RFC3261: SIP:17 事务

17 Transactions
17 事务

   SIP is a transactional protocol: interactions between components take place in a series of independent message exchanges.  Specifically, a SIP transaction consists of a single request and any responses to that request, which include zero or more provisional responses and one or more final responses.  In the case of a transaction where the request was an INVITE (known as an INVITE transaction), the transaction also includes the ACK only if the final response was not a 2xx response.  If the response was a 2xx, the ACK is not considered part of the transaction.


      The reason for this separation is rooted in the importance of delivering all 200 (OK) responses to an INVITE to the UAC.  To deliver them all to the UAC, the UAS alone takes responsibility for retransmitting them (see Section, and the UAC alone takes responsibility for acknowledging them with ACK (see Section  Since this ACK is retransmitted only by the UAC, it is effectively considered its own transaction.


   Transactions have a client side and a server side.  The client side is known as a client transaction and the server side as a server transaction.  The client transaction sends the request, and the server transaction sends the response.  The client and server transactions are logical functions that are embedded in any number of elements.  Specifically, they exist within user agents and stateful proxy servers.  Consider the example in Section 4.  In this example, the UAC executes the client transaction, and its outbound proxy executes the server transaction.  The outbound proxy also executes a client transaction, which sends the request to a server transaction in the inbound proxy.  That proxy also executes a client transaction, which in turn sends the request to a server transaction in the UAS. This is shown in Figure 4.


   +---------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+
   |      +-+|Request |+-+   +-+|Request |+-+   +-+|Request |+-+      |
   |      |C||------->||S|   |C||------->||S|   |C||------->||S|      |
   |      |l||        ||e|   |l||        ||e|   |l||        ||e|      |
   |      |i||        ||r|   |i||        ||r|   |i||        ||r|      |
   |      |e||        ||v|   |e||        ||v|   |e||        ||v|      |
   |      |n||        ||e|   |n||        ||e|   |n||        ||e|      |
   |      |t||        ||r|   |t||        ||r|   |t||        ||r|      |
   |      | ||        || |   | ||        || |   | ||        || |      |
   |      |T||        ||T|   |T||        ||T|   |T||        ||T|      |
   |      |r||        ||r|   |r||        ||r|   |r||        ||r|      |
   |      |a||        ||a|   |a||        ||a|   |a||        ||a|      |
   |      |n||        ||n|   |n||        ||n|   |n||        ||n|      |
   |      |s||Response||s|   |s||Response||s|   |s||Response||s|      |
   |      +-+|<-------|+-+   +-+|<-------|+-+   +-+|<-------|+-+      |
   +---------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+
      UAC               Outbound           Inbound              UAS
                        Proxy               Proxy

                  Figure 4: Transaction relationships

   A stateless proxy does not contain a client or server transaction. The transaction exists between the UA or stateful proxy on one side, and the UA or stateful proxy on the other side.  As far as SIP transactions are concerned, stateless proxies are effectively transparent.  The purpose of the client transaction is to receive a request from the element in which the client is embedded (call this element the "Transaction User" or TU; it can be a UA or a stateful proxy), and reliably deliver the request to a server transaction.


   The client transaction is also responsible for receiving responses and delivering them to the TU, filtering out any response retransmissions or disallowed responses (such as a response to ACK). Additionally, in the case of an INVITE request, the client transaction is responsible for generating the ACK request for any final response accepting a 2xx response.


   Similarly, the purpose of the server transaction is to receive requests from the transport layer and deliver them to the TU.  The server transaction filters any request retransmissions from the network.  The server transaction accepts responses from the TU and delivers them to the transport layer for transmission over the network.  In the case of an INVITE transaction, it absorbs the ACK request for any final response excepting a 2xx response.


   The 2xx response and its ACK receive special treatment.  This response is retransmitted only by a UAS, and its ACK generated only by the UAC.  This end-to-end treatment is needed so that a caller knows the entire set of users that have accepted the call.  Because of this special handling, retransmissions of the 2xx response are handled by the UA core, not the transaction layer.  Similarly, generation of the ACK for the 2xx is handled by the UA core.  Each proxy along the path merely forwards each 2xx response to INVITE and its corresponding ACK.


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