified. In other cases, it may be necessary to detect leader failure immediately and trigger a new election.

3)In a system that implements horizontal autoscaling, the leader could be terminated if the system scales back and shuts down some of the computing resources.

4)Using a shared distributed mutex introduces a dependency on the availability of the external service that provides the mutex. This service may constitute a single point of failure. If this service should become unavailable for any reason, the system will not be able to elect a leader.

5)Using a single dedicated process as the leader is a relatively straightforward approach. However, if the process fails there may be a significant delay while it is restarted, and the resultant latency may affect the performance and response times of other processes if they are waiting for the leader to coordinate an operation.

6)Implementing one of the leader election algorithms manually provides the greatest flexibility for tuning and optimizing the code.


1)最好是有一个Task Instance 永远能够作为一个Task Leader 存在.

If there is a natural leader or dedicated process that can always act as the leader. For example, it may be possible to implement a singleton process that coordinates the task instances. If this process fails or becomes unhealthy, the system can shut it down and restart it.


If the coordination between tasks can be easily achieved by using a more lightweight mechanism. For example, if several task instances simply require coordinated access to a shared resource, a preferable solution might be to use optimistic or pessimistic locking to control access to that resource.

3)如果能使用稳定的第三方服务就更好了,比如微软的Azure HDInsight (基于Hadoop),Apache Zookeeper就是这种已经实现任务协调者角色的机制.

If a third-party solution is more appropriate. For example, the Microsoft Azure HDInsight service (based on Apache Hadoop) uses the services provided by Apache Zookeeper to coordinate the map/reduce tasks that aggregate and summarize data. It’s also possible to install and configure Zookeeper on a Azure Virtual Machine and integrate it into your own solutions, or use the Zookeeper prebuilt virtual machine image available from Microsoft Open Technologies. For more information, see Apache Zookeeper on Microsoft Azure on the Microsoft Open Technologies website.


实现这种模式最好的范例就是Azure HDInsight.需要详细了解请关注Azure.


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Cloud applications have a unique set of characteristics. They run on commodity hardware, provide services to untrusted users, and deal with unpredictable workloads. These factors impose a range of problems that you, as a designer or developer, need to resolve. Your applications must be resilient so that they can recover from failures, secure to protect services from malicious attacks, and elastic in order to respond to an ever changing workload. This guide demonstrates design patterns that can help you to solve the problems you might encounter in many different areas of cloud application development. Each pattern discusses design considerations, and explains how you can implement it using the features of Windows Azure. The patterns are grouped into categories: availability, data management, design and implementation, messaging, performance and scalability, resilience, management and monitoring, and security. You will also see more general guidance related to these areas of concern. It explains key concepts such as data consistency and asynchronous messaging. In addition, there is useful guidance and explanation of the key considerations for designing features such as data partitioning, telemetry, and hosting in multiple datacenters. These patterns and guidance can help you to improve the quality of applications and services you create, and make the development process more efficient. Enjoy! Table of Contents Part 1. Preface Part 2. PATTERNS Chapter 1. Cache-Aside Pattern Chapter 2. Circuit Breaker Pattern Chapter 3. Compensating Transaction Pattern Chapter 4. Competing Consumers Pattern Chapter 5. Compute Resource Consolidation Pattern Chapter 6. Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Pattern Chapter 7. Event Sourcing Pattern Chapter 8. External Confguration Store Pattern Chapter 9. Federated Identity Pattern Chapter 10. Gatekeeper Pattern Chapter 11. Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern Chapter 12. Index Table Pattern Chapter 13. Leader Election Pattern


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