Qt Design Studio 4.1发布


Qt Design Studio 4.1 Released

Qt Design Studio 4.1发布

May 17, 2023 by Thomas Hartmann | Comments


We are happy to announce the release of Qt Design Studio 4.1.

我们很高兴地宣布Qt Design Studio 4.1的发布。

Qt Design Studio is a HMI creation tool. Users of Qt Design Studio can rapidly create and validate basic 2D and 3D user interfaces with ease. Our way to do application creation is to have loose coupling between the frontend and backend. Qt Design Studio outputs the frontend part as production-quality QML source code which then is integrated into the rest of the Qt application project. To get an impression of Qt Design Studio take a look at this video.

​Qt Design Studio是一个HMI创建工具。Qt Design Studio的用户可以轻松地快速创建和验证基本的2D和3D用户界面。我们创建应用程序的方法是在前端和后端之间进行松散耦合。Qt Design Studio输出前端部分作为生产质量的QML源代码,然后将其集成到Qt应用程序项目的其余部分中。要想对Qt设计工作室有个印象,请看一下这个视频。

For detailed information about Qt Design Studio, visit the online documentation page.

​有关Qt Design Studio的详细信息,请访问在线文档页面。

Qt Design Studio has been updated to Qt 6.5.1 for the runtime environment. This means new features exposed to QML in Qt 6.5 are now available in Qt Design Studio.

​Qt Design Studio已针对运行时环境更新到Qt 6.5.1。这意味着Qt 6.5中QML的新功能现在可以在Qt Design Studio中使用。

Performance Improvements


We also significantly improved the performance, especially when switching between files and working on large files. We looked at some of the large internal projects and identified and removed performance bottlenecks, especially when scanning for imports.


Content Library


The materials provided by Qt Design Studio in the  Content Library  are now downloaded on demand, instead of being part of the installation. This means we can add new materials at any point in time and we do not have to take the download size into consideration since they are only downloaded if used. 

​Qt Design Studio在内容库中提供的材料现在是按需下载的,而不是安装的一部分。这意味着我们可以在任何时间点添加新材料,并且我们不必考虑下载大小,因为只有在使用时才会下载

To get an immediate impression of what you can possibly create using Qt Design Studio, we have an online Material Bundle example. You can try this by opening it in the browser using the Design Viewer

​为了立即了解可以使用Qt Design Studio创建的内容,我们有一个在线材料包示例。您可以通过使用设计查看器在浏览器中打开它来尝试此操作

Qt for MCUs support 

Qt for MCUs的支持

When creating a Qt for MCUs project, you can now configure an MCU SDK for Qt Design Studio. If such an MCU SDK is configured and found Qt Design Studio will automatically add a deploy step that exports the project using the qmlprojectexporter tool.

​在创建Qt for MCUs项目时,现在可以为Qt Design Studio配置MCU SDK。如果配置并找到这样的MCU SDK,Qt Design Studio将自动添加一个部署步骤,使用qmlprojectexporter工具导出项目。

When you now run the project behind the scenes, the project gets exported to C++ and errors are reported if the qmlprojectexporter tool fails. This makes it easy to spot Qt for MCUs related issues early in the development process.


Getting Started


If you don’t have Qt Design Studio yet installed, you can get it from our product page on our main web page here. Remember, you are not limited by your operating system requirements, Qt Design Studio is available for macOS, Linux and Windows.

​如果还没有安装Qt Design Studio,可以在我们的主页上从我们的产品页面获取。请记住,不受操作系统要求的限制,Qt Design Studio可用于macOS、Linux和Windows。

Qt Design Studio can be installed together with other Qt tools or it can be downloaded as a standalone installation. For the offline installer download, you should head to the ‘Downloads’ section in the Qt account portal.

Qt Design Studio可以与其他Qt工具一起安装,也可以作为独立安装下载。对于离线安装程序下载,应该前往Qt帐户门户中的“下载”部分。

Are you new to Qt Design Studio? Do not worry. We have good online documentation for Qt Design Studio here. The documentation is also available within Qt Design Studio as an independent offline help resource.

​你是Qt Design Studio的新手吗?别担心。我们为Qt Design Studio提供了良好的在线文档 在这里 该文档也可在Qt Design Studio中作为独立的离线帮助资源提供。

The welcome page of Qt Design Studio contains examples and links to video tutorials to guide you. There are many examples to choose from, but we suggest checking out the Material Bundle example for 3D. If you want to see how Qt and Figma work together, please look at a project called ‘Figma Variants’ and you can see how the workflow from Figma to Qt Design Studio works.

​Qt Design Studio的欢迎页面包含示例和链接 视频教程 为您提供指导。有许多示例可供选择,但我们建议查看3D的“材料束”示例。如果你想看看Qt和Figma是如何协同工作的,请看一个名为“Figma Variants”的项目,可以看到从Figma到Qt Design Studio的工作流程是如何工作的。

We have also been busy with the learning materials. You can find them here. We are updating these outside Qt Design Studio releases so be sure to check them often.

​我们也一直忙于学习材料。可以在这里找到它们。 我们正在更新(不随着Qt Design Studio版本发布),所以一定要经常检查它们。

Of course, each Qt Design Studio release contains many more bug fixes and small improvements. You can visit the change log for details.

​当然,每个Qt Design Studio版本都包含更多的错误修复和小改进。可以访问更改日志了解详细信息。

Please contact us with a report in the bug tracker for any bugs or usability issues. We always look forward to improving your experience with Qt Design Studio.

​如有任何错误或可用性问题,请在错误跟踪器中提供报告与我们联系。我们一直期待着通过Qt Design Studio改善体验。

要打开 Qt Design Studio,请按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 首先,确保您已经安装了 Qt Design Studio。如果您尚未安装,请前往 Qt 官方网站(https://www.qt.io/download)下载安装程序,并按照提示进行安装。 2. 打开 Qt Design Studio。您可以在操作系统的启动菜单中找到 Qt Design Studio 的快捷方式,或者在安装目录中找到 Qt Design Studio 的可执行文件并双击打开。 3. 在 Qt Design Studio 中创建或打开一个项目。您可以选择创建一个新项目,也可以打开一个现有项目。要打开一个现有项目,请选择“File”菜单中的“Open Project”选项,并选择您要打开的项目文件。要创建一个新项目,请选择“File”菜单中的“New Project”选项,并按照向导的指示进行操作。 4. 开始设计您的用户界面。在 Qt Design Studio 中,您可以使用可视化工具创建和编辑 Qt Quick 用户界面。使用工具栏上的工具添加控件、布局和效果,然后使用属性编辑器设置它们的属性。 5. 在 Qt Design Studio 中预览和测试您的用户界面。使用 Qt Design Studio 的预览功能可以在设计时间查看您的用户界面。您还可以使用 Qt Design Studio 的仿真器或将您的用户界面导出到 Qt Creator 中进行测试。 6. 导出您的用户界面。一旦您满意您的用户界面,您可以将其导出到 Qt Creator 中,然后在 Qt Creator 中进行代码开发和部署。 以上就是在 Windows 操作系统中打开 Qt Design Studio 的步骤,Linux 和 macOS 操作系统也类似。




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