21. Unsupervised Learning in-R


1. Unsupervised Learning in R

1.1 Welcome to the course (video)

1.2 Identify clustering problems

1.3 Introduction to k-means clustering (video)

1.4 k-means clustering


# Create the k-means model: km.out
km.out <- kmeans(x, centers = 3, nstart = 20)

# Inspect the result

1.5 Results of kmeans()


# Print the cluster membership component of the model

# Print the km.out object

1.6 Visualizing and interpreting results of kmeans()


# Scatter plot of x
plot(x,col = km.out$cluster, 
     main = "k-means with 3 clusters",
     xlab = "", 
     ylab = "") 

1.7 How kmeans() works and practical matters (video)

1.8 Handling random algorithms


# Set up 2 x 3 plotting grid
par(mfrow = c(2, 3))

# Set seed

for(i in 1:6) {
  # Run kmeans() on x with three clusters and one start
  km.out <- kmeans(x, center = 3, nstart = 1)
  # Plot clusters
  plot(x, col = km.out$cluster, 
       main = km.out$tot.withinss, 
       xlab = "", ylab = "")

1.9 Selecting number of clusters


# Initialize total within sum of squares error: wss
wss <- 0

# For 1 to 15 cluster centers
for (i in 1:15) {
  km.out <- kmeans(x, centers = i, nstart = 20)
  # Save total within sum of squares to wss variable
  wss[i] <- km.out$tot.withinss

# Plot total within sum of squares vs. number of clusters
plot(1:15, wss, type = "b", 
     xlab = "Number of Clusters", 
     ylab = "Within groups sum of squares")

# Set k equal to the number of clusters corresponding to the elbow location
k <- 2  # 3 is probably OK, too

1.10 Introduction to the Pokemon data (video)

1.11 Practical matters: working with real data


# Initialize total within sum of squares error: wss
wss <- 0

# Look over 1 to 15 possible clusters
for (i in 1:15) {
  # Fit the model: km.out
  km.out <- kmeans(pokemon, centers = i, nstart = 20, iter.max = 50)
  # Save the within cluster sum of squares
  wss[i] <- wss[i] <- km.out$tot.withinss

# Produce a scree plot
plot(1:15, wss, type = "b", 
     xlab = "Number of Clusters", 
     ylab = "Within groups sum of squares")

# Select number of clusters
k <- 2

# Build model with k clusters: km.out
km.out <- kmeans(pokemon, centers = 2, nstart = 20, iter.max = 50)

# View the resulting model

# Plot of Defense vs. Speed by cluster membership
plot(pokemon[, c("Defense", "Speed")],
     col = km.out$cluster,
     main = paste("k-means clustering of Pokemon with", k, "clusters"),
     xlab = "Defense", ylab = "Speed")

1.12 Review of k-means clustering (video)

2. Hierarchical Clustering

2.1 Introduction to hierarchical clustering (video)

2.2 Hierarchical clustering with results


# Create hierarchical clustering model: hclust.out
hclust.out <- hclust(dist(x))

# Inspect the result

2.3 Selecting number of clusters (video)

2.4 Interpreting dendrogram

2.5 Cutting the tree


# Cut by height
cutree(hclust.out, h = 7)

# Cut by number of clusters
cutree(hclust.out, k = 3)

2.6 Clustering linkage and practical matters (video)

2.7 Linkage method


# Cluster using complete linkage: hclust.complete
hclust.complete <- hclust(dist(x), method = "complete")

# Cluster using average linkage: hclust.average
hclust.average <- hclust(dist(x), method = "average")

# Cluster using single linkage: hclust.single
hclust.single <- hclust(dist(x), method = "single")

# Plot dendrogram of hclust.complete
plot(hclust.complete, main = "Complete")

# Plot dendrogram of hclust.average
plot(hclust.average, main = "Average")

# Plot dendrogram of hclust.single
plot(hclust.single, main = "Single")

2.8 Comparing linkage methods

2.9 Practical matters: scaling


# View column means

# View column standard deviations
apply(pokemon, 2, sd)

# Scale the data
pokemon.scaled <- scale(pokemon)

# Create hierarchical clustering model: hclust.pokemon
hclust.pokemon <- hclust(dist(pokemon.scaled), method = "complete")

2.10 Comparing kmeans () and hclust ()


# Apply cutree() to hclust.pokemon: cut.pokemon
cut.pokemon <- cutree(hclust.pokemon, k = 3)

# Compare methods
table(km.pokemon$cluster, cut.pokemon)

2.11 Review of hierarchical clustering (video)

3. Dimensionality Reduction with PCA

3.1 Introduction to PCA

3.2 PCA using prcomp ()


# Perform scaled PCA: pr.out
pr.out <- prcomp(x = pokemon, scale = T, center = T)

# Inspect model output

3.3 Results of PCA

3.4 Additional results of PCA

3.5 Visualizing and interpreting PCA results (video)

3.6 Interpreting biplots (1)

3.7 Interpreting biplots (2)

3.8 Variance explained


# Variability of each principal component: pr.var
pr.var <- pr.out$sdev^2

# Variance explained by each principal component: pve
pve <- pr.var / sum(pr.var)

3.9 Visualize variance explained


# Plot variance explained for each principal component
plot(pve, xlab = "Principal Component",
     ylab = "Proportion of Variance Explained",
     ylim = c(0, 1), type = "b")

# Plot cumulative proportion of variance explained
plot(cumsum(pve), xlab = "Principal Component",
     ylab = "Cumulative Proportion of Variance Explained",
     ylim = c(0, 1), type = "b")

3.10 Practical issues with PCA (video)

3.11 Practical issues: scaling


# Mean of each variable

# Standard deviation of each variable
apply(pokemon, 2, sd)

# PCA model with scaling: pr.with.scaling
pr.with.scaling <- prcomp(pokemon, scale = TRUE)

# PCA model without scaling: pr.without.scaling
pr.without.scaling <- prcomp(pokemon, scale = FALSE)

# Create biplots of both for comparison

3.12 Additional uses of PCA and wrap-up (video)

4. Putting it All Together with A Case Study

4.1 Introduction to the case study (video)

4.2 Preparing the data


url <- "http://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/production/course_1903/datasets/WisconsinCancer.csv"

# Download the data: wisc.df
wisc.df <- read.csv(url)

# Convert the features of the data: wisc.data
wisc.data <- as.matrix(wisc.df[, 3:32])

# Set the row names of wisc.data
row.names(wisc.data) <- wisc.df$id

# Create diagnosis vector
diagnosis <- as.numeric(wisc.df$diagnosis == "M")

4.3 Exploratory data analysis

4.4 Performing PCA


# Check column means and standard deviations
apply(wisc.data, 2, sd)

# Execute PCA, scaling if appropriate: wisc.pr
wisc.pr <- prcomp(wisc.data, scale = T, center = T)

# Look at summary of results

4.5 Interpreting PCA results


# Create a biplot of wisc.pr

# Scatter plot observations by components 1 and 2
plot(wisc.pr$x[, c(1, 2)], col = (diagnosis + 1), 
     xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2")

# Repeat for components 1 and 3
plot(wisc.pr$x[, c(1, 3)], col = (diagnosis + 1), 
     xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC3")

# Do additional data exploration of your choosing below (optional)
plot(wisc.pr$x[, c(2, 3)], col = (diagnosis + 1), 
     xlab = "PC2", ylab = "PC3")

4.6 Variance explained


# Set up 1 x 2 plotting grid
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))

# Calculate variability of each component
pr.var <- wisc.pr$sdev^2

# Variance explained by each principal component: pve
pve <- pr.var / sum(pr.var)

# Plot variance explained for each principal component
plot(pve, xlab = "Principal Component", 
     ylab = "Proportion of Variance Explained", 
     ylim = c(0, 1), type = "b")

# Plot cumulative proportion of variance explained
plot(cumsum(pve), xlab = "Principal Component", 
     ylab = "Cumulative Proportion of Variance Explained", 
     ylim = c(0, 1), type = "b")

4.7 Communicating PCA results

4.8 PCA review and next steps (video)

4.9 Hierarchical clustering of case data


# Scale the wisc.data data: data.scaled
data.scaled <- scale(wisc.data)

# Calculate the (Euclidean) distances: data.dist
data.dist <- dist(data.scaled)

# Create a hierarchical clustering model: wisc.hclust
wisc.hclust <- hclust(data.dist, method = "complete")

4.10 Results of hierarchical clustering

4.11 Selecting number of clusters


# Cut tree so that it has 4 clusters: wisc.hclust.clusters
wisc.hclust.clusters <- cutree(wisc.hclust, k = 4)

# Compare cluster membership to actual diagnoses
table(wisc.hclust.clusters, diagnosis)

4.12 k-means clustering and comparing results


# Create a k-means model on wisc.data: wisc.km
wisc.km <- kmeans(scale(wisc.data), centers = 2, nstart = 20)

# Compare k-means to actual diagnoses
table(wisc.km$cluster, diagnosis)
sum(apply(table(wisc.km$cluster, diagnosis), 1, min))

# Compare k-means to hierarchical clustering
table(wisc.hclust.clusters, wisc.km$cluster)
sum(apply(table(wisc.hclust.clusters, wisc.km$cluster), 1, min))

4.13 Clustering on PCA results


# Create a hierarchical clustering model: wisc.pr.hclust
wisc.pr.hclust <- hclust(dist(wisc.pr$x[, 1:7]), method = "complete")

# Cut model into 4 clusters: wisc.pr.hclust.clusters
wisc.pr.hclust.clusters <- cutree(wisc.pr.hclust, k = 4)

# Compare to actual diagnoses
table(diagnosis, wisc.pr.hclust.clusters)

# Compare to k-means and hierarchical
table(diagnosis, wisc.hclust.clusters)
table(diagnosis, wisc.km$cluster)

4.14 Wrap-up and review

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