OpenCL™规范 3.2.4同步

3.2.4. Synchronization

Synchronization refers to mechanisms that constrain the order of execution between two or more units of execution. Consider the following three domains of synchronization in OpenCL:


  • Work-group synchronization: Constraints on the order of execution for work-items in a single work-group

  • 工作组同步:对单个工作组中工作项执行顺序的约束

  • Sub-group synchronization: Constraints on the order of execution for work-items in a single sub-group. Note: Sub-groups are missing before version 2.1

  • ​子组同步:对单个子组中工作项的执行顺序的约束。注:2.1版本之前缺少子组

  • Command synchronization: Constraints on the order of commands launched for execution

  • 命令同步:对为执行而启动的命令顺序的限制

Synchronization across all work-items within a single work-group is carried out using a work-group function. These functions carry out collective operations across all the work-items in a work-group. Available collective operations are: barrier, reduction, broadcast, prefix sum, and evaluation of a predicate. A work-group function must occur within a converged control flow; i.e. all work-items in the work-group must encounter precisely the same work-group function. For example, if a work-group function occurs within a loop, the work-items must encounter the same work-group function in the same loop iterations. All the work-items of a work-group must execute the work-group function and complete reads and writes to memory before any are allowed to continue execution beyond the work-group function. Work-group functions that apply between work-groups are not provided in OpenCL since OpenCL does not define forward-progress or ordering relations between work-groups, hence collective synchronization operations are not well defined.


Synchronization across all work-items within a single sub-group is carried out using a sub-group function. These functions carry out collective operations across all the work-items in a sub-group. Available collective operations are: barrier, reduction, broadcast, prefix sum, and evaluation of a predicate. A sub-group function must occur within a converged control flow; i.e. all work-items in the sub-group must encounter precisely the same sub-group function. For example, if a work-group function occurs within a loop, the work-items must encounter the same sub-group function in the same loop iterations. All the work-items of a sub-group must execute the sub-group function and complete reads and writes to memory before any are allowed to continue execution beyond the sub-group function. Synchronization between sub-groups must either be performed using work-group functions, or through memory operations. Using memory operations for sub-group synchronization should be used carefully as forward progress of sub-groups relative to each other is only supported optionally by OpenCL implementations.


Command synchronization is defined in terms of distinct synchronization points. The synchronization points occur between commands in host command-queues and between commands in device-side command-queues. The synchronization points defined in OpenCL include:


  • Launching a command: A kernel-instance is launched onto a device after all events that kernel is waiting-on have been set to CL_COMPLETE.

  • ​启动命令:在内核等待的所有事件都设置为CL_COMPLETE后,内核实例将启动到设备上。

  • Ending a command: Child kernels may be enqueued such that they wait for the parent kernel to reach the end state before they can be launched. In this case, the ending of the parent command defines a synchronization point.

  • 结束一个命令:子内核可以排队,这样它们就可以等待父内核达到结束状态,然后才能启动。在这种情况下,父命令的结束定义了一个同步点。

  • Completion of a command: A kernel-instance is complete after all of the work-groups in the kernel and all of its child kernels have completed. This is signaled to the host, a parent kernel or other kernels within command queues by setting the value of the event associated with a kernel to CL_COMPLETE.

  • ​命令完成:在内核中的所有工作组及其所有子内核完成后,内核实例就完成了。这是通过将与内核相关联的事件值设置为CL_COMPLETE来向主机、父内核或命令队列中的其他内核发出信号的。

  • Blocking Commands: A blocking command defines a synchronization point between the unit of execution that calls the blocking API function and the enqueued command reaching the complete state.

  • 阻塞命令:阻塞命令定义了调用阻塞API函数的执行单元与达到完整状态的排队命令之间的同步点。

  • Command-queue barrier: The command-queue barrier ensures that all previously enqueued commands have completed before subsequently enqueued commands can be launched.

  • 命令队列栅栏:命令队列栅栏确保所有先前排队的命令都已完成,然后才能启动后续排队的命令。

  • clFinish: This function blocks until all previously enqueued commands in the command queue have completed after which clFinish defines a synchronization point and the clFinish function returns.

  • clFinish:此函数将阻塞,直到命令队列中所有先前排队的命令都完成,之后clFinish定义一个同步点,clFinish函数将返回。

A synchronization point between a pair of commands (A and B) assures that results of command A happens-before command B is launched. This requires that any updates to memory from command A complete and are made available to other commands before the synchronization point completes. Likewise, this requires that command B waits until after the synchronization point before loading values from global memory. The concept of a synchronization point works in a similar fashion for commands such as a barrier that apply to two sets of commands. All the commands prior to the barrier must complete and make their results available to following commands. Furthermore, any commands following the barrier must wait for the commands prior to the barrier before loading values and continuing their execution.


These happens-before relationships are a fundamental part of the OpenCL 2.x memory model. When applied at the level of commands, they are straightforward to define at a language level in terms of ordering relationships between different commands. Ordering memory operations inside different commands, however, requires rules more complex than can be captured by the high level concept of a synchronization point. These rules are described in detail in Memory Ordering Rules.


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