Qt6 QML Book/Qt C++/Qt与C++

Qt and C++


Qt is a C++ toolkit with an extension for QML and Javascript. There exist many language bindings for Qt, but as Qt itself is developed in C++. The spirit of C++ can be found throughout the classes. In this section, we will look at Qt from a C++ perspective to build a better understanding of how to extend QML with native plugins developed using C++. Through C++, it is possible to extend and control the execution environment provided to QML.


This chapter will, just as Qt, require the reader to have some basic knowledge of C++. Qt does not rely on advanced C++ features and I generally consider the Qt style of C++ to be very readable, so do not worry if you feel that your C++ knowledge is shaky.


Qt C++

Approaching Qt from a C++ direction, you will find that Qt enriches C++ with a number of modern language features enabled through making introspection data available. This is made possible through the use of the QObject base class. Introspection data, or metadata, maintains information of the classes at run-time, something that ordinary C++ does not do. This makes it possible to dynamically probe objects for information about such details as their properties and available methods.


Qt uses this meta information to enable a very loosely bound callback concept using signals and slots. Each signal can be connected to any number of slots or even other signals. When a signal is emitted from an object instance, the connected slots are invoked. As the signal emitting object does not need to know anything about the object owning the slot and vice versa, this mechanism is used to create very reusable components with very few inter-component dependencies.


Qt for Python

The introspection features are also used to create dynamic language bindings, making it possible to expose a C++ object instance to QML and making C++ functions callable from Javascript. Other bindings for Qt C++ exist and besides the standard Javascript binding, the official one is the Python binding called PySide6.

​内省功能也用于创建动态语言绑定,使得将C++对象实例暴露给QML,并使C++函数从JavaScript调用成为可能。Qt C++的其他绑定存在,除了标准JavaScript绑定之外,官方的Javascript绑定是python绑定席名为PySide6。

Cross Platform


In addition to this central concept, Qt makes it possible to develop cross-platform applications using C++. Qt C++ provides a platform abstraction on the different operating systems, which allows the developer to concentrate on the task at hand and not the details of how you open a file on different operating systems. This means you can re-compile the same source code for Windows, OS X, and Linux and Qt takes care of the different OS ways of handling certain things. The end result is natively built applications with the look and feel of the target platform. As the mobile is the new desktop, newer Qt versions can also target a number of mobile platforms using the same source code, e.g. iOS, Android, Jolla, BlackBerry, Ubuntu Phone, Tizen.

除了这个中心概念,Qt使得可以使用C++开发跨平台的应用程序。Qt C++提供了对不同操作系统的平台抽象,这允许开发人员集中精力处理手头的任务,而不是如何在不同的操作系统上打开文件的细节。这意味着您可以为Windows、OS X和Linux重新编译相同的源代码,Qt负责处理某些事情的不同操作系统方式。最终的结果是使用目标平台的外观和感觉,以本机方式构建应用程序。由于手机是新的桌面系统,较新的Qt版本也可以针对使用相同源代码的多个移动平台,例如iOS、Android、Jolla、BlackBerry、Ubuntu Phone和Tizen。

When it comes to re-using, not only can source code be re-used but developer skills are also reusable. A team knowing Qt can reach out to far more platforms then a team just focusing on a single platform specific technology and as Qt is so flexible the team can create different system components using the same technology.


For all platform, Qt offers a set of basic types, e.g. strings with full Unicode support, lists, vectors, buffers. It also provides a common abstraction to the target platform’s main loop, and cross-platform threading and networking support. The general philosophy is that for an application developer Qt comes with all required functionality included. For domain-specific tasks such as to interface to your native libraries, Qt comes with several helper classes to make this easier.



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