OpenCL™规范 3.1平台模型

3.1. Platform Model


The Platform model for OpenCL is defined below. The model consists of a host connected to one or more OpenCL devices. An OpenCL device is divided into one or more compute units (CUs) which are further divided into one or more processing elements (PEs). Computations on a device occur within the processing elements.


An OpenCL application is implemented as both host code and device kernel code. The host code portion of an OpenCL application runs on a host processor according to the models native to the host platform. The OpenCL application host code submits the kernel code as commands from the host to OpenCL devices. An OpenCL device executes the commands computation on the processing elements within the device.


An OpenCL device has considerable latitude on how computations are mapped onto the devices processing elements. When processing elements within a compute unit execute the same sequence of statements across the processing elements, the control flow is said to be converged. Hardware optimized for executing a single stream of instructions over multiple processing elements is well suited to converged control flows. When the control flow varies from one processing element to another, it is said to be diverged. While a kernel always begins execution with a converged control flow, due to branching statements within a kernel, converged and diverged control flows may occur within a single kernel. This provides a great deal of flexibility in the algorithms that can be implemented with OpenCL.


Figure 1. Platform Model …​ one host plus one or more compute devices each with one or more compute units composed of one or more processing elements.

图1 平台模型…​一个主机加上一个或多个计算设备,每个计算设备具有由一个或更多个处理元件组成的一个或更少个计算单元。

Programmers may provide programs in the form of OpenCL C source strings, the SPIR-V intermediate language, or as implementation-defined binary objects. An OpenCL platform provides a compiler to translate programs of these forms into executable program objects. The device code compiler may be online or offline. An online compiler is available during host program execution using standard APIs. An offline compiler is invoked outside of host program control, using platform-specific methods. The OpenCL runtime allows developers to get a previously compiled device program executable and be able to load and execute a previously compiled device program executable.

程序员可以以OpenCL C源字符串、SPIR-V中间语言或实现定义的二进制对象的形式提供程序。OpenCL平台提供了一个编译器,用于将这些形式的程序转换为可执行程序对象。设备代码编译器可以是联机的,也可以是脱机的。在线编译器在使用标准API执行主机程序期间可用。离线编译器是在主机程序控制之外调用的,使用特定于平台的方法。OpenCL运行时允许开发人员获得先前编译的设备程序可执行文件,并能够加载和执行先前编译的可执行设备程序。

OpenCL defines two kinds of platform profiles: a full profile and a reduced-functionality embedded profile. A full profile platform must provide an online compiler for all its devices. An embedded platform may provide an online compiler, but is not required to do so.


A device may expose special purpose functionality as a built-in kernel. The platform provides APIs for enumerating and invoking the built-in kernels offered by a device, but otherwise does not define their construction or semantics. A custom device supports only built-in kernels, and cannot be programmed via a kernel language.


Built-in kernels and custom devices are missing before version 1.2.


All device types support the OpenCL execution model, the OpenCL memory model, and the APIs used in OpenCL to manage devices.


The platform model is an abstraction describing how OpenCL views the hardware. The relationship between the elements of the platform model and the hardware in a system may be a fixed property of a device or it may be a dynamic feature of a program dependent on how a compiler optimizes code to best utilize physical hardware.


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